Truth or Dare

Hidden Love

*Hyunok’s POV*

“Hyunok, come help with Hoya’s stuff!” I heard Woohyun shout to me.

This is it. No more walking around the house in whatever I felt like throwing on that day. No more coming home and smearing off that disgusting makeup, which now I’d have to leave on all the time. No more privacy from the world.

I came out of my room to help, but the boys had already brought everything upstairs.

“Wow, way to show up now,” said Woohyun, sticking his tongue out at me.

“I was coming. You just didn’t give me enough time.” I punched him in the arm.

“Was that supposed to hurt? Cause I’ll show you a real punch…” Woohyun swung his arm at me and hit me in the shoulder. I knew he could hit MUCH harder than that, but it still hurt.”

“Woohyun! That hurt!”

I was about to kick him in the stomach when…

“Ah! We finally see the evil side of Ms. Hyunok!”

I froze when Hoya appeared out of my brother’s room.

“Oh, I um, haha, um hi.”

Stupid Hyunok; learn how to talk!

He smiled at me, then turned to my brother, “I think I’m going to set up for bed now.”

“But its Friday night, and we don’t have school for two weeks! You can’t go to bed this early,” complained my brother.

“Fine,” he said. “What should we do then?”

“How about Truth or Dare in the living room?” suggested my brother. Aigoo he sure loved that game.

“Okay. Let’s put on our pajamas first. Hyunok, are you going to join us?”

OMG! Hoya just invited me to play Truth or Dare with him! Ahhh! Okay, okay answer him. Come on…

“Sure,” I smiled cutely, then walked back to my room to change.

Aigoo that went so well! I finally didn’t stutter, and I smiled!

I wasn’t sure where the sudden burst of confidence had come from, but I was ready for this game of Truth or Dare.

What pajamas should I wear?!

I dug through my dresser looking for the perfect set of pajamas. Everything seemed too childish, so I finally just settled on some plaid pajama pants and a hoodie.

When I got downstairs the boys were waiting for me.

“Jeez, what took you so long?” complained Woohyun.

“I’m a girl! Girls are supposed to take long,” I shot back at him.

Hoya laughed, sending a tingling sensation through my body. 

We sat on the floor next to the coffee table, on which my brother had put bowls of popcorn, chocolates and grapes.

“Who’s first?” asked Woohyun.

“How about your little sister goes first?” Hoya said to him, turning to face me.

“Um, uh…” You got this Hyunok. “Um, Woohyun,” I said turning to my brother. “Who do you like?”

“Bahahahhaha,” they both burst out laughing.

“Whhhhat?” I asked.

“That’s like a four year old question,” said Woohyun. “Have you never played this game as a teenager?”

I blushed in embarrassment.

*Hoya’s POV*

I felt sorry for Hyunok when I saw her blush, but she was just too adorable not to laugh.

“Here, I’ll start,” I said. “Woohyun, how many has it been since the start of the school year?” I figured I’d get this question over with now, or he’d be begging for me to ask him all night.

“Haha, 21 and counting,” he laughed.

“Dude, that’s like 3 a month. How do you do it?!”

“The girls just love me.”

Honestly I hated how much of a player Woohyun was. The girls knew he was a player, but since he’s so popular they didn’t care. As long as they could say they had “done it” with the most popular guy in school, they were happy. It honestly sickened me.

“How many for you?” asked Woohyun.

“Only 6,” I answered. My real honest answer would’ve been zero. My answer for how many girls I’d “done it” with in my life would also be…zero. I mean, don’t get me wrong I am definitely a guy and I wanna do it, but I hate the idea of taking advantage of girls just for that. I wanted to wait for the perfect person that would like me as myself too. I guess I’m just a long-term relationship kind of guy. Thing is none of the girls in our school are like that.

“Dang, you’ve been slacking off.”

“You guys are gross!”

I had totally forgotten that Hyunok was there with us until she finally spoke up.

“Shut up, Hyunok. It’s not like you would know anything about this kind of stuff,” teased Woohyun.

She blushed.

“Um, let’s move on,” I suggested. 

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Love your story!!! Heeee~ Hoya ♥
THIS STORY IS DAEBAK~~:D please don't delete this i love it T.T update soon and authornim fighting!! ~
gay... wow hyunok!! your sense of imagination!!! *Priceless*
Enjoying your fic so far!!! Awesomes update soon yeah~
OMG I can't wait for the story!!!