Day 8

Super Christmas


There was nothing insane about the guy. As a stark contrast to the rest of the group, he was calm, cool and something that resembled intelligent. He did not act like a sugar-high child, nor did he appear from behind bushes to be random and creepy. Though he was one of the youngest, he acted maturely and never did crazy or freaky things. He was pretty, but not in an overly sweet or girly way – handsome was a better word to use when describing him. Yes, he was handsome. He was so strong, and powerful – no one would decline the chance to curl up in his arms and stay there forever. And he was a good singer – not the best, but certainly not the worst. He loved listening to his voice when he sang; it did not matter that the person standing next to him might hit more notes or got more solos. However, more than anything, he was so lovable; he was kind, kinder than most, but not suffocating, and he certainly knew how to be snarky and interesting to hang around with.


Yes, Kibum loved Siwon that much.


He knew it was obvious how he felt for the older; not only was it evident on his face and in his voice when they talked, but he did tend to stray more towards him than the other members whenever they were all gathered. He could not help it – it was almost instinctive, how he felt himself drawn to the bigger man. And Siwon would always meet him with open arms.


It was not that Kibum was helpless or felt the need to be taken care of – far from it, he was a real man, a masculine one at that. He was nothing like Ryeowook and Sungmin, who made girls of themselves whenever their loved one was near. Nor was he like Leeteuk, who appeared to be perfectly content with acting like Kangin’s wife.


No. Kibum was independent. He and Siwon were an item, but it should never be said that he was the weaker part.


… Even though Siwon did top in bed.


Not that Kibum felt like that was anything to be ashamed of – hell, anyone would be submissive to Siwon. He was a really manly man – but Siwon was just extreme.


He did not really care, either. He quite liked the other taking control, to be perfectly honest, and after all, one had to be bottom anyways? But when they were together with others, none of them appeared to be leading the other, and truth to be told, they might act a bit more like really – really – intimate friends whenever it was not the two of them. Not that they were embarrassed or something like that; they cared far too much about each other for trivial issues such as pride to be a matter. Besides, who would not be proud to show off Siwon? Or Kibum himself for that mattered, he figured. Hell. He was no diva, but he knew he was a catch, no reason to be ridiculously modest. He was a successful idol, damn it. A successful idol who happened to be dating another insanely handsome successful idol. Even though they did not really broadcast it as much as other certain couples. But that was just how they worked; neither mind cuddling a bit, but they did not feel the need to coo at each other in high-pitched voices all the time either. Though Kibum guessed it must be a preference thing; somehow Heechul appeared to do things like that all the time.


But Kibum still loved the way Siwon’s arm ever so subtly sneaked around his shoulder whenever they were lounging on the couch, or how he would absentmindedly play with the shorter man’s hair. “It’s so long and pretty, and not to mention soft… I can’t play with my own, but yours is a much better replacement.” He had said once. Kibum had looked up at him lovingly, earning him a small peck on the lips and a snarky comment about how, “I don’t need to lift my arm so much to reach it either.” That had earned him a gentle, but not too light, smackon his chin.


Siwon knew he loved him anyways.


Smiling softly to himself, Kibum looked down at his lover, whose head was currently perched in his lap. Breathing slowly with his eyes closed and mouth slightly ajar, Kibum had to admit, Siwon was still handsome when he slept.


The wall was harsh on his back, as he did not bother with propping himself up with pillows, but he did not mind. Some other part of him ached more, anyways. Tonight’s love making had not been particularly harsh, but ‘not particularly’ still said nothing about Siwon’s standard. Siwon was naturally hardcore.


Flinching slightly as he changed his position slightly (his backside was starting to kill him), he pulled the covers back over Siwon’s body. The tanned muscles were still glistening slightly from sweat, illuminated only by the light from the street lamps through the window. As he gently ran his fingers continuously through Siwon’s short hair (though Siwon always insisted Kibum’s was so long and pretty, Kibum really enjoyed the short locks of his handsome lover), he noticed the bangs being slightly damp still as well. Not that he minded. Siwon’s hair was still so perfect. As his delicate fingers slowly worked their way through, caressing the head of his beloved gently, Kibum thought life was perfect.


But then again, Kibum also felt himself shiver slightly, as the night was cold and the temperature was finally catching up with them now that they were done with the night’s activities. Tucking the covers better around the older, he smiled in satisfaction. He did not want Siwon to get sick, after all.


He figured he had to lie back down again as well, seeing as he was more or less unclothed as well. Logical as he was, Kibum knew it would be of no use if he got sick either. And it was not as if lying down in bed with Siwon was a bad thing. He just enjoyed those quiet moments where he could really think, and still be together with Siwon. He was quite a fan of nice and quiet; though it rarely was that way with the Super Junior members. But he still knew, he had to sleep, especially if he was to have any energy tomorrow; Siwon had, more or less, drained whatever both he and his lover had.


Carefully sliding underneath the covers, moving Siwon’s head gently from his lap to a pillow, he wrapped an arm loosely around the big torso. He was not sure if it was Siwon’s instincts or if he had woken up, but it did not take long before he felt a strong arm curl around his own body. Looking up at the slightly more masculine face, he had to bite back a chuckle as he realized Siwon was still asleep. It was obviously his sleeping face, after all.


Ignoring his own continuous claims of masculinity and independence, Kibum tucked his head underneath Siwon’s chin and nuzzled into the broad, muscular chest he loved so much. He really did feel protected like that. He did not think he needed to be protected, but it still felt nice to know that he was, nonetheless.


“I love you, Siwon.”


No reply. Not that he had been expecting one either.


“You mean more than the world to me.”


Still quiet except for the husky breathing tickling his hair slightly.


“I think you know that, too… But I don’t really mind repeating it. You’re so great. I love you so much, I won’t ever let you go. If you were awake, I’d make you promise never to leave me either, since I’m making a chick flick moment here, anyways. But I don’t think you’d leave me. You’re too perfect to do something like that.”


Still sleeping. Kibum was not really sure if he actually spoke the words out loud anymore, or if his low whispering had eventually quieted down to mouthing and thinking.


But it did not matter. Siwon always knew anyways. And Siwon would always say the same back to him, if he found the moments to. They were so similar, and yet, so different; but Kibum could never have dreamt of anyone else. Only Siwon. Siwon was perfect. He spoke his last thought out loud, letting it echo through the quiet room.


“Look Siwon, it’s snowing. People always say the person you share the first snowfall with is someone special. It’s really cheesy, I know, but in this case, it’s true.”


Peaceful. Perfect.


“I love you, Siwon.”


“I love you too, Kibum.”


Basically just your average "let's worship Siwon"-chapter. Uhm, yeah. Since I put of your SiBum for so long, I wanted to give you a sort of teaser-like... Thing. ... YEAH. It's pretty much ish, and I discovered another person I for some sort of reason can't write. WHAT IS IT WITH YOU SUPER JUNIOR GUYS AND NOT WANTING ME TO WRITE FANFICTIONS ABOUT YOU. By the way, I just NOW noticed that my writing style is ridiculously inconsistent. xD Woot woot

Again, it's ridiculously little Christmas-sy. So I just randomly added the snow chapter. Which, actually, should be somewhat of a preview for either tomorrow's or Saturday's chapter. I haven't decided yet.

Also, this is getting ridiculous. I just finished my exam, and was all "YAY! Now I have more time to write!" Did I? No! I actually ended up with less time for this one than the previous three, can you believe that? D: Also explains why this chapter is somewhat awkward and ish. How is my life messed up like this, BAH, I better write a lot this weekend. xD 

Which reminds me, I'll work on getting back to you guys and your comments, lyke, RIGHT NAO.

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Chapter 24: Waitin for the 25th chapter still~

I just cried a river reading the 24th chapter
hebteuk #2
Chapter 23: "And of course, Kangin and Leeteuk were still in their own little world on the little corner of the couch."
i dunno how many times i read this sentence in that chap, but it makes me laugh in every time xDD
hebteuk #3
Chapter 13: that silly weird overeager teukie's so funny nd the poor time for u my beloved raccoon :(
hebteuk #4
Chapter 5: late reader!
hey! just found ur story...@chap 5 nd oh My,i luv when kangin's being worried abt teukie's health nd scolds him gently, but when he cries, he softened again nd kisses him..kangteuk's so sweet >0<
brb to continue~
Chapter 24: Awwww... HanChul is so sweet in this :3 thank you for this chapter ^^ I really needed it right now <3
Chapter 24: Oh god I loved this so much <3
Such a heartwarming chapter :)
sapphire0taku #8
..this story is sooo freaking awesome!!!

KangTeuk!!! <3
xCrimsonxAngelx #9
<br />
Okay, wow. That was probably the best Christmas carol parody I've read (which means that I appreciate it SO MUCH! :D). You just put me through all of these emotions, man. I was in disbelief and confused when I read the second sentence, but then I caught on in the next few sentences. Clever~. There were several points where I felt like I was about to cry (poor wookie! DDD:) and slap Hee for being so cruel. IDEK, there's too many things to love in here. And then that ending- skdjfskjfhaksfklsdk adorable. Chapter 24= <333333333 *round of applause*