Day 6

Super Christmas


For those of you who have not read the part in the last chapter where Kangin and Heechul at each other, I would recommend going back. I updated the previous chapter yesterday night, concluding it, more or less. Just thought I'd let you know, though I made no changes in it after I first brought Heechul back in.

So sorry about the confusion regarding my weird updates, but I'm ridiculously obsessed with getting the right dates, and due to my busy schedule, I usually end up writing just before midnight. So yeah, sorry about that, but I'll tro to get better. x) Though unless I specifically state so at the beginning, each posted chapter is complete!



Peace. Quiet. Solitude.


Yesung was fond of the company of his band brothers; truthfully, he liked people in general a whole lot more than others would believe. He was well aware of the fact that he was a bit special, or weird (though he preferred not to use that particular word). He had random urges and thought patterns, both of which he indulged, much to the horrors of his group members sometimes. He did not mind, though; he was quite satisfied with his mental condition, and anyone who judged him because of that was ignorant or just simply retarded.


Yesung chuckled to himself. If nothing else, other people were entertaining. Though his bandmates were far more than just entertaining; they were his family and closes friends, he would even say he loved them all, in their own special way.


But still, they could be quite tiresome once in a while. So Yesung always enjoyed those still moments when the dorm was all quiet, everyone asleep and dreaming. He found it poetic in its own silly, clichéd way. It was not quite the same when everyone was away, either; sure, he enjoyed the calm aura when it was only him, or occasionally a couple of other members, home alone. The mood was never as hyper and exhausting as when they were all at home, something he relished for all it was worth.


However, it those situations, something was just… Off. Yesung could not quite pinpoint it, but when the dorm was empty, it did not hold quite the same charm as now. Now, it was quiet and still, but he could still feel the other members’ presence. He knew they were here, everyone in their little, dysfunctional family were home and well, dreaming about sweet things like puppies and Ryeowook’s cookies. He always liked that.


Eventually, the members had become aware of him visiting their rooms after everyone had fallen asleep, touching their philtrums and some took it better than others. But they knew he was harmless and just being Yesung, so in the end, no one bothered anymore. And Yesung was happy because of that. He cherished the images of his loved ones fast asleep, subconscious smiles playing on their lips in contentment. He was not exactly why this mattered so much to him; but he thought that, if nothing else, it made him feel safe, with all of his family gathered happily, just like it was supposed to be.


But in the end, he always ended up where he was now; in the dark kitchen, a steaming mug of cocoa clutched loosely between his hands as he would stare out the window in nostalgia. And he felt totally at ease.


In the peace, quiet and solitude. Serenity.


A small smile tugged on his lips as he mused about an old memory of a variety show Super Junior had done together. It was nothing special; just the regular types they did all the time. Yet these were the kind of small, but greatly appreciated moments Yesung liked to dwell on. Not because things were not well; but because he did not want to forget the good memories from earlier.


Also, these kind of small night trips enabled him to play around even more with his own thoughts and weird ideas – he was a thinking man, and needed some time to just sort out everything once in a while.


Not today, though. Today, he was just reminiscing about their old days. At least until he was interrupted.


Unexpectly, he heard a hurried set of footsteps nearing the kitchen. Yesung frowned for a second. Rarely ever was anyone else awake at this hour. Unless it was –


The person flicked on the lights, immediately blinding Yesung slightly with its sudden brightness. “Holy – Yesung-hyung, you scared me!”


“Good evening, and or morning, Shindong,” Yesung replied calmly, his slight squinting the only hint of his discomfort from the light. Shindong sighed, almost in relief, as he put on a surprisingly bright smile. Though his eyes and hair told Yesung he had just gotten out of bed.


“I didn’t expect anyone to be up right now, it’s what, 3:30?” Shindong chuckled weakly, almost to himself. Yesung cocked his head slightly, but did not reply otherwise.


“What’re you doing? Couldn’t sleep?” Shindong continued, eyeing him curiously as he walked over to the fridge. A ha. Night snacks. Of course.


“Wouldn’t sleep,” Yesung replied truthfully, adjusting his hold on the cocoa cup slightly. Shindong only shrugged, accepting the vague answer for what it was. Maybe his brain was still half asleep after all, Yesung concluded.


“I won’t even ask what you’re up for.”


“No, I guess I’m kind of obvious,” Shindong shrugged sheepishly, finally pulling out a milk carton and closing the fridge. “D’you know where Eunhyuk keeps his cereal? The, uhm, the kind with chocolate…”


“Third top shelf from the left, behind the flour bags,” Yesung replied easily. “Of course I know, you have no idea of how much stuff I help the members hide from each other.”


“… As in – “


“I can’t tell you, secrets are meant to be kept secrets, after all.”


“Oh. Can’t argue with that logic, no,” Shindong admitted as he found a bowl and slowly poured himself some of the cereal. He would have pressed the issue further, had he been awake and curious enough, Yesung nodded to himself. Definitely half asleep.


“You can’t argue with Yesung,” the older said seriously, holding back a smile effectively. “By the way, please put the cereal back where you found it, I don’t want Eunhyuk on my back for ratting him out.”


“Sure thing.” Shindong easily put the box back, sliding the two ginourmous bags of flour in front of it again. Then he brought the bowl to the table and sat down with the quiet Yesung, slowly starting to eat from the mixture.


“Soo…” Shindong tried, not as comfortable with the silence as Yesung was. “Have you been into the guys’ rooms yet?”


“More or less,” Yesung shrugged, taking a sip of his cocoa for the first time since Shindong entered. “Though I don’t like how you immediately assume that’s the only thing I get up at night to do. It’s not like I come see you guys every night either, just when I’m in the mood.” The bigger man frowned.


“But you were tonight,” he said suspiciously. Yesung nodded.


“Yes I was,” he replied simply, taking another sip. The warm liquid burned so nicely down his throat, soothing the sore muscles. He felt a pang of relief at the sensation, though he knew it made little difference in the long run. “Though not in every room. For instance, I only got to open the door to Eunhyuk’s room before going out again. Some things should just not be disturbed. But mostly, yes, I’ve gone into the guys’ rooms.”


“So did you go into my room?” What a predictable question.


“Did you notice me in your room?”


“… No, not really…”


“Do you think I went to your room?”


“… No?”


“You’re wrong, I did. You sleep like a child and snore like a bear.”




“And your philtrum is really nice, by the way.”




“I love your silence.”


“Hyung, sometimes you’re just creepy.”


“That’s the sleep talking, kid,” Yesung smirked slightly. Shindong just huffed, turning his focus back on his already half-eaten bowl.


“So, little kid waiting for Santa Claus, are you looking forward to Christmas?”


That woke him up just a little.


“Oh yes!” he said excitedly between the mouthfuls. “I’ve already  started requesting the great food from Ryeowook, and begun gift shopping – which reminds me, hyung, what do you want for Christmas?”


“For Christmas?” Yesung pondered slightly, putting his cocoa cup to his chin in thought – because that is the kind of things Yesung does when thinking. “I don’t know, really… Maybe a new hat? You’ll never get too many hats. Or earrings… I don’t really know.”


“Hmm, sounds nice,” Shindong nodded, bringing his spoon to his mouth again. “At least you’re somewhat specific. Siwon just said ‘something nice’. Man, that kid sometimes.”


“You’re just calling him kid because I called you that only thirty seconds ago.”


“… Hyung, you are random. And yes, let me. It’s not every day you can call Siwon a kid, after all!”


“You mean you can’t when he’s there.”


“Which is basically every day, so yeah, essentially.”


“… But I suppose I should ask what you want for Christmas?” Yesung frowned slightly, wondering if the question was awkward. But then again, it was just Shindong, he did not care if it was supposedly awkward.


“I want good food and nice hyungs,” Shindong said with a grin, emphasizing the last part. “But from you, I think I’ll say scarves. Scarves, or maybe a book? Sungmin says I should read more, but I can’t stand any of the books he picks out. I love Sungminnie and all, but sometimes, he’s just too weird. “ He paused slightly. “Kind of like you. Only, he has the same amount of dimensions as the rest of the world.”


“That’s what you think,” Yesung laughed, lifting his cocoa to sip again.


“Yeah yeah, but we still love you, Yesung-hyung,” Shindong said, rising from the table and grabbing his bowl. Yesung smiled slightly in response.


“I know you do,” he said warmly. “Without sounding like Heechul-hyung, how can you not like me. I’m awesome.”


“If you say so,” Shindong waved him off, putting the bowl in the sink. “Anyways, I think I’ll go back to bed again. I’m tired, and tomorrow awaits!”


“Yes, go get your sleep, you kid,” Yesung smiled looking after Shindong as he walked away. “Good night! I promise not to come in anymore!”


“Good night, hyung! I promise not to tell Eunhyuk about his cereal!” Sounded from the hall.


Yesung chuckled. Yes, he was his own best company, but there was still something especially peculiar about s.


Yay for Yesung! <3 I love that guy, he's my third bias after Leeteuk and Donghae. Which means I love him a lot. xD Though I'm still somehow unable to write him properly. Aish. This was not mean to be a philosophical journey through the mind of Yesung, but rather a short friendship chapter between two sorely neglected characters, especially after yesterday's heavy drama. Poor Yesung, why do I ignore you when you're so awesome? D: And poor Shindong, you haven't even made an appearance before this.... >.> Again, I'm messing up my own story. xD

But thanks a lot for the comments and subscriptions, again! :D And I'm very happy that some of you are suggesting themes! You'll be credited, of course, and so far, I think I'll use every single suggestion I've gotten. Thank you, and keep it coming! ^^ <3

Which also means, SiBum will officially be included in the story, because so many people requested it . xD Though I have to admit, they're adorable.

Also, I'm glad some of you caught my evasiveness regarding Yesung's refusal to sing solo, as that will be a plot point later.

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Chapter 24: Waitin for the 25th chapter still~

I just cried a river reading the 24th chapter
hebteuk #2
Chapter 23: "And of course, Kangin and Leeteuk were still in their own little world on the little corner of the couch."
i dunno how many times i read this sentence in that chap, but it makes me laugh in every time xDD
hebteuk #3
Chapter 13: that silly weird overeager teukie's so funny nd the poor time for u my beloved raccoon :(
hebteuk #4
Chapter 5: late reader!
hey! just found ur story...@chap 5 nd oh My,i luv when kangin's being worried abt teukie's health nd scolds him gently, but when he cries, he softened again nd kisses him..kangteuk's so sweet >0<
brb to continue~
Chapter 24: Awwww... HanChul is so sweet in this :3 thank you for this chapter ^^ I really needed it right now <3
Chapter 24: Oh god I loved this so much <3
Such a heartwarming chapter :)
sapphire0taku #8
..this story is sooo freaking awesome!!!

KangTeuk!!! <3
xCrimsonxAngelx #9
<br />
Okay, wow. That was probably the best Christmas carol parody I've read (which means that I appreciate it SO MUCH! :D). You just put me through all of these emotions, man. I was in disbelief and confused when I read the second sentence, but then I caught on in the next few sentences. Clever~. There were several points where I felt like I was about to cry (poor wookie! DDD:) and slap Hee for being so cruel. IDEK, there's too many things to love in here. And then that ending- skdjfskjfhaksfklsdk adorable. Chapter 24= <333333333 *round of applause*