
Suicidal Love


MinWoo's POV



Black [And White + Black and Yellow I freaking love those two songs].  Black.  Something warm touched my lips.  A kiss?  Warmth seemed to spread through my body.

I heard a deep voice singing while playing some simple chords on a glossy guitar.  I couldn’t quite see the face though, as if it had been smudged from age.  Was it a dream or a memory?  I couldn’t tell anymore… it was too hard. 

There it was again, that face.  This time his eyes were closed, tears streaming down his face.  A gunshot..  A boy.  A girl.  Crying.  My eyes shot open from the intensity of it all.  Something hit my eyes, making them fill my sight with black spots.  I followed the source of my pain, leading my eyes to an open window. 

My eyes widened.  I was awake?  Or was this just another dream? 

Only one way to tell, I stared at my long, scarily pale, slender fingers.  Would they be strong enough?  With a small amount of effort I managed to bring it to my other arm, still lying on the bed.  I closed my eyes, counting.  One.  Two.  Three.  I pinched myself as hard as I could.  Ouch, oh yes.  This wasn’t a dream.  My nerves clearly felt the pain rising up to my brain.  I winced looking at the now reddish spot on my arm.  So, I was awake.

Now where was I? I looked at my surrounding there was a strange smell in the air, it was unnaturally scentless.  Everything here was drab, white.  The curtain must have once been a cheery yellow, now faded to a pallid, close to white yellow.  I felt out of pace as if I didn’t belong here, I lifted myself up, so I was sitting up in my bed, trying to get a better look at where I was.

The only thing out of place was a black gym bag, and the open door in the corner.  I heard whistling in the distance.  Someone other than me was here.  My heart skipped a beat for a moment, realizing I didn’t know where I was, I didn’t remember being here, heck I didn’t remember anything.  The unknown was where my fear sprouted from.  What scared me most was the fact, that someone other than me was here, and I didn’t know them.  Was I drugged?  Was it a kidnapper?

I had to get out of here.  Now.  My brain kept telling me this.  My mind willed me to do this, but I felt immensely tired, my brain told me to rest a bit longer.  I kept my eyes open, scared for how much longer I would sleep, if I close my eyes again. With the help of my arms I forced my legs to get off the bed, now dangling.  Something else reached my ears, running water nearby, hearing a WHOOSH, only reminding me how urgent this was and helping me keep my eyes wide open.  My legs felt immeasurably unsteady, I concentrated on standing up, but my legs hurt with the slightest pressure on them.

Muscle decrease, a sign of lack of exercise.  I wonder how long I had been asleep.  A day?  A week?  A month?

With the help of a nearby bureau, I rested y weight of it, gripping on it as if my life depended on it.  I was up, my legs barely able to support me even with ample help from my arms.  I took a step my arm in spite of everything leaning on the dresser.  I took yet another agonizing step, but this time my knees faltered under my weight, I fell on the floor without warning.  It made a seemingly deafening thud that echoed in the soundless room.

I cursed under my breath know, that I would now be caught.

Scared I spotted a chair leg close at hand, deciding I would use that to stand up.  Wait, I couldn’t judge a person before I even saw them, I thought nervously.   I looked up hoping it was a ‘good’ person, whatever that meant, only to see a man or a boy close to a man, shaking his hands aimlessly in the air.  His eyes were searching the room, yet never reached my longitude.

He had a good build, brown singled lidded eyes that were shaped like a squished almond, high prominent cheekbones, a straight nose that had a certain curve to it, with healthy pink lips.  He didn’t look like a , maybe he would help me?

His eyes scanned the room again, his eyes lingering on the bed as if something was missing. 


Oh right.  Me.  Alright, it is.  His eyes widened at the emptiness, I wouldn’t blame him.  I mean you kidnap a girl, getting ready to her.  Then you find the bed person-less, I would be disappointed.  He ran his hand through hair, his eyebrows furrowing.

This was my chance to escape, I crawled, and my eyes still on him making sure he didn’t notice me yet.  Not looking ahead, I hit my head on the leg of the chair.




He turned his head so he was facing me, his eyes were on me and began filling with tears.  He slapped himself as if he just couldn’t believe it.  Ouch.  Self abuse is not the way to go.  Was this guy okay?  I cleared my throat, as he looked at me again.

“Excuse me, are you alright?” I asked my voice sounding normal, all the fear dissolved.  I held on the traitor chair, using it as support so I could pick myself up.  He stared at me as if he couldn’t believe it.  Distracted by his stare, I stumbled on my own two feet feeling like a fool.

His eyes enlarge at my blunder; he swooped into save me, holding me by the waist.  His grip felt familiar, he pulled me in closer and embraced me I was speechless.  Aww, how sweet.  This was awfully romantic, but I’d be better … IF I KNEW HIM.

He pushed away smiling, I have known this guy for thirty seconds and he freaking hugs me?  I felt dizzy my legs wobbled beneath me, as I leaned over on him.

Maybe a nap wouldn’t be so bad. . .  

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omg.. this is so interesting.. update soon~~
AIGOO~ when are you updating this fic? ^^ I'd love to read more!
:) Lots of people shouldn't lie about a lot of things. Besides, it's better to embrace happiness now, then grieve over it now.
aww~ :( lying really hurts worse than the truth in the end.<br />
she shouldn't lie about her memory!
Yes~ that would be nice •_•
Do you want me to make you a Yoseob story or something? I seriously feel bad... ;~;.<br />
Uh just aply here:<br />
lml ts ok my love...<br />