
My Celebrity Life as Baekhyun Oppa's Sister
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Following Sooyeon's discharge, it has been mentally hard for the couple especially Sooyeon.

Seeing all the baby stuffs gifted by people around her and things that her husband got for their unborn child break her heart.

Every night she cried herself in Kasper's arms to sleep. Being her husband, he just felt so helpless not knowing how to comfort his wife, all he could do for her is to lend her his arms to cry and his ear to listen to her feelings that she pour out to him.

It took Sooyeon a week to move on not fully but she's trying to stablize herself for her love ones who constantly shower her with love and concern especially Kasper.


Just when the couple is trying to move on, one media outlet decided to break the news of Sooyeon's miscarriage without even asking for constent.

This has anger both Kasper and Baekhyun for not respecting their privacy as well as not respecting Sooyeon.

Both her brother and husband took to their instagram to vent out their anger towards the media outlet for not showing an ounce of respect to Sooyeon, stating that Sooyeon is having a hard time yet they are not being sensitive to the girl.

Aside from Baekhyun and Kasper, the fans stand with them throwing shades and anger towards the particular media outlet.

Seeing the headline, Sooyeon let out a sigh leaning her head against Kasper's shoulder "our life are pretty much exposed given our status."

"I have never felt so lost and empty in my life before." she said softly playing with Kasper's ring on his fourth finger.

"I missed the feeling of having her in here." placing her hands on her tummy smiling sadly.

Kasper place his hands on top of hers, share the same feeling with his wife. "Let's go for a holiday to rest our mind and heal." he whisper looking at his wife lovingly.

"Let's go to Bali, i really want us to take a break from everything and go to somewhere nice to relax." he said.

Sooyeon nod her head in agreement looking up at Kasper feeling grateful that he being so thoughtful and being there for her during these tough period.

Cupping her face looking into her eyes, "seeing you heartbroken hur

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ladykwonxiwu #1
Chapter 9: This story is good but it needs small changes like Mrs Byun was Mrs Lee here and mike should be mic.
Baekie_18 #2
Chapter 18: I’m glad they are on their way to work this out 🥰
Chapter 17: I don’t know if you believe in this, they say that when you buy baby stuff and announce before passing the 1st trimester they say it can jinx the whole pregnancy.
Chapter 16: Awwie everyone is literally over the moon hahaha
Chapter 15: Gosh! They are so adorable
Chapter 11: Kasper, you are making me question where on earth I could find someone like you. HAyys
hwangniel #7
Chapter 15: i looooove this story
Chapter 2: Nicely done
Chapter 12: Just found this fic...and i love this!!!
Live_JasmineV #10
Chapter 2: I keep coming back and rereading the story even if you haven’t updated- it’s so good! (And I’m a little bit jealous of Sooyeon. I want a Kasper T~T)