A Visit In The Night

Bond Of The Elements


Yeri was woken up by the cell door. tired and weak, she slowly got up to stare at Kuvira. “What do you want from me?” Kuvira just smirked. “Well in order for my plan to work, I need your air bending.” Yeri started laughing hysterically. “Well you doomed yourself, you took away my bending the last time we met remember???” Kuvira didn’t back down. “Doesn’t mean I cant give it back…for my cause of course.” Yeri just sat unable to move from shock. “If you try anything when I give it back I will personally torture your sisters in front of you, and then command my guards to kill you. But you’ll be begging for death by then.” Kuvira walked out of the cell and left leaving Yeri alone.


Sobbing uncontrollably, Yeri collapsed onto the ground in tears and wrapped her arms around herself. Suddenly she felt weird, Opening her eyes she noticed herself floating in the cell, looking down she freaked out seeing her body still on the ground. “What is going on???” Suddenly she remembered her sisters explanation. “You can Communicate with the spirit world Yeri, you can go in and out anytime you want.” Getting an Idea, she was able to slip through the cell wall and went to find her sisters.


Seulgi was still awake, during the night she found herself surrounded by her sisters in a crushing hug. Knowing they were probably having nightmares about their youngest, she decided to stay awake and console them. Suddenly Seulgi felt a comforting relaxing aura around her. She went on alert until she realized it felt familiar. “Psst Seulgi!” Hearing a familiar voice she looked up, seeing a ghostly figure of their sister. Fearing the worst she covered her face in despair until Yeri explained. “Im okay Seul, I tapped into the spirit world. Wake the others up.” After calming down Seulgi nodded and proceeded to wake the others. Each of them had the same reaction as Seulgi when they saw Yeri, except Wendy who held a pleased smile knowing that her sister connected to the other world.


After they calmed down, Yeri started to explain. “I don’t know how much time I have since I just tapped into it but I HAVE to tell you guys.” They gave their youngest their attentions. “Kuvira told me that she needs my bending ability for something, I laughed saying that she got rid of it, but she said sh can give it back!” “REALLY??” the others exclaimed happily. “Yeah unfortunately she threatened me that if I try anything, she would torture you in front of me and then kill me. She still hasn’t told me what she's doing but you have to hurry.” Her sisters nodded “Don’t worry Yeri we will find you as soon as we can, do you have a direction?” Wendy asked. Yeri was about to explain but she felt the pull of her body. “I can’t hold on anymore, All I know is I came from that way.” She pointed behind her before continuing. “I feel my body pulling me back I have to go." “WAIT! WE LOVE YOU!” “I Know I love you too, and I know you’ll find me.” Yeri answered back to her older sisters before her spirit disappeared.


Yeri found herself back in her body and smirked. ‘Just you wait Kuvira, whatever your plan is, it won't happen. I have an advantage.’ Yeri noticed how tired her mind was and dowsed off immediately.


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I wanted to tag the sequel in a chapter but i could't figure it out :/


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Chapter 27: Wow. One of my fave OT5 ❤💛💙💚💜
Chapter 27: Wow. One of my fave OT5 ❤💛💙💚💜
aexta- #3
Chapter 27: this was nice and i really love ot5 too! thanks for writing!
Chapter 15: never make seulbear angry :-)
I think you can add the link instead for the sequel in a chapter xD
Chapter 27: :') That was a sweet ending. They're finally back with their large family. Looks like Kuvira finally got the punishment she deserves.
Chapter 27: Wow now I'm like really really overly excidet for a sequel... great story and amzing and nerve wracking end
Chapter 26: Woah that was really fast and exciting... I'm definetly up for a sequel... sorry for Mistakes and that I don't write more, but Im very stressed at the moment
Chapter 25: Thank you too for writing this! It was exciting to see one of my favorite groups and shows mashed into an epic action thriller ^^ I'm so happy the sisters passed through all the ordeals and are getting to go home after so long of hardship. It was so bitter yet sweet. They deserve it, especially poor Yeri who never got to experience such things :)
Chapter 24: It's ending soon T^T I'll definitely love a sequel if you're coming up with one. I'm glad the sisters are finally together even if they still have to fight their way through.