Day 10

Super Christmas


The room was all white. The floor was white, walls, and every piece of furniture shared the same color. And it was not the dirty kind of white; not off white, cream, or any other variation. Just the pristine, cleanest white ever seen, with the likes only found in sterile hospitals. The floor was cowered in small, soft, almost dust-like dots still in the same color, heavy amounts in some places while almost none in others, all the while blending easily with the rest of the room. In the center stood a bench, of the classic, wooden kind with metal bars – entirely in white.


Only one thing did not share the color – the group of young men gathered in the room. Thirteen, to be exact, thirteen exceptionally beautiful, handsome and talented young men. They were all dressed in exactly two shades of white and red, although their clothes varied greatly in shape and appearance. One had a bright red shirt with simple, skintight white jeans, while another had pants in the same shade of red, with a fitted v-neck and a thin scarf in matching white. The rest of the group wore similar dressings, but they all had one thing in common; the Christmas trademark red and white cap, matching the ones from the imaginations of Santa Claus.


Of course, that particular detail had prompted a complaint about how hair and caps do no match, courtesy of the resident diva. Because he had to look good at a photoshoot, after all.


Leeteuk had looked very eager when he explained to them that they were doing a special themed photo shoot, in order to promote their upcoming Christmas concert, as well creating new merchandise for the fans to purchase for the holidays. Other members had been less excited about the idea, but in the end, they all agreed that if it was for the fans, then fine. Besides, photo shoots with Super Junior were rarely boring.


“Sungminnie! Get off Kyuhyn’s back!”


“But it’s uncomfortable to stand for so long, and it’s his fault! Besides, he’s the one who offered – “


“I don’t care, we’re supposed to have a photo shoot! Why don’t you switch places with Eunhyuk and sit at the bench instead?”


“What? He can’t do that! Then the color symmetry won’t match!”


“Then have him switch with Ryeowook instead!”


“But Teukie-hyung, I can’t stand, I’ll look too short next to Hankyung – “


“You’re not that much shorter than me, are you?”


“When you wear heel lifts, I am!”


“Yah, stop pretending like you don’t!”


“I think Sungmin’s just the perfect height!”


“Evil maknae, you just say that because you like feeling superior…”


“I don’t feel superior, I am superior.”


“This brat, who are you supposed to be superior to?!”


“Heechul-hyung, I don’t think – “


“Siwon, make your boyfriend shut up!”


“No reason to be mean, hyung, he’s just opened his mouth! Make Sungmin shut up!”


“I didn’t – “


“Stupid horse, why aren’t you ever respectful to your hyungs?”


“I am, but you just – “


“Never mind, Siwonnie, he’s just mad about the cap still – “


“Yah! Kibum! Are you being mouthy as well?!”


“Can you please act civil, Heechul?”


“Yeah, behave, !”


“Kangin, shut up…”


“Did you just call me ?!”


“Kangin-ah, Chullie does not like calling – “


“It’s ‘being called a ’, Hankyung…”


“Yah! Don’t correct him, only I do that!”


“Where’s Shindong?”


“Went out to get a snack.”


“What the – Shindong, why are you so ninja when it comes to food!”


“Oi, is Hae-hyung sleeping?”


“Yes he is, so could you please quiet down, my poor fishy needs his sleep!”


“Sorry, Eunhyuk-hyung…”


“Wookie, don’t apologize, you’re not making any noise! Besides, we’re supposed to be working, not sleeping! Wake him up, and Kangin, go find Shindong – “


“Teukie-hyung, the photographer is snapping pictures all the time…”


“What?! But we’re not looking our best, and Shindong is – “


“Yah! Why are you suddenly smiling even though your voice is so desperate?”


“Aish, Heechul-hyung is noisy…”


“Ah! Donghae! Sorry, we didn’t mean to wake you…”


“Leeteuk! What are you saying, you just told us to wake him up!”


“Why is this a madhouse?”


“I don’t know, Yesung.”


“I miss Ddangkoma.”


“Yesungieee, what about me?”


“… I miss Ddangkoma and my bed.”


“But you still love me, right?”


“… Yes.”


“Oi, Yesung-hyung, watch where that arm is going!”


“Relax, Shindong it’s just his shoulders, Yesung’s just – wait, when did you get back?!”


“I noticed the food from the cafeteria earlier, and it smelled so good!”


“You’re a nutcase…”


“Guys! Seriously! We need to finish this today, so won’t you all strike a nice pose and work with this?”


“Yeah, Leeteuk has a point, which brings me back to… SUNGMIN GET OFF KYUHYUN’S BACK RIGHT NOW!”


“But hyung – “


“Yes, switch with Donghae, now that he’s awake!”


“No way, I won’t have you steal my fishy away from me!”




“Seriously, you kids. Heechul, be quiet. Eunhyuk, stop complaining. Sungmin, do as he says. Kyuhyun… Stop looking smug. Kibum, could you please switch with Sungmin, just so nothing happens…”


“Sure, Leeteuk-hyung, I’ll be standing next to Siwon, then!”


“My God, you are really an obedient and nice dongsaeng! I love you, Kibummie!”


“Teukie-hyung, you shouldn’t speak of the Lord so lightly, or profess your love to Kibum!  That’s my job!”


“Don’t pout, Teukie, you can still tell me how much you adore me!”


“Kangin-hyung, you bastard, keep your pants on!”


“Who are you to tell me that, Kyuhyun, really?! And talk to me with respect!”


“Kangin, be quiet and smile at the camera, that’s an order from your leader!”


“Can I put my arm around you, then?”


“… Fine.”


“Hankyung, I think we need to turn the mood up a notch.”




“Yes. Kiss me.”




“Call me Mr Fanservice, !”


“The Lord’s name, if you would please!”


“I miss Ddangkoma.”


“Seriously, you guys, photo shoot, here, now. Are you with me?”


Finally, the group silenced enough to execute the poses they were given by the photographer, even though she looked a bit disappointed that they decided to behave, actually. After rotating the standings a bit, there was time for the individual photos.


Which left 11-12 of them unattended as one was being photographed.


Ryeowook was the first, and he obediently went back to the setting and greeted the photographer for the second time, smiling shyly as he received his instructions.


“Look at that,” Eunhyuk remarked to Kangin from where they were watching at the sidelines. “He’s just like a little kid, even though he’s passed twenty! All he has to do is smile cutely and blink those eyes a couple of times, and he’s got the woman completely bending down to him! How’s that, really?”


“That’s nothing,” Kangin snorted, crossing his arms. “You should see Leeteuk when we’re out among people. He’s pretty much a wandering machine of adorable, the way he acts whenever he sees a noona. Or any girl, actually, for that matter. But you know how he’s like, he wants people to like him, so I guess there’s nothing you can do about it.”


“Do you think Ryeowook will be the same in four years?” Eunhyuk shuddered.


“Nah,” Kangin shrugged. “He doesn’t do it on purpose, he was just born that way.”


“He was born ridiculously cute?” Eunhyuk raised an eyebrow, but a smile tugged on his lips nonetheless.


“Yeah, maybe he’ll realize it someday,” Kangin chuckled.


“What’re you discussing?” A third voice questioned, the owner draping himself over Eunhyuk’s shoulders. “I thought I heard the word ‘cute’?”


“Yeah, and we were actually not talking about you, Donghae,” Kangin grinned slightly, causing the youngest to pout.


“I wasn’t saying you were, either,” he mumbled against Eunhyuk’s neck. “I’m not one of the cute ones in this group.”


“Yes you are, stop trying to convince yourself of anything different,” Eunhyuk smiled, turning his head slightly so his nose met the other’s. “You’re adorable.”


“Actually, I think you fit the description more appropriately,” Donghae replied innocently, pretending not to catch up with Eunhyuk’s tone. Kangin rolled his eyes.


“Fishy, are you retarded?”


“That’s a horrible thing to say!”


Kangin coughed unnecessarily loud and shoved Eunhyuk lightly, sending both of them stumbling a bit before sending a mutual glare at him.


“You’re mean, hyung,” Donghae remarked. Eunhyuk nodded in agreement, grabbing a hold of Donghae’s hands from where they rested against the rapper’s chest.


“You’re getting annoying,” Kangin replied offhandedly. “Oh look, Wookie’s done already.”


“Wow, as expected of Ryeowook!” Donghae exclaimed, impressed. “How long was that? Barely two minutes?”


“He’s like clay in that photographer’s hand, and ridiculously photogenic.” Eunhyuk grumbled, envy obvious in his voice. “Doesn’t need that much time.”


“Quit complaining, sourpuss!” Donghae tried to smack him playfully on the chest, but it ended up as a pitiful flick of his wrist, as Eunhyuk still kept a firm grasp on his hands.


As it turned out, Ryeowook actually requested if his partner for the rest of the pictures could be Yesung, which prompted the strange boy to immediately emerge from wherever he was hidden, and the photographer naturally accepted. The two of them had easily flung their arms around each other, sat down on the bench casually and ended up with a mock wrestling match in the powder-resembling-snow, which Yesung easily won (making Ryeowook complain about the older having the unfair advantage of practice from the day before), all while the photographer kept snapping photos like a madman.


Afterwards, she decided to just have Yesung model while he was still there, which he readily agreed to. He smiled warmly at the camera, his poses easy and natural, but still cool enough to be noticed. Yesung was really like himself.


Afterwards, Shindong, Siwon, Heechul, Leeteuk, Kibum and Sungmin had their photos taken. Strangely enough, Kibum and Shindong were paired up for the ‘friends’ picture, though Kibum also got the chance to take some with Siwon. Siwon, in turn, got some with Heechul, who also made a couple with Leeteuk. Sungmin called Kyuhyun in when he was done with the single shots, but after that, they decided to take a short break (or, the photographer, at least.).


Not that the members of Super Junior minded; most of the time, they were not working anyways, but this gave all of them a chance to go and have lunch together. They rarely got the time to really be together, everyone, now lately, and although this was nothing like the quality time they would have liked, they still felt at ease as they occupied a huge table in the cafeteria.


The people passing by would stare and whisper among themselves, some because Super Junior was dining in their cafeteria (though being a photo studio, they really should get used to it by now), others reacting to the sporadic and rather weird conversation topics being thrown about carelessly.


But Super Junior did not mind. They were all feeling particularly jolly today, despite the earlier discussion they had. As clichéd as it was, that was how they showed their genuine care for each other; by getting involved with the others’ business and stating their opinions against each other without remorse.


And so they continued easily, supporting each other from the sidelines even though it was all routine, they had done it so many times before, no one even bothered counting.


It still felt good for every single member that yes, even though he was currently the only one working, the entire group backed him up. Just like family.


Random meaningless character interaction is random. 


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Chapter 24: Waitin for the 25th chapter still~

I just cried a river reading the 24th chapter
hebteuk #2
Chapter 23: "And of course, Kangin and Leeteuk were still in their own little world on the little corner of the couch."
i dunno how many times i read this sentence in that chap, but it makes me laugh in every time xDD
hebteuk #3
Chapter 13: that silly weird overeager teukie's so funny nd the poor time for u my beloved raccoon :(
hebteuk #4
Chapter 5: late reader!
hey! just found ur story...@chap 5 nd oh My,i luv when kangin's being worried abt teukie's health nd scolds him gently, but when he cries, he softened again nd kisses him..kangteuk's so sweet >0<
brb to continue~
Chapter 24: Awwww... HanChul is so sweet in this :3 thank you for this chapter ^^ I really needed it right now <3
Chapter 24: Oh god I loved this so much <3
Such a heartwarming chapter :)
sapphire0taku #8
..this story is sooo freaking awesome!!!

KangTeuk!!! <3
xCrimsonxAngelx #9
<br />
Okay, wow. That was probably the best Christmas carol parody I've read (which means that I appreciate it SO MUCH! :D). You just put me through all of these emotions, man. I was in disbelief and confused when I read the second sentence, but then I caught on in the next few sentences. Clever~. There were several points where I felt like I was about to cry (poor wookie! DDD:) and slap Hee for being so cruel. IDEK, there's too many things to love in here. And then that ending- skdjfskjfhaksfklsdk adorable. Chapter 24= <333333333 *round of applause*