
You Make My Life Colorful

From: jiminie
ILY <333

lol ty jiminie
im so nervous

From: jiminie

One attachment

Suga clicked on the link and was greeted by a blurry, but adorable selca that Jimin had sent of himself and the others huddled around a laptop. Jimin had the widest smile on his face and his eyes were clenched into small slivers. J-Hope, Taehyung, and Jungkook were in a little triangle, seemingly high-fiving each other rapidly. Jin was grabbing Namjoon by the shoulders and shaking the poor boy.

The image of his boyfriend and friends brought a warm smile to his face. Even though he had been visiting home almost every day, he still felt so detached from everyone. But knowing that they were supporting him to the fullest made him feel close again.

thank you so much jiminie
i miss you all

i wish i could be there with you
i love you

Jimin stopped screaming and jumping when he saw the messages. Suga wasn't the type to be cheesy, but Jimin knew that he was really trying to tell him how appreciative he was. They'd been together for awhile, but Suga's words always made Jimin's heart race.

From: jiminie
I know, hyung
We miss u, too!

you're the best
i promise i'll make u proud

From: jiminie
You're so silly haha
U already have <333
Promise you'll be with me forever~



Suga's debut was a huge success. His music video received more than three million views on the first day and he was already performing live and appearing on the biggest variety shows in Korea. During one of his breaks, Jimin video called Suga.

"Hi, hyung!"

It felt like forever since the last time he had heard Jimin's voice. His ears craved for the sound. It hummed alongside him in the van, sang to him in the shower, talked to him in his bed, and whispered to him in his sleep. It was forever since he had seen his face or his smile. His eyes were starved. Jimin's smile lit up Suga's mornings and his eyes put him to sleep at night. His lips caressed his cheeks before every performance on stage and calmed him down. 

"Hi, Jiminie."

"I wanted to call and show you something!"

Suga hummed fondly when he saw Jimin's wide grin, "What is my baby planning behind the phone?"

A smirk flickered on Suga's lips when he saw Jimin's shy expression. Suga was a generally sleepy person, but he would never grow tired of teasing Jimin. He wanted so desperately to see the boy's blush again. 

"Hyung~" Suga smiled when he heard a familiar whine, "We were so excited for your debut..."

Suga watched, amused, as Jimin walked into another room and switched the light on. Jimin turned around and showed everything behind him, "We wanted to celebrate! Everyone helped me throw a party for your success!"

J-Hope's face appeared on screen, "Hi, hyung! Your MV was so awesome! I didn't know you were so cool."

Namjoon shoved J-Hope out of the frame ("We miss you- NAMJOON WHAT THE HELL"), "Wow, hyung! They seriously prettied you up, haha. Your song was really good! Jimin always talked about your music, but I didn't know he was telling the truth. I can't wait to talk about it with you when you visit again!"

A hand grabbed the phone. Ah, I was wondering where Taehyung was. Suga chuckled as he thanked Namjoon and J-Hope. 

"HYUNG!!! Why are you so cool on camera, but so weird in real life?"

"Taetae-hyung! Be nice! Sorry, hyung. Tae-hyung ate a bunch of candy earlier...I tried to stop him but I couldn't. He's invincible, seriously. Your song was great! How does your tongue move so fast?"

Taehyung appeared on camera again with a twisted smirk, "Jimin-hyung must be really lucky if you know what I mean."

A scandalized look crossed Suga's face, "Yah! Give Jiminie his phone!"

Taehyung's evil giggle taunted Suga, "Here, hyung!"

Jimin was so flustered and Suga couldn't help but show a gummy smile, "Jin-hyung is in the kitchen right now. You won't tell anyone if I kill Tae, would you?"

"I think it's better if you don't, Jiminie," Suga said, cooing at the pout on Jimin's lips. He raised his eyebrows and cockily smirked, "After all, he isn't wrong, hm?"

Jimin's eyes widened, embarrassed, "J-Jin-hyung is right here! Take the phone, hyung!"

A warm smile bloomed across Jin's face, "They have so much energy, I swear. I spent all day making this cake, so appreciate it. Okay, Yoongi-yah?"

"Okay, hyung," Suga chuckled.

The six of them sat around a table, cake in the center. Jimin propped the phone up so that it seemed like Suga was sitting next to them. 

"To Suga-hyung's successful career!"

Jimin opened his mouth to blow out the candle, but Taehyung beat him to it.


"Hyung, Jimin-hyung was supposed to do that!" Jungkook squawked. Jungkook looked at the camera, "Remind me to keep this one on a leash from now on."

"Taehyung needs to come with a what-not-to-do pamphlet, seriously."

Laughter rang around the table. Suga smiled. He missed home.




"Hurry up, guys! Hyung's appearance is about to start!" 

The six crowded around the TV, waiting for the broadcast of Suga's interview to start. Suga walked and sat down in a chair in front of the MC, and Jimin began bouncing rapidly on the couch in the crowded living room. The MC shot a wide smile, warmly greeting Suga was a bow. Suga returned the gesture before sitting back down.

"Today, we'll be interviewing rising star, Min Yoongi, also known as Suga. Suga debuted about a month ago with his mixtape and title track called, 'Agust D.' How are you feeling, Suga?"

"I'm well, I'm excited to be on your show."

The MC asked the usual questions and Suga answered with cool confidence and poise. After a commercial break, the two returned and the MC was now holding cue cards. 

"In this segment, we'll be asking questions that came from the fans! First question! Park Hana from Seoul asks, 'Oppa, how did you come up with your stage name? It's so sweet sounding. Love from Incheon!' Interesting question, Hana-ssi. What do you have to say, Suga?"

"It's actually a nickname that my friends back at home call me. They call me 'Suga' because my skin is light like sugar. I decided to make it my stage name because i's catchy and makes me feel close to home."

"Wow, that's so thoughtful! The name certainly suits you well."

The MC droned through a few more questions before a particular question caught Jimin's ear.

"Mo Geumbi from Incheon asks, 'Does Suga-oppa have a significant other? If not, I can take that position, kekeke. I think I'm in love with you, oppa. I hope you're very successful in the future!' Ooh, this question is a bit personal. So, Suga, do you have a girlfriend?"




Should I answer honestly? Would the manager allow it?

Suga wasn't sure how to respond. He looked to the staff in hope of support. He found his manager bringing his hand across his neck, telling him to not say anything. The idol was about to open his mouth and say the usual, "Haha, of course not. I'm too busy for dating." But a voice in his head whispered, What would Jimin think? Of course, he would understand, but do you really want to keep him a secret?

Suga made eye contact with the smiling MC. He shook his head, "I don't have a girlfriend, but I am with someone" - Suga ignored his manager's wild gestures that would try to get him to stop - "His name is Park Jimin and he's the best boyfriend anyone could ask for."

His manager slapped a palm over his face and walked away, unable to watch. A shocked look launched itself onto the MC's face, unable stay hidden.

"O-Oh. So, you're gay?" The smile re her face, "Well, that sure is interesting. We don't have too many of those in the industry. You must love him a lot, hm?"

The first genuine smile tinted Suga's face, "Yeah. I do."




Wow, he actually told them about me.

Jimin's face was heating up as the others hooted at the screen. J-Hope shook Jimin by the shoulders.

"Wow, Jimin-ah! Hyung actually told the truth!"

A small smile caressed Jimin's face, "Yeah, he did. I thought he would keep me a secret. I hope it doesn't hurt his image too much."

Taehyung gaped at Jimin in disbelief, "Suga-hyung, an idol, just told the world about you and you're worried about his image? If I were you, I would be sobbing with happiness, seriously."

"He must be really dedicated. I bet he's getting scolded by the staff right now," Namjoon commented.

Jin slapped his shoulder, "Joon-ah! You're supposed to comfort Jimin. That was very sweet of your boyfriend, Jimin-ah. You should hold onto him tightly."

"Yeah. I should."




From: jiminie
Hyung, r u sure u should've said that on TV?
I appreciate that u mentioned me ofc
But I'm worried about how the fans would perceive u
They're your #1 priority u know

Sent 3:11pm

Jimin frowned when his boyfriend didn't respond immediately. Ah, of course. He's probably busy. I shouldn't disturb him anymore. Jimin still jumped on his phone hours later when Suga responded.

From: Suga-hyung <3
sorry i responded so late
i was taking a nap

Sent 7:23pm

Jimin wasn't sure what he was reading. He knew that Suga was generally a very sleepy person. But now that his schedule was so jam-packed, shouldn't he try a bit harder to make time for his boyfriend? He wasn't busy? He was just sleeping? A dull burn nestled itself deep in Jimin's ribcage. He hated it.

From: Suga-hyung <3
what r u talking about
you're my priority ok
don't try to change that

Sent 7:24pm

The feeling fizzled away. Jimin didn't know that he had a hard time breathing until he sighed in content.

This guy. Why are you so perfect, Min Yoongi?




Suga stopped visiting and he didn't respond to messages and phone calls during the day. But he made sure to video call Jimin every night before he went to sleep. They would talk for hours and hours until Jimin's eyes would fight to stay open. Suga was getting used to having less sleep. Sometimes he wouldn't hang up so it felt like Jimin was next to him, asleep. Like the old times.




From: jiminie

Sent 9:24pm

From: jiminie

Sent 10:00pm

From: jiminie
Hyunggg answer meee
Sent 10:16pm

From: jiminie
Sent 10:37pm

From: jiminie
Goodnight hyung~
I love u
Sent 11:30pm



From: Unknown Number
Yah! Are you Park Jimin?
Stay away from my oppa!

Suga-oppa is mine, you hear me?!
If you don't break up, I'll kill you!




From: Suga-hyung <3
hi jiminie
how come u haven't been responding to my messages?

From: jiminie
Ah, I had to bring my phone to the store for repair

From: Suga-hyung <3
what happened?

From: jiminie
Nothing much don't worry ^^;
Just some water damage

From: Suga-hyung <3
should i send u money to pay for it?
your hyung is well off now, haha

From: jiminie
No, it's ok ^^

From: Suga-hyung <3

From: jiminie
Do u still promise to be with me forever?

Suga-hyung <3 is typing...

Suga-hyung <3 has stopped typing.

Suga-hyung <3 is typing...

Suga-hyung <3 is offline. You can still send messages to this contact while they are offline.

Suga-hyung <3 is online.

Suga-hyung <3 is typing...

From: Suga-hyung <3




From: jiminie

Sent yesterday

From: jiminie
U know what day it is? :3
Sent yesterday

From: jiminie
R u busy rn? :(
It's ok
Sent yesterday

From: jiminie
I'm about to go to sleep now
Good night
Happy anniversary, I love you <3
Sent yesterday




i miss u
sorry i haven't been responding
im just really busy lately

From: jiminie
It's ok, I know!

Your new song was so good!
I'm so proud of u!

awww ty jiminie
i wrote it about u bc i felt guilty about not being able to answer all the time
but im glad u like it

From: jiminie
Awww, really hyung?
It's ok you're busy
But tysm, ily <333
Your graduation is in a few months, r  u gonna come home?

yea i will
i can't wait to see everyone

From: jiminie
I can't wait to see you too!
I miss u so much hyung




From: Unknown Number
Lol, guys I added him
U can talk now

From: Unknown Number
Park Jimin!
You're such a little , u know that?!
I bet u only stick around bc our oppa has so much money

From: Unknown Number
Such a pathetic 
Why don't u just get a job and break up with him
He's better off without u anyway

From: Unknown Number
We know you're reading this!

From: Unknown Number
He probably doesn't even like u anymore
Ha, why would he?
You're a good for nothing little piece of

From: Unknown Number
If he's cheating on u
I wouldn't blame him
Suga-oppa could probably get anyone he wants
He's probably with someone else rn

From: Unknown Number
Awww, baby don't cry
It was gonna happen anyway~




From: Unknown Number
back off of my oppa
i swear if i see u anywhere
i'll beat u up
watch ur back jimin




From: Unknown Number
Hello, is this Park Jimin?
I've been thinking about something for awhile. I don't want you to be angry about what I'm about to say; it's just my honest opinion. As you know, your boyfriend's comeback was recently and his career has been very successful ever since he debuted. It's been about 6 months? I'm sure you've been very supportive of his music, which is why I want to say this. I think that it's best for you two to separate. Suga-oppa would have a lot less stress and things to worry about and that could result in higher quality music. He could probably win more awards, make more money, and be more successful if you broke up with him. Of course, he would be upset for a little while, but it's best for him in the long run. That's what you want for him, right? Anyway, I hope you consider this. Have a good rest of your night. -Park Jihye




Search results for: suga

Rapper Min Suga to Visit Home for Graduation Ceremony
Written by OutrageousThoughts

Rising Star Suga Will be Going Home for Highschool Graduation Ceremony
Written by TheGrindNeverStops

New Idol Suga Will Visit Hometown to Graduate
Written by ItWasDowoonWithTheDogNotWonpil

Fan Forum: Min Suga Will Go Home for Graduation!
Written by Kiloton



Haha if you got notifs that I was publishing new stories, I'm sorry XDDD Also...I GOT TO GO TO BTS'S CONCERTS (both nights if you were wondering) IN ANAHEIM YESSSS. It was amazing and J-Hope cried both nights and RM thanked his mom and the choreo was so cool and the rainbow ocean was amazing. I'm rambling sorry.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. See you next update!



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bilai202 #1
Chapter 33: This is a cool story
bilai202 #2
Chapter 24: O I feel so so so sad for J-hope isn't he sad??? ?
Chapter 32: Wat an ending... It's true that BTS members can only exist when they are together as a group
Chapter 4: I'm quite confused with part tae n jhope can see color forever. Does that mran even if they found their love one they have to stay in contact to see colors?
Chapter 32: I think this Is my favourite fanfic ever! I love it so much! It’s so good! Thank you for writing this story! <3
I will definitely read this many times~
kulitlang08 #6
Chapter 32: this is a nice wrap up for the story... :)

this is really cool...everyone is happy in the end...and the couples are stronger than ever...hoseok is single but hey, he is happy... hope he finds the right one for him one day... :)
Chapter 32: The ending oh my lord....its just so perfect
skyhica #8
 this ff is so great and really emotional!!! loved every single chapter I appreciate you so much ;^;;;
kulitlang08 #9
Chapter 31: OMG!!! this is really good...i was emotional and crying...i felt jimin and yoongis struggle...their feelings for each other...and yeah it's hard to have a relationship with a celebrity...those fans...seriously!!! but i am happy that they are back together...:)

looking forward for the next update..:)
Aimz19 #10
Chapter 31: i finally can breathe normally