The Best of Friends

Romeo and Juliet

"Good Morning~" Doojoon greeted his parents before sitting down on the dining table. He tried to reach for the egg roll but was stopped by his mom.

"Andwae. Wait for Jaeah to reach first before we can start eating." 

"Umma, if we wait for her it will probably be dinner. I'll go next door and call for her." Doojoon stood up from his seat and went next door to wake you up.


He pressed the bell but there were no response. 

"Yah Song Jaeah, Pali wa. I'm hungry and we going to be late for school" Doojoon shouted through the gap between your house door. However there was still no response. He kept pressing the door bell but there was still no sign of movement.

He could only sighed as this is a daily norm for him, waking you up everyday. He key in your house code number and unlocked your house. 

"Yah Song Jaeah, wake up. Time for breakfast." However you were still in bed with no intention to wake up.

*Is she dead or something* Doojoon thought to himself.

"Song Jaeah. Pali wa. I am hungry. Why am I so nice doing this everyday" 

"Five more minutes", you said to him.

"No no no. Get your up" 

However you just lay down, faced down not hearing what he got to say. 

'You leave me with no choice" Doojoon grabbed your bed sheets and ppak you were on the floor.

"YAH! DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH!!" you shouted at him. Before you were fully awake, Doojoon had escape and left your house premises.

"I guess you're awake now. Faster my family is already waiting" you could hear Doojoon's voice shouting from the main entrance.


"Bye Umma we're going off first" Doojoon make his way out after wearing his shoes.

"Eomeoni, Bye" catching up your pace after Doojoon.

Both of you were walking to the busstop. Doojoon was reading a book while you were busy kicking dust while walking.

"Yah, is that book even that good? You should stop reading nonsense."

"Said someone who doesn't even read a book" Doojoon said to you.

"And anyway yes this book is good" he showed mehrong at you.

"Yah, Romeo and Juliet was just a myth. Despite me saying it all this time you still believe in that ??" you nagged him.

"Say what you want but I am still sticking to my beliefs. And like I've said every love story has their own Romeo and Juliet. Only difference is that their obstacles are different."

You just rolled your eyes at him.

"I wonder who is my Juliet and what are my obstacles" Doojoon said to himself.

"Whoever it is, that girl must be blind to even look at you and the main obstacle is definitely you! " you .

"Yah! Your Romeo must be crazy to even come near you and with that tomboyish and anger of yours, who will even want to be your Romeo. You should be lucky I am the only guy in your life." Doojoon shot back.


"Oh the bus is here!" Doojoon ran for the bus leaving you behind.

"Yah Yoon Doojoon!" you followed after him and ran for your life.


"Ahjussi, wait a minute. My turtle friend is still running. Please wait for her. Thank you. " Doojoon said to the bus driver as he reached first.

You reached seconds after while panting as you're tired after your 'morning exercise'. You tapped your fare and make your way next to Doojoon in the crowded bus.

Doojoon lean closer to you and whisper, "You know, you should definitely start exercising . With that speed, my grandpa can run faster than you." 

You just gave a death glare to him, too tired to even argue with him. 


The bus reached the busstop of your school and all the students from the school alighted at the stop.

Both Doojoon and you walked to the school's entrance.

"You should totally start listening in class and study." Doojoon nagged you.

"I am."

"Yah right. With your eyes closed and head on the table?" he continue nagging you.

"Yah my sense of hearing is still working even if my eyes are close" you defend yourself.

"We're in our senior year and finals is this year. You know I want the best for my best friend right" he continue looking for an answer from you.

You just nod your head and looked away from him. 

"Aigoo till now I have to keep looking out for you. Seeyou after school.Bye." Doojoon waved as both of you depart to your respective classes.

You went inside your class and head toward your seat. As soon as you sat, you lay your head down on the table, you suddenly recalled what Doojoon said earlier.*You know I want the best for my best friend right*

"Aishh" you sighed and bring yourself up and tried sitting down properly.

*Why do I always end up listening to him* you thought to yourself.


Hi guys! This is my first update and I hope you love the story so far. Do subscribe and comment!

Thank you for reading!


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leesarah #1
hfgjhxgjk so good!
LovelyAngel13 #2
Chapter 13: AIDNSOFKSKDI! "So is there any space left for me in your life?" I fangirled so hard.
LovelyAngel13 #3
Chapter 8: Ah! It's Ki Kwang, the boss! This story is interesting with the revealing characters.