
Suicidal Love


We were supposed to die with one another, but I was a coward.  I loved myself too much to let myself die with him.  We were supposed to be Romeo and Juliette.  No one accepted our love; we were in love and naïve.  If we couldn’t be together, than we would die together.

7 months ago

          I self-consciously stepped into the loud classroom filled with laughs and yells across the room, I was no longer in the States, but instead in Korea.   My mother had recently had divorced my father quite recently and decide to move to Seoul, her hometown.  She decided it would be better for “us” which really meant her, but it was alright. I didn’t mind to sacrifice my whole entire in’ Life.   I couldn’t bear to see her sad, let alone cry.  I missed my father; I hated my mother for divorcing my father, the best man in the world, whose smiles were contagious.  I didn’t show my fake love or sympathy  to her, when she divorced my father, I dyed my hair, got 5 new piercings and cussed in front of her whenever I could.  I knew it was silly, but I thought that maybe if she saw how much the divorced affected me she might have stayed together with my father.  Silly huh?

          “Ahem Miss Kim Mi Woo”, said a sharp annoying voice, that pierced my thoughts, coming from a strict looking hag.  I put on my fakest smile and replied ”Yes?”

“Please introduce yourself to the class” The classroom suddenly became silent, all eyes on me.

I scowled, Did I have to? I’m pretty sure she just introduced me for me.  She gave me a sharp look, and I quickly introduced myself ”I am Kim Mi Woo. I transferred in from the States.  Please take care of me”.  A loud voice from the back said “Sure babe, just hop into my bed anytime and I’ll take care of you”.  My ears turned red and the class erupted into laughter.

“You are sitting next to Choi Minho”, said the hag, pretending not to hear the laughter, pointing to the seat next to a guy with big doe eyes, shoulder length hair, and a bored face.  I nodded curtly and walked briskly to the seat, hoping not to attract any attention.  As soon as I sat, he gave me a sweet heart breaking smiling.  That’s how we began. 

Not much longer we began dating and I developed an unhealthy clinging to him as he did to me.  We were always together.  I began to grow closer to him and his friends, JongHyun, Taemin, and JinKi (A/N: Pft. That’s Onew in case you didn’t know o-o;), and even made a friend named Kibum.  His friends accepted me for who I was, but the rest of society seemed to not understand that no matter what, we would always be together.  My mother seemed intent on hating MinHo, saying he was dangerous and I barely knew him.  I paid her no heed, I saw no flaws in him.  Girls in our school seemed to hate on me.  Jealous much?  They bullied me.  I walked away with bruises that melted away whenever I was with him.  His parents hated my guts, and forbid him to be with me.  They called me a half breed and I was a mix, white and Korean.  We know no one would be at rest with us together, so we would leave the world.  We decided at Christmas, we would check into a hotel and get a gun and shoot one another.  At that time, we both agreed, and thought would be pretty romantic.  Dying in each other’s arms, completely in love, And dead together.

One month ago

He held the gun loosely, as if he didn’t care.  But I on the other hand gripped it tightly, my knuckles turning white.  He began to count slowly and steadily, but he was so close I could feel him trembling.  He was scared too.  I closed my eyes, tight.  “One, Tw-”  I heard a deafening bang, next to me.  Minho laid next to me, his hand still gripping the gun loosely, his eyes still beautiful and shining, him mouth open as if he was gasping for air.  Blood slowly slid down his smooth cheeks, from the bullet wound.  Something wet was on my face, but I didn’t care, I held him to my bosom crying his name over and over.  Trying to find my cell phone, typing in Key’s number.   I held him closer as, I waited for Key to pick up.  I whispered to him that night all the things he never knew.  How much I loved him…

Key’s POV

The my cell phone beeped as  I walked slowly to it, probably nothing important, and checked the caller ID.  Mi Woo<333 it read, Did she need us to pick her up?  She was MAD late for the party and didn’t even reply to any of our texts or calls.  Sighing, I picked it up, and said ”You’re late did yo-” “…oppa, ” she whispered she began to cry violently “Min Ho.. h-h-he” “I’ll be right there”, understanding what an urgent situation it was.  I jumped into my car, quickly and asked “Where are you?”  “Minho he’s sleeping at our motel.”  I quickly drove to the scene motel rushing there as fast as I could, only to find that it was bombarded with police cars and ambulances.  The entrance of the motel was blocked by yellow tape, I ducked under the tape not caring about the consequences.  She sounded so scared, and sad, I never heard her like that.  A strong hand grabbed me on the arm.  I tried to shake it off, “What are you doing?  I need to FIND HER!”. “Mister, the motel has been evacuated, the person you are looking for, is not in there.”  “Ugh.” I cried to myself disgusted, I turned around, only to find her, a meter away from a police car. “MIN WOO”  I cried as I sprinted towards her.  Her already milky skin was illuminated by the moon and glowing snow, making her seem paler, her face was shiny with tears, her large green cat-like eyes, seemed to be filled with tears, and her pink lips were quivering.  She looked helpless, and weak, wearing only a short dress and a thin sweater, shivering out of fear or the harsh wind, I couldn’t tell.  I stood next to her, and took my jacket off, draping it over her shoulders.  She paid me no attention, she just stared at the sky, whispering something I couldn’t hear under her breath.  Gently, I touched her face, holding her chin up with one hand, and the other I used to wiped her tears away.  I attempted to place my arms around her to make her smile, but was interrupted by a deep voice, “” Excuse me, by any chance do you her relationship with this man?”, showing me an ID I squinted, trying to see whose picture that was.  Choi Minho, Of course, I thought bitterly.  A flame ignited in me, What did he do to her?  “They are in love”, my voice cracking on love,”… and dating, What about him?”  I asked gesturing towards the ID.  The dumb realized I was talking to him, and stopped his writing, his eyes widening, “He-” I interrupted him, my voice rising “HE WAS ABUSING HER! WASN’T HE?” I proclaimed as I gripped his uniform. “No, in f-” “Where is he?” I growled.  “Well, sir I’m not sure I should tel-”. I landed a punch on him in mid-sentence. “Just tell me, where he ing is or I will kill you.” I growled menacingly.  The police man squeaked, looking scared, and gestured towards the ambulance.  I pushed him roughly aside, and heard a THUMP as he fell to the ground, and scrambled away. Worthless, were these really people who ‘protect’ us? Fine job they did with Min Woo.

          I tried to contain my anger as I staggered closer to the ambulance.  My eyes filled with tears, both my sight and feelings, distorted with rage and anguish.  I wiped the tears away only to find, Minho the one splayed out on the stretcher.  He looked almost normal, except for the color of his fingernails, his skin tone, and his eyes were glassy staring up into nowhere.  I walked closer, now only a feet away, I grabbed some nurse’s arm and asked “What happened?”  “He got shot, he probably won’t make it, best we can hope for are a few more days.  A week at best”


I think of everything he could have been and already was.  My husband, my love, my world, my Life.  Everything was taken away from me that night.  Except a warm, gentle soft hand guiding me that night.  I can’t seem to recall who it was though, the whole night my heart was calling his name.

(P R E S E N T)  -_- still your POV

Another sleepless night, my night only filled with a mental slideshow of his faces, recording of his voice and his words, videos of Him.  Just weeks ago I was positive I live for him, that every breath and smile was meant for him, my air were him words and approval.  But now He was gone and I was still here, He was gone and left me only memories, but the last heartbeat did not proclaim the end of our love.  I closed my eyes and was finally relieved of my chains, and let into the world of Slumber.


Reluctantly, I shook her awake, as gently as I could.  She looked so tired, her usual radiant complexion was replaced by dark circles under her eyes, her cheeks rough and red from constant crying.  Today was His funeral.  She had to wake up.  I stood beside her and studied her features, double eyelids, long lashes portraying shadows on her face, an elegant nose, and small plump pink lips.  I stared infatuated with her.

No I can’t do this Minho

My body didn’t listen to me, I inched closer and closer.  The door opened suddenly.

Taemin’s POV ^^

From the crack of the door, I saw Key gliding closer to her, I opened the door abruptly

"Umma, What are you doing" I asked innocently as if I didn't know.  He jumped away from her.

He looked blank for a moment, but managed to stutter out

“Huh? Uh, I was going to wake her up.”

“Oh” I said eying him suspiciously,  “don’t do it, you owe him so much already.”

He looked heartbroken for a moment, but sighed “I know”. 

In the corner of my eye, I saw her lips turn downward.  I sat on her bed, staring at her intensely, and finally said “I know you are awake”.  I watched her lips turn into a thin line, and her electric green eyes opened.  “You shouldn’t eavesdrop dongsaeng” She sat up straight her nostrils flaring from anger.

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omg.. this is so interesting.. update soon~~
AIGOO~ when are you updating this fic? ^^ I'd love to read more!
:) Lots of people shouldn't lie about a lot of things. Besides, it's better to embrace happiness now, then grieve over it now.
aww~ :( lying really hurts worse than the truth in the end.<br />
she shouldn't lie about her memory!
Yes~ that would be nice •_•
Do you want me to make you a Yoseob story or something? I seriously feel bad... ;~;.<br />
Uh just aply here:<br />
lml ts ok my love...<br />