Back to the Beginning

Wolf School 2


Chapter 48

“, what happened to Chen?”

Luhan paused with his tray of food in hand and looked to see who was speaking. It was Kyuhyun from the Super Junior pack. He remembered instantly how the other wolf had take n advantage of Chen's loneliness before he had a pack and used him for ual favours. Still, he supposed he sounded concerned enough about him not.

“He got involved in a fight trying to defend Xiumin,” Changmin answered from the next table.

Kyuhyun leant over. “How do you know?”

“I was there. It was Minseok's old pack, the ones Xiumin used to have to room with.”

Leeteuk pulled a face from across the table. “I never liked those bastards. I hoped no one would ever hear from them again.”

“I doubt they will now. Xiumin's pack basically tore them apart.”

“And you just happened to be there because why?” Kyuhyun was looking at his friend with a smirk but Changmin's eyes narrowed.

“I was just passing by.”

“Not checking on your pet?” Kyuhyun wiggled his eyebrows playfully but yelped when Changmin tried to smack his arm.

“He's not my pet, we just dated for a while. I wish people would stop spreading that stupid rumour Minseok came up with.”

Luhan watched silently, his eyes widening. He couldn't seem to make himself move.

“So you have no problem with him dating Luhan now?”

Leeteuk looked up with a little smile and Luhan's cheeks flushed. He should have known the alpha would have spotted him.

“If he was my pet wouldn't I have taken him to Japan with me?” Changmin reasoned patiently. “We broke up, he moved on. Luhan seems nice.”

Kyuhyun nodded and went back to his food, obviously satisfied.

Finally Luhan made himself move. He kept his head down as he passed by Changmin's table and hoped the other wolf hadn't realised that he had been listening in on their conversation. Xiumin was laughing at some joke Chanyeol had made when he arrievd at their table. He slipped into the spare seat by his partner.

“Hey,” he asked, “how about we go and see a movie or something this weekend?”

Xiumin looked surprised but smiled. “That would be nice. Oh, wait, we can't. Suho has his birthday thing Saturday.”

“How about Friday then?”

Xiumin grinned and agreed. And just like that it felt like the past few weeks hadn't happened. Like they had pressed rewind and were back to the start again.

Luhan bumped his leg against Xiumin's and saw his smile at the small contact.


“Lay, where are we going?”

Sehun's tone was whiny and understandably so since he had been rushed through his lunch and was now being dragged down an empty corridor by his boyfriend for seemingly no reason at all.

“Just wait.”

Sehun rolled his eyes but let himself be pulled until they suddenly stopped.

“The gym?” he asked. “Why are we here?”

Lay smiled so that his dimples showed and pushed open the door to the large storage cupboard where the sports equipment was kept. Sehun looked inside, inside.

“Why are we...”

He was cut off by Lay's mouth on his own and then, still trying to process was what happening, found himself being pulled into the room. The door shut behind him and Lay directed him over to a stack of exercise mats where he was made to sit down.

“Do you remember our first time together?” he asked.

Sehun's eyes widened. “Of course.” Slowly he started to piece things together. Desperate for privacy and not wanting to get caught they had used that very storage room as a safe place. It hadn't worked very well as half of their packs had found them in a very compromising position and they had been forced to come clean.

“Well,” said Lay as he slid his leg over Sehun's and moved to straddle his waist, “maybe we could recreate it.”

“Including the part where everyone bursts in thinks you're attacking me and then Suho's mad at me for days?”

Lay sat back, the smile falling from his face. “Sehun...” he whispered, hurt.

“Sorry, I didn't meant that.”

“I just wanted to make things exciting for you again. I thought we could blow off next lesson and just...”

Sehun ran his hands up and down Lay's sides soothingly. He hated seeing him hurt, especially when he was the cause of it.

“It's exciting when I know you want me. You don't need to do stuff like this.”

“Of course I want you.” He cupped his lover's face and kissed him as thoroughly as he could, hoping that Sehun could feel how much he still loved him. His partner pulled away, breathless.

“I'm not saying that we shouldn't try other stuff though,” he gasped.

The smile returned to Lay's face, more wolfish this time. He ground his hips down on Sehun's and was rewarded with a sharp gasp and fingers gripping his hips roughly.

“So, you don't want me to stop?”

“Well, we came all this way so we may as well.”

With his fingers tangled in Sehun's hair, Lay kissed him again, hips rolling unashamedly until he felt his lover harden beneath him.

He growled softly and pushed his pliant lover down. Sehun moaned in anticipation and by the time Lay's mouth was around his length he was already a whining mess. There was something thrilling about being reckless, about knowing they could get caught even if the last time it had happened hadn't worked out so well.

Sehun bucked his hips up eagerly but found them being pinned under Lay's gentle yet firm grip.

“Turn over,” his boyfriend ordered suddenly. Sehun did as he was told without a second's thought.

His toes curled in anticipation at the sound of rustling fabric and then Lay was holding his hip with one hand and guiding him back.

He moaned loudly as he was pushed open. Lay gave him no time to adjust to his hard length because he loved the sounds he made when he was desperate and overwhelmed. He held his hips, head tipping back in ecstasy as he fast, in and out of his lover.

Sehun's hands clawed at the smooth surface of the mats until eventually he sank down onto them. He glanced back to see Lay watching him and his cheeks flushed at the attention. His lover laughed, a breathless throaty sound, and leant down to drop kisses across his shoulders.

Sehun whined and lifted himself up a little so that they could kiss. A soft growl sounded against his mouth as Lay ground inside him.

He whimpered his lover's name, suddenly close to the edge.

“Not yet,” Lay gasped. He slammed himself into his lover a few more times and felt him tighten as he came inside him.

Even though his legs were shaking and his heart was pounding hard he managed to control himself long enough to turn Sehun over and take his length in his mouth. He came a few seconds later gripping a handful of Lay's hair. His body trembled and he sighed shakily as pleasure swept over him.

Hot and breathless they collapsed next to each other on the mats.

“Well, at least we didn't get caught this time.”

Sehun laughed. He was still smiling when he let his head drop sideways to see Lay looking at him through half lidded eyes.

“You know I still want you, don't you?”

At that moment in time he wasn't sure he had ever felt wanted by anyone more so he wriggled closer and laid his head against his lover's shoulder.

“I know,” he whispered. “I still want you, too.”

A lazy arm slid over his waist and he closed his eyes as Lay kissed his forehead.


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Chapter 50: Awww... I miss this story :/
Chapter 49: ahh ing my babies ♡
Chapter 49: Awwww! Sweet and spicy! God Xiuhan are so cute...
Chapter 48: Xiuharem season 3 has a green light from me!!
Chapter 47: Well damn, I sure as heck didn't expect that. Gosh, I almost feel bad being pissed at Changmin throughout this entire story:P More importantly though, it looks like things are finally turning right for Xiuhan and I'm so happy for it.

Why does Chen have to be so hard on himself? Why does he have to be so cute? And why does he have to be my bias:P That just makes everything that much harder. Ugh, someone heal his bruises please.
kakashilover #6
Chapter 47: Awwww ......changmin is good guy after all

And my poor chennnnnie. T_T
Chapter 47: Awww they're so cute and Changmin *sighs*

But someone better heals Chenchen quickly ^^
baozikm #8
Chapter 47: Awww~ Chen is too cute :3
And Changmin I'd such a sweet heart, I hope he finds his mate to make him happy ♡
This story is always keeping me on edge even when the fight is over