
You Make My Life Colorful

The following week, Suga was being teased by Jimin relentlessly. During random times of the day, Jimin would peck Suga on the cheek, give him backhugs, or lean into him if they were sitting. All of his actions resulted in the same sequence of events: Suga would be reduced to a blushing, stuttering mess, and Jimin would walk away giggling. Namjoon, who knew pretty much everything that happened at the movie theater, watched with amusement. 

That Friday, Suga, Namjoon, and Jimin were in their science class. Jimin had left to go to the bathroom a few minutes, but not before ruffling Suga's hair.

Namjoon chuckled, "You should ask him out, hyung. He's totally into you."

Suga gulped, "I don't think he likes me, he's just teasing."

"Have you seen the way he looks at you? Or the way he kisses you randomly in the hallway between classes?" Namjoon asked with disbelief. He put his hand on Suga's shoulder, "Look me in the eye and tell me that Jimin doesn't like you."

Suga widened his eyes dramatically and stared straight in Namjoon's pupils, "Jimin doesn't like me."

Namjoon sighed and facepalmed, "You know what? You're right."

Suga huffed softly, trying to hide his disappointment, "Really?"

"He loves you," Namjoon said. Suga looked down, his cheeks flushed uncontrollably, and he buried his face in his hands in embarrassment. Namjoon burst in laughter, "And you're going to ask him out."

"Ask who out?" Jimin asked. Suga and Namjoon whipped their heads around and Suga's cheeks darkened further.

"N-No one, Jiminie," Suga muttered pathetically.

Jimin laughed, concealing his slight sadness, "I heard you, hyung! Who is it?"

Namjoon waved his hands slightly, "It's nothing."

"Okay~" Jimin singsonged, ignoring the suspicious behavior of his friends.




Jimin walked out from his class, growing sadder and gloomier by the second. Hyung likes someone else, but I've tried everything to show that I like him. The smile disappeared off of his face and his eyes watered slightly. He heard footsteps thudding quickly behind him and tried to recollect himself, although he did a very poor job.

"Jiminie, you didn't wait for me," Suga panted. He furrowed his brows with concern when he saw Jimin's face, "Are you okay?"

Jimin nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Oh, okay," Suga brushed Jimin's condescending and almost sarcastic tone.

"Hyung, you never told me you liked anyone," Jimin murmured cautiously.

"Ah, is that why you're sulking? Is Jiminie jealous?" Suga chuckled, pinching Jimin's cheek.

"I'm your best friend, you should tell me about these things," Jimin replied seriously.

Suga sighed, "Of course I would tell you. Namjoon was just joking."

"If you say so."





Namjoon looked up from his phone, raising his eyebrows at Suga. Suga had approached him after school, hoping to get some help. He cleared his throat nervously, "If I wanted to ask Jimin out, would you help me?"

Namjoon did the closest thing to squealing that he was capable of due to his deep voice, "My OTP is about to be canon!"

"Yah! Are you going to help me or not?!" Suga shouted.

"Okay, okay."

The two boys spent the next few minutes brainstorming ways that wouldn't seem to cheesy, but still seem loving. Namjoon suddenly bolted up, "Hyung, have you ever heard of a rainbow?" 

"A rainbow? What's that?"

"Jin-hyung talks about them all the time. He says it's one of the lesser-known things, since it doesn't happen very often," Namjoon explained. "He says it's like stripes of color in the sky, but it's really hard to see in black and white."

"That's really cool, but what would I do?"

"Well, if you're really lucky, then maybe you'll catch one when you're with him. Then, you can confess your undying love for him, then get married, and live happily ever after," Namjoon laughed, earning a slap on the arm. "But, you should also ask Jin-hyung about it. He knows more than I do. I'll text him."

From: Namjoon
Hyung, can u come over rn? Suga-hyung is w/ me and we need help w/ smth

From: Jin-hyung
K, I'll be over in 10

Jin arrived shortly after and greeted the two with a soft smile, "Hi, you needed help with something?"

He was roughly yanked into the house by the collar.

"Hyung, can you tell Suga-hyung about rainbows?"

"That's all you need? I could've just texted you everything."

"But, Suga-hyung needs it for something very, very important," Namjoon explained.

Jin turned his gaze to Suga, who was blushing violently. "Why do you need to know about rainbows, Yoongi?"

Suga mumbled very softly, "I want to ask Jimin out."

Jin cupped his hand around his ear, "What did you say?"

Suga repeated a bit louder, "I want to ask Jimin out." Then, he contorted his face, preparing for the criticism to come crashing down on him.

However, Jin remained silent for a few moments. He then said, "That's a really cool idea, but rainbows don't happen all too often. Rainbows occur when light is reflecting off of water. When the light reflects off of water, it gets refracted and shows color. The colors are always shown in this order: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, then purple. Rainbows usually occur after light rainfall, since there's a lot of water. But judging by the current weather, it doesn't look like it's going to rain anytime soon." Jin saw the very apparent disappointment on Suga's face and suddenly felt guilty for out any hope inside of him. "Sorry."

Suga nodded sadly, "Thanks, hyung."

That night, Suga went home hoping and praying that somehow, rain would appear in the bright, clear sky in time for the next day.




And rain it did. Although his family was grumbling from the gloomy weather, Suga couldn't be happier. It seemed as if it was a miracle that such a thing happened. But Suga's utter shock and amazement didn't stop him from seizing the oppurtinity. All he had to do was wait a few hours, and then he could become the happiest person on earth. 

He drove to school with the widest smile that he could muster. He arrived at the campus, shocking his friends with the amount of energy he had built up that morning.

"Hyung, you look really happy," Jimin said with slight sadness. "What happened?" He probably asked out that guy, and now he's in a relationship. Great.

"Nothing, Jiminie. I'm just in a really good mood that's all!" Suga chirped. 

"Oh, that's good," Jimin smiled weakly. Now he's hiding things from me. Am I really not that important?

Jin and Namjoon smiled knowingly at each other, completely aware of the cause for Suga's sudden change in his mood. J-Hope, Taehyung, Jungkook looked at Suga confused and almost scared, for Suga was never this happy. Ever.

"Um, Taehyung and I," J-Hope intercepted, then looking at Jungkook and noticing his identical expression, "and Jungkook are gonna go to class. We'll see you guys later." J-Hope grabbed Taehyung and Jungkook's wrists and the three rushed away in a hurry.

"U-Um," Jimin's voice cracked from the lump growing in his throat, "I should get going, too." He sheepishly waved and turned around before the others could see the delicate tears lining his bottom eyelid.

Suga waved to Namjoon and Jin and walked after Jimin and grasped his hand, color blooming in the pair's eyes. "I'll go with you," Suga smiled. He noticed the tears forming in Jimin's eyes, "Jiminie? Are you crying?"

Jimin's eyes widened and heartbeat quickened drastically, "N-No, of course not!" But a lone tear escaped his eye, contradicting his false claim.

Suga frowned, let go of Jimin's hand, and wiped away the tear with his thumb. He softly kissed Jimin's nose, causing the younger to blush violently. Suga whispered, "Don't cry." 

Jimin nodded and swallowed. "Sorry, hyung."

Suga smiled and took Jimin's hand again, "It's okay, Jiminie. Let's go."

The pair walked away into the distance, unaware of the other two watching them from a distance.

"I'm surprised they aren't married yet," Namjoon snorted. Namjoon and Jin burst into laughter at the comment.




Suga looked up in the sky, hoping to see a rainbow magically appear in the sky. He then facepalmed when he recalled one very important detail. Crap, I can't see the rainbow, because I can't see in color. Great. When the bell rang, he quickly seeked out his friend. When he found Jimin, he quickly reached for his hand.

"Jiminie, I feel like going to the rooftop today. Can you come with me?" Suga asked sweetly.

Jimin laughed, "Why are being so nice today? You're scaring me." 

Suga scowled and let go of Jimin's hand, "Fine. I'dd just go to the rooftop by myself then." Jimin swore he heard Suga mumble under his breath, "Aish. I'm nice to my favorite dongsaeng for one day and this is how I'm repaid."

Jimin grabbed Suga's hand and smiled, "I'm just kidding, hyung. Of course I'll go with you."

They quickly walked up the stairs of one the buildings, entered the rooftop garden, and walked to the opposite end of the space. The area was shielded from the morning rain by many umbrellas and was occupied by only a few people. The garden was in full bloom and consisted of milky purple hyacinths, pink cosmos, pearly daisies, and white orchids. The bright and happy arrangement of blossoms contrasted greatly with the gray sky that was covered by a carpet of thick clouds.

Suga looked up with wide eyes, hoping the sky would clear magically and a beautiful, glorious rainbow would descend from the heavens. 

Well, maybe the goddamn heavens heard him wrong. Something definitely did descend from the sky, but it was not a rainbow.

"Crap! Why is it raining again?!" Suga shouted.

Suga and Jimin interwined their fingers and the pair ran towards the door as fast as their feet could take them. While they were racing through the rooftop, thoughts were racing through Suga's head. What the actual hell?! Why is it raining again? When can I tell him? He turned towards Jimin and found him shivering and his hair was dripping with water.

Suga quickly shook off his jacket and draped it around Jimin. Jimin shakily turned so he was facing Suga, "Thanks, hyung."

"Sorry for taking you to the rooftop. You're probably going to get sick because of me," Suga murmured, rubbing the nape of his neck.

Jimin opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by a sneeze that escaped his nose. He then chuckled, hoping to ease Suga's guilt, "I guess you're right. We'll just have to go another time?"

Suga shook his head, "Not anytime soon. We need to get you medicine and soup as soon as possible. I'll call my parents and tell them that I'm staying over at your place tonight."

"It's fine, really, it's probably just a cold. I'll be okay. And you'll get sick because of me."

Suga contorted his face, "But you wouldn't have been sick if it wasn't for me. It's only fair if I'm sick with you."

Jimin sighed in defeat, "Fine."

Suga smiled in content and looked at the younger with so much love and adoration that it was almost suffocating. Thankfully, the look in his eyes was missed by Jimin.




That night, Suga spent his hours watching Jimin's every breath instead of sleeping. He watched as Jimin's chest rose and sank rythmically, trying to keep himself awake just in case anything ever happened. Thankfully, it was the weekend, meaning Suga wouldn't have to stay awake the next day. When Jimin woke up, he nearly jumped up in shock when he saw Suga next to him staring through bloodshot eyes with bags that almost matched the size of his actual eyes.


Suga exhaled in relief and said groggily, "Oh, you're awake. How do you feel?"

Jimin ignored his question and immediately stood up from his bed, "Did you stay up all night?"

Suga shrugged, "I tried to. I had to make sure you were okay an-" He was cut off by a yawn that attacked him midsentence.

"You really didn't have to, hyung. I don't feel sick anymore. You should go to sleep."

Suga blinked rapidly, trying to stay awake, "I have to make sure you're okay..."

Suga's eyes slowly closed and fluttered open again; his fighting attempts to stay awake. Finally, he fell asleep. Jimin transferred him to his bed after much struggle and wiped his eyebrow when he successfully did it. Suga's phone rang suddenly and Jimin picked it up.

"Hey, hyung! How did it go?"

"Namjoon-hyung? This is Jimin, Suga-hyung is sleeping right now."

"Oh?" Jimin heard a chuckle on the other end. "Why am I not surprised?"

Jimin chuckled, "He actually stayed up all night because I got a little sick after we went to the rooftop. I made him go to sleep." 

"Wow, he stayed up all night for you?" Namjoon thought to himself, Wow, hyung must really like Jimin. He doesn't miss sleep for anything

"Yeah, crazy right?" Jimin laughed awkwardly.

"I'll just call him back later. Bye, Jimin!"

"Bye, hyung."

Jimin sat in the chair and watched Suga gain his much rested sleep, wondering why on earth he would do something as crazy as watching him sleep for the whole night.




9 hours later, Suga finally woke up at around 7pm. He looked around the room trying to find Jimin, who wasn't currently there. He stood up and walked to the bathroom to brush his teeth, then went around the house looking for Jimin. After a few minutes, Suga found Jimin sitting on the couch and watching TV. 

Jimin turned his head and smiled, "Oh, hyung. You're finally awake."

"Yeah," Suga chuckled.

"Well, it's still bright out, do you want to do anything? I don't want to waste this Saturday."

"Wanna go for a drive?" Suga suggested as an idea popped into his head.

"Sure, where will we go?"

Suga smiled widely, "I'm guessing you've never driven around for fun, huh?"




Suga and Jimin spent the next hour and a half driving around aimlessly without any particular destination in mind. Suga reached over the console and interwined their fingers together, and Jimin took his hand with a slight blush on his cheeks. While Jimin spent most of the time gazing out of the window at all the buildings and sights they were passing by, Suga spent the time searching for any sign of a rainbow anywhere and occasionally stole a glance at Jimin.

Jimin finally looked at Suga, who was craning his neck towards the sky. "Hyung, what are you looking for?"

Suga squeezed Jimin's hand slightly, "Nothing."

Suga's face lit up when he finally found what he was looking for. A rainbow was peeking out of the side of a mountain. Thankfully, there were a few vacant parking spots next to a log bench facing the scenic view of the mountain that was covered with pine trees. The sky was a pale blue and was littered with clouds ranging from thin wisps to thick pillows that complimented the soft display of color beautifully.

"Let's stop here?" Suga asked, turning to Jimin.

Jimin nodded. The two got out of the car and sat down on the bench. Subconsiously, Jimin leaned into Suga, much to Suga's pleasure. Jimin spotted the colored stripes in the sky and wondered what they were, for he had never seen anything like it before.

Suga broke the silence, "This is really pretty, hm?"

Jimin was breathless, but he managed to whisper, "Yeah."

Suga pointed towards the rainbow, "This is my first time ever seeing a rainbow. It's a lot cooler than I thought it would be." When the sentences left his mouth, Suga suddenly felt nervous jitters run through his body like crazy. At that moment, he didn't know what was going to happen between him and his best friend. All he knew was that nothing was ever going to be the same ever again.

Jimin lifted his head from Suga's shoulder and stared into his eyes in awe. Since he was no longer in physical contact with Suga, his vision returned to black and white again. He looked at the mountain and the sky, but the rainbow had seemingly vanished and was invisible. He turned his head back to look at Suga again. After a few moments of pieceing things together, he came to the conclusion that, Hyung likes me, too. 

"Jimin?" Suga asked, hoping to bring Jimin back from whatever daze he was in.

"Hyung?" Jimin asked back.

Suga his lips nervously, "Jimin, I need to tell you something." Suga buried his face in his hands, "Oh god, this is so embarrassing." He started again, "Jimin, I...I really like you, and I was wondering...if...you wanted to...bemyboyfriend."

Jimin was overwhelmed with the amount of emotion that was taking him over. Happiness, shock, and nervousness was zooming through his body all at once. In instinct, Jimin tackled Suga on the bench, wrapped him a bear hug, and rapidly pecked every inch of Suga's face as fast as possible. After 30 seconds, Jimin was on top of Suga, panting with his hands on the other's chest, "Yes. Of course I'll be your boyfriend."

Suga exhaled in relief and looked longingly into Jimin's eyes with utter shock and raw emotion, "Oh my god." Suga sat up and Jimin laid his head in Suga's lap. Suga looked down at the boy who was smiling so much, his cheeks ached. "Oh my god." Jimin sat up and Suga his face as if he was trying to figure out if Jimin was real or the whole thing that his brain made up. When he realized it was all real and Jimin wasn't joking, he repeated again, "Oh my god."

Jimin laughed and then said out of impulse, "You're so hilarious, I love you so much." His eyes widened when he realized what had slipped from his mouth.

"You...love me?" Suga asked, butterflies filling his chest and stomach.

Jimin swallowed and nodded nervously. Crap, I just made everything awkward.

Suga smiled wider, if that was even possible. "I love you, too. So much." Suga's gaze moved from Jimin's eyes to his lips, then back-and-forth between the two. "Is it okay if I kiss you? Like, for real?"

Jimin's heart accelerated, but he nodded again.

Suga shakily brought his hand up to the back of Jimin's neck and pulled him closer. Nervously, he connected their lips together. At first, the kiss was sloppy and neither knew what the heck they were doing, but after a few moments, Suga found himself kissing Jimin with passion and the kiss became much more heated than before. After a while, Suga was hovering over Jimin, who was laying on his back on the bench. Jimin let out a soft whimper and Suga stopped for a second.


That was hot.

Suga breathed onto Jimin's neck whilst pressing soft kisses over the surface, "I swear to god, Jiminie. You're going to be the death of me."

Jimin's eyes opened and he saw Suga staring at him with predatory eyes. He immediately blushed and covered his face in embarrassment. Suga's gaze softened and he smiled at the younger fondly. 

Suga asked, "How are we going to tell the guys?"

Jimin whipped out his phone, "First selca as a couple? You should take it."

They both sat up and Suga took the phone and positioned it when Jimin suddenly placed his puckered lips on Suga's left cheek. Suga smiled widely and snapped the photo. Jimin sent the text out with the photo attached to the group chat that the boys had started a while back.

From: Jimin
It's official <3
One attachment

Texts from their friends were flooding in.

From: Namjoon-hyung

From: Jin-hyung
Aigoo, u guys r so adorable

From: Jungkook
Congrats hyungs!

From: J-Hope hyung
Omo, I'm legit screaming rn

From: Tae
Ur always screaming hyung
Btw, u guys weren't dating before?

Jimin smiled in amusement at the text and turned to face Suga, "I guess we've been together for a while now, huh?"

Suga nodded in agreement, "We just weren't official I guess."

"By the way, Namjoon called earlier and asked, 'Hyung, how did it go?' Is this what he was talking about?"

Suga chuckled, "Yeah. I called him and Jin-hyung earlier so they could help me and tell me about rainbows. It was pretty cool. Scary, but cool."

Jimin brought Suga closer to him so that they were touching forehead-to-forehead. He tenderly kissed Suga and said, "Well, now we have to go on a date. An official one. Because we've probably been on dates before."

Suga stood up and pulled Jimin up with him and walked towards the car, "Well, let's go then."

"No, you have to ask me!"

Suga sighed, "Jimin, will you go on a date with me?"

Jimin's eyes opened, "You're not going to argue?"

Suga shook his head, "I kinda really wanna go out on a date with you." Then he added, "An official one."

They both climbed into the car and held hands over the console again. The car ride was silent, but not awkward, and the two enjoyed being in each other's presence. Jimin leaned his head on the glove compartment and stared at Suga in content. It was all so surreal. He was hanging out with his best friend like usual. But this time, his best friend just happened to be his boyfriend, who was taking them on their first date.

Jimin grabbed his phone and snapped a picture of Suga. It perfectly captured his concentrated gaze on the road, his amazing jawline, and his lips that were still slightly swollen from before. Smiling, Jimin set the photo as his background for the lock screen.

"Hyung, you're really handsome, you know that?"


Jimin blushed, "Yeah."

They arrived at a KBBQ restuarant that wasn't too fancy, but was still decent and fairly priced. They walked in hand-in-hand into the restuarant and ordered spicy beef bulgogi, spicy chicken, and squid. The date was fairly quiet and Suga and Jimin spent most of the time eating or sharing intense eye contact. 

Suga didn't eat too much and just stared at Jimin in awe. The gorgeous, adorable, marshmellow of a person was his, and his only. He sighed silently and chuckled at himself for being so emotionally vulnerable.

Jimin looked up from his bowl and saw Suga staring at him, barely touching his food. He laughed nervously, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Suga smirked and leaned forward into the table, "Why not? Does it make you feel uncomfortable?"

Jimin blushed as Suga leaned in closer and closer, not showing any sign of stopping. Finally, he stopped merely centimeters from Jimin's face and their noses were nearly touching. He smirked when he felt Jimin's breath hitch and become unsteady. 

Jimin pushed lightly on Suga's chest, "People are staring, hyung."

Suga looked around at the other tables, some people were looking with disgust while others looked with amusement. He turned his head back to Jimin, "Am I supposed to care?"

"You're such a tease, hyung."

Suga sat back down and gawked at Jimin, "I'm the tease? You've been driving me crazy this entire week!" Suga sat with his jaw dropped in disbelief, "You are awful. But I still love you."

With his cheeks flushed, Jimin repeated, "I love you too, hyung."




Suga dropped Jimin off that night and walked him to the front door, even though he really didn't want to say goodbye.

"I had a lot of fun today, hyung."

"Me too."

"I love you, hyung."

Suga and Jimin shared a tender kiss for the last time that night.

"I love you, too."



SO...MUCH...CHEESE. That's how I imagine new couples to be, overly cheesy...but I really don't know how that works b/c I've never been in a relationship before ^__^; And yes, I know, everything has been sickenly fluffy recently and there has been absolutely NO conflict at all. Don't worry, I'm getting sick of it too.


Also...my friends and I were wondering (since my birthday passed a little over a week ago), based on my writing style and my fanfic...how old do you guys think I am? We're really curious.

Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. See you next update! 

Love you!

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bilai202 #1
Chapter 33: This is a cool story
bilai202 #2
Chapter 24: O I feel so so so sad for J-hope isn't he sad??? ?
Chapter 32: Wat an ending... It's true that BTS members can only exist when they are together as a group
Chapter 4: I'm quite confused with part tae n jhope can see color forever. Does that mran even if they found their love one they have to stay in contact to see colors?
Chapter 32: I think this Is my favourite fanfic ever! I love it so much! It’s so good! Thank you for writing this story! <3
I will definitely read this many times~
kulitlang08 #6
Chapter 32: this is a nice wrap up for the story... :)

this is really cool...everyone is happy in the end...and the couples are stronger than ever...hoseok is single but hey, he is happy... hope he finds the right one for him one day... :)
Chapter 32: The ending oh my lord....its just so perfect
skyhica #8
 this ff is so great and really emotional!!! loved every single chapter I appreciate you so much ;^;;;
kulitlang08 #9
Chapter 31: OMG!!! this is really good...i was emotional and crying...i felt jimin and yoongis struggle...their feelings for each other...and yeah it's hard to have a relationship with a celebrity...those fans...seriously!!! but i am happy that they are back together...:)

looking forward for the next update..:)
Aimz19 #10
Chapter 31: i finally can breathe normally