Tired of Tears

Suicidal Love

>o< I'M SORRY I WAS STUCK IN THE HOSPITAL.  i had an asthma attacked D:< they wouldn't let me anywhere close to a laptop.  ES They were like it's bad for eyes, sleep and rest. WELL YOU . YOU FACE IS BAD FOR MY EYES! ._.

____o3o sorry for the pointless ranting!  I already have it up to 5... just need ta type it ^^

Key's POV<- hes taking his college entrance exam good LUCK <3!

We were here.  I turned around from my seat, everyone was asleep, even Min Woo.  I couldn't blame them.  We were all tired, it was hard without Him.  Life might never be the same, it didn't matter though, eventually we would have to move on and face reality.  I shoved Taemin roughly, he immediately shook his head, awake.  I did the same with Jonghyun and Onew, they all stepped out of the car, waiting for me to wake her up.  Gently, I shook Min Woo awake, watching her eyelids flutter, as she innocently yawned and rubbed her eyes.  God, don't let me fall any harder.  "We are already here"  I said clearing my throat.  A flicker of fear appeared in her eyes, but than her face turned hard.  Like a soldier in the front, accepting all roads of fate.  She stumbled out of the car, still drunk with sleep.  I grabbed her, holding her by the waist.  My heart seemed to jump out of my chest, I never realized how small she was, she always looked so strong so capable, and independent.  I ignored the feeling, fussing over her as if I only cared about her like a mother did.  "Aigoo, your dress is all crinkled" I nagged, a bad habit that seemed to surface when ever I was nervous.  I instinctively smoothed it for, she looked at me forcing a smile.  "Sorry", she apologized weakly, I said nothing, not knowing what she was sorry for.

We bravely walked into the funeral home.  I walked in first, following me Jonghyun, Onew, and Taemin trying to cheer up Min Woo.  I half expected thehome to be like a hospital, with a sterile cold feeling in the air.  Instead, it looked oddly like a... home.  It had lamps, couches placed in the corners of the room, adorned with paintings and a few coffee tables.  Minho's mother, Mrs. Choi greeted us, not seeing Min Woo a few meters behind all of us.  Her eyes were red, swollen, and puffy.  She seemed to have aged by ten years from the last time I saw her.  She never looked that good to me, but today she looked worse.  Politely, I shook her hand, and apologized for her loss.  The rest of the guys did the same and Mrs. Choi seemed to have accepted all of us.  She stopped at Min Woo for a moment, her face becoming red from anger.  I was frozen in place, scared of what she would do next.  "YOU!  YOU KILLED HIM",she screamed hysterically lunging at MinWoo, "YOU LITTLE ."  I ran over to Mrs. Choi, trying to hold her. At this point everyone in the home turned around, suprised at the ruckus.  "YOU KILLED HIM, AND YOU ARE SHOW YOUR FACE HERE, CAN'T YOU LET HIM REST IN PEACE AFTER DEATH?".  All the time MinWoo, was just standing still, taking all the word in, on the verge of tears.  Despit Minho's mother's deep hatred for her, MinWoo view her as a very elegant and wonderful person.  Mrs. Choi was her idol.  "Yah, I think that's enough!", I spat at her.  Onew rushed to my side, "Yeah, she didn't do anything."  Taemin awkwardly stepped in, and said "Honestly, I think that if you accepted them.  Minho would be fine."  Onew fumed with anger, obiviously trying to contain his anger.  Every oen in the funeral hoem seemed to be taking Mrs. Choi's side. "Let's go"  I said turning to MinWoo's direction only to find she wasn't by our side.  I spotted her, rumming to Minho's coffin, I spotted somthing going through the air "NO!"

Your POV

People began to crowd around me, saying hateful words.  I tried to block them, but some seeped into my mind.  "I NEVER LIKED YOU. I ONLY HUNG AROUND YOU BECAUSE YOU WERE CLOSE TO MINHO" "HE NEVER LOVED YOU!""WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO HIM?""YOU DON'T DESERVE HIM UGLY".  I recognized these voices, coming from my friends at school.  Tears ran down my face, I would listen to them.  I can't let them get to me, YOU HAVE TO BE STRONG.

I can't let them stop me.  I have to see him one more time.  Just once more.  Please.  I ran each step felt like a year.  Minho Oppa I'm coming.(A/N: o-o; It sounds wierd... LOL).  Everything went black.  Am I dead?  When I wake up will everything go back to the way it was?  My head hurt, I fought against the will to sleep.  Just One more step.

Jonghun's POV

I watched them, amused with Onew's behavior.  He was usually quiet dreming away on Cloud 9.  But he snapped at Mrs. Choi.  Stupid .  That's what you get for yelling at my lil' dongsaeng.  I watched Min Woo trying to swim out of the crowd of haters.  She squeezed though with her thin frame, but some girls I recognized from school, were yelling at her.  Agh.  How stupid could she get?  I tried to reach er, but a crowd of Choi-s blocked me.  I frowned pushing them away violently, she ran down the aisle.  To where?  The exit was the other way.  I spotted something going through the air, just as I was going to grab her wrist, a vase crashed on to her head, falling onto the floor on glass shard.  I stood their speechless, watching as Minho's mother ran out the funeral home looking terrified.  Taemin sprinted after her, Key stopped him, Taemin loked at Key madly, "I have to find that ." "That's not for you to do, leave that to the police." "Whatever", he replied his short-termed anger fading away as he pulled out his cellphone, calling the ambulance.  He grunted in frustration, his fingers stumbling. 

45 minutes later in the hospital~

"Is she okay?"  Taemin asked the doctor concern written all over his face.  The doctor was silent for a moment, going through papers, he looked up" Huh? Oh yes, Of courese, just a minor injury.  But she'll have to stay in the hospital for another week."  Key gasped "How is she okay than?"  "Only to see if there are any after effects" the doctor repied plainly. We all let out a sigh of relief, I certainly didn't love them like they did, but she was like a sister to me.  "Can we see her?", I asked anxiously. "I'm afraid not she needs her rest."  "Oh, PLEASE "I said using puppy eyes, hoping he had kids.  The doctor blushed, holy was he gay? "Okay, but only 'cause you said so.  ", his voice excessively sultry as he touched my back slowly gliding down.  I winced seeing that every one was trying to contain their laughter.


I'm sorry I'll update later today.  My eyes hurt right now  o3o, ^^

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omg.. this is so interesting.. update soon~~
AIGOO~ when are you updating this fic? ^^ I'd love to read more!
:) Lots of people shouldn't lie about a lot of things. Besides, it's better to embrace happiness now, then grieve over it now.
aww~ :( lying really hurts worse than the truth in the end.<br />
she shouldn't lie about her memory!
Yes~ that would be nice •_•
Do you want me to make you a Yoseob story or something? I seriously feel bad... ;~;.<br />
Uh just aply here:<br />
lml ts ok my love...<br />