Mission Given (& one little ‘EVIL’ plan??)

Nine Angels On Mission?

Yuri closed her eyes when she felt that she was going to hit the floor hard but was surprised when a muscular chest supported her from below. She slowly opened her eyes and saw that her bottoms were saved from pain as her beloved brother, Siwon was holding her.

“Yippee, Siwon! Thank you for saving my bottoms!” Yuri cheered, clapping her hands happily, just like any ordinary six to nine years old child would do.

Taeyeon nudged Siwon and asked “Yo! Siwon! What are you doing in our room? The meeting is going to start soon.”

“Oh my beloved sister! Taeyeon, your bellows can practically wake up the dead! Don’t you realise that?” Siwon rolled his eyes, covered both his ears and said dramatically.

“What? If that’s the case, we won’t have any problem waking Yuri up every single day!” Taeyeon argued with her oldest brother.

“Alright, boy and girls! We are going to be late for our meeting!” Yunho clapped his hands suddenly and announced. Siwon, Yunho and Nichkhun joined force and pushed their nine lovely sisters to the grand hall.


At the grand hall, the highest and almighty god was seated at the white fluffy chair with his wife. He was acting cute and lovely-dopey with his wife.

“Yucks! Daddy! Seriously speaking, I do not think you are compatible with white, cute fluffy things. It makes you look sissy!” Nichkhun crossed his arms and criticised in a serious manner, unafraid of his invincible father.

The red-faced king cleared his throat and explained. “Hmm… Hmm…! Well, I have to get your nine sisters mentally prepared for their third mission.”

“Girls, this time round, your mission would be quite tedious. All nine of you would be required to be lovely angels and provide assistance to needy humans. The first person that kisses you on the lips will be your first master. He has the right to wish for anything. All you girls have to do is to grant his wish, regardless of any method.” The king addressed to his nine daughters in a serious and scary tone.

Yuri? Yuri? YURI??? WERE YOU LISTENING?” The furious king bellowed, staring angrily at his youngest daughter dozing off in the middle of his speech. However, Yuri did not give him face and continued to sleep. She snuggled against Yunho and found a more comfortable position to resume her sleep.

“Haha…” Taeyeon laughed silently. “Mission would be impossible to accomplish if we do not get rid of one person”. Taeyeon winked mischievously at the other seven girls and pointed to Yuri.

Taeyeon whispered her plan in her father’s ear and received continuous and exaggerating nodding of her parents. Both clapped their hands at their eldest daughter’s brilliant plan. They gave a thumb-up for Taeyeon to proceed with her ‘evil’ plan.

Taeyeon walked back to her siblings. All of them surrounded the sleeping Yuri and were grinning evilly. Yunho and Siwon carried Yuri to the “teleporting well” (a well linking to the human realm) and threw her down without any warning.

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Chapter 15: Beautiful! The most interesting MinYul story I've read ^^
BlackPearl_Goddess #2
@sarangahae_SUGEN: Glad that you like this story... Shall consider about your request then... ^^
Taeyeon really like a mother to the 8 other angels .. XD Like it!! MinYul also looks Cute together^^ Pls can you do some more YulSung FF including the SuGen couples?? gomawo :))
BlackPearl_Goddess #4
@Sa_ucii: Hi, thanks for reading another of my fanfic... Glad that you have enjoyed it... ^^
I like it :)
BlackPearl_Goddess #6
@cessna_taemin: Thank you! ^^ Glad that you love it!
cessna_taemin #7
Hahah ..This is so amazing ..I actually loved the story :)
BlackPearl_Goddess #8
@MinYulMyFlamingPearl: Thank you for your support! Great to receive so much positive response... ^^
MinYulMyFlamingPearl #9
Owww :D i love your ff very much! Youre amazing writer :). Also I LOVE MINYUL!! Thank for write about minyul, i'll support you <3 much love from me :D
BlackPearl_Goddess #10
@flamers1209: Hi! Thank you for your support! I know that you like my MinYul fanfic...^^ Will try to have another soon but I run out of idiotic idea of story... So now still trying hard to brainstorm... :(