Snuggling Closer…

Nine Angels On Mission?

After the dirty couple were tired from playing, it was already around 1am. Minho instructed Yuri to go for a shower and he stayed back to clear the mess that they had created.

Twenty minutes later, Minho was sore from the cleaning. Then he suddenly remembered about Yuri taking a bath. “That girl is taking too much time to shower. I need to shower too” Minho grumbled, yawned and stretched himself.

He walked to the bathroom and banged on the door. “Yo, Yuri, you are taking too much time for your bath. What are you doing inside? I’m feeling dirty and smelly and need a warm bath urgently!”

“Minho? Sorry for taking so long but I did not bring any clothes with me. Do you have any to lend?” Yuri whispered through the closing door.

Minho nearly had a bleeding nose when he pictured Yuri wrapped with a towel in his mind. He stopped and controlled himself. “I’ll go and get you… something to wear…” Minho croaked and hurried off.

Minho appeared a few minutes later with an extra large orange tee shirt in his hand. He lived alone in the large bungalow and hence did not have any ladies clothes in the house. He knocked softly on the bathroom door which cracked open a few inches for him to pass the shirt to Yuri.

Moments later, Yuri stepped out of the bathroom, wearing Minho’s extra large tee shirt. The shirt smelled of Minho’s cologne which made Yuri blushed. Although, the shirt was large and long enough to reach Yuri’s kneecap, Minho could not help but had a nose bled. He quickly mumbled an apology, squeezed pass Yuri and rushed into the bathroom.

Minho felt better after soaking in a hot bath. He dried his hair and walked lazily to his bed but was shocked to see Yuri sleeping on it. She looked so angelic, gentle and pretty while sleeping. Minho could not bring himself to wake her up. He her hair lovingly, mumbled a ‘good night’ and kissed her cheek before retreating out of his room.

Minho had no choice but to sleep in the guest room. Luckily, he had prepared a king sized bed for his guest room too. He climbed up sleepily into the bed and fell asleep once his head hit the pillow.


Yuri woke up suddenly in the middle of the night, feeling lost and scared. She was used to sleeping with her eight sisters in an enormous bedroom. It was too quiet and empty for her. She got off the bed and wandered off to find Minho.

Yuri managed to find Minho snoring lightly away in the guest room. She climbed into the bed, snuggled into his embrace and fell asleep. Minho was too tired to notice. He tightened his embrace around Yuri, thinking he was hugging a bolster and drifted back to a deep slumber.


“Oh, they are so sweet!” Yoona exclaimed, looking at the scene from heaven. “Don’t be too envious, it maybe your time soon!” Nichkhun , earning a pinch from Yoona.

It was another party for the siblings. They thought it was time for Yuri to find a companion as they had enough of waking Yuri up every single morning. To them, it was another step closer towards freedom.

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Chapter 15: Beautiful! The most interesting MinYul story I've read ^^
BlackPearl_Goddess #2
@sarangahae_SUGEN: Glad that you like this story... Shall consider about your request then... ^^
Taeyeon really like a mother to the 8 other angels .. XD Like it!! MinYul also looks Cute together^^ Pls can you do some more YulSung FF including the SuGen couples?? gomawo :))
BlackPearl_Goddess #4
@Sa_ucii: Hi, thanks for reading another of my fanfic... Glad that you have enjoyed it... ^^
I like it :)
BlackPearl_Goddess #6
@cessna_taemin: Thank you! ^^ Glad that you love it!
cessna_taemin #7
Hahah ..This is so amazing ..I actually loved the story :)
BlackPearl_Goddess #8
@MinYulMyFlamingPearl: Thank you for your support! Great to receive so much positive response... ^^
MinYulMyFlamingPearl #9
Owww :D i love your ff very much! Youre amazing writer :). Also I LOVE MINYUL!! Thank for write about minyul, i'll support you <3 much love from me :D
BlackPearl_Goddess #10
@flamers1209: Hi! Thank you for your support! I know that you like my MinYul fanfic...^^ Will try to have another soon but I run out of idiotic idea of story... So now still trying hard to brainstorm... :(