A Fun & Joyful Day

Nine Angels On Mission?

In a few minutes, Yuri was back. She was about to ask Minho pertaining to his abrupt change in behaviour when he suddenly scooped her into his arms and carried her towards the lift.

“Choi Minho, put me down! This is so embarrassing! Many people are looking at us!” Yuri protested by hitting softly on Minho’s chest, her redden face was a lovely sight to Minho. Minho lifted his glaze from Yuri and looked around. All the staffs looked away as if engrossing in their work and oblivious to the couple commotion.

“Yuri, I don’t see anyone looking in our direction.” Minho grinned and whispered in Yuri’s right ear, causing an itchy sensation to her.

“Hi everyone, please continue with your work. I’m glad to announce an early dismissal today. All of you are permitted to go off after 12 noon.” The joyful announcement made everyone shouted hurray and thanked their boss. Minho beamed and continued to carry Yuri to his car.


“Where are we going?” Yuri asked when Minho placed her in the front seat of his car. She was glad that Minho seemed to be back to his usual self but was doubtful about his intention.

“Ssshh… Just believe in me and we will have fun” Minho winked mysteriously at Yuri who pouted childishly like a little girl. Minho laughed and started the car.


They reached the destination in twenty minutes time. “Wow! Cool! Theme Park!” Yuri clapped her hands excitedly and shouted out in joy. Minho bought tickets for both of them and started the day of their adventure.

Minho pointed to the roller-coaster which caused Yuri to roll her eyes. “Minho, that thing is 4-storey high!” But Minho ignored her and dragged Yuri along to queue for the horror ride.

Few minutes later, the ride was over. However, someone rushed to the nearest washroom and vomited out every single thing.

“Bang! Bang! Bang! Minho, are you alright?” Yuri knocked on the door, her voice thick with concern.

“Choi Minho, you had just disgraced yourself in front of the girl you love!” Minho whispered furiously at his reflection in the mirror.

Yuri blushed at Minho’s indirect confession. Minho walked out of the washroom feeling embarrassed. He gave Yuri a weak smile and held her hand. They walked to the next booth which was “Haunted House”.

Minho was having fun in the “Haunted House”. Yuri was very timid. She would shriek and clung tightly onto Minho whenever there was a monster or ghost popped out suddenly.

Finally, Yuri endured the tour. Minho pinched her nose and teased joyfully “I didn’t know that angels are afraid of ghosts and monsters.”

Yuri pouted, placed her hands on her waist and stamped her foot. Minho gave a small peck on her cheek and ran off giggling. The angel was now angered and chased after the culprit.

The duo had a wonderful time in the amusement park. Minho took lots of photos of Yuri and him with his phone. They took all the rides and played many games. Minho was very accurate at shooting games. He won so many prizes which drew a small crowd to look at his performance. Being a caring angel, Yuri gave away the prizes to the children around which won applause from the audience.

It was around 4pm when they finally got out of the amusement park. “Yuri, are you tired?” Minho nudged Yuri.

“I had fun but nope, I’m not tired. Why?” Yuri answered.

“I’m thinking of preparing dinner for your siblings tonight. Would you like to help me? But please, don’t burn down my place!” Minho joked and ran to his car. Yuri followed him and rained soft punches on his arms.

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Chapter 15: Beautiful! The most interesting MinYul story I've read ^^
BlackPearl_Goddess #2
@sarangahae_SUGEN: Glad that you like this story... Shall consider about your request then... ^^
Taeyeon really like a mother to the 8 other angels .. XD Like it!! MinYul also looks Cute together^^ Pls can you do some more YulSung FF including the SuGen couples?? gomawo :))
BlackPearl_Goddess #4
@Sa_ucii: Hi, thanks for reading another of my fanfic... Glad that you have enjoyed it... ^^
I like it :)
BlackPearl_Goddess #6
@cessna_taemin: Thank you! ^^ Glad that you love it!
cessna_taemin #7
Hahah ..This is so amazing ..I actually loved the story :)
BlackPearl_Goddess #8
@MinYulMyFlamingPearl: Thank you for your support! Great to receive so much positive response... ^^
MinYulMyFlamingPearl #9
Owww :D i love your ff very much! Youre amazing writer :). Also I LOVE MINYUL!! Thank for write about minyul, i'll support you <3 much love from me :D
BlackPearl_Goddess #10
@flamers1209: Hi! Thank you for your support! I know that you like my MinYul fanfic...^^ Will try to have another soon but I run out of idiotic idea of story... So now still trying hard to brainstorm... :(