Day 2

Super Christmas


First of all, to the oldest readers, I've changed a lot in the first chapter. Namely, made it twice as long and edited out/in some details. I just couldn't make that chapter work, for some sort of reason. Dx 


Sungmin  stared at the partially hidden face of the ugly man. The ugly man stared back. Sungmin wanted to punch him. He was sure that the other would have loved paying him back for it. But fortunately for Sungmin, such a thing was impossible. It only made him feel slightly better. Though the ugly man had already hurt him before, this was Sungmin’s chance.


Sungmin had never been particularly sadistic or mean or moody, as everyone who knew him could testify, but right now, he took immense pleasure in being in the position of power, able to do whatever he wanted with the ugly man. And the ugly man would pay for all the crap Sungmin had to live with. But until he figured out exactly how that stupid bastard would be tortured, he was content with glaring wholes through the ugly face. From his superior position on the couch, staring down at the man, he felt invincible for a minute.


At least, until –


“Sungmin-hyung, why’re you staring at Kyuhyun’s StarCraft box?”


Damn annoying dongsaeng.


“If you’re having a staring contest, I think the box will win. It doesn’t need to blink, you know.”


“Siwon,” Sungmin complained, his voice a mix between growling and whining as he looked up from the weird face on the cover. “Don’t be funny. I’m trying to figure out what to do with it.”


“Put it back on the shelf again?” Siwon shrugged, fetching a book from said shelf and indicating the free spot the game was usually put at. “I don’t see what you have to do with it, really.”


“I’m tired of Kyuhyun playing all the time,” Sungmin easily admitted. “I want him to start paying attention to… Other things as well.”


“To you, you mean,” Siwon smirked. Sungmin blushed, but did not reply. “Where is he, anyways?”


“Down at the store, with Hankyung-hyung.”


“With Hankyung-hyung, really?”


“Yeah. Anything in particular about that?” Sungmin looked at him innocently. Siwon just shrugged again.


“Nothing, I just…” he paused for a second. “I don’t know. Just surprised, I guess. Anyways, what did you say about the box?”


Sungmin’s eyes returned to the box, and he started pouting a bit. “I don’t like how he plays this stupid game all the time,” he said, tapping one finger at the cover. “So I want to restrict his playing, or in best case, stop it. At least for a little while. It’s not healthy for him either, you know?”


“You do realize he’ll have worse withdrawals than Heechul-hyung without his mirror, right?” Siwon crossed his arms, still holding his book tightly. Sungmin sighed tiredly.


“It’ll only be his imagination, though,” he said, cracking a slight smile. “As opposed to Heechul-hyung, whom I actually think needs a mirror to be physically and mentally stable. Kyu can manage without.”


“If you say so,” Siwon said dryly. “You know him the best.”


“Mhm,” Sungmin agreed with a smile. “I think I’ll just hide it for now. If he behaves, he’ll get it back within the month.”


It was not as if Sungmin actually hated Kyuhyun’s gaming. After all, it was Kyuhyun’s hobby, just like all the other members had certain interests they cherished in their spare time. It was not necessarily the hobby Sungmin would have preferred his lover to have, but then again, he himself had so many peculiar quirks Kyuhyun had to live with, so he should not complain. But lately, their schedules had been so ridiculously stuffed, and Kyuhyun had taken to increase his gaming to handle the stress. Suddenly, all his free moments were occupied by the game, and Sungmin just simply missed him. He could steal a kiss or two in a passing moment, or occasionally a cuddle on the bed if they got back at the same time, but it had been so long since they had actually spent time together. Mostly, Kyuhyun barely acknowledged him and was instead focused on that damned StarCraft.


Sungmin knew Kyuhyun did not do it on purpose, or maybe he did not even realize it himself, but it hardly made Sungmin feel better. He was sure it would all work out if he just removed the game from their lives for a little while.


“Well, if you’re sure,” Siwon sighed, and started making his way out the door. “I’m just glad it’s not me who has to break it to him. Good luck, hyung.”


“Thanks, Siwon,” Sungmin smiled, confidence evident on his face. He was sure, his plan would work. Kyuhyun would behave, and the game would be ignored. Definitely.


With that determined thought, he set out to hide the game before the youngest got home.


Sungmin had only just managed to hide the box in Yesung’s closet (and thanked the gods the older boy rarely locked his room when he went out) when he heard a familiar voice announcing the two’s arrival.


“Yah! Hankyung! Don’t take so long next time, pabo!”


His Heechul-hyung was certainly special, after all, Sungmin thought to himself as he stepped out to meet his lover. Though he did not notice it before, he suddenly registered a slight churning feeling in his stomach. Recalling Siwon’s words, he realized with a pang that he was almost getting… Nervous?!


“I’m just glad it’s not me who has to break it to him.”


This was ridiculous. He was not getting nervous because he hid Kyuhyun’s game. It was a positive feeling because he was looking forward to more time with the younger, an anticipating excitedness, like when you got butterflies in your stomach before a date or something. He was not scared of his boyfriend. Most definitely not.


“Kyuuu~!” he called out, pushing those treacherous thoughts to the back of his mind, as he rounded the corner to the kitchen. It only took him a second to locate his lover, just finishing putting the groceries in their place. Subconsciously, he also noticed Heechul devouring Hankyung’s face, but decided not to dwell on it as he ran over to Kyuhyun. He immediately wrapped his arms around the taller boy’s neck, ignoring his racing heartbeat. Excitement. It’s only excitement. He told himself over and over as he finally felt Kyuhyun’s surprised arms hesitantly circle around his shoulders.


“Uhm, hi, Minnie,” he greeted awkwardly before gathering himself. “You’re in an awful good mood today, is something going on?”


With a small peck on Kyuhyun’s lips, Sungmin hurriedly detangled himself from the younger boy and smiled brightly at him. He knew it would soften Kyuhyun, making him easier to deal with eventually as he broke the dreadful news –




He was not afraid of his boyfriend, damn it. He was just showing affection. This would be good for them, and he was not scared of how Kyuhyun would react.


“Nothing in particular,” he said innocently, making sure to blink wide-eyed at the younger as he spoke. “I’ve just decided to cut down on some things this month.”


“Good for you, I guess,” Kyuhyun replied slowly, frowning slightly (though Sungmin secretly thought it looked more like an adorable pout.) “Is it sugar?”


“No,” Sungmin said, scrunching his nose slightly. “It’s not for me, it’s you.”


“Me?” Kyuhyun looked puzzled, attention fully peaked. “What sort of diet are you putting me on? Don’t you like my body anymore, hyung?” Most definitely a pout. Though Sungmin knew Kyuhyun was just teasing him, he could still see the curiosity in the younger’s eyes. He wondered how much longer he could get away with dragging it out. And what would that mean for Kyuhyun’s reaction? Better to break it slowly, or just –


What. Did. It. Matter.


He was not afraid of Kyuhyun, for crying out loud. Why did he keep worrying about this, it was almost retarded.


“I like your  body just fine, Kyu, though your face is better,” Sungmin huffed slightly, reaching up to pinch the younger’s cheek as if he was a particularly adorable child. Funny. Usually people did that to him. “But I’m not talking about food, I’m talking about… Certain activities.”


“Okaaay…” Kyuhyun scratched his newly released cheek idly, suspicions starting to form. “Which activities, exactly?” Surely not those kind of activities… He shuddered.


“You know, I’m feeling awfully lonely lately,” Sungmin drawled, putting one finger on his own cheek as if in deep thought. Not those kind of activities, then. “And I’ve been thinking, why is that? Why isn’t my incredibly handsome boyfriend around to entertain me?”


Kyuhyun frowned. He did not like where this was going.


“Then,” Sungmin continued, seemingly oblivious to Kyuhyun’s expressions. Or at least, he was pointedly ignoring them. I’m not scared, I’m not scared…


“Finally, I realized, he was actually too busy playing his game! Can you believe that?”


“Sungmin – “ Still not scared.


“So, I threw it out the window and – “




Holy , he was scared.


Of course he was lying, but in a moment of bravery, he had decided to try a new approach. Maybe he never had to return the game? Though, he should have realized, it was futile and only managed to get him more trouble.


Damn, Kyuhyun was scary.The title ‘evil maknae’ was certainly well-earned.


Almost before Sungmin had time to react, Kyuhyun had madly reached for him and only narrowly missed due to Sungmin’s awesome reflexes. At least, that’s what he told himself. Now, he suddenly found himself being chases around the house like a prey escaping from a lion. And Sungmin knew enough zoology to know that it usually did not end well for the prey.


Normally, he knew Kyuhyun would have at least enough sympathy (or pity, whatever came first) with him, if no one else, even if he bullied the other members. Normally, he only had to smile cutely and do some aegyo before the younger forgave him. Not today, it appeared.


. He was scared of his boyfriend.


“I’M SORRY, I’M SORRY, I’M SORRY!” He cried as he made his way around the house, still with the raging maknae on his heels. Dodging furniture and other dumbfounded members, he knew it was only a matter of seconds before he was caught. Instead, he opted to try a new tactic. “I LIED I LIED! I DIDN’T THROW IT OUT! PLEASE SPARE ME!”


No sooner had he spoken before he felt a pair of strong arms circle around his waist, holding him back almost effortlessly. Kyuhyun easily spun him around and glared at the smaller male.


“You can’t lie about things like that, mean hyung,” he said, taking in Sungmin’s terrified expression. On some level, it gave him immense satisfaction that he had such a power over his hyungs, including his boyfriend. On the other hand, he did not really want to be responsible for the small pool of tears gathering at the corner of Sungmin’s eyes. Even if he just had about his precious game.


“Are you sure you lied?” he asked slowly, smirking as Sungmin quickly nodded, his eyes wide. “Good. Because I would hate it if something happened to StarCraft…”


“But you’re fine with murdering me because of it,” Sungmin mumbled, looking away slightly. Kyuhyun chuckled, and brought his hands up to cup Sungmin’s face, pulling the smaller man to him in the process.


“If it’s your fault, then yes,” he said, not missing a beat. “Aren’t you acting like a jealous girlfriend.”


“I’m feeling like one, too,” Sungmin retorted, pouting. To his surprise, he received no smartass comeback, but a pair of soft lips on top of his own, gently caressing them with a smooth, velvet touch, so unlike the wild explosion only a few minutes ago.

Before he even realized doing so, Sungmin brought one of his own hands up to grab at Kyuhyun’s hair, letting himself be pressed further into the kiss. Satisfied, Kyuhyun slowly parted his lips to have his tongue tease at Sungmin’s mouth, gently asking for entrance. Sungmin obediently complied, and they were soon wrapped up in each other as if the last minutes never happened.


Slowly, still keeping his hand in Kyuhyun’s hair, Sungmin pulled back, leaving only a ghost of a kiss on Kyuhyun’s lips.


“Not mad anymore?” he whispered with a hopeful smile.


“No,” Kyuhyun replied, a bit dissatisfied with his boyfriend’s withdrawal. “Look at your face. It’s impossible to stay mad at that for too long, isn’t it?” Lucky for me, Sungmin thought with a small look at Kyuhyun.


Kyuhyun let go of Sungmin’s face, and turned to the living room. Probably with the intention of retrieving his game, now that he thinks it is safe and sound, Sungmin reasoned. A bit annoyed he was left for StarCraft again, Sungmin still had to smile at his boyfriend’s naïve plan.


Well. We’ll see about that.


Following Kyuhyun to the living room, currently occupied by Kibum and Siwon (the latter gave him a look that clearly said ‘I warned you’), Sungmin just had the time to spot the youngest near the bookshelf and the game’s supposed place, before hell broke loose again.




Right. He had, in their moment of passion, almost forgotten how scary Kyuhyun turned out to be.






Sungmin was actually fairly surprised by the things that rambled out of his mouth. It seemed rather unintelligible, after all.


“WHAT DID YOU DO WITH IT?!” Kyuhyun quickly stormed over to Sungmin and grabbed him by his shoulders. “SUNGMIN! WHAT DID YOU DO WITH IT?!”


“It’s safe, don’t worry!” Sungmin did his best to look angry with his boyfriend, but suspected it might look more like a pout. So much for being adorable. At least it would keep Kyuhyun from physically hurting him. “Unlike me, at the moment. Do you really love that game more than your own boyfriend?”


“No!” Sungmin noted the lack of hesitation in Kyuhyun’s outburst with joy. “I love you more than anything, Minnie, but if you have – “


“Then hear me out!” Suddenly, all of the past days, months, of frustration regarding Kyuhyun’s game welled out from Sungmin. “I’ve only hidden it, and you won’t find it.” Because no one who wanted to keep their sanity intact ventured into the strange world of Yesung’s room. In retrospect, Sungmin decided that was the turning point that made him almost-not afraid of Kyuhyun.


“Why would you do such a thing?” Kyuhyun frowned, not lessening his grip on Sungmin’s shoulders. The older looked down.


“Because,” he said quietly. “You were paying too much attention to the game and too little to me. I was lonely.” Kyuhyun’s look softened a bit.


“But it’s what I do,” he said, his tone blank. “It has nothing do with you, I – “


“And that’s the problem!” Sungmin burst out, now looking fiercely into Kyuhyun’s eyes again. “I don’t mind you having a hobby, even if it is an unhealthy one. But I do mind it when it’s all you ever seem to think of, and I hardly see you anymore!”


“That’s not true, we are together all the time, we – “


“Please, Kyuhyun, we might’ve been in the same room, but have we ever really spent time together lately? I miss you, pabo!”


Guilt slowly crept up on Kyuhyun, especially when he noticed Sungmin’s eyes b with tears again. He really did not notice before now, and still struggled to come up with any time he had outright ignored Sungmin. But he had never really made any moves on him the past month either…


“I’m sorry, Minnie…” he slowly said, tone apologetic as he gathered the small boy in his arms. Instantly, he felt tiny sobs shook the smaller’s frame and a pair of hands in his shirt. “I know it’s horrible of me, but I really didn’t notice. I guess it’s just my way of handling things…”


“Why won’t you ever come to me to talk, then?” Sungmin choked into his muscular chest. “Why is the game better at helping you than I am?”


“It’s not,” Kyuhyun assured him, soft, brown hair slowly. “It’s just how I’ve always done things, so it’s hard to change. But I should’ve thought of you…”


“You should have.” Sungmin’s confirmation was muffled, but still loud enough to hear. Kyuhyun sighed sadly.


“I’m sorry, Minnie…” he said, putting one hand under Sungmin’s chin, forcing him to look up. “Please forgive me? I promise, I’ll be better!”


“You better,” Sungmin sniffled, smiling slightly. “And I think you will. Which is why you’re not getting your game back within a month.”


“A month?!” Kyuhyun exclaimed before he managed to stop himself. Sungmin pouted.


“Can’t you live one month without your game? For me?” he said, doing his best aegyo. “If you’re good, you’ll get it back~!” Kyuhyun sighed, but put on a smile as he got better ideas.


“Fine,” he agreed, bringing one hand up to Sungmin’s cheek, drying tear tracks with gentle of his thumb. “Then I suppose you’ll have to keep me entertained… In other ways…”


“I think I’ll manage,” Sungmin agreed innocently, drying his face some more.


“Then,” Kyuhyun smirked, leaning so close that his breath tickled Sungmin when he spoke. “Would you give me a teaser?”


Sungmin smiled and leaned in to comply. However, he only gave Kyuhyun a little kiss before pulling away and scrutinizing the other.


“That’s all you get for now,” he said sternly. “If you want more later, you know where to find me.” With that, he stalked out of the living room, presumably to do something useful. Kyuhyun only stared after him, dumbfounded.


“Well, he had an easier time than I expected,” Kibum commented lightly to Siwon. Kyuhyun jumped a bit; he had actually forgotten his hyungs’ presence. The taller of the two on the couch nodded.


“Yeah, I think Sungmin-hyung is taming you, maknae,” he smiled, turning towards the boy in question. Kyuhyun only huffed and stalked out after Sungmin. Siwon and Kibum only laughed.


“Let’s tell Leeteuk-hyung we don’t need cable TV anymore. All we need are these two and Heechul, right?”


“Yeah, though a little Kangin could keep the variety up.”


“True, true.”






“… Okay, but they’re gone now, let’s see what’s on.”


So this was posted ridiculously late, and for that, I apologize. Also, it will probably be the last somewhat lengthy chapter, as my exams are starting (why create this fic now, when I'm the busiest? D: retardation is a curse.) and I really need to work to pass them. Yes, I'm that kind of stupid. 

Anyways, I struggled a bit when writing this, their characters were surprisingly hard to make work. D: And I guess it's very little KyuMin, and more just Kyuhyun and Sungmin. I tried. Dx It was also ridiculously long and surprisingly angsty, compared to what I had originally planned. xD

So, to answer a few comments, yes, I'll try to make this a sort of advent calendar towards Christmas. :3 Though this one was not very Christmas-y, it will hopefully get better. x3 Also, thanks to -GreenPumpkins for the suggestion of mistletoe and christmas shopping! Retarded as I am, I actually didn't think that far. xD As a bonus for you, here is KyuMin, earlier than planned! ;3 And to blackspiderlily; I'll try, but as you might've seen, I'm a hardcore Hanchul addict as well. xD Though I love SiHan friendship, so I'll be sure to include some of that! :D

Furthermore, thanks a lot for 15 subscribers within a day!! O.o Holy crap, you guys are amazing! Thank you so muc! |D Hope this chapter pleases you!

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Chapter 24: Waitin for the 25th chapter still~

I just cried a river reading the 24th chapter
hebteuk #2
Chapter 23: "And of course, Kangin and Leeteuk were still in their own little world on the little corner of the couch."
i dunno how many times i read this sentence in that chap, but it makes me laugh in every time xDD
hebteuk #3
Chapter 13: that silly weird overeager teukie's so funny nd the poor time for u my beloved raccoon :(
hebteuk #4
Chapter 5: late reader!
hey! just found ur story...@chap 5 nd oh My,i luv when kangin's being worried abt teukie's health nd scolds him gently, but when he cries, he softened again nd kisses him..kangteuk's so sweet >0<
brb to continue~
Chapter 24: Awwww... HanChul is so sweet in this :3 thank you for this chapter ^^ I really needed it right now <3
Chapter 24: Oh god I loved this so much <3
Such a heartwarming chapter :)
sapphire0taku #8
..this story is sooo freaking awesome!!!

KangTeuk!!! <3
xCrimsonxAngelx #9
<br />
Okay, wow. That was probably the best Christmas carol parody I've read (which means that I appreciate it SO MUCH! :D). You just put me through all of these emotions, man. I was in disbelief and confused when I read the second sentence, but then I caught on in the next few sentences. Clever~. There were several points where I felt like I was about to cry (poor wookie! DDD:) and slap Hee for being so cruel. IDEK, there's too many things to love in here. And then that ending- skdjfskjfhaksfklsdk adorable. Chapter 24= <333333333 *round of applause*