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“Hyung…I want to add this song to MADE album!” – I handed the music sheet to Teddy front of his widened eyes. I doubted that he was going to punch me because Teddy was a very strict producer; everything beyond his plan really annoyed him. And because our MADE album was undergoing post-production, which meant everything was almost completed. I knew adding a new song into the album was synonymous with another song being eliminated, and once I wanted to eliminate a song, I had to make sure the new one was really better.

Teddy glared at me and I could see that he was swallowing his anger: “Wae?..This rascal, you know what does it mean???? It will take much more time!!...and time is as precious as diamond now”

I sincerely looked at him: “Hyung, it’s important…I assure that this song is good…just listen to it once!”

Teddy seemed to be softened: “How about the opinions of the others? Did you tell them all?”

I rolled my eyes: “Err, not yet…I just finished it 2 hours ago…”

Teddy: “Hey, you slept over here again….Hyun Suk hyung won’t be so pleased…correct me if I’m wrong, but he asked you come back dorm for special health care after work every day, all of you!!!”

I sighed and hoped him to let go this topic coz I was not a kid to need health care like that: “As if I care, I'm not a child. So, please make this song work…lemme show you how beautiful this song is!”


After five continuous hours adjusting the song with Teddy in Big Bang studio, he admitted to me that the song was better than his expectation; it marvelously fitted every member’s voice. I sighed in relieved while he started curiously asking me about my inspiration for the song because the lyrics were so sincere; they were sad but beautiful, and full of regret and love at the same time. And he told me that only the one who experienced lovesick was able to compose that, and I had surprised him much. I silently smiled to myself no wonder he was surprised coz no one knew I had broken up with Kiko then, and I knew that this song was only for her.

I just sat there and said nothing about that “secret”, but: “Hyung, do me a favor…?”

Teddy was choked with whatever he was drinking: “Are you sick or something?’ve never asked me to do thing in such polite way…Jiyong, you must care of yourself and don’t startle me like that…”

I became serious, looking to him, I said: “Please insert this song to Series D of MADE, okay?”

Teddy: “Whattt? Yahh, at first you want to eliminate the song, it’s okay but messing up the order of song is of no joke… I mean, me is okay…but about Big Bang and Yang Hyun Suk are another story!!...Talk to your gang first, …and tell me the final decision!!” – Teddy fired up – “This jerk always makes me crazy…!”

But I grinned: “So, it’s an okay with you???”. The decision of Teddy was most important, coz I know other guys would accept my suggestion. (I couldn’t stop myself from being satisfied a little bit because being a leader provided me a lot of special power).


Happily I went out the studio to search for other members. On the way heading to dance practice room and thinking about the how to persuade them to add the new song as well as to make a demo recording, I heard a loud voice of somebody ahead. It was Seung Ri; he might surely fuss at somebody. I wondered if there was any time that Seung Ri shut his mouth up once in his life time, and the answer was no. This rascal had talent of making events (he must be a PR specialist instead of being a singer, indeed). I was up to run to him, but I soon stopped and hided myself behind wall because I recognized who was “somebody”. It was Dara, Seung Ri and Bom. I still remembered that before the break-up event of Dara and me, whenever these three people gathered, there would be a hyper crazy fun time. I recalled that memory and smiled while silently staring at Seung Ri to take a mental note that I would kill him later because he was definitely put his arm around Dara’s neck and sniveled to her as if he was her boyfriend.

Seung Ri suddenly from nowhere hugged Dara, who was rolling her luggage cart beside Bom, from her back and shouted besides her ear (I bet her eardrum would be broken by that, and this was another reason for me to kill him): “NOONNAAA, THREE WORDS, EIGHT LETTERS, SAY IT AND I’LL BE YOURS!!” -  I could her body benched down due to his heavy arm but “What da heck he just told her. What with three words, eight letters...this rascal…you’ll surely dead!!!” – I murmured to myself alone while watching them.

Bom snapped: “Release her, you idiot!!!”

Seung Ri: “Why? I don’t ask you…noona, it’s time for you to get a guy… you’re old, you know!!” – he still hung his arm on Dara and turned to her –“ Noona, just tell me…I’ll be yours”  (What is the fukcing wrong with him?”

Dara gently smiled: “Errr” – she stopped – “how about “I got food?”

I couldn’t help but chuckled while Seung Ri was satisfied but pouted: “I thought you would say “I love  you” but yeahh, you know me well, noona…How about the candies you gave me yesterday?...Do you have any left?” – he stretched his hand in expectation.

Bom: “Yah, I thought you already died of some candy stuck in your throat…Seung Ri ah~ sometimes you challenge me because of your often appearance in my life, you know??”

Seung Ri: “Omo, I’m sorry, lady Bomminator…but my duty is caring Dara noona, but you, you have to wonder why you have to stick to Dara noona all the t

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Janaky011203 #1
Chapter 17: Wow this story is really good!! I just hope they will end up together in spite of all the trials and scandals they have undergo. Go Daragon go. Marry and have a peaceful life. Thank you for sharing this story to us.
Chapter 17: Jiyong...
Chapter 12: They don’t call you a dragon for nothing.
I’m just a dragon for you.
Chapter 12: “Our home”
Chapter 10: “Our private apartment” ☺️
Chapter 9: “After all this time?”
Chapter 5: The words Dara said to Jiyong while sleeping... I’m crying.
I’m scared to start reading this.
Lette1022 #9
Chapter 17: Please update
spartacedaragon #10
Chapter 17: updateee pleaseeeeee