Day 11

Super Christmas


It had started so innocently. It always did with Wookie. He would wrap his arms around Yesung’s waist, cuddling a bit and telling Yesung how much he loved him, and stare expectantly up at the older with big eyes. Yesung would pat his head and tell him that he loved Wookie as well.


And that was when things started going bad for Yesung.


Usually, when Ryeowook wanted something from his boyfriend, he would approach the situation like that; use some aegyo to get attention, voice his adoration for the older and, upon the standardized reply of ‘I love you too’, he would use this statement to have Yesung do whatever it is he wanted.


Of course, the rest of the members believed Yesung just liked indulging the eternal maknae.


But had they known what kind of things the innocent Ryeowook made Yesung do, they would never have believed such a thing. Much to Yesung’s horror, he had, over the course of the time they had been together (and admittedly, for quite some time before that, too), suffered through more obscenities than he cared to admit. Going to the zoo, being live audience on a cooking show, gone shoe shopping (Yesung was more for accessories) and sightseeing in their own hometown, among other things.


Worst of all, today he had been lured out to go ice skating. Outside. On frozen water. With skates.


Right now, Yesung did not love his Wookie.


“Come on, Yesungie!” Ryeowook sang as he effortlessly glided around the immobile Yesung, who only crossed his arms and stared at the younger, face passive. “Don’t just stand around, join me!”


“You’re making me dizzy,” Yesung commented dryly, although his focus never shifted from the obviously excited Ryeowook. “It would be of no use if I were to move when I’m dizzy; I’ll probably just fall down and break a bone and be unable to perform music or more tabu activities in your bed, which would make everyone very sad, including you and me. Particularly you. All in all, it would be a shame, wouldn’t it? So stop circling me!”


Obediently, Ryeowook stopped in front of Yesung, although he kept his grin on as he approached his boyfriend gracefully, the ice underneath his skates seemingly not any source of concern. Quickly, he craned his neck slightly to give the older a little kiss, and Yesung could do nothing but kiss back, despite his momentary frustration at the situation. Fortunately for them, the small pond they were using as their ice rink was surprisingly empty.


“You won’t get hurt, Yesung,” Ryeowook smiled, reaching out to grab one of Yesung’s hands with his own mitten-covered one. “It’s no more dangerous here than back at home?”


“Clearly, you don’t have much of a clue about anything,” Yesung retorted immediately. “Do you know how many people have been fatally injured, or in fact killed, by skating on ice? It’s serious business, in fact!”


Of course, it was not like Yesung was bad at skating. Oh no, grab your rosaries and pray for your lost souls for even thinking about such a thing; Yesung was, in fact, very good at skating. Everyone else just failed to see the gracefulness and polished skills his falls possessed. At least, that was what Yesung thought.


Ryeowook had quite a different view on the matter.


“Stop overreacting, you,” Ryeowook laughed, slowly starting to move away from their spot, pulling Yesung with him, much to the older’s protest. “More people die of being choked by their own garments!”


“You shouldn’t make fun of it, it’s actually a serious problem, you know,” Yesung said with a frown, causing Ryeowook to roll his eyes slightly. He would not necessarily call it a serious problem that some people were not good at – or scared of, whatever was the case with Yesung – ice skating, but Yesung always said the weirdest things, so he let it slide.


“There are even associations for the kind of people left behind by such tragedies; ‘Support group for victims of sweaters’, ‘Sock survivors’, ‘I lost my beloved to a scarf’ – don’t take these kind of things too lightly, Wookie.”


… Weirdest of things, indeed.




“Never mind, I made up the last one, though it sounds far more likely than the two first, don’t you think?”


“You know what I think.”


“… Shame on you, Wookie, I’m talking about serious matters here. Don’t be so vulgar.”


Ryeowook only chuckled. His boyfriend was the weirdest thing ever, but he loved him for it nonetheless. The rather peculiar conversation topic had, in any case, distracted Yesung – or maybe he was just playing along, Ryeowook could never know – enough for Ryeowook to pull him gently around the ice rink a couple of times, hopefully increasing Yesung’s daringness on the skates. Though he had a suspicion that the older was planning on ignoring the issue for as long as possible; he just stood stiffly on his skates while the younger pulled him around by the hand.


“Yah, Yesungie,” he finally said, turning around to face the other as they slowly glided to a halt. “Won’t you please walk a bit around the ice alone? For me?” He quickly added, putting on his best puppy eyes as he looked up at his only slightly taller boyfriend.


“Why do I always have to do things ‘for you’?” Yesung rolled his eyes, but did not let go of Ryeowook’s hand. “Why can’t I do things for me? Or Ddangkoma. Which is, essentially, me.”


“Shush, now, you grumpy,” Ryeowook giggled, slapping Yesung playfully on his shoulder with his free hand. “Walk around just one round, please.”




“It makes me happy?”


“There’s plenty of things that makes me happy, but ice skating is not one of them.”


“Yesungie… I don’t care if you’re bad, just –


“Yah! I’m not bad! I’m great!”


“Well, so far, you’ve only stood up straight, which really isn’t that much of a feat.” To emphasize his point, Ryeowook let go of Yesung’s hand and made a little pirouette effortlessly. Yesung did not seem impressed. Instead, he cautiously moved forward the last few steps and grabbed the younger by the waist before he had time to react, wobbly skating technique ignored. He put his head on the small man’s shoulder and tightened his hold a bit, and in the process pulling him closer, as Ryeowook’s head turned a little to look at him in confusion. Yesung only smirked and placed a soft kiss on Ryeowook’s neck, leaving his lips hovering about the heating skin to have his breath tickle Ryeowook the way he knew the younger loved.


“I can be good,” he whispered, noting the shiver running through Ryeowook with pleasure. “You know just how good I can be…”


“Yesung…” Ryeowook moaned quietly, bringing one of his own hands up to hold Yesung’s. It was true, he absolutely adored the way Yesung would hold that gorgeous face close to his, warm breath tickling his neck, while the soft, dark hair had the same effect to his cheek. It was almost like the feeling of silk his features, and he would have preferred never to let the sensation go.


Yesung knew exactly how much control he had over the situation. Ignoring the skates on his feet, the ice crackling dangerously underneath them and the biting cold threatening to engulf them, he knew, he was the one in charge. Gently, as he always was with Ryeowook, he lifted his head slightly to run his lips from the exposed neck to the defined jawline and along the high cheekbones. He felt, rather than saw, Ryeowook close his eyes in pleasure, sighing softly in contentment as Yesung kissed the closed lids carefully. Bringing his chin down to rest on the younger’s shoulder again, Yesung lifted one hand to lovingly caress a soft cheek before pushing it to the side, until Ryeowook’s nose met Yesung’s. Then he opened his eyes again.


Soft, brown orbs glittered with love as they met mysterious black, though they too held the same emotion. Ryeowook had always been fascinated by those shining eyes. Even before they became an item, even before he realized his own feelings for the older, he was drawn in by those fantastic orbs. They were impossible to read, yet they spoke so loudly, telling Ryeowook everything he needed to know about the older, but still leaving him yearning for more. That was how he always felt with Yesung – every day, he would learn new things about the peculiar man, he would explore new depths to him and be equally intrigued every time. Ryeowook knew he was the one, perhaps in the whole world, who knew Yesung the best, and still, there was so much he did not know.


It was one of Yesung’s charm points, he mused; he was too impossible to predict, too special and complex for another human being to completely understand. But Ryeowook loved to try; and he was infinitely grateful that Yesung had chosen to love him.


In a heartbeat, he leaned in even closer to press a soft kiss to the older’s lips, pouring all of his love and adoration in the simple touch, and his heart jumped as much as it always did when Yesung easily replied, and he closed his eyes. Ryeowook was much more innocent than anyone else in the group, but Yesung never pushed him or moved to fast. He was perfectly content with Ryeowook’s pace, whatever that might be, because he wanted to be loved on Ryeowook’s conditions, not everyone else’s. Even though he was usually the one who initiated more intimate contact, he made sure to never do anything Ryeowook was not comfortable with. It was not like a couple needed as much skinship as for instance Hankyung and Heechul obviously did; Ryeowook and Yesung were both perfectly comfortable with their relationship, no matter what anyone else would think.


Yesung slowly responded to the kiss, ever so slightly increasing the force he put in it, eventually sneaking his tongue to Ryeowook’s lips, gently asking for permission. The soft, pink mouth parted without hesitation, letting Yesung deepen the kiss with slow steps. There was no battle for dominance, no wrestling between the two muscles. Instead, there was only Yesung’s tongue gently caressing, exploring, loving Ryeowook’s own.


No one counted the time, but for Ryeowook, it felt too short anyways. He considered himself a levelheaded person, but when he felt Yesung’s breath inside his mouth, tickling the cave the same way he did to his neck, rational thoughts were lost to the world. Bringing his free hand up, he fisted it in Yesung’s hair slowly, making sure not the pain the older. Gently, he pushed them closer, if possible, and carefully began responding physically with his own tongue to join in a clumsy dance with Yesung’s. He felt the older’s lips curl into a slight smile. He knew Yesung loved it when he played back. If he was in a playful mood, he might even have bitten his taller boyfriend’s lip or tongue. But not now. Not today. Today, he just wanted to enjoy Yesung’s love.


Too soon, he felt them drift apart. Whether it was Yesung or himself who pulled away first, Ryeowook could not tell, but eventually, he ended up staring at those onyx orbs again, entirely captivated.


“This is why you do things for me,” he heard himself say coyly, and suddenly wondered where that had come from. The slightly amused surprise in Yesung’s eyes revealed that he was curious about that too.


In a sudden burst of confidence, Ryeowook pulled away quickly, though he kept a hold of Yesung’s hands as he turned.


“So,” he started, smiling innocently at Yesung’s wary expression. “Will you please just walk around a bit? Ice skating is so much fun, if only you’ll give it a chance? It’s not often we have this opportunity, after all. And it’s soon Christmas!”


“As if that has anything to do with anything,” Yesung grumbled, but straightened up. “Fine. What do I get?”


“Get?” Ryeowook echoed in confusion. “What should you get? Shouldn’t you do it for me, since you love me so much?”


“Wookie,” Yesung sighed, squeezing the singer’s hands slightly. “I’m standing right here, wearing knives on by feet on fragile frozen water because I love you. Isn’t that enough?”


“Pleeeaaase, Yesungie,” Ryeowook blinked innocently. “Just try, and if you hate it, we’ll go in immediately, and I’ll do whatever you want me to!” Had his boyfriend been anyone else, that last promise might have been particularly dangerous to his innocence. Fortunately, Ryeowook’s boyfriend happened to be Yesung, who would never dream of taking advantage of the younger. At least not physically.


“Fine,” he agreed slowly. “Only because you are so adorable. Besides, it might take longer to argue with you, and Ddangkoma needs to be fed soon.” Ryeowook almost felt jealous of the turtle. Almost.


“I’ll warn you, though; you might want to cover your eyes so you won’t be dazed by my skills.”


“I don’t think that will be a problem, Yesung.”


And naturally, it did not either. Despite his confident claims that his skating skills were as good as any other skills he possessed (although, Ryeowook would not say it out loud, but that did not necessarily mean anything, coming from Yesung), it was obvious from the very start where he was going to end up.


In the pile of snow next to the ice.


It had started fair enough, perhaps a bit wobbly as Yesung tried to get used to sliding instead of walking. But Yesung was far from clueless, and eventually managed to put one foot in front of the other awkwardly while still pushing forward with his weight. Ryeowook smiled in pride at the sight.


But the size of the pond was not generous, and a challenge soon made itself known to Yesung; he needed to reduce his speed and make a swing, lest he continued going straight into the snow. And that was where things went wrong.


He tried to imitate the motions Ryeowook had done earlier when he would swing and halt, by moving his ankles slightly sideways and leaning back a little, but the momentum was too great for his limited experience, and he ended up going face first into the snow anyways.


Ryeowook had expected it, but he still had to stifle his laughter as Yesung clumsily crashed into the lump of white. At least it broke his fall.


Swiftly making his way over to dig out his boyfriend, Ryeowook had to smile at the sight. Yesung, his ever lovely Yesung, had somehow buried his head and parts of his shoulders within the snow, his body limp and defeated sticking out like a cartoon.


“Let me help you, pabo,” Ryeowook chuckled, grabbing a hold of Yesung’s waist and pulling a little to free his head. Not too soon, Yesung’s black fringe appeared again, and Ryeowook dropped him to his knees. He was not strong enough to hold him up, after all. Getting up on all fours, Yesung turned his head to scowl at the other.


“That was cold.” He attempted to stand, but ended up clumsily tumbling back into the snow, landing on his back this time, with his feet still on the ice. Ryeowook could not hold back a chuckle and looked down at the pouting figure. People called him cute, but his boyfriend could easily fall – quite literally – under that category as well.

“Maybe skating really isn’t your thing,” Ryeowook said gently as he slid forward, one foot on each side of Yesung’s legs as he stood at the edge of the pond, looking down at Yesung with a smile.


“I told you,” Yesung huffed, looking away slightly. “The things I do for you, Wookie.”


“You know, I appreciate it very much,” Ryeowook grinned, sitting down on Yesung’s abdomen and straddling his hips. Not that Yesung looked like he wanted to move, anyways. “I love you, Yesungie.”


“I love you too,” Yesung said lovingly as he reached up to Ryeowook’s cheek. “But sometimes, you’re being mean. Who said you were innocent? They should only have known.”


“It wasn’t that bad, was it?”


“Yes. It was horrible. Look where I am now.”


“Well… Is this really so bad?”


Yesung had to take a couple of seconds to think of a reply. Truth to be told, he had nothing against a grinning Ryeowook sitting on top of him like that. Although, considering…


“My back is cold. I’m wet. My hair’s turning into icicles.” His expression clearly said ‘I need not tell more’, an image Ryeowook had become fairly familiar with after spending so much time with Yesung.


“Poor thing,” he cooed and bent down, placing a gentle kiss on Yesung’s brow. Immediately, the older pulled him down for a real, uncharacteristically rough kiss, though he let go in an instant.


“I thought I deserved something more,” he explained casually. Ryeowook sighed, but smiled nonetheless and patted Yesung’s chest.


“Maybe you did,” he said. “Maybe you deserve even more… Although I’m fairly sure we need to go inside for you to collect that reward. Come on, you’re really cold – can’t have you being sick…”


“’That reward’?” Yesung echoed as he let Ryeowook help him to his feet again. The younger nodded.


“Wait and see until we come in,” he winked. “But I promise you, it’ll be good! Just the way you like it, so you’ll forgive me!”


Yesung did say that Ryeowook was not as innocent as everyone thought he was. But, as opposed to every other human being on the planet, Yesung knew Ryeowook’s taunting was obliviously about hot chocolate.



Because I wanted this plot and you guys wanted YeWook. And Kyumin already had a chapter. xD Also, since Yesung is the king of unintentional fail, he gets to share my fail at skating. Yes, I'm that kind of pathetic.

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Chapter 24: Waitin for the 25th chapter still~

I just cried a river reading the 24th chapter
hebteuk #2
Chapter 23: "And of course, Kangin and Leeteuk were still in their own little world on the little corner of the couch."
i dunno how many times i read this sentence in that chap, but it makes me laugh in every time xDD
hebteuk #3
Chapter 13: that silly weird overeager teukie's so funny nd the poor time for u my beloved raccoon :(
hebteuk #4
Chapter 5: late reader!
hey! just found ur story...@chap 5 nd oh My,i luv when kangin's being worried abt teukie's health nd scolds him gently, but when he cries, he softened again nd kisses him..kangteuk's so sweet >0<
brb to continue~
Chapter 24: Awwww... HanChul is so sweet in this :3 thank you for this chapter ^^ I really needed it right now <3
Chapter 24: Oh god I loved this so much <3
Such a heartwarming chapter :)
sapphire0taku #8
..this story is sooo freaking awesome!!!

KangTeuk!!! <3
xCrimsonxAngelx #9
<br />
Okay, wow. That was probably the best Christmas carol parody I've read (which means that I appreciate it SO MUCH! :D). You just put me through all of these emotions, man. I was in disbelief and confused when I read the second sentence, but then I caught on in the next few sentences. Clever~. There were several points where I felt like I was about to cry (poor wookie! DDD:) and slap Hee for being so cruel. IDEK, there's too many things to love in here. And then that ending- skdjfskjfhaksfklsdk adorable. Chapter 24= <333333333 *round of applause*