Kitchens and Couches

Wolf School 2


Chapter 28

Luhan was shivering despite the warmth of his packmate beside him. Kai had had his arm around his shoulders since he and Kyungsoo found him hunched over with his back against the couch. He had calmed down somewhat since Xiumin had left but the shock of their fight was still fresh in his mind.

“Do you think he went to him?” he asked in a small voice.

“No, of course not.” Kyungsoo crouched in front of him, holding out a cup of cold water. He exchanged an uncertain look with his boyfriend. Luhan had told them everything and, while they were shocked, they were trying not to take sides. If Xiumin had gone to Changmin they couldn't exactly blame him after what Luhan had said.

He took the cup and sipped at it. The coldness made him shiver again.

“I was so horrible to him. He must hate me.”

“I'm sure he doesn't.” Kai his arm soothingly. Xiumin was too nice to hate anyone but he would definitely be hurt. Luhan had never said anything so harsh to anyone before.

“I'm such an idiot.” He groaned and leant his head back against the coach. “He'll never forgive me. I suppose it doesn't matter anyway. Changmin is going to make him go back sooner or later.”

Kyungsoo shifted and sat down properly. “Don't bite my head off,” he said, “but wouldn't Changmin have done that already if he was going to?”

“What do you mean?”

“If he wanted Xiumin to himself wouldn't he have already ordered him to return to their pack and leave us?”

“I… guess so.” Luhan looked confused. He had assumed Changmin was playing some kind of game or he wanted Xiumin to think he was going of his own accord.

“He doesn't seem like a bad person, Luhan. Maybe Xiumin's story is true and they felt like they had no other choice.”

“He still belongs to Changmin though,” Kai put in. “That's going to be complicated if we want him to stay with us. Changmin would have to give him up first.”

Luhan growled in frustration, his hands gripping tightly around the cup he was holding. “He doesn't belong to Changmin,” he snapped. “He belongs with me.”

“We know, sweetie.” Kai cuddled closer, soothing him as best he could. “We want him back too.”

“If he even wants to after what I called him.”

Another look passed between Kai and Kyungsoo. Whether Xiumin was willing to forget his boyfriend was up for debate. He had no obligation to.

“Should I try and call him?” asked Kyungsoo. “Maybe he'll be willing to talk.”


Kyungsoo nodded and went to get his phone. It was already ringing when he returned but went straight to voicemail. He left a quick message, not mentioning Luhan in case it scared Xiumin off, and returned to where he had been sitting.

“I'm sure he'll call back when he's calmed down,” he reassured with a hand on Luhan's knee.

Lowering his head Luhan sipped his drink and pulled his legs closer up to his chest. He didn't answer.



Chen's smile was bright but his eyes were a little surprised when Kris came through the door carrying shopping bags. “You're back quicker than I thought.”

“I am?”

He hurried to help Kris with the bags and as they were putting everything away Kris pulled something out of one of them and tossed it to him.

“I bought you something.”

Chen caught the little orange capsule (barely) and looked up in surprise. “For me?”

“Open it,” Kris told him, smiling. It was only a little figure from a capsule machine but Chen liked cute little things and he wanted to keep him smiling for as long as possible.

Cracking the capsule open Chen pulled out the figure. “Oh my God, it's pikachu! Look at his cute little face. Ahhh!”

Kris laughed but couldn't deny he found it cute when Chen was feeling bright and happy. He felt like he hadn't seen him that way in forever.

“That's the last of it,” he said straightening up. “Have the others eaten yet?”

Chen's hands clenched around the little pokemon figure before he placed it on the table and moved towards his boyfriend. He wasn't smiling anymore, in fact he looked almost nervous.

“Actually,” he said as he reached him and twisted his fingers into his shirt, “I may have persuaded Chanyeol to take Baekhyun out to that movie he's been wanting to see.”

“Oh, you did?”

Chen bit his lip and nodded. “So we have a couple of hours by ourself.”

A little smirk lifted the corner of Kris's mouth. “Oh we do, do we?”

Chen wriggled and smiled a little but Kris was already kissing him, his large hands sliding around his waist and easing him closer. It was a slow, indulgent kiss, reminding them both what they had been missing. Chen opened his mouth willingly and moaned a little when he felt a hand on the back of his neck.

For a long time he let Kris simply kiss him and put up no argument when his hands began to roam gently over him. Eventually, unable to put up with the teasing, he whined a little and shifted to press closer against his mate.

Kris growled a little against his mouth and turned to press him back against the counter. It wasn't entirely comfortable but he was more concerned with all the places his body met Kris's and the friction building up between them. Starved for physical affection they were both already hard.

Breathing hard, Kris pulled back to look down on him. His eyes were dark and predatory, his lips swollen and red. It sent a thrill of nervousness down Chen's body. He swallowed as Kris leant down to begin kissing and nipping at his neck. Something inside him tightened and his breath hitched at the sensation.

He wants me, he reminded himself. He said he does.

He had to close his eyes to try and steady his breathing as Kris's fingers slipped under his shirt and began teasing his burning skin. He whimpered and wriggled as they swept low over his stomach. He really didn't mind taking things slow but sometimes he wished Kris would just grab him and tear his clothes off. That would be easier to deal with than all the slow teasing.

“Kris,” he whimpered uncertainly.

“What's wrong?”


He wasn't going to let his insecurities get the best of him again. He hated feeling nervous when they slept together. He just wanted passion strong enough that it would stop his brain from thinking too much and if he made Kris worry then that would never happen.

“Are you sure?”

He nodded, making himself smile a little and then kissed him again to stop any further questions. His hands slid down his body until he had reached his jeans and could begin ping them. He felt the upward curve of his lover's lips and it gave him more confidence.

He him a few times and could feel Kris's hungry eyes watching him as he did so. They didn't last long before fierce hands had gripped his arms and pulled him away. Kris kissed him as he slipped out of his pants and then pulled a chair out from the table so he could sit down.

Chen's tongue swiped over his bottom lip and he dropped to his knees, shuffling into place. Eyes falling closed he Kris's hard length before taking it into his mouth.

“Mmm, baby,” Kris moaned in a soft, approving tone. Something about it sent a tingle of pleasure all through Chen's body. He moaned low in his throat, taking as much of his lover into his mouth as he could. He could hear Kris's breathing as it began deep and erratic. His hand tangled in Chen's hair, neither tugging at it or trying to push him further down but gently encouraging, telling him how good he was.

Breathless and a little light headed, Chen was eventually pulled back. He slumped over Kris, nuzzling his neck when he was pulled onto his lap. He sighed in relief as he was eased out of his pants and Kris was able to him, his large hands moving expertly.

“Kris,” he whimpered, not caring how desperate he sounded.

A hand slipped between his legs to tease at his entrance and he rolled his hips gently in response.

“Are you ready?”

He nodded and let himself be pulled into position straddling his lover's lap. They stripped their shirts off, tossing them carelessly aside, and Kris positioned himself. With one hand on Chen's hip he guided him down. This was the first time they hadn't used any lubrication but as a wolf Chen should have been able to handle it. They had just been playing it cautious before.

He bit his lip and held his breath as he felt Kris's length push inside him just a little. His eyes screwed shut until he was a little further inside and Kris let go of himself. His legs feeling a little too shaky, Chen tried to move but he couldn't seem to get his breath steady and his movements were awkward and uncertain. He hung his head down onto Kris's broad shoulder and whimpered. He knew it would feel good he just couldn’t quite get the right angle.

And then Kris had a hold of his hips again and was pulling him up and off. Chen almost stumbled as he was removed from his lover's lap and Kris stood. Before he could speak Kris had kissed him and slipped an arm around his waist.

“Come here,” he said still dropping kisses onto his mouth as he directed him towards the other room. Chen walked backwards, not wanting to let go of his lover for even a second. He smiled when his legs bumped against the couch before Kris lowered him down onto it and he lay back.

“Open your legs,” his mate told, gently guiding them apart until Chen was lying in front of him feeling horribly, wonderfully exposed. His toes curled tightly.

Kris settled himself between them and pushed in again. This time it was easier, more familiar, and Chen's lips parted in a sigh.

Once he was far enough in Kris lowered himself onto his elbows over him and began moving his hips. Chen's hands shot up to grip his forearms. He looked beautiful when his pupils were blown with pleasure and his lips were parted to let every little moan escape.

Kris rocked inside him until Chen's head was tipped back and he was constantly whimpering. It was when Kris realised that he was softly begging 'please' under his breath that he couldn't help but grin and began to harder.

Chen's breath stuttered in surprise and then he dropped his head back with a long moan. Kris could feel his legs shaking as they wrapped around him and Chen reached up to claw at him and bury his face against his neck. He whimpered, and nipping at the skin needily, not knowing how much he loved it.

“Baby,” he groaned against Chen's neck. He pulled back to kiss his cheek and nuzzle against him. “Do you like it?”

Chen whined and nodded frantically. When Kris chuckled deep in his throat he probably should have felt embarrassed but he had forgotten how to feel that way and really didn't care. He whined his lover's name, so close to release he wasn't sure if he could keep going.

Kris grunted as he his whole length in and out of him recklessly, forgetting the slow build up he usually restrained himself to with Chen. It had been too long since he had touched him.

Suddenly Chen's breathing became shallow and he began to tremble. His fingers slipped against Kris's skin. His teeth met in his bottom lip and he turned to press his face against the fabric of the couch with a little smile just because everything felt so damn good.

Not even a few seconds later, overwhelmed by how good his lover looked when he was trembling with pleasure, Kris came inside him. Chen's mouth fell open in a little gasp and he shivered at the sensation.

Their breathing was still heavy when Kris pulled out and his arms seemed to tremble as he held himself up off his lover's body.

“Stay still,” he panted, kissing him on the head before getting up. Chen wanted to ask where he was going but he was too tired and too content to form words. He couldn't keep the little smile off his face. Yes he was probably going to ache later on but he actually found himself liking that idea.

Kris came back to clean him up and then gently eased him aside so that they could lay tangled together on the couch under a thin blanket. Neither had the strength to move.

“Was that okay?” Kris asked, his arm around his mate who was now snuggled up beside him with their legs tangled together.

“Mmm,” Chen purred, “was perfect.”

“You know I do want you right?”

He nodded and gave a little yawn. “I know.”

“Love you, puppy.”

“I love you too.”


I was only going to write a little bit of this but then happened and it takes a while to write and now it's almost midnight. Oops.

Monster MV though!!!! It looks so good. Are you excited? I'm excited!

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Chapter 50: Awww... I miss this story :/
Chapter 49: ahh ing my babies ♡
Chapter 49: Awwww! Sweet and spicy! God Xiuhan are so cute...
Chapter 48: Xiuharem season 3 has a green light from me!!
Chapter 47: Well damn, I sure as heck didn't expect that. Gosh, I almost feel bad being pissed at Changmin throughout this entire story:P More importantly though, it looks like things are finally turning right for Xiuhan and I'm so happy for it.

Why does Chen have to be so hard on himself? Why does he have to be so cute? And why does he have to be my bias:P That just makes everything that much harder. Ugh, someone heal his bruises please.
kakashilover #6
Chapter 47: Awwww ......changmin is good guy after all

And my poor chennnnnie. T_T
Chapter 47: Awww they're so cute and Changmin *sighs*

But someone better heals Chenchen quickly ^^
baozikm #8
Chapter 47: Awww~ Chen is too cute :3
And Changmin I'd such a sweet heart, I hope he finds his mate to make him happy ♡
This story is always keeping me on edge even when the fight is over