Day 12

Super Christmas


There was a time when the Super Junior dorms had been looking like any other modern house, with plenty of white and sterile, glass and fresh interior, colors scarce and style simple.


Not anymore.


Apparently, Leeteuk had found the great box of Christmas decorations. The rest of the members did not even know they had such a thing. Only Kangin had looked like he wanted to shoot something, as he muttered about Leeteuk being like a tracking dog. The others found the situation to be pretty obvious after that.


Naturally, Sungmin had agreed to help Leeteuk out with decorating the house immediately. And, much to the maknae’s horror, he also said Kyuhyun would be glad to help. Which anyone could tell was a lie, but they also knew Kyuhyun would not oppose Sungmin. He had been somewhat more obediently lately, if that was the correct word. Leeteuk had, of course, more or less squee’d in delight at the offer, commenting on how Sungmin and Kyuhyun were ridiculously adorable.


Kangin had fled the building immediately.


“I suppose this is as good time as any to decorate,” Leeteuk commented lightly as he flipped a bright, red tablecloth a couple of times before putting it on the kitchen table. “I mean, it would really help some of the members get in a better Christmas mood, right? Even though it just snowed and we’re halfway to Christmas Eve today, certain people do not seem to care! I bet this would help!”


“I’m sure it would, Leeteuk-hyung,” Sungmin replied with a chuckle as he climbed unsteadily on a chair to take down their white kitchen curtains. Kyuhyun was standing next to the chair, supporting Sungmin’s waist as the older carefully started unclipping the fabric. Flung over Kyuhyun’s arm was a pair of thick curtains, of the same color as the tablecloth Leeteuk was somehow still busying himself with.


“I mean, if you look at Hankyung, for instance,” Leeteuk frowned, finally satisfied with the placement of the tablecloth, as he leaned back to observe his work. “He seems to be really excited! I’m so happy for him, I guess he didn’t celebrate it as much in China. But Heechul doesn’t share the excitement, unfortunately. I wish he would, it would make Hankyung so happy!”


“Heechul-hyung’s never been the most jolly person anyhow, hyung,” Kyuhyun commented with a snort, turning his attention back to Sungmin immediately as he leaned a bit too far to the side, making the chair tremble. “Minnie, I can just move the chair, calm down.”


“Thanks, a bit to the left, please,” Sungmin smiled, looking down as Kyuhyun obediently pushed the chair (still with Sungmin on top of it) to the left corner of the window, giving Sungmin new reach to the rest of the curtains. “But yes, Heechul-hyung’s weird like that. Though I guess that’s why Hankyung-hyung loves him. Right?”


“Yes, yes, they’re plenty adorable,” Leeteuk laughed observing the younger couple as they successfully detached one curtain, and went on to fasten the red ones. “And you’re right, Heechul will be Heechul. But it wouldn’t hurt him to have a bit of Christmas spirit after all, would it?”


“Hyung, we’re still talking about Kim Heechul, right?” Kyuhyun remarked dryly, still keeping a firm hold of Sungmin’s waist. Leeteuk sighed.


“His diva tendencies are mostly for his own entertainment, though,” he said with a fond smile. “He can be very nice, if he wants to.”


“And there’s the root of the problem,”Kyuhyun replied with a look. “He never wants to.” This earned him a gentle slap on the head from Sungmin, who was completely enjoying the unusual height superiority.


“Kyuhyunnie, you should be nicer to him,” Leeteuk frowned. “I mean it. He is actually quite nice.”


“If you say so, hyung,” Kyuhyun shrugged, his voice not betraying his opinion. “You’ve known him the longest.”


“That, I have,” Leeteuk agreed as he went over to his grand box and began searching for more trinkets do decorate with. “But it’s not just Heechul. Eunhyuk and Donghae are not particularly interested, nor have you appeared to be, Kyuhyun. And Kangin…”


“Kangin’s just being grumpy because December means you’re too busy to –“ a new slap from Sungmin prevented Kyuhyun from finishing the sentence. He scowled at his boyfriend and continued. “And what do you mean, I’m not interested? I’m here, am I not?”


“By Sungmin’s wish, not your own,” Leeteuk pointed out as he pulled out a miniature Christmas tree figurine and sat it in the window Sungmin and Kyuhyun still worked on. They had successfully switched one curtain, only the second left.  “And you only just stopped complaining. I don’t think that really counts.”


“He’s right, Kyunnie.”


“Shh, he doesn’t need the encouragement.”


“Oh, of course not,” Leeteuk chuckled, and grabbed a small chandelier as he walked over to the table. Putting his thinking frown on, he carefully placed the chandelier first in one position on the table, before moving it ever so slightly. In the end, he moved it back to the original position. “Do you think it should be here, or here?”


“What’s the difference?” Sungmin asked, looking down from his work.


“Look,” Leeteuk repeated the tiny motion. Kyuhyun was not impressed.


“You serious?”


“Yes. Which position looks the best?”


“You only moved it about half an inch,” Kyuhyun groaned, leaning his head on the small of Sungmin’s back in exasperation. Which naturally made the older blush slightly.


“Good observation,” Leeteuk remarked, unfazed. “Now tell me, which looks the best?”


“Does it really matter?”




“It’s no difference!”


“Yes it is, you said it yourself. Half an inch.”


“Well, no one cares about that.”


“Obviously, I do. Where does it look the best?”


“There, Leeteuk-hyung,” Sungmin interrupted, seeing no immediate ending to the discussion and sending his boyfriend a look, which he promptly ignored.


“Here? Really?” Leeteuk questioned, halting his motions and putting the chandelier down. “No, I’ll put it here.”


“Looks great,” Sungmin replied without looking up from the curtains. Kyuhyun rolled his eyes, but wisely kept quiet.


“It really does,” Leeteuk agreed, oblivious to the lack of interest from the two younger. Looking over at the couple, he found them to be done with the bright red curtains, finally.


Immediately, the kitchen gave off and entirely different vice. Gone were the modern and impersonal mood, as every piece of tablecloth, curtains, oven mittens and napkins were switched out with bright, red counterparts, some even decorated with green and white patterns or Christmas drawings in the same color. True to himself, Leeteuk had also placed various figures around the room, enough to be notable, but not enough to be in the way for Wookie’s cooking. With the snow still visible outside the window despite the already dark afternoon, and flames flickering from various candles all around, it really did look more cozy than it used to.


They had decorated the living room in a similar fashion; every piece of clothing, whether it might be curtains or pillows, carpets or tablecloths, were switched out with a red equivalent, though occasionally, some green or white would also be visible. Like the kitchen, the living room was stuffed with various figures and funny chandeliers to represent different aspects of the Christmas tradition.


Although unlike the kitchen, the living room had a few Santa Claus plushies in the couch in addition to the themed pillows, and a few garlands were also placed under the ceiling. Kyuhyun had commented that it looked more like they were going to celebrate the entire thing today, and not a couple of weeks afterwards.


“I’m satisfied,” Leeteuk declared happily as he strode into the living room. Kyuhyun looked up at Sungmin, still standing on the chair.


“Do you enjoy indulging him or something?” he asked, lifting an eyebrow. Sungmin shook his head.


“I enjoy this almost as much as he does,” he replied with a smile. “I just have different ways of expressing it. Besides, it’s Kangin’s job to indulge Teukie-hyung. He’s not doing a very good job right now, but let’s not think about that. It’s Christmas! We’re allowed to do silly things to the house and each other. Please, Kyunnie, brighten up too!” Kyuhyun grinned.


“If you say so,” he said innocently, before grabbing a hold of Sungmin’s waist yet again. Only this time, he was not content with supporting the older; he lifted him up slightly and pulled Sungmin closer, immediately feeling a pair of legs wrap themselves around his waist, and two arms sneaking their way around his neck. It was a good thing his lover was light.


“Is this your way of enjoying Christmas?”


“Yes,” Kyuhyun replied easily. “You’ve taken away my games, after all. I must find other ways of enjoying myself.”


“How can you be so young and so erted!” Sungmin wailed, but pressed a kiss to Kyuhyun’s forehead anyways.


“I’m not,” Kyuhyun grinned. “I wasn’t thinking of doing nasty things to you! I only thought you looked ridiculously cute when you stared down at me from that chair, so I wanted to enjoy it a bit longer!”


“You cheater,” Sungmin smiled, leaning down slightly so their noses touched as Kyuhyun spun them around a couple of times.


“I do what I can,” he replied, craning his neck slightly to steal a little kiss from the older. “Since you’re intent on torturing me, anyways.”


“You’re making that up,” Sungmin giggled, and gave Kyuhyun a soft peck himself. “Now, put me down, you evil maknae of evil!”


“Whatever you say, hyung,” Kyuhyun grinned, but obliged nonetheless. Well down on the ground again, Sungmin looked around the room, almost in awe.


“Leeteuk-hyung was right,” he said with a smile. “It does look good.”


“What? The decorations?” Kyuhyun scoffed. “There’s something in this room that looks so much better.” He wrapped his arms around Sungmin’s waist possessively. “And it belongs to me.”


“You’re really in a mood today, aren’t you?”


“Not in the mood Leeteuk-hyung wants be to be in.”


“Don’t mind that,” Sungmin smiled, leaning back into the warm chest and closing his eyes. “I like this mood better. It suits Kyunnie better.”


“Good for me, then.”


“You bet it’s good for you.”


“Yah, guys! What are you doing? We still have to fix the hallway!”


“… Bad for Leeteuk-hyung.”


“Shush, you. Let’s just get it over with.”


Rushed ending is rushed. I've just began preparations for my final FINAL exam, this Friday. So yeah, screw me. |D

Also, today made me realize how much I've ed up my own timeline during the last couple of days, essentially. I mean, damn. What is this crap. xD It's not obvious to you guys yet, but it will be in the next couple of chapters, will be awkward timeline-y. Whatever, this thing doesn't really have a great plot anyways. And this chapter was just awkward in its entirety, so I guess I'm starting a new trend. x(

Weird Leeteuk being Leeteuk, and some tiny KyuMin, because it's been forever since we've seen them. xD Which reminds me, EunHae next chapter! And then hopefully, more YeWook, and then some SiBum, and DARN, maybe some HanChul soon? Grrrr. I'm messing up my timeline indeed. 

Which remionds me... OHMIGAWD YOU GUYS WE'VE FINALLY GOT A KANGTEUK TAG!!!!! >D That makes me a very happy fangirl. After months, ALMOST years of so many authors grumbling about how we've got tags for all kinds of obscure pairings, but somehow not KangTeuk... FINALLY WE HAVE IT ASDFASDFASDF.

Also, your comments!!! ARGOWJOPASEGPSRJH YOUR COMMENTS! |'D I love you guys so much, you're ridiculously awesome. And thank you to all new subscribers!! <3 I appreciate all of it very much, I'm sorry I haven't praised my adoration for the last couple of chapters. I've just been too momentarily retarded. x3 I LOVE YOU ELFs!!! <3

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Chapter 24: Waitin for the 25th chapter still~

I just cried a river reading the 24th chapter
hebteuk #2
Chapter 23: "And of course, Kangin and Leeteuk were still in their own little world on the little corner of the couch."
i dunno how many times i read this sentence in that chap, but it makes me laugh in every time xDD
hebteuk #3
Chapter 13: that silly weird overeager teukie's so funny nd the poor time for u my beloved raccoon :(
hebteuk #4
Chapter 5: late reader!
hey! just found ur story...@chap 5 nd oh My,i luv when kangin's being worried abt teukie's health nd scolds him gently, but when he cries, he softened again nd kisses him..kangteuk's so sweet >0<
brb to continue~
Chapter 24: Awwww... HanChul is so sweet in this :3 thank you for this chapter ^^ I really needed it right now <3
Chapter 24: Oh god I loved this so much <3
Such a heartwarming chapter :)
sapphire0taku #8
..this story is sooo freaking awesome!!!

KangTeuk!!! <3
xCrimsonxAngelx #9
<br />
Okay, wow. That was probably the best Christmas carol parody I've read (which means that I appreciate it SO MUCH! :D). You just put me through all of these emotions, man. I was in disbelief and confused when I read the second sentence, but then I caught on in the next few sentences. Clever~. There were several points where I felt like I was about to cry (poor wookie! DDD:) and slap Hee for being so cruel. IDEK, there's too many things to love in here. And then that ending- skdjfskjfhaksfklsdk adorable. Chapter 24= <333333333 *round of applause*