Day 5

Super Christmas

Normally, Leeteuk loved s; he would affectionately refer to them as his children, but he would also agree that they were the closest of brothers. Normally, he was not bothered by Heechul ing all over the place, the EunHae couple causing havoc, Shindong spilling his food or Yesung creeping out the other members. Normally, he would look at their antics with a fond smile and laughed softly, grateful to be surrounded by such great people.


Normally, he would not be overworked, stressed and attacked by a killer migraine. Which also means all of the statements above would not be true this day.


Leeteuk knew December was going to be a busy month for them, but he did not believe it would be this bad.  His duties as leader had only piled up while he was away on promotions (which were no holiday themselves), as well as the concert coming up (at least Eunhyuk and Donghae had obediently agreed to a solo) and Sukira going strong, not to mention the simple stress of the Christmas month in itself…


In short, Leeteuk was exhausted. And in a poor mood. Scratch, that, he was miserable as hell. The last thing he wanted right now was to be stuck in a stuffed van along with half of the group on their way back to their dorms after a particularly tiring press conference. Which did nothing to soothe his migraine, by the way.


Another thing that most certainly did not help, was how noisy and tiresome the other occupants in the car was being. Still, he did not have the heart (or energy) to snap at them. It would only create uncomfortable tension for them, after all, and Leeteuk did not want s to feel unwell because he was too retarded to bring ear plugs. After all, he knew perfectly well that this was how the day was going to be. Experience did not aid him one bit.


At least they were nearing their dorms by now. And then he could go to his room and sleep…


But no, he scolded himself, he still had a lot to do. Just like usual. He barely registered the tired sigh he let out as he closed his eyes, making himself comfortable on Kangin’s shoulder, conveniently right to his left.




That was the one person Leeteuk could turn to in days like these. Not that Kangin could do much to help; he was terrible at dealing with their contacts, and even worse at planning and scheduling. He could not DJ Sukira, or lead a fanmeeting of any kind. He tried to help Leeteuk keep the members in check, but really, they were grown men and could theoretically do whatever they wanted to. Not that Leeteuk and his bear of a lover usually let them, but that was another matter entirely.


No, there were little practical tasks he could help Leeteuk with, and of course, he did not like it. What he could do, however, was to turn up the concerned boyfriend mood a couple of notches. It was not much, and by the end of the day, Leeteuk was still dead tired – a fact he often apologized for, despite Kangin’s reassurances that it was fine, really – but he could see it in the light brunette’s eyes, how much he appreciated everything Kangin did for him. How he would pull him away from his workload when it became too much (even though he often protested there and then), cover up for him with their members and manager, massage his back gently when his old injury started hurting again, and whisper comforting words at night when it was finally quiet, and only the two of them.


How Leeteuk loved Kangin, he thought as he dozed off on the shoulder of the younger.


Kangin, however, only scowled down at him in annoyance, or almost frustration. Not because of the gesture – he found it ridiculously adorable whenever the smaller man acted like that. No, he was rather frustrated at the situation Leeteuk was in; and also, if only a little bit, at their members for being so little helpful. He did not mind taking care of Leeteuk at all, far from it. But he was not always enough for the other man. Sure, he knew exactly how much Leeteuk appreciated his affections – but it did not stop the other members from causing more trouble for Leeteuk.


Rationally, Kangin knew he was being unfair, it was none of their fault – they just acted like they always did, and he should not blame them for that – he loved them too much. Only, their usual acts were having an even worse effect on Leeteuk when he was already exhausted. And somehow, they failed to see it themselves, or at least, they did nothing to help.


Although Eunhyuk and Donghae had, reluctantly, agreed to the solo dance at their upcoming show, Heechul still avoided becoming involved with the management duties of the group, and the solo song in the show Yesung had turned down was somehow given to Leeteuk, only piling up his workload. Not to mention, it did not seem to occur to them that they should behave nicer and quieter, at least around their leader.


The van trip was a perfect example; it must have been obvious to everyone how bad Leeteuk felt, especially with his tired face and somewhat limp posture; especially when he put his head on Kangin’s shoulder, the bigger man expected them to quiet down a little bit. No such luck.


Kangin sighed as well, putting an arm around Leeteuk’s shoulders, pulling him close, and set his own head on top of the caramel. For now, there was nothing he could do except making sure Leeteuk took care of himself.


The van screeched to a halt outside their dorms, making some of their members run out immediately, as if they were a kindergarten on a trip to the Tivoli. Kangin rolled his eyes as he waited for them all to pile out. Really, they could be such children himself. Not that he excluded himself or his lover, but seriously, looking at seven idols run all over each other only to get out of a van was sort of pathetic.


Or at least, that was what Kangin’s current state of mind said darkly.


Slowly, he brought the hand that was previously perched on Leeteuk’s shoulder up to the latter’s face to caress a soft cheek. Brushing slightly at the porcelain skin, he gently nudged the older with his own shoulder to wake him.


“Teukie,” he whispered gently, his heart jumping slightly as clear eyes slowly fluttered opened. “Teukie, we’re home.” Leeteuk only look confused for a second before looking up at the empty van.


“Oh,” he just said softly, blushing slightly. He did not mean to fall asleep; and he did not even register the noise everyone made when they left. And he knew they always made a lot of noise. Always.


Rising slowly, he started walking out of the van as well, almost stumbling out the door. Well outside, he had to squint his eyes a bit to adjust to the bright afternoon sun, and he felt himself wobble unsteadily. In no time, Kangin was beside him, steadying him against his broad chest. Instinctively, Leeteuk leaned back against the warm comforter and let out a soft sigh of contentment.


Kangin smiled fondly at the smaller man who so easily indulged him. His hyung really was adorable. But he knew this was no place to stay, so he gently began pulling Leeteuk forward and into the house.


“I think this means no more work for you today,” he said carefully, hoping for an agreement, but not really expecting it. As he thought, Leeteuk shook his head slightly.


“No, Kangin, you know there is too much – “


“That’s the same argument you’ve tried before, it doesn’t work,” Kangin interrupted him as they locked the door behind them and took off their jackets. Leeteuk actually pouted slightly at that.


“But I’m serious this time,” he said, his voice nearly taking on a desperate tone. “Exactly because you’ve dragged me off before, I’ve never had the time to complete everything I need, so by now I’m already far behind – “


“Teukie, stop it,” Kangin groaned putting his hand over his eyes for a moment as he tried to find the best way to make Leeteuk cooperative. “Look, I know you’re stressed, but you know there’s no use in keep going like this. You’d be even more overworked if I hadn’t forced you to take breaks! Please think of your health a bit – “


“I am!” Leeteuk burst out, growing more and more frustrated by the second. “But what kind of poor leader am I if I can’t take care of both myself and my members?”


“That’s the worst argument you ever came up with,” Kangin huffed, frowning. “We could never dream of a better leader than you, and you know it! No one in this ing group could have done any better – do you even see any of them helping you now?!”


“No, but I can take care of this myself – “


“It ing doesn’t look like it!” Kangin barked, his anger clearly sounding through his voice, and Leeteuk shrank back just a little bit. He knew Kangin would never hurt him, but he still did not like it whenever the younger got mad; particularly not when it was at him. The big man was the kind you would not like to face in a fight, and although this was only verbal, Kangin was certainly intimidating when he was angry enough. But he pushed all those thoughts aside; because right now, he was angry too.


“You’re not making any sense!” he snapped back, his delicate brows knitting together as he spoke. “You won’t even let me try taking care of myself, so how can you possibly – “


“Because I know you, dammit!” Kangin threw his arms out in frustration. “I know how horrible you are at taking care of yourself! Sure, you have nothing against spending 45 minutes in the bathroom to fix your hair, but just five minutes once in a while to eat, or twenty minutes for an extra nap? Seriously, is that too hard for you?!”


“I don’t need it!” Leeteuk growled angry. “But my hair certainly needs it,” he added lowly under his breath. Kangin seemed not to have heard him.


“, Leeteuk, can’t you see that you’re human too?” Kangin did not know what to say anymore. Why did Leeteuk have to be so stubborn?


“Of course,” Leeteuk agreed, his frown still in place. “But people are different – they don’t have the same habits and living styles, or – “


“Stop it,” Kangin growled. “You’re getting ridiculous. Every single ing human being needs to eat, sleep, and relax… And last time I checked, that included you as well! Why won’t you just agree with me?!” By now, the group had heard the commotion in the hall, and slowly peeked around the corners to see what the matter was. They had most certainly not expected to see their angel leader and his boyfriend fighting over Leeteuk’s health..?


Leeteuk, on the other hand, was becoming more and more desperate, in lack of arguments to defend himself along with his empty energy reserves, he knew it was a lost cause, but he did not know what to do anymore. And now that all the members were all here to watch…


“I… I…” he stuttered, gaze flickering about as he tried to come up with something to say. “But the work must be done… And no one… I don’t… How…” Involuntarily, he felt tears gathering at the corner of his eyes. Don’t cry, he told himself, don’t you dare cry.


“Teukie…” Kangin softened immediately, seeing the state his lover was in. Of course he was still mad at him; but it was more out of concern than anger. He could never stay mad at Leeteuk for long, anyways. Stubbornly ignoring the other members, he felt his breath hitch as the older looked up at him, his eyes teary and with bags underneath, complexion pale and expression defeated, he looked so… Vulnerable.


“Teukie,” he said again, and moved to embrace their leader. Leeteuk pounced on him already, burying his face in the big, muscular chest. He felt so safe with Kangin’s strong arms wrapped around him; protected from the world, protected from the members’ scrutinizing looks, and protected from himself.


Kangin could only sigh sadly for how many times that day, as he cradled the other gently, one hand brushing soft, brown hair. “It’s okay,” he murmured dumbly, not coming up with anything smarter or more romantic to say. “It’s okay.”


Leeteuk did not seem to mind, though. Kangin felt the smaller body shook with each sob, though he was surprised by the seemingly calm crying. Leeteuk had looked like he was on the verge of a breakdown; Kangin supposed it was only his pride that kept him like this. He fondly kissed the caramel top, before looking back at the other members. They were all standing around awkwardly, not really sure what had just happened and what they should do.


It was Donghae who first reacted. “Is he…” he started softly, but trailed off. Kangin subconsciously noted Eunhyuk’s hand find Donghae’s to squeeze it reassuringly. He smiled lightly at them and nodded slightly. “He’s fine.”


“Right, guys, let’s…” Siwon trailed off uncertainly, but everyone understood perfectly well. Wordlessly, they all scurried away, presumably to their own rooms or the living room. Maybe with the exception of Ryeowook, who immediately went to the kitchen to cook.


All but Heechul. He just stood there, even unfazed by Hankyung subtly hinting at him from the door to their room. Instead, his gaze was focused on the couple in front of him.


Seeing as their second oldest did not appear to have any intentions of talking or moving, Kangin simply decided to ignore him, and carefully steered Leeteuk to their bedroom. Or, rather, Leeteuk’s larger bedroom they had taken to share lately. Kangin was very happy that said room was located fairly close to the entrance right now.



Opening the door softly, he did not bother turning on the lights (the white room was light enough for him to see what he needed, anyways, not to mention how familiar he had become with it) but instead went directly to the bed. Gently, he put Leeteuk down on the soft, white covers.


By now, the oldest had stopped crying and instead proceeded to wear one of the saddest faces Kangin had seen in quite some time. It nearly broke his heart.


Still, he smiled as he kneeled down in front of the leader and put both his hands on Leeteuk’s cheeks, brushing away the remains of the tear tracks from the perfect skin. Leeteuk just looked dully at him.


“It’s okay,” Kangin repeated again, putting on the best grin he could manage. “Everything’s just fine. We’ll just have a short rest, and then Wookie will have some food ready afterwards. We can even bring it in here, if you’d like.” The corner of Leeteuk’s mouth just twitched. Kangin knew what that meant; Leeteuk was okay with that.


Though really, Leeteuk did not like being talked to as if he was an invalid. Not only was he the leader of Super Junior, arguably the most successful Korean boyband in quite some time, but he was also the oldest and most responsible – he should not be treated as if he was a particularly damaged child who would fall apart if someone turned their back to him even for a second.


No, he was an independent man – but at the same time, he knew, that in all actuality, it was probably better for his own mental health to not deal with too much already. Despite his protests, he knew exactly how right Kangin was; he just did not like to admit it. He did not like to admit weakness, or failure. He needed to be strong, for the fans and the members. And today he had failed.


It was a harsh fact he would prefer not to dwell with; he had very nearly broken down in front of every member, he had cried brokenly in the arms on one of them. True enough, that person also happened to be his very caring boyfriend, but it did nothing to ease Leeteuk’s wounded pride.


Seeing his lover in deep thoughts, Kangin could do nothing but lean forward slightly, to place a gentle kiss on the latter’s lips. Still cradling the older’s cheeks, he did not attack Leeteuk like he usually did; instead he just let his mouth rest on top of the other’s, warm breath tickling soft lips ever so slightly.


Slowly, he pulled away again and gave the other a genuine smile – an encouraging smile. “Smile again, Teukie… Please? For me, just a little bit?”


To his great delight, he was rewarded with a small, still possibly a bit sad, but nevertheless sincere smile, cute dimple showing up only for a second.


But it was enough for Kangin.


“Thank you,” he said softly, placing a small kiss on Leeteuk’s forehead as well. “I love you.”


“I love you too,” Leeteuk whispered back, not loudly, but Kangin heard nonetheless. Not that it really matter; he knew, of how he knew, that Leeteuk loved him just as much as he loved the dorky leader.


From the corner of his eye, he could see that Heechul had moved to the doorway, and was studying them with an expression Kangin could not quite place… Pity? Disgust? … Compassion? Guilt?


Slowly, he rose from his position on the floor, absentmindedly aware that Leeteuk’s eyes followed him curiously. Still eyeing Heechul carefully, he drew back the covers of the bed and motioned for Leeteuk to lie down. Much to his surprise (and joy) Leeteuk obeyed without question, and let Kangin tuck him in gently. Looking down at his angel’s face again, Kangin’s expression immediately softened and he showed a small smile.


“I’ll be right back with you, promise,” he said, running his thumb over Leeteuk’s cheek once final time. Leeteuk only nodded, and snuggled down further beneath the covers.


Kangin resisted the urge to laugh. Adorable, indeed.


However, he soon put on a frown as he strode out to talk to Heechul. He did not think Leeteuk had seen the diva, but he was most concerned with the upcoming talk. For it was clear that Heechul wanted to talk to him, alone.


Closing the door quietly behind him, Kangin crossed his arms to glare slightly at his hyung.


“Did you want anything?” he asked, a bit surprised at how sour his tone sounded. He expected a snappy reply, perhaps even a snarky insult, but instead, Heechul only fidgeted slightly. Kangin thought he was seeing things; Heechul never fidgeted.


“How is he?” he finally asked quietly, nothing like the arrogant tone he was so fond of using normally. Kangin frowned.


“Tired,” he said simply, shrugging a bit. “Overworked. Stressed. And then he’s angsting a bit, you know him.” He gave a short, humorless laugh, but Heechul did not even break his frown. Instead, he just looked towards the ground.


“He should stop working so much,” he huffed lowly. “Pabo Gaeteuk.”


“YAH!” Suddenly, something snapped in Kangin, and before he himself or Heechul realized what happened, he had the older pinned against the wall. “I don’t want to hear that from you, not from you! It’s ing true, of course, but of all people, you should not be badmouthing him for working too much! Not after you turned him down when he asked you to help! How could you?! You’re his best friend!”


“I’m sorry!” Heechul blurted out, effectively shutting Kangin up. “Look, I realize I screwed up, allright? I’m just ing lazy, and everyone knows that! But seriously, I wouldn’t have turned him down if I knew he couldn’t do it! I didn’t know it would be too much, he’s always managed before – “


“Would it kill you to just be nice once in a while?” Kangin hissed, his sympathy fading again. “Just a little?! I don’t think anyone of you realizes exactly how much he does to make sure Super Junior works properly and everyone are happy! And – “


“Well, do you?” Heechul snapped back, grabbing Kangin’s fists in protest to his treatment. “Honestly, just because you hover over him like a lovesick puppy nowadays, he used to come to me with all his troubles! You know it, you said so yourself; we’re best friends! Before you two became a thing, I was the one he ran to when he was distressed, I was the one who comforted him when the pressure became too much! Did you know? Even while we were trainees, he still came to me! You should know, I love him a whole ing lot! He’s not only my best friend, he’s my favourite brother! And I really regret doing this to him, but I didn’t know any better! I thought, if it was really that bad, he would tell me, seriously, that I had to help him!” He chuckled darkly. “But I guess I overestimated his self-esteem this time. Jeez, that guy!” He added, in a fond tone Kangin had only ever heard him use to Hankyung and his cats before. Dumbfounded, he let go of the older man and just stared at him.


Heechul then proceeded to dramatically brush over himself, as if he had been in a fight and not just pinned to the wall. Kangin almost rolled his eyes. Almost.


“But, don’t worry anymore,” Heechul said, his tone reverting back to his nearly obnoxious ring. “I’ll go fix the technical work by now. Even though he does it more, I’m really faster. Must be because he’s too polite with our contacts.” He chuckled to himself again. “Whatever. By the way, have you asked him whether or not he thinks he’ll be able to sing the solo at the concert?”


Kangin blinked dumbly again. How did Heechul…? He thought only Leeteuk, Yesung and himself knew that…


“Oh please, don’t question Heenim,” Heechul winked, as if he had read Kangin’s mind. “I don’t know what Yesung’s problem is, but I’ll force him to do it after all, if Leeteuk doesn’t want to. But just in case, I’ll inform Ryeowookie too. I’m sure he’ll be delighted to have such a chance; I’m not really in the mood to deal with the wannabe evil maknae, so I suppose he’ll be an emergency solution. Sounds good?”


Kangin could only nod. Heechul smirked. “Good.” He turned to leave, immediately steering towards Hankyung’s room, but not before commenting loudly; “Never say that Heenim isn’t good with his poor followers, because he is the best.”


Now Kangin really did roll his eyes. Heechul was just too peculiar for his taste. Sighing loudly, he opened the door and walked back into Leeteuk’s room. He nodded in satisfaction to himself as he saw his beloved already fast asleep, blanket fallen down to only cover his waist and below. Not that it matters, Kangin thought, he’s still wearing his sweater from earlier.


Content with the world once again, he carefully climbed in next to Leeteuk, dragging the cover back over the two of them before putting his arms around the smaller male again. He felt Leeteuk shift slightly in his sleep, snuggling further into Kangin’s chest, and he could not stop a wide grin from spreading. Maybe things could change after this.


Really. Didn’t they say Christmas was a time for miracles?


Aish, I did it again. xD I'm thoroughly destroying my own story, what not with deconstructing the main plot point (Christmas), making certain parts far longer and more angsty than need, and putting things earlier than planned. Though, that's really just because I'm running out of plot points. Dx And I really don't want to take mistletoe and Christmas shopping/cooking yet, it's too early. O.o

But yes! By popular demand (including myself), here is, KANGTEUK!!! :D My ultimate OTP, asdfasdf, that I am somehow unable to write properly. D: This was originally meant to be only fluffy and nice, BUT SOMEHOW, someone got pissed, and idk. It's weird how some fics live lives of their own.

Also, I wanted to show that despite how much I have almost bashed him lately, Heechul is a really great guy, and I love him to bits. After all, who doesn't love HeeDictator? :D

Also, PLEASE keep coming with more requests for pairings, and, preferably, situations! ^^ It really helps me write, because I don't have to spend an hour or two just simply wondering who and what I'll write today. D: But thank you to everyone who has commented and subscribed so far, you aaaaaaare great!! <3

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Chapter 24: Waitin for the 25th chapter still~

I just cried a river reading the 24th chapter
hebteuk #2
Chapter 23: "And of course, Kangin and Leeteuk were still in their own little world on the little corner of the couch."
i dunno how many times i read this sentence in that chap, but it makes me laugh in every time xDD
hebteuk #3
Chapter 13: that silly weird overeager teukie's so funny nd the poor time for u my beloved raccoon :(
hebteuk #4
Chapter 5: late reader!
hey! just found ur story...@chap 5 nd oh My,i luv when kangin's being worried abt teukie's health nd scolds him gently, but when he cries, he softened again nd kisses him..kangteuk's so sweet >0<
brb to continue~
Chapter 24: Awwww... HanChul is so sweet in this :3 thank you for this chapter ^^ I really needed it right now <3
Chapter 24: Oh god I loved this so much <3
Such a heartwarming chapter :)
sapphire0taku #8
..this story is sooo freaking awesome!!!

KangTeuk!!! <3
xCrimsonxAngelx #9
<br />
Okay, wow. That was probably the best Christmas carol parody I've read (which means that I appreciate it SO MUCH! :D). You just put me through all of these emotions, man. I was in disbelief and confused when I read the second sentence, but then I caught on in the next few sentences. Clever~. There were several points where I felt like I was about to cry (poor wookie! DDD:) and slap Hee for being so cruel. IDEK, there's too many things to love in here. And then that ending- skdjfskjfhaksfklsdk adorable. Chapter 24= <333333333 *round of applause*