
Suicidal Love

Your POV

My ears turned red from being caught, I HATED being embarrassed.  , time to make you blush.  I took my shirt off, blind with anger. They both looked away.

“What are you doing?”, Key said blushing like crazy.

“I’m changing, GET OUT.  Or do you want to watch?”  I spat angrily.  I just wanted to know more about Minho, was that so bad?  They didn’t move, just stood there, surprised I guess.  I could understand, I never felt so angry in my life.  Being scolded for wanting to know more about person who you loved.  I grabbed a modest black dress, a pair of flats, and a black hat.  This would be the last time I would ever see him, and even if he couldn’t see me,  I wanted to look good.  It would be like one Last Date.  I slipped the dress on and slid my pants off.  Hastily, I kicked on the flats, attempted to tame my hair.  I let out an aggravated groan, Key turned around, glad to see me dressed once again.  He patted my hair down and styled it into an elegant ponytail.  I shut my eyes, trying not to let memories of Him surface, but they did far too easily.


I was lying on the couch, he was sitting next to me.  We were so close, I could feel his chest slightly heave up and down, every time he took a breath.  He caressed my hair, patting it gently and kissing me on the forehead.  I smiled half embarrassed and partially pleased, that he did.

My eyes began to well up with tears, I turned to an angle so Key couldn’t see what I was doing, I wiped the tears away, forced a smile on my face, and turned around.  “Let’s go Key Oppa” in a convincing cheery voice.  But it had been all to obvious that I had been crying.  Key opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but closed his mouth, deciding against it. “You don’t have to go.” Taemin’s gentle voice, hesitantly said.  I turned to him, “I Want to pay respects to my love”

Taemin’s POV

The last two words were barely audible, but I heard them loud and clear.  Did she have to point her love for a Dead man so openly?  Why couldn’t she pretend she was over him, and make our hearts feel a little bit better like we had a chance?  Those last two words cut my heart, like a shard of glass. “Yah, Taemin, snap out of it”  I whispered to myself, slapping myself mentally. “Minho was your best friend” I reminded myself. “She trusts you to not take advantage especially at this time.  She needs you as a friend.”  Finally convinced, I stepped out of the room.

-In the Car (Your POV)-

I sat in the back between Jonghyun and Onew, Jonghyun and Onew hadn’t smiled in weeks.  But I was more worried about Onew, he was always looking at Minho and I strangely, so I’m pretty sure he liked Minho as more than a friend.  His eyes were puffy and red, the obvious effects of crying.  I touched his hand, and his eyebrows furrowed and he looked away.  His ears were red, was he mad? Hoping to make him smile, I lifted his hand up to my face and gave him a butterfly kiss.  A friendly, non-romantic one.  He turned around looking surprised, I looked up seeing he had trails of tears on him face. “Don’t cry chicken princess”, I said softly so only he could hear.  The others were too engulfed in their sadness to notice.  Key was driving intently, Taemin looking down, Jonghyun staring blankly out of the window. 

I looked back at Onew, he was had a sort of embarrassed, crooked smile on his face.

Onew's POV

I stared straight ahead, frustrated she was sitting next to me, He had the best women in his hands and left her all alone.  I was jealous she only looked at him, we were all equally good-looking, but she never even considered us as men.  She treated us like friends.  Nothing more.

Someone touched  my hand, but without looking, I could feel the warmth and softness.  It was Min Woo. 

I turned towards the window, hoping she wouldn’t see my cheeks turning red.  I could never let her know.  I couldn’t burden her with my feelings, I felt something soft, go across my hand.  I turned around surprised.  I saw her facing downwards her face next to my hand.  She gave me a sweet smile and looked up. “Don’t Cry Chicken Princess” she whispered.  I looked at her amazed at what she did, unknowingly my cheeks turned red.  She looked around as if to register if anyone was watching.  She looked back at me and I smiled at her.   Did she feel the same way for me too?   


Blargh.  That was short. I'm Sorry.  The first one was long and boring.  Forgive me TT_TT asdfghjsdghja;fsdagh please comment, I'm talking to noone. -sigh-  SUBSCRIBE PLOTZ. and comment.

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omg.. this is so interesting.. update soon~~
AIGOO~ when are you updating this fic? ^^ I'd love to read more!
:) Lots of people shouldn't lie about a lot of things. Besides, it's better to embrace happiness now, then grieve over it now.
aww~ :( lying really hurts worse than the truth in the end.<br />
she shouldn't lie about her memory!
Yes~ that would be nice •_•
Do you want me to make you a Yoseob story or something? I seriously feel bad... ;~;.<br />
Uh just aply here:<br />
lml ts ok my love...<br />