Juliette died with Romeo

Suicidal Love


Taemin's POV

"Hyung, Let's go buy Min Woo some chicken and icecream, she didn't eat any breakfast. And hospital food is nasty." I asked politely. 

Onew turned his head at 'chicken', "YEAH, sure let's go."  It would be sort of intense being there with Key and Jonghyun.  Jonghyun would probably be crying his eyes out, while Key would be nagging the out of her.  Note to self: Buy a box of Kleenex.

"Hey, WAIT.  Also get her some clothes to change into... I heard that the gowns are scratchy and bad for your skin. AND THEY ARE SO UGLY." Key shouted, his voice so loud, echoing down the hall.  I nodded.  *-* ICE CREAM <3


Jonghyun gave me a look, and whispered loudly, "You can't just call their gowns ugly, Key!  It's impolite." 

"I didn't say it loudly, It's true anyways."  As I walked down the hospital corridor, some patients and nurses stopped to give me a strange look. 

"You said IT REALLY LOUDLY.  Look at how they are staring at us.", he said. 

"No one really cares that much." I shot back.  A small child ina wheel chair came up to me and ran over my left foot.  She smirked and rolled away


"Hey she's just a kid, chillax"

I hate it when people say that. C. H. I. L. L. A. X. What the does it mean?

In Min Woo's Room o:~

I pushed Jonghyun aside, as I opened the door so I could see her first.  HAH Umma's First .  I shut it on his face and took a few steps in further, spotting her sitting up straight on the bed.  She looked straight ahead, lost in her thoughts, she seemed so.  Dead.  A shiver went down my back, I cleared my throat, but she didn't seem to hear.  "Min Woo", Jonghyun sang, finallly realizing it was a push and a pull door. 

Her head shot up.  "HUH?", she turned so she was facing us, "Oh hey you guys."She said happily, smiling radiantly.  Too radiant to be real.  Well what could I expect?  She just got hit on the head with a vase. 

I walked closer to her, smiling back "Does your head hurt?".  She seemed to flinch with every step that I took closer.  My over reacting Imagination.  I touched her head, but she brushed my hand off. 

"A little bit", she admitted, "Were you worried about me?", grinning again. 

Jonghyun butted in "HE WAS." 

She laughed, "I could tell, Look at those wrinkles!". 

I put my hand up to my forehead, "Really?", trying to make her laugh.  It wasn't too hard, she doubled up in laughter. 

She looked around, "Where's Onew and Taemin?" 

"Oh wow, you just noticed?", I said, "Aigoo, what a slow daughter I have..." 

Jonghyun answered seriously, "Buying stuff for you~", while ruffling her hair. 

She pouted, "Don't mess up my hair", Jonghyun just stuck his tounge out.  She cleared he throat as if she was going to say something important.  "So... did they bury Minho yet?", she asked casually.  I didn't want to answer, something was off.  Her voice was too high, she was clenching the blankets so hard, her knuckles turned white. 

Jonghyun answered his voice raspy, as if he hadn't talked in a while."No, not yet.  They wanted to wait for once more week.  Because some of his family members hadn't said their good byes"  She nodded, satisfied with this answer, her grip released.  Liar.  How could he lie to her?  They wanted to bury him immediately, after they saw her came.  They didn't want to take anymore risks.  But what could I say?  Yup they already buried him, and break her heart?  This might be best, to lie to her just for while.  Until she got better.

A nurse popped her head in, "Two other young men want to come in.", she said sharply, looking at us expectantly.  Jonghyun nodded, but she tapped her foot impatiently, "Only two visitors are allowed at a time.".  Jonghyun mouth formed an 'o'. 

"Well you should have told us in the first place...", I grumbled.  BLarghs.  She probably just wanted us out, . 

We both reluctantly shuffled our way out, the nurse sighed "Hurry up will you?.". 

I got pushed by Jonghyun, "Umma's first," he whispered, sneering.  Bastard still didn't get it for lying, we walked out. 

"You better take responisbility for lying.", I said pissed. 

"Okay, chill."he said as if nothing would happen. 

"What will you do when she finds out?"

"Aish, I already said I woud take responisbility, Wouldn't I?  You think I feel perfectly fine lying to her?", he whispered, all of a sudden pissed at me. Taemin and Onew wiggled their eyebrows at us, holding KFC and an ice cream sundae, as well as a bag of clothes.

Your POV 

He wasn't buried yet.  I could still see him.  Today.  I could get out right now, and see him.

Onew appeared out of nowhere, asking "Want some chicken?"

"Asdfghgds;gd.  Where did you come from?"

"We came from the windows... Like a Ninja", Taemin answered jokingly.

I faked yawned, "I'm feeling a bit tired, sort of sleepy..."

Onew's smile faltered, "Oh really?, I guess we should let you rest", he said dissapointedly.

"We have some icecream and a bag of clothes for you."  Taemin said trying to look happy.

I nodded, "Thanks, the gowns are really uncomfortable."

They both nodded, and made their way out. "Bye.", I said to no one in particular.

"Good thing your visitors are gone.  They were so loud..", a voice said as I srood up.  I looked behind me suprised to see, a little girl,  bald with a cap on her head.  The wig by a stool next to her bed.  She looked weak and so small, sitting in the wheel chair.  I looked at her still suprised a embarrassed I hadn't noticed her. 

"You didn't know I was here."  She said accusingly.  I ignored her, putting my pants on. 

She was silent for a minute, but spoke again as I put my shirt on, "Where are you going?"

I stood in front of the mirror, staring at her reflection, deciding if I should tell her.  Her deep set brown eyes haunted me, Why not?  Who would she tell?  I turned around and walked towards her and crouched dow so we were inches away and face to face. 

I softly said, "I'm going to see the love of my life."  One last time, I thought to myself. 

"Your prince charming?", saying back, breathless.  Sick, but Stilll Young And Naive.

I looked at her starry eyes, before saying "Yes", nodding seriously, "Like Romeo and Juliet." 

With that I ran into the halllway.  Too bad I forgot Romeo died with Juliet.

o_o;  I tried 'entering' evry single time there was a dialouge thingabbob. I heard it makes it easier to read.

asdfjhfkjhaskdj' Sorry if it was bad.  I'm a procrastinator.. my double im science report is due tmrw. first period  TT_TT doing it with this.

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omg.. this is so interesting.. update soon~~
AIGOO~ when are you updating this fic? ^^ I'd love to read more!
:) Lots of people shouldn't lie about a lot of things. Besides, it's better to embrace happiness now, then grieve over it now.
aww~ :( lying really hurts worse than the truth in the end.<br />
she shouldn't lie about her memory!
Yes~ that would be nice •_•
Do you want me to make you a Yoseob story or something? I seriously feel bad... ;~;.<br />
Uh just aply here:<br />
lml ts ok my love...<br />