First Task...

Nine Angels On Mission?

“DADDY! MUMMY! Minho is busy with my future sister-in-law now!” A thirteen years old teenager was standing outside Minho’s house and explainingto his parents at his top of his voice that his brother was late due to carrying his girlfriend bridal style to his birthday party.

“Urrgghh! Choi Taemin! The rest of the world does not need to know that!” Minho yelled embarrassedly, frustrated that his younger brother had caused a scene. Many passers-by walked passed, trying their hardest to hide their grin and one guy even gave Minho a thumb-up sign. In addition, Minho did not know this mysterious lady and had not sought her assistance to act as his girlfriend.

Minho lowered Yuri down to the floor. He grinned sheepishly at Yuri and rubbed his neck nervously. Minho tried to phase out the request in his mind but always stopped short when he saw Yuri looking at him curiously.

Finally, Yuri broke the silence by saying, “Minho? I’ve already informed you that you will be my first master. Oh dear! I’ve forgotten to tell you what it is about… Sorry… Just to let you know that I’m an angel and you can make any wish to me and I’ll try all my means to achieve it. You can have hundreds and thousands of wishes but your deadline is your next birthday.”

Minho stared blankly at the pretty lady before him. His brain was trying to register all the information that Yuri had said. “Angel? Wish? Don’t bluff me… It’s too good to be true” Minho smirked and wondered whether he had hit his brain somewhere this afternoon and caused this hallucination.

Yuri pinched Minho’s face and emphasized, “No! Minho, you are definitely not dreaming! Alright, maybe you can try to make a wish and see whether I can achieve it?”

Minho shook off Yuri’s hand and realised that his face was indeed painful and he was not hallucinating. “Well, even if she’s a nutcase, maybe she will be able to help me” Minho thought silently.

“Well… Yuri?” Yuri nodded expectantly and Minho stumbled out “I… I need you … To act… To act as my girlfriend right now and… And… And meet my parents. I understand that this is abrupt but…”

“No problem, your wish is granted” Yuri replied cheerfully before Minho could finish his sentence. Yuri was excited at having her first task assigned for her third mission here in the human realm. Never did she realise that her parents, eight sisters and three brothers were already celebrating and cheering at Yuri’s first step to their freedom.

Yuri placed her hand in Minho’s and began dragging him along to his house where Taemin was standing at the front porch, grinning evilly at them.

“Oh geez… Wait up, Yuri! We don’t even know each other. How do we act as couple and not get my family suspicious?” Minho whispered urgently in Yuri’s ear.

“It’s ok, Minho. I have already told you that I’m an angel. So if any members of your family shoot you or me any question, all you have to do is to communicate to me mentally and I will know how to handle.” Yuri smiled confidently at Minho. Minho stood rooted to the spot. Yuri’s smile had sent electricity current through him. Her smile added another degree of beauty to her already pretty face. Yuri blushed under Minho’s intensive staring. She started to withdraw her hand but Minho did not allow and instead hold onto her hand tightly and walked to his house.

“Well, it’s about time that both of you come home, my brother and lovely sister-in-law” Taemin made fun of the deeply blushed couple and opened the front door, shoving them into the long-awaited Choi’s family gathering.

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Chapter 15: Beautiful! The most interesting MinYul story I've read ^^
BlackPearl_Goddess #2
@sarangahae_SUGEN: Glad that you like this story... Shall consider about your request then... ^^
Taeyeon really like a mother to the 8 other angels .. XD Like it!! MinYul also looks Cute together^^ Pls can you do some more YulSung FF including the SuGen couples?? gomawo :))
BlackPearl_Goddess #4
@Sa_ucii: Hi, thanks for reading another of my fanfic... Glad that you have enjoyed it... ^^
I like it :)
BlackPearl_Goddess #6
@cessna_taemin: Thank you! ^^ Glad that you love it!
cessna_taemin #7
Hahah ..This is so amazing ..I actually loved the story :)
BlackPearl_Goddess #8
@MinYulMyFlamingPearl: Thank you for your support! Great to receive so much positive response... ^^
MinYulMyFlamingPearl #9
Owww :D i love your ff very much! Youre amazing writer :). Also I LOVE MINYUL!! Thank for write about minyul, i'll support you <3 much love from me :D
BlackPearl_Goddess #10
@flamers1209: Hi! Thank you for your support! I know that you like my MinYul fanfic...^^ Will try to have another soon but I run out of idiotic idea of story... So now still trying hard to brainstorm... :(