
Suicidal Love



 YES IT' S ANNOYING ME AGAIN.  I'm soorry I won't be able to update until next Tuesday.  I have an overnight trip.  I wrote some up though, maybe my friend can type it up /: 

Onew's POV

Oh my god I'm so sorry.  What could I do?  I stepped away farther.  One step back.  Two steps.  Was she dead?  I scrambled to her side once again and placed my pointer and middle finger on her neck.  Where that really important artery was. 

Nothing.  I pressured my two fingers harder.  This time I could feel a very faint twitching.  Pulse. 

How could I do this to her?  I loved her.  I slowly carressed her cheeks pulling her closer to me.  I slowly continued to keep my fingers on her neck to make sure her pulse wouldn't go away, as my other hand trembling, pulled out my phone out punching in the numbers 119.


"There's an accident in front of The Funeral Home", I managed to whisper.  I sounded so scared, I hung up immediately not wanting to take my attention away from her .

This was all I could do for now.  I scream in aggravation, frustration and pain, and vowed never to eat chicken again.  She groaned, I moved my fingers away from her neck not realizing they were there this time.

I held her hand.


Hoping something else wouldn't take her away.

I was the one that did this to her.  I was a monster.  After all she did for me.



“Get out of my house”, my dad shouted, throwing an empty beer bottle at me, but missed, “Who do you think you are to tell me to stop?”

I tried to keep my anger inside, He’s drunk, I told myself. “It’s bad for your health and you are disturbing the whole entire neighborhood.”

Anger flashed in his eyes and I knew I had said the wrong thing. He suddenly grabbed a lamp and threw it this time unfortunately landing on my left cheek.  He stumbled closer to me, close enough so I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

“Who do you think you’re talking to?”

I left a breath out, afraid, finally realizing what kind of situation I was in.  I said nothing, but tried to keep my calm demeanor.  Look at him, straight in the eyes.  Don’t look away.  I lifted my chin up, hoping to appear bolder than I actually was.  Wrong choice yet again Onew.

My father gritted his teeth, and gave to sharp blows to my stomach.  I doubled over in shock, he never actually hit me with skin to skin contact. 

“Get out of my house, until you know your place… But remember, I feed you, you live in my house, so you follow my rules.  You give me Respect.  You give me what I want.  Got it?”

I nodded this time, hugging my lower torso where he had sent the harsh blow.  I lowered my head so that my face was just millimeters from the floor.  He scoffed, and he walked away his shoes clicking on the tile floor.

No point in staying here, where no one wants you.  Off to KFC, where I was their most valued customer.  I stood up, and somehow managed to plaster on my face, despite the pain.  I walked carefully and slowly to the ­door, hoping not to trip.  No need to injure one’s self any further.

I opened the door now smiling, only to see a small figure just an inch away.

Oh my chicken.

Min Woo.  Holy nuggets, I asked her to meet me outside of my house.  She missed school today because she was sick. my Life.

“Are you okay?” she asked awkwardly, her eyes on my stomach.

She saw it all. DAMMIT.  I cleared my throat, hoping it would come out playful and ditzy, “Yeah, Why wouldn’t I? ”

She looked up now looking into my eyes, concerned.  Concerned?  For me? “He hurt you.”, she said softly, as if embarrassed she saw.

“I know, It just happens once in a while… You know father and son relationship”, I smiled with the right side of my face.

“No I don’t know.”, she said her eyebrows knitted together. 

I gulped, How was I supposed to respond?  First things, first.  No one else could know.

“You said it happens once in a while so I presume it wasn’t the first time.”, she interrupted, sounding so caring.

“Don’t tell anyone.  Please”, I said smiling weakly.

“You don’t have to keep it all in you know”, she said clearing , “I don’t think anyone else knows about it.”  Awkward Pause. “But you can talk to me about it.”

Cheesiest words I ever heard.

But I collapsed on her shoulder that night telling her of all my troubles.

-Flashback ends-

I  had to get away from her.  If that’s what it took to keep her alive, I would leave my angel.

The one who listens to every word.

The one who saved me from falling into that deep black hole.

The one who made me fall in love.

I heard a siren not to far away.  When they got here I’d be gone. 

-When ambulances come-

“Sir a tissue?”, a woman softly asked.

“Huh? ” I looked up

“You are crying.”, the worker said

I wiped my tears away with my fingers.  I stood up, and smiled, “Well I’ll leave her in your hands.  Take good care of her.”

The worker nodded, no longer listening but attending to Min Woo’s more minor wounds.

Take good care of her.


Because I love her

Alright I'm so amazingly cool.  I paid for the hotel's wifi.  TELL ME YOU LOVE ME. :D IMISSEDYOUGUYSABUNCH.

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omg.. this is so interesting.. update soon~~
AIGOO~ when are you updating this fic? ^^ I'd love to read more!
:) Lots of people shouldn't lie about a lot of things. Besides, it's better to embrace happiness now, then grieve over it now.
aww~ :( lying really hurts worse than the truth in the end.<br />
she shouldn't lie about her memory!
Yes~ that would be nice •_•
Do you want me to make you a Yoseob story or something? I seriously feel bad... ;~;.<br />
Uh just aply here:<br />
lml ts ok my love...<br />