unknown chance

Full Moon Genie (part one)


Chapter 2:


 They both went to the head genie’s office,

“You’re looking for me?” Yuri ask politely, as if not knowing the reason, the gorgeous boss who’s wearing an extravagant clothing smile at her,

“Sit down,”

She looks at Sora,

“I’ll be outside,” Sora got the message that she is not needed inside, she made her way to the exit and waited for Yuri to come out

“here, the thing that you are excitedly waiting for,” in just a snap a folder containing the information of her new master, went in front of her, she reads it, there is a picture on the side,

“Jung Yunho?, a high school student?” she ask in disbelief

“Why?” she ask again

“Why” the genie master repeat her.

“Why it must be him, how can my new master be so young?” Yuri ask, she sense no chance for that young man for her to become human

“Why, are you questioning me?”

“I am not, I’m just asking why?, he doesn’t look nice, how can he worth to have three wishes?” what she’s saying is true, by looking at his picture, she knows that he is such a bad guy, his hair is gray, he looks like a proud leader of a gang,

“Looks can be deceiving, my dear,”

“But!” she hesitate, an aware that she is now raising her voice


The master loses her temper, Yuri immediately apologize and left.

 “I heard yelling,” Sora curiously

“She was mad for a second because I was asking her why it should be my next master is a high school student,” Yuri said

“She always has special reasons, you can’t do anything but to accept it, we both know that,” Sora said

“I know, but I see no chance, I mean look at him,” Yuri showed her the picture.

Sora took it; she examines the profile and the picture of the young boy.

“His aura is different,”

“Like I know,” Sora kept her opinion inside her for she sees something that will bound to happen, Yuri are just an aware, it might be the last time that she will see her best friend, every time her best friend received a mission she will curiously looks at the picture and this is the first time that she saw something different in those.

Some things will about to happen.

“I will leave now,” she bid to her. They hug is other for one last time before she finally sets off to the human world. 

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