Yuri Meeting Her Master

Nine Angels On Mission?

Yuri had a dream. She dreamt that she was falling quickly from an extremely tall height. The realistic wind in the dream made Yuri shivered in cold. Yuri peek open her eyes and was shocked to realise that she was indeed falling! She was not dreaming!

“Aarrrggghhh…! Heeeeelp!” Yuri screamed in fright. Her three brothers would not be by her side to catch hold of her.

“Yuri, you will be meeting your first master soon. Your mission is to grant his every wish till his next birthday.” The king’s instruction was the last sound Yuri heard before slipping into unconsciousness.


“Mum? Wait? What? 25th birthday party for me at my house right now? But… Mum, wait! Matchmaking session also included? No no no! I do not need that…! Why? Why! Because…. Because… Because I already have a girlfriend that is so good that I’m going to marry her soon! What? Bring her along to the party? Hey! Mum wait! Hey….”

Minho was practically screaming into the air at the last part of the conversation call. His mother had already cut off the line happily after instructing Minho to bring his girlfriend along. The problem is Minho did not have any girlfriend. He was so busy with the research in his work that he thought socialising was a waste of time. The worst thing was – he was barely 15 minutes away from his house. Where on the earth could he find a friend to impose as his girlfriend in such a short time? Minho did not want his family to get suspicious.

“Oh god! If there is really a god out there somewhere, can you hear my sincere prayer? I wish for a miracle that can solve my problem!” Minho laughed mockingly at himself and stretched out his arm as if hoping to catch a miracle dropping from the clear night sky.

“Ahhhhhhh……! Catch hold of me please!” An urgent pleading lady voice made Minho raised up his head. A lady dress in a long white gown fell from the sky out of nowhere into Minho’s outstretched arms.  Fortunately, the lady was very light as if weigh of nothing. Minho managed to balance himself while carrying the mysterious lady. But Minho accidentally brushed his lips against her.

After stabilising himself, Minho took a look at the lady in his arm and was immediately dumbfounded. A pair of pure and innocent big eyes stared at Minho shyly. Her distinguished feature was shaped into an angelic face. Minho’s immediate thought was an angel had fallen from the sky but he quickly dismissed his ridiculous thought.

Yuri’s face was heated and red from Minho’s intensive staring. She never thought herself as pretty as her eight older sisters were pretty angels too. Yuri never bothered to tidy up and put on any make-up. Hence, she did not think herself as pretty.

Yuri looked up at the saviour carrying her. “What a tall handsome young man! More handsome and mature than my 3 older brothers” Yuri thought silently.

“Erm… Pretty angel? I’m Minho. Where do you come from?” Minho finally managed to find his voice back after few seconds. His introduction finally managed to call Yuri back to earth.

“Minho? Hi! I’m Yuri! I’m glad to announce that you are my first master!” Yuri declared.

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Chapter 15: Beautiful! The most interesting MinYul story I've read ^^
BlackPearl_Goddess #2
@sarangahae_SUGEN: Glad that you like this story... Shall consider about your request then... ^^
Taeyeon really like a mother to the 8 other angels .. XD Like it!! MinYul also looks Cute together^^ Pls can you do some more YulSung FF including the SuGen couples?? gomawo :))
BlackPearl_Goddess #4
@Sa_ucii: Hi, thanks for reading another of my fanfic... Glad that you have enjoyed it... ^^
I like it :)
BlackPearl_Goddess #6
@cessna_taemin: Thank you! ^^ Glad that you love it!
cessna_taemin #7
Hahah ..This is so amazing ..I actually loved the story :)
BlackPearl_Goddess #8
@MinYulMyFlamingPearl: Thank you for your support! Great to receive so much positive response... ^^
MinYulMyFlamingPearl #9
Owww :D i love your ff very much! Youre amazing writer :). Also I LOVE MINYUL!! Thank for write about minyul, i'll support you <3 much love from me :D
BlackPearl_Goddess #10
@flamers1209: Hi! Thank you for your support! I know that you like my MinYul fanfic...^^ Will try to have another soon but I run out of idiotic idea of story... So now still trying hard to brainstorm... :(