Chapter 7

Suspicious Partner (Love In Trouble): Just Got Married
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Chapter 7





Ji Wook: I said I am going to visit you every weekend and I didn't. I was too busy with work...and're here all alone by yourself. If only I was here that night.

Bong Hee: Jagiya.. I told you over and over, it's not your fault. Please stop blaming yourself.

Ji Wook wouldn't let go of Bong Hee's hand. He would kiss her hand from time to time, like his life depends on it.

Ji Wook: I don't know. (He looked at her and she saw the sadness in his eyes again even if he tried to hide it.) I'm just really mad at myself right now..

Bong Hee: And I'll be mad at you too if you continue that.

Ji Wook: (breathes heavily) I wish it was easy.

Bong Hee: (sighs. She thought she would just let this go...for now.) Jagiya. Did you even eat before coming here? You look so pale.

Ji Wook: When I heard about what happened, I went to the train station immediately. (Laughs a little) Actually if you didn't ask me right now I wouldn't remember.

Bong Hee: Goodness, Noh Ji Wook. (frowns) Wait here, I'm going to prepare lunch.

Ji Wook: Jagiya, no. I'm okay. And woman, you still have a bandage around your head. I won't let you walk around, let alone prepare lunch for me. Just sit, will you?

Bong Hee: Then don't make me worry about you. Please eat. How about I order? Will that be fine?

Ji Wook: Yes. I'm fine with that.

Bong Hee: Good. I'm going to order jjangmyun.

Ji Wook: (smiles) Okay.



Mr. Bang: Ji Wook, hey.

Ji Wook: Hey, we're going to order jjangmyun. Would you like one?

Mr. Bang: (smiles) Thank you but I just ate lunch. I'm fine. (smiles at Bong Hee and Bong Hee smiled back) How are you feeling, Bong Hee?

Bong Hee: (smiles and looks at Ji Wook) I'm feeling much better. (she held his hand tighter and smiled at him. Ji Wook smiled back.)

Mr. Bang: That's nice to hear. Uhh, Ji Wook?

Ji Wook: Hmm?

Mr. Bang: They're asking for Bong Hee to come to the precinct. They need to ask her further questions about the incident.

Ji Wook: They already talked to her yesterday, right? I've read the reports. Why do they need to talk to her again?!

Bong Hee: Jagiya, it's fine.. I promise.

Ji Wook: (looks at Bong Hee) No. You need to rest. Y

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ariellefloroluza #1
Chapter 30: i really love their chemistry,just this 2020 i watch suspecious partner 3 times in netflix and viu.and looking for a story about them and i found your story.thank you i really llke your story.
Umatha #2
Chapter 36: I love it!
First time I found someone else who also writes a drama script, either on this site or others. Congratulations!
Unfortunately, I didn't see the original drama, but I did read a few chapters of your story.
The dialogues are refreshing, the didascalies highlight the action.
I wish I had found your fic sooner, you should put keywords like "script" or "screenplay".
babyval22 #4
Chapter 36: Sorry for the late reply dearie! Thank u for the update! Hehehe. Love the story so far and hope we will get an update soon too! Hehe. Fighting for RL!
Awwww blushing!! Thanks authornim.
Naughty x3 :)))
Khalinkikyo #6
Chapter 36: Sweetness overload
Chapter 35: I hope this is not the closure!!
Keep continue if you still had plenty of time ^^^
Thanks for the update dear authornim ^^
Ji wook as an appa, my heart can’t take it **
Chapter 34: Thank u for the update Authornim.Waiting to read the next update soon.
babyval22 #9
Chapter 34: Ahhhhhhhh! U finally updated dearie! Goshhh. Missed this update and story and so darn glad JW was there beside BH for the birth of their child! Hehe. Pls dun give up and continue updating okie! Looking forward to the next chapter! <3
Chapter 34: Woah!! It’s surprising! Thank youuu authornim....! Fighting!