Finally Fufilling Anadd23's WISH

Suicidal Love


Third Person Omniscient (No One’s POV)


A tired looking doctor came out of the dark room.  He sighed, taking off his surgical mask.  It had been a hard and tiring surgery.  He felt lifeless, the last thing he wanted to do was talk to the three boys out there. 

What dedicated friends she has he thought, turning his head towards the emergency room. 

He turned the knob of the sink, washed his hand and watched as the water rinsed away the coppery, almost black blood.  He scrubbed hard, trying to get the stench of death off.

The surgery had been successful.

Only to a certain point though, he sighed once again, and braced for the harsh, and unnerving question he usually got.

He walked out the door.

Jonghyun and Key facing opposite ways immediately stood up after they heard the doctor’s footstep.

“Where is she?”, Jonghyun.

The doctor replied “Just being sent to a room.”

Key nodded, “That means it was successful.  Right?”

The doctor nodded.  Key gave a forgiving shrug to Jonghyun. 

The doctor interrupted though, “Only, to a certain point though.  She previously received a head injury, and it was hit once again.  She will be in a coma.”  For the rest of her life, most likely, he tried to say, but he couldn’t get the words out of his throat.

Not with the two pair of hopeful eyes staring at him.

“When will she wake up?”, Key whispered.

Never,  The doctor thought to himself. 

“Maybe tomorrow, Maybe in a year, months, weeks, days, or even a decade.  Only time can tell.”

Jonghyun winced, but there was still a chance.  Wasn’t there?  As long as I know there’s a small glimmer of hope, I can wait forever and a day. 

Key frowned, “What was with al the money we paid you?  If you can’t fix her I’ll ing sue you.”

The doctor sighed, “There nothing I can do.  All you can do is cross your fingers and sit back and hope for the best.”

Key opened his mouth to retort something cruel toward the doctor, but Jonghyun raised a hand for silence.

He was tired today.  Today there should be any fighting. 

He nodded his head, "I understand."


One year Later. 



Key's POV


 I stared at the bed intently.  She laid there, looking peaceful, anger sparked in me.  How could she just be sleeping there so peacefully?  How could she?  When we were praying every night, just to get a small reaction?  A twitching finger.


I kicked the chair out of aggravation, knocking it over, as the door opened.  I turned around to see who it was.  Onew?  Wheels creaked. 

It was only the nurse.  I let out a disappointed sigh.  "I'm sorry, I'll clean up.", I picked up the chair with one hand.  And left the room.

Life is really the worst.  Everyone disappears.  Minho.  Taemin.  Onew.   Well I still had my yeobo, I smiled bitterly at the thought of this.


Taemin's' POV


Key Umma. 

My eyes followed his every movement longingly.  I just wanted to jump into his arms and cry like a  baby and let a rivers worth of tears out.  I wanted to tell him I was sorry for leaving.  I’d tell him I’d go cold turkey.  No drugs.  No cigarettes.  Not even Banana milk. 

 Without a sense of recognition, he pulled the chair up, and walked out of the room.  I let out a guilty sigh of relief.  He was gone.  How would I ever explain everything to him?  He’d understand though, when the time was right.  Everything would be the same as it once was.  It’d be like the SHINee family all over again.  Maybe Minho would even come, back I thought harshly.

As if.

But, back to business I couldn’t be here all day, I took off my surgical mask, and sighed. 

I took a long glance at her.  Her hair hugged her paler than ever face, her eyes shut, so still, unmoving.  The ever so slight movement of her chest, moving up down simultaneously with her breath.  The sliver of sunlight on her shedding light on her still face.  Her long slender arms laid by parallel with one another.   

I sat on the chair next to her bed, my eyes still on her small pink lips.  No one was looking.  Right now I could. . .

Despite what my mind told me, my heart caved into the yearning.  I leaned in and planted a sweet kiss on her lips.  I slowly lifted my head from the short, much too short-lived pure, sweet kiss.  The after-taste of love lingered on my lips, I could taste it over the strong flavor of the cigarette I had just moments before stepping into the hospital.

It was time for me to leave.  I held her hand one last time, our fingers intertwined, I turned away to leave when I felt the fingers tighten around my hand.

I stopped my movement and turned around swiftly immediately.

"Min Woo?"

She still laid on the bed.  As placid and serene as she was seconds ago.

I shook my head.  Amazing, was it possible to miss a person so much that you started hallucinating?  I chuckled in a lost weary sort of way, the kind that didn’t come from your heart but your mouth.

I miss you.  I would have caught you if you gave me the chance.  I just listened to my nurse shoes tap against the clean white tiles.


 Key’s POV


The nurse walked out finally after years.  What the hell was she doing in their anyways?  As she passed she sneakily hid her face with her hands, she obviously forgot her mask inside.  Did she have a rash or anything?  Let’s just hope it wasn’t contagious.

I continued making snarky comments of the nurse, to comfort myself, as I paced back to the sterile room.

Everything changed except her.  Time froze in this room.  It was as if this was hell frozen over.  I knew this for a fact and loved it.  I hated it at the same time, as well.  I sighed, sitting on the chair I knocked over only minutes before.

Something seemed different about her; I just couldn’t place my finger on it.

She looked stiff?  Yes, that’s probably it.  Having to stay still for a whole year without exercising isn’t good for you, you lose muscle mass.  When she woke up she’s be as rigid as cardboard.  I twitched at this thought.  I stepped into the bathroom, a personal one that was just for her, hoping to find something to massage her with.  It wasn’t that it disgusted me to touch her but, I felt as if I was violating her.  Touching an innocent unaware, sleeping girl, I shook my head and began to rummage the shelf.

Nope not there.  I spotted a dusty box under the sink hidden by a plastic bag, I carried it just outside the bathroom, whistling a soft song to myself. Hello Hello Jamshi Yaegi Haellyo Hello Hello (I’ll stop here even though I memorized the whole song ^0^)

 I noticed the amount of dust that had amounted on my hands from the box and shuddered.  It might be better to wash my hand first.  I ducked back into the bathroom, and twisted the knob, letting the cold water run down my hands, not bothering to use soap.


I shook my hands dry as I walked out, not rushed, only wondering what had fallen.

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omg.. this is so interesting.. update soon~~
AIGOO~ when are you updating this fic? ^^ I'd love to read more!
:) Lots of people shouldn't lie about a lot of things. Besides, it's better to embrace happiness now, then grieve over it now.
aww~ :( lying really hurts worse than the truth in the end.<br />
she shouldn't lie about her memory!
Yes~ that would be nice •_•
Do you want me to make you a Yoseob story or something? I seriously feel bad... ;~;.<br />
Uh just aply here:<br />
lml ts ok my love...<br />