
Suicidal Love



8D THIS NO ONE CARES ABOUT SCIENCE D:<. -w-... I'll just give it in LATER. get my granny to sign a note =_=;; lol, just hope parents dun find out.  .

 also if you have any ideas or any suggestions, please spam me at [email protected]

Is this unsafe to give your aim like that o3o? OH WELLS ^^

I ran into the hospital corridor, the smell of medicine, alcohol, and it's sterileness, sickened me.  It's alright, I'd be out of here soon, I clamed my tensed muscles, and my heart stopped beating as hard and fast.  The thought of running away excited me, almost all my life I had been locking up all my thoughts, and feelings.  There only to please others, but for once I could please myself.  I spread my arms, not caring if I seemed like a retard, I was Free.  I passes a few nurses, trying to act normal, hoping none of them would recognize me.  As I passed tham I nodded politely, like any other visitor would,   They smiled politely, in response. 

I stopped in front of the elevator, watching as the arrow pointed to the four.  I looked at the door intensey, and looked up again, where it showed what floor the elevator was, Five.  Are you serious? I was on the second.  The stairs would be faster, I decided.  I checked in my pocket, but someone grabbed my shoulder.  I gulped, and turned around thinking of any excuse.  Any I searched my brain.  Agh. Are you serious? When I got tis far?  A stranger's face looked at me, "Miss, you dropped your wallet."  I sighed.  So I hadn't been caught, "Thank you, I don't how I would have gotten home."  I bowed.  The stranger nodded and walked away. 

I hurried to the other side of the floor, and opened the door.  I sped down.





I kept one foot after the other, repetitively, not wanting to trip from excitement.  I reached the last step, and a took a breath.  I felt high.  Infinitely high.  On adrenaline.  I felt like I could fly.  I laughed, but than shook my head, I couldn't let myself get off track.

I was on a mission, to save myself from insanity.  I only had to see him one more time, and I would be content, with everything.  Just Once.  I opened the exit door, pushing on the sticky bar, breathing in the brisk night air.  I ran to the main enterance of the hospital, where there would probably be more cabs.  I held my wallet tight, I had thought it out well, despite the fact that I only had minutes to think it out.

I grinned I was betting closer to my destination, I looked up, towards the sky and whispered to him, where ever he was, "Wait for me...".  Tears began to flood my eyes, just on the edge on spilling out, I let them fall, not bothering to wipe them away. 

A yellow cab, dragged along and I waved my arm "Over Here!".  The cab went into reverse, now coming back to me, and stopped.  I opened the car door, and sat in the grey, dirty musty smelling cab.

"Where to pretty Miss", the 20 something year old man asked, smelling of alcohol. 

I scrunched my nose, "Uh the Funeral Home"(A/N: im so creative ;D)

He hiccuped, seemingly affected by my answer "My wife died yesterday, from a car accident, that's where we are going to remember her... Are you visiting her?"

"I'm going to visit my boyfriend", I blurted out, feeling sympathy for the man.  I knew what he was going through.

"He leave you?  Well maybe we can get together sometime, and talk to one another" he said, now smiling, thinking I couldn't see him from the mirror.

That FCKIN' Liar, I thought to myself, I just nodded innocently though as if I was really interested. 

He didn't seem to see it though, because he opened his mouth, asking "What's your number?  Ya' know so we can keep in contact", his words slurred together.  I could barely make out what he was saying.  I took a breath and decided to give him Key's number. 

He wouldn't mind, Key was biual.  "It's 123-456-7890". 

He wiggled his eyebrows. "I'll call you"

I nodded a bit disgusted, by his behaviour.  "You don't have to pay, but I have to drop you across the street, Be careful."

I ran across, not paying any attention to him as the cab raced away, forgetting Everything.  My heart calling His name.  Everything seemed to dissapear, I should have looked twice.  Because the next thing I knew I heard beeping, followed by disturbingly loud Cracks and Snaps.  My legs and  my head hurt so much.  It felt as if something had repeatedly hit me with a jackhammer.  Tears wouldn't come though.  Everything Hurt.  Places I didn't know Existed.

I could have been their forever, I wouldn't have known, or care.


I was so tired, Minho could wait just for a little bit more.  Let me rest, one more minute.  My eyelids slowly drooped and fell.  The last thing I remember was the slamming of the door, and a loud wailing.  Someone crying?  It hurt my ears, I wanted to put my hands over my ears, but I seemed to be unable to raise them.  They felt numb. Decapitated from myself.  I remember vaguely a warm hand and the smell of Chicken.  The same one that guided my the day He left. 

Who did it belong to? 

It felt strong, capable of grasping someone else's someone forever, but gentle, able to hold someone's heart with out breaking it.

"Who are you?"

Key's POV

I carefully applied my facial mask, making sure not to miss a spot.  Cheeks check, nose check, mouth check, chin check, forehead?

I washed my hands, and tied my bangs ily  with a pink scrunchie.  I began applying it around the eyebrow area and worked my way up.  I looked in the mirror, Perfect, I thought smiling.  I walked out of the bathroom, about to take a short nap, when my phone rang.  I let out an exasperated sigh, WHY now?, I thought.  I reluctantly picked up my home phone, hearing a familiar, snobby voice.

"Hello, This is the hospital, here to inform you of a family member, or friend has been injured.  Im Min Woo, is currently in the hospital in critical condition.  You are one of the last few poeple she called."

I furrowed my eyebrows and chuckled"I'm not sur if you call a small bruise on her head 'critical condition', and this is sort of late.  I mean I just visited her this afternoon.  I was even there at the scene"

"No, sir, the injuries are very recent an hour before at latest.  And they are very VERY severe.  She is in intensive care."

"Is this a prank?", I questioned, now unsure wiping the facial off my face, getting my car keys.

o-o;; sorry for the REALLY SHORT UPDATE.  D: we have a school play soon... and i'm in it. >o< I GOTTA PRACTICE.  I have a niece, :D my sister had a beautiful mixed baby with her room mate ^-^. They aren't married but he's tall. O:

I hope the baby gets the good genes. (TT_TT not mine)

please comment and subscribe.  C: please spam me too.

happy thanksgiving! If you celebrate it...

:D I hate family gatherings. I less than three you guys c:

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omg.. this is so interesting.. update soon~~
AIGOO~ when are you updating this fic? ^^ I'd love to read more!
:) Lots of people shouldn't lie about a lot of things. Besides, it's better to embrace happiness now, then grieve over it now.
aww~ :( lying really hurts worse than the truth in the end.<br />
she shouldn't lie about her memory!
Yes~ that would be nice •_•
Do you want me to make you a Yoseob story or something? I seriously feel bad... ;~;.<br />
Uh just aply here:<br />
lml ts ok my love...<br />