Reunion :D

Suicidal Love

hello. ihatemyself.  howstupidamitobeupdating6storiesatonce.

very. /:


 Key’s POV


               She fell forward as I kneeled down to catch her frail frame our lips met.  Strangely, there wasn’t any electrical shock passing through us like in the movies.  Eh, well who knew?    Well, it wasn’t really just meeting, more like crashing and smashing, sort of like a car crash.  Nice, my first kiss was like a car crash.  And I don’t even have 15 minutes to call Geico.  But then again it wasn’t really a kiss; I balanced out like my normal picky self.  Her lips didn’t even land on mine, I mean my mouth was just open, hanging there,   I MIGHT have bitten her lips.  Maybe.    But that isn’t the point, in all the years of my sissy I have never had a girl depending completely on me, like that.  I stood looking ahead blankly my eye dead from shock, my shoulder currently occupied by her head, replaying what had just happen.


               I frowned.  Shame I didn’t have my Polaroid with me, I could have captured that moment and, like, have kept it in my pants for the rest of my life.  I shook my shoulders evilly at the following erted thoughts.  But then I stopped because her head rolled off and she hit the floor.



Jonghyun’s POV



               I watched the coffee machine lag as it spilled a few more drips of what they referred to as ‘caffeine’, honestly it looked more like moldy with water added.  Why the hell was I still here?  ZI mean as soon as it filled to the top I’d just throw it out, I scrunched my nose in repulsion peering into the cup.  I shook my head remembering that if I interrupted Key and Min Woo time it’d just be like meeting Mom when she had her period all over again, I shuddered at this thought.  I peered around to see if anyone was waiting n line for coffee.  No one, why am I so surprised?


               I bit my lip feeling like a fool.  I turned around dramatically, and threw the cup into the garbage can watching the coffee fly out in slow motion.  I look around once more, no one was here.  I walked away from the mess, whistling like an innocent person would.  Whistling like I just didn’t spill coffee.  I mean this is why janitors are paid, right?  Yeah, that what I thought.  As soon as I reached a few feet away from the pantry the janitor made his way to the pantry holding an empty thermos, my eyes widened.  I didn’t want to touch the moldy .  And, EW he drank that stuff.  I rook a deep breath a made run for it, hearing his utter some incoherable words that aren’t meant for pretty girl like you to hear.  But I’ll give you a more censored version “You pretty unicorn! I hope the rainbows fairies come and sprinkle you with flowers.”


               The bathroom felt the safest place for now.



Taemin’s POV


I washed my hands in the sink.  Two unruly men approached me, their eyes on my y man legs, despite the fact I had shaved them, “Hey there pretty girl, you wanna tell me how to get into your pants? (A/N: A GUY TOLD ME THIS BEFORE LIKE HONESTLY so credits to that guy :D)”

“Do you want to tell me how to get into your mom’s?”, I asked sneering.

He ignored this remark “What the hell are you doing in the Men’s bathroom?  Can’t you read?”  He asked pointing towards the door.


I scrunched my nose up, “Why do you think I’m a girl?”


He nodded towards the other guy who had all the other time had stayed completely silent as if his mouth was permanently zippered.  It was obvious that he was the brawn of the group, and the other one had no brain only a jabbering mouth that went on and on and on and on.  Like a guy , not that I know anything about that. “We have to teach her a lesson don’t we?”


A cubicle’s door suddenly opened, a man stood in front of the opening stepping out like a prince charming ready to save Rapunzel.  Who the hell was Rapun- oh this.  Not this again.


 Jonghyun’s POV


I trembled, afraid that the janitor would come through the door any moment, and make me drink the moldy .  I sat on the toilet seat, rocking back and both, hugging my knees, scared of my future babies if he made me eat it.  I sniffed, promising to myself that from this day on I’d flush the toilet after I crapped in a toilet.


I mean seriously, it smelled like crap in here.  A voice boomed through the bathroom and I almost fell into the toilet, I was so close to soaking my in toilet water. Ew.  I listened into his words, scared out of my mini Dino that it was the janitor.  Like was he stalking me?


“Hey there pretty girl, you wanna tell me how to get into your pants”, coming from a deep-ish voice.

Oh I see, they were picking up a girl, I wonder if they’d let me join.  I nodded listening to this.


“Do you want to tell me how to get into your mom’s?”, this came from a pretty low female voice.  EW, did she take steroids?  Alright than, but I don’t know some guys have a thing for that sort of thing…


“What the hell are you doing in the Men’s bathroom?  Can’t you read?”, he said a few moments after.  Oh yea this was the Guys Bathroom, so maybe it was a e.


“Why do you think I’m a girl?”, What so now she wasn’t a girl?  Make up your mind.  Unless she was scheduled today to take her inside out.


“We have to teach her a lesson don’t we?” WITHOUT PAYING MONEY?  I’m joining, I jumped off the seat, wiggling my eyebrows, opening the cubicle’s door, finding everyone (two guys and a Taemin staring at me.)


“Taemin?’, I asked my eyes opened wide like unicorn’s.


“Hyung?”, his eye widened as well, as I examined what he was in.  A nurse’s uniform.   Wow, he had nice legs, I noticed, WAIT.  He turned the other way running out of the bathroom.


“TAEMIN?! (wow, you look good.  Where did you get your leg toning classes?)”


“Shut up Hyung, you said that two times already.”, he said running sprinting.   I could see the innocent grin spread on his face after making remark that he thought was funny.

goodbye.  Yes tehy are rentited with the exception of a dead Minho and a French Onew. ):

I'm tired Ivce been up for 47 hours in a row trying to finish a projuect that's half my grade.  WELL the life of a procrastinator.

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omg.. this is so interesting.. update soon~~
AIGOO~ when are you updating this fic? ^^ I'd love to read more!
:) Lots of people shouldn't lie about a lot of things. Besides, it's better to embrace happiness now, then grieve over it now.
aww~ :( lying really hurts worse than the truth in the end.<br />
she shouldn't lie about her memory!
Yes~ that would be nice •_•
Do you want me to make you a Yoseob story or something? I seriously feel bad... ;~;.<br />
Uh just aply here:<br />
lml ts ok my love...<br />