A Plan Is Made

Hidden Love

*Woohyun’s POV*

“So, it’s getting worse?” I asked Hoya.

“You have no idea,” he answered from his side of the couch.

We were sitting in the living room watching a scary movie, but we weren’t paying much attention. Instead we discussed Hoya’s situation at home.

“I don’t see why they don’t just get a divorce. I mean, they say they want to stay together for my sake, but I think staying together is only making it worse.”

“Aw man I’m sorry,” I answered. I truly felt bad for him.

“Yeah, it’s okay. I just wish I could get away from them.”

We sat in silence for a few minutes, then it struck me.

“I have an idea!” I shouted, making Hoya jump.

“Well can you just tell me, instead of all of Korea?”

“Sorry,” I whispered. “But you could totally live here at my house until your parents work things out! We have off of school for 2 weeks, and my parents won’t be back for another month, which means there’s an empty bedroom.”

“Woo, I’m not sleeping in your parents’ bed. They… do things in that bed.”

“Oh good point,” I answered.


“Well maybe my sister could move into my parents’ room, and you could have her room! I’m sure she wouldn’t mind,” I suggested.

“Do you know what people would say if they found out I was ‘sleeping in your sister’s bed?!’ No. New idea: I take your bed, and you take your parents’.”

“Oh my gosh, why didn’t I think of that?! That’s soooo smart!”

*Hoya’s POV*

Why is my best friend such an airhead?

“So, you’re serious about this? I can really live here?”

“Yeah! At least until my parents come back,” Woohyun answered me.

“Komawo! When should I ‘move in’?”

 “Well if your parents are cool with it you could move in tomorrow.”


“Well, I’m going to go get some more soda. Want some?” Woohyun asked me getting up from the couch.

“Sure,” I said handing him my glass.

Suddenly I heard a voice come from the doorway, “Can you quiet down?”

I turned to see Woohyun’s sister standing in the doorway, half asleep.

*Hyunok’s POV*

“Oh yeah, sorry Hyunok.”

My eyes shot open.

Hoya’s here. I forgot Hoya was here. He is looking at me and I am in my pajamas with my hair in a mess. Aigoo!!!!

“Uhhh, ummm- thanks!” I shouted as I turned to run back to my room.


I opened my eyes to find myself looking up at the ceiling.

I did not just run into the wall. Did I? In front of Hoya?! Oh goodness…

I closed my eyes again, wishing all of this to have just been a dream.

“Woah, are you okay?” I felt someone lifting my head up off the ground.

I opened my eyes to see Hoya leaning over me. It reminded me of the first day I met him; the day I fell in love with him.

“Uh, um, I, uh…” I couldn’t make sense of my words. “Yeah,” I finally managed to get out.

“Are you sure? You don’t sound okay. Here, I got ya.” Hoya picked me up and carried me back to my room.

OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! I’m gonna pass out. I know I am.

“Here you go,” he said laying me down on my bed. “Be careful next time.” He flashed me that prize-winning smile, then left my room, closing the door behind him.

I was in Hoya’s arms. He asked if I was okay. He was IN MY ROOM!!!!

I lay awake in bed playing the whole thing over and over in my head, until I finally fell asleep.

*Hoya’s POV*

Haha, Woohyun’s little sister is so cute. 

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Love your story!!! Heeee~ Hoya ♥
THIS STORY IS DAEBAK~~:D please don't delete this i love it T.T update soon and authornim fighting!! ~
gay... wow hyunok!! your sense of imagination!!! *Priceless*
Enjoying your fic so far!!! Awesomes update soon yeah~
OMG I can't wait for the story!!!