Paris, City of Romance and Onews [Teaser]

Suicidal Love

MOVING TO PARIS. WOOT.   I'd like to buy a baby there. JKJK.  I'm eating those HUGE chocolate kisses, just finished one *_* starting on my second.

... By the moving to Paris part, I meant in the story so.

Yeah.  Maybe It's better if I don't talk >_< TO THE STORY.

Onew's POV

"Are you sure you wanna stop here?", the driver said.

"Yeah", I said weakly.  I had to get away from here for a little while.  I handed him a stack of money.  Whatever.  Who cares about change?  I swiftly open the cab's door, and harshly pushed open the trunk to get my luggage.   I stuggled to get it out of my luggage, just when I felt someone tap on my shoulder.

That goddamn cab driver, Couldn't he take a hint?, I wanted him outta my face.  I snapped towards the tap, "  WHAT DO YOU WANT?  "

A young girl, aroung my age, who had a striking resemblance to Min Woo. " Whoa, seems like someone's on their period. ", she joked with a suprised look on her face.

I guess she wasn't used to being treated that way.  I squinted my eyes, "Do I know you? "

She shrugged, " I don't know.  Do you know me?  ", she gave a small smirk.

I frowned, Wow this girl had attitude problems. " Do you always walk up to random people and annoy the outta them? "

She winced when I cursed.  She stuck out her lower lip, making her seem even more like Min Woo" Only to help them.  Here give me your luggage. ".  She held out her hand.

Maybe not so bad.  I let my face take on a more relaxed appearance.  " I can't get it out of the trunk. "

She sneered, and shived me out of the way.  With one hand she pulled my suitcase out.


Just Wow.


Where do you get those muscles.  I looked down at my biceps.  They were well toned, I looked at hers.

Absolutely nothing.

She gave a small laugh.


-At the airplane-

So here I was all comfy and cozy.  I wasn't going to be Korea any longer.  I gave a million watt smile.

Life was good.

Min Woo somehow slipped into my mind.

UGH.  I was going to get away from life for a little while.  I looked around.  No one was sitting next to me?  Alright then.  I shrugged.  It was sorta hot.  I took of my hoodie and placed it in the seat beside me.

I heard a familiar voice.

"So you do have muscles."

I turned around. 


God. No.

Life wasn't so good.

The same girl from before.

"It must be destiny", she gave me a bright smile.

What kind of cruel world is this?

Well.  Here.  Alright.  I HATE SCHOOL.

Okay.  Starting again.  ):  This scrpt lags on my computer.  Hand if you hate Windows Vista. ):

-Jonghyun's POV-

Are you serious?  He didn't even tell us where he was going. 

THAT stupid er.

We would have gotten over the fact, he did this to her.  Eventually.

I groaned as I watched  Key stare desperately at the the emergency door.  As if he could change anything like that by staring.

He suddenly stood up. 

“I’m going to the bathroom.”


-Key’s POV-


I can’t stand this anymore.  I can look at this cold, dark, empty metal door, without being able to help.  I tried to swallow the large lump of sorrow in my throat.

I stood, my head facing towards the floor.  Can’t let anyone see my tears.

“I’m going to the bathroom”, I managed to say in a normal voice.  It was worth taking those acting lessons.

-10 minutes later-

I looked in the mirror.  Ew.  Puffy eyes.

Even girls in movies don’t look good after crying.  What was I thinking?  I let out a heartless laugh. 

I’m so stupid.   What did I tell myself?

I always told myself to never deposit all your love in one person.  I’m a living contradiction.  What did I do?  I inserted all I had into Min Woo.  How did she win my heart?

It felt so long.  It felt as if it was a gradual process.  But, no.  I should have known better.  It all happened too fast.

Oh god.  What was I doing here?  Why was I sulking and crying?  Jonghyun’s the crybaby.  He hasn’t let out any tears yet.  I smiled.  I’m so silly. 

I made my way out of the bathroom, grabbing a paper towel as I walked out.  Jonghyun would need it.

Two nurses gossiping.  Really?  Honestly?  Gossiping?  When you should be saving lives?  I sneered, buty as I passed I managed to hear:

“I heard the patient Song Min Woo was killed in front a funeral home.  Isn’t that ironic?   Maybe that’s where she’ll be landing next”


She was hit in front of the funeral home?  To see Minho?

A pang of jealousy hit me.  She’d do all that for him?  I mentally slapped myself.  Don’t be jealous.  Wait?  Funeral home?  Why would she go-




"So... did they bury Minho yet?", she asked casually.  I didn't want to answer, something was off.  Her voice was too high, she was clenching the blankets so hard, her knuckles turned white. 

Jonghyun answered his voice raspy, as if he hadn't talked in a while."No, not yet.  They wanted to wait for once more week.  Because some of his family members hadn't said their good byes"  She nodded, satisfied with this answer, her grip released.  Liar.  How could he lie to her?


-Flash back Ends-


He said he would take responsibility.   That son of a .  Going around hurting my daughter.  It wasn’t even Onew’s fault.  And he was going to WHERE-EVER.  He was blaming himself.

Because of something Jonghyun did.


Jonghyun’s POV


I turned my attention to him once again.  He gave me a look of deep hate, and something I just couldn’t read.



“You know, this wouldn’t have ever happened.  If it weren’t for you.”

What me?  “What are you talking about?”, I questioned, a little disgusted by his ‘blame game’ action.

“You told her.  You stupid bastard.  You told her that they hadn’t buried him. ”

Oh yeah.  I did.  What does that have to do with this?  Was this guy having his period?

“I know.  I remember.  I even said I would take responsibility.  What does that have to with this?”,  I  felt the pressure and anger in my head piling up,  “SHE’S IN THERE.  AND YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT THIS?”, I blurted out.

Key took a deep breath as if he was talking to the retard.  He opened his mouth and closed his eyes, and began explaining, “She was hit, in front of the Funeral Home.”  He opened his eyes, all anger and hate gone, now replaced by tears and regret.

Regret?  He sobbed, “I should have stopped you.  I knew it was wrong.”

Something in my mind finally went click.  I froze.

She went to see Minho because I told her they hadn’t buried him yet.  She was hanging on dear life on that room because of me?  I looked at the red bright sign.


I turned myself, so I was facing Key.  He was still standing.  Stably. Strong.  But the way he looked at me.  He made me want to follow in Minho’s footsteps.

Regret.  Sorrow.  Torn.

Wasn’t that how we all felt right now?  I walked closer to the door so my face and body was leaning on it.  Right now I felt so weak.  That should be me in there.

What went wrong?


TT_TT  I'm busy lately.  I'm a co-author now.


I might not be able to update as much.  I can promise at least once a week.

): Sorry for making it so sad.  I like sad.  Sad makes me sad.  asdfghjkl  ;_;

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omg.. this is so interesting.. update soon~~
AIGOO~ when are you updating this fic? ^^ I'd love to read more!
:) Lots of people shouldn't lie about a lot of things. Besides, it's better to embrace happiness now, then grieve over it now.
aww~ :( lying really hurts worse than the truth in the end.<br />
she shouldn't lie about her memory!
Yes~ that would be nice •_•
Do you want me to make you a Yoseob story or something? I seriously feel bad... ;~;.<br />
Uh just aply here:<br />
lml ts ok my love...<br />