
Don't look at me with those eyes

SinB lay with her head in Yerin’s lap, Yerin’s hand running through her brown tresses relaxingly.

“Are you sure you’re going to do it?”

“I’ve already agreed. I trust Sowon unnie.”

SinB hummed, her eyes closed.

“It won’t be long. Just a short procedure then after that is a longer startup process.”

SinB opened her eyes and grabbed Yerin’s hand, sitting up. Pulling Yerin into her arms, she hugged the older tightly.

“Then, I’ll see you soon.”

“Of course, I’ll be back.”

Sowon walked in, holding a clipboard and she opened before noticing the couple hugging tightly.

“I-, I’ll be back.”

She left the room and SinB returned to putting as much warmth into Yerin as possible. Yerin’s face was buried in SinB’s shoulder, SinB’s hands on the small of Yerin’s back.


Yerin pulled away to look at SinB carefully.

“Are you scared?”

Yerin smiled and shook her head.

“Like I said, I trust Sowon unnie.”

Yerin pressed a quick kiss to SinB’s cheek, letting the younger pull her into another hug.

“Well, I’m scared for you then.”

“Don’t be.”

“I love you Yerin unnie.”

“And I love you too.”

Sharing a kiss briefly, Yerin got up to get Sowon. She was late for several minutes already.


SinB waited outside the surgery room, staring blankly at the light above the door, waiting for it to turn off.

Hearing something shuffling behind her, she found Yuju scooting closer to her.

“What is it Yuju unnie?”

“Doesn’t it bother you that you can smell her blood?”

“I’m fine.”

Yuju sighed and stopped twiddling her thumbs, it seemed that SinB was fine, even if it did put Yuju off a bit.

“As long as the scent of fear from the doctors and Sowon doesn’t come, I’ll be fine.”

Yuju blinked, so that was it. SinB was bothered but she couldn’t do anything so instead she sat like a guard dog, waiting for a moment that should never come.

“By the way, where’s Eunha unnie?”

“She’ll be here soon. You know how busy she is, training for her next belt.”

“Is her next test soon?”

“Next month.”

Eunha had begun taking taekwondo once Yuju and her found a place to stay together. At first, Umji had said that it was alright for them to stay with her but Eunha said no and Yuju just followed. She would’ve liked to stay with Umji, but she couldn’t leave her sister like best friend.

“I will protect Sowon unnie!”

Once Sowon told her about her childhood, Eunha’s desire to protect Sowon came back at full force. In fact, she even remembered a promise she had made with Sowon when she was a wee pup.

“When I get strong enough to be your knight in shining armor, would you marry me?”

Sowon had laughed at her for desiring something like that.

“Hah, what makes you think you can beat me? You’re just this tiny little annoyance that follows me everywhere.”

“If you think it’s impossible then there should be nothing wrong with promising!”

Sowon sighed and agreed, so now Eunha was taking several different martial arts classes and had a part time job at a café to pay her monthly membership.


Yerin jolted away and her hand immediately reached for her bottle of pills and began to panic when they weren’t on the nightstand next to her. Holding her hands to her chest, she began to hyperventilate, SinB grumbled and threw an arm around Yerin’s waist, pulling her back into bed.

Back-hugging Yerin, SinB whispered to Yerin quietly.

“Calm down, you don’t need them anymore. Remember?”

Slowly, as Yerin came to her senses, she realized how practiced her actions were. Feeling under her shirt to the little square bump on the side of her chest, she sighed.

“Sorry about that SinB.”

“It’s alright hun.”

“Thanks, SinB, really.”

“I said it’s no problem.”

SinB’s voice was muffled by the blanket trapped between her and Yerin’s body. Shuffling closer, SinB pressed a cheek to Yerin’s waist. Rubbing slightly, Yerin gasped as her shirt slightly rode upwards.

Deeming that the sleepy SinB didn’t mean anything by the action other than just sleepy affection, she let her shirt lift a bit.

She giggled as SinB’s cheek touched her bare skin. Suddenly feeling a kiss next to her hipbone, Yerin yelped and slightly jolted in her seat, knocking SinB off of her on accident.

“Ah! S-sorry SinB, I didn’t mean to-“

“Oh? Are you ticklish there?”

Yerin blushed before shaking her head slowly.

“N-not ticklish.”

SinB reddened as a certain scent of Yerin’s suddenly made itself known. Looking away, SinB turned even redder.


Yerin looked at SinB who was as red as a tomato, then giggled. SinB turned quickly to see Yerin doubling over as the giggles escalated to laughing.

“Yerin unnie?”

“You so cute! Hahaha!”

Pulling SinB for a kiss, Yerin sighed happily as they broke apart.

“This is the life. Waking with you next to me, no pills to worry about.”

“Of course. Since I don’t have to worry about your breathing anymore, I can do all the things I couldn’t do before.”

It was Yerin’s turn to blush as SinB’s face turned predatory, she flinched as SinB her ear.

“Come on, we need to get ready.”

Yerin blinked and looked at the clock.


They jumped out and got ready, today, Yuju was going to propose to Umji.


“You literally make the world brighter for me. The love of my life Yewon, will you marry me?”

Yerin smiled from a distance away, they were seated on a fabulous picnic set as Yuju had proposed to Umji by the lakeside while they watched.

She looked to SinB who was grinning like crazy, then she looked at their intertwined hands, their matching rings.



“I love you.”

“I love you too Yerin unnie.”

They jumped as Sowon sneezed, and a second jump as Eunha squealed as she heard Umji’s response.


SinB elbowed Eunha’s side to make her calm down a bit.

“When are you proposing to Sowon unnie?”


Eunha looked down and blushed.


So how this went in short words….

Sowon managed to complete the tests for the invention she made and now Yerin can breathe like a regular person, given she charge the device every year at her check-ups.

Halfway through, there was a timeskip to past their marriage. Yes, it happened but I didn’t write it.

Sinrin gets a bit intimate and then Yumji gets engaged. Eunha will be proposing to Sowon in the near future.

The End.


Let me know if you have questions!  And thank you for reading all this way! I see you guys comment everyday! It makes me happy! I hope you're happy with this too!

Next up: Jedi gfriend (set to come probably within the week)

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kairi65 #1
Chapter 35: I enjoyed reading this! Nice job author nim! 😆
Chapter 8: Yuju, eunha, sinb is a puppy …. Uuu
Chapter 6: Gosh, sinb is too cute when she being a puppy. I can’t
Chapter 2: Sinb the pupp
This is sweet
Chapter 13: Ah this is so cute :)
Chapter 3: I'm starting to remember how this story goes. And yeah, sinrin is so adorable in here.
Chapter 2: I really can't remember this story but re-reading once again.
And I just noticed my previous comments. It's been over a year that had past. And this was the first ever fic that I upvoted here. XD
Can't remember what happened to this story so I'm rereading this but I'm pretty sure that this will be full of fluff so I'm ready. :))