Day 4

Super Christmas

1… 2… 3… 4… 5… 6 –




“What?” Donghae replied irritably as he panted slightly, even though he knew perfectly well what he was being called out for.  He and Eunhyuk were at the dance studio, rehearsing a choreography they were meaning to perform at their Christmas concert the 20th of December. Leeteuk had asked, puppy faced despite his old age, if the two of them could do a little solo dance performance, since the fans had enjoyed it so much during Super Show. And, as he had added later with particularly shimmering eyes, because they were so skilled they could actually manage to whip up a show within 20 days.


Damn leader and his angel charm.


But the couple had agreed, mostly because they knew he was right. And what not with Leeteuk being more than stressed enough as it was (Kangin continuously cursed Heechul for not aiding Leeteuk while he was away), they had agreed without a second thought.


However, something was not working out for them. While they choreographed the dance together, Eunhyuk usually had more to contribute due to his superior experience, and though it had been fine before, it was not that way today.


Donghae was able to grasp most of the choreography easily, but there was this one move he for the love of all holy did not get. He was not sure exactly why himself, it just simply did not work for him. Everytime he tried, he failed miserably, either tangling up in himself, hitting the air awkwardly, or just simply fell down. Eunhyuk, on the other hand, made it seem like the easiest thing in the world. In the big, spacious room surrounded by mirrors, Donghae hada clear view of everything he and his boyfriend did, and as usual, he spent much of the time marveling at Eunhyuk’s graceful moves. Even though they were doing the same things, basically, it was completely different, when he compared his own form in the mirror to Eunhyuk’s.


He knew he was not a bad dancer. Far from it. He was one of Super Junior’s best, and if he was arrogant enough, he would say that put him among some of Korea’s best idol dancers. He had trained for years and could coordinate his feet and arms ridiculously well, even at difficult situations, motions or speed.


So why on earth was he having trouble with this one move?


Of course, Eunhyuk was the better of the two, so naturally, anything Donghae could do, Eunhyuk could do, and quite possibly better as well. Usually, Donghae did not mind. He was just so proud of his boyfriend, so happy for him, because he knew dancing was Eunhyuk’s passion, and it made him so happy. Especially since he was not the best singer in their group either (though Donghae liked to point out that his rapping was the greatest), or the prettiest face (another statement Donghae would always be opposed to). It just simply made Donghae happy that Eunhyuk had such a talent he enjoyed so much.


Though right now, he was mostly just frustrated with both of them, himself for not mastering the move, and Eunhyuk for making it up and performing it flawlessly. The rest of the choreography was fine; it would take some time to learn and meld it together, but at least he understood it, and would be able to perform it.


Darn that one move.


And now he had, once again, made an error when he tried to do it. Of course, Eunhyuk easily spotted this as well, and had stopped the session in annoyance.


“Don’t say ‘what’!” he said, raking a hand through his hair lightly. “You know what I mean! Why won’t you do it? I’ve seen you do so much harder things before, it’s not even that difficult!”


“Hyukkie,” Donghae frowned, crossing his arms. “Your definition of ‘not that difficult’ doesn’t quite match the one normal people have. Including me.”


“Stop it, Donghae,” Eunhyuk sighed, his face mirroring the frustration of his partner. “You’re so much better at dancing than that, I just don’t understand what you’re struggling with!”


“Neither do I!” Donghae exclaimed in annoyance.


“Then what do you want me to do?” Eunhyuk threw his arms out. “I really don’t want to change the routine, but unless you can make it work – “


“I can make it work,” Donghae interrupted him, wanting to sound confident, but his tone only ended up sounding like a whining child’s. “I just… Would you help me?”


“Of course,” Eunhyuk voice softened, just a bit. “What do you need?”


“Well, I don’t think I’ve quite understood exactly what you want me to do!” Donghae admitted, pouting slightly. Eunhyuk sighed and rolled his eyes.


“As I’ve said, it’s not really all that difficult – “


“Yes, I heard you the first time. It doesn’t really help though, because patronizing my skills won’t aid me at all!”


“Seriously, Donghae, chill. What’s eating you?”


“Nothing,” Donghae sighed. “It just frustrates me to no end that I’m somehow not able to do this thing. Does it even have a name? Anyhow, I know how proud you are of this choreo, and what Leeteuk-hyung and the fans are expecting of us… And I don’t want to let either of you down, but I’m doing a poor job so far… But there’s only 16 days left until the concert, and we’ve still got the group performance, and I just don’t understand what to do anymore…” He almost surprised himself by admitting so much, but then again, it was Eunhyuk; he could always say whatever he wanted to Eunhyuk, as the older boy always knew how to listen and respond and make Donghae feel safe.


“Hae…” Eunhyuk said quietly, stepping closer and putting one hand on the smaller boy’s cheek. Donghae suddenly found the floor very interesting, especially when he felt his cheeks grow hotter. “Look at me, Hae.” Unable to resist his Eunhyuk’s  soft demand, Donghae obliged shyly. Eunhyuk was smiling slightly, his eyes no longer containing the frustration he had seen earlier. Instead, the brown, chocolate orbs were filled with compassion, and love. Eunhyuk loved him, Donghae knew that. But he still felt his heart jump a little every time he was privileged with the sight before him.


“It’ll be fine,” Eunhyuk chuckled. “The group performance will be no stress, and you’ll have plenty of time to learn this one, too. Sure I’m better at dancing than you, but you still pick up things faster than me, right? Besides, even if we screw up, the ELFs will only find it adorable, and Leeteuk-hyung is able to pass everything off as fanservice. In worst case, we’ll just turn it up a notch, or what?” He winked slightly to emphasize his point. But Donghae only sighed  and pulled away, turning to face the nearest mirror and crossing his arms. He could tell Eunhyuk was scrutinizing his face through the reflection, but he stubbornly looked away.


“It’ll still disappoint you,” he mumbled slightly, feeling the annoyance creep up again. “I know you want to do this choreo perfectly, the both of us, I mean.”


“It doesn’t really matter,” Eunhyuk assured him softly, hugging Donghae from behind and leaning his head on the younger’s shoulder. With a smile, he noted how Donghae ever so slightly leaned his brown head on top of Eunhyuk’s blonde. “You matter far more to me than a dance, you know.”


“Really,” Donghae quirked an eyebrow as he tried to suppress a smile at his lover’s cheesiness. “I’m more important than your only passion? I’m flattered.”


“Well, you should be!” This time, it was Eunhyuk who pouted, deciding to play along to lift the spirit in the empty room. “You, of all people, know how much I loooove dancing!”


“I know, it almost makes me feel jealous!” Donghae chuckled. Eunhyuk smiled.


“Almost? Why aren’t you jealous? Dancing is pretty important, you know!”


“Well, dancing can’t do this!” With that, Donghae turned his head slightly to give Eunhyuk a short peck on the lips. Eunhyuk smiled warmly in response.


“True, it most certainly can’t!” He leaned in to give Donghae’s cheek a small kiss as well.


“Can singing do that for you, then?”


“Nope,” Donghae admitted with a grin, but he pulled away when Eunhyuk started to kiss his neck as well.


“Uh-uh,” he said, turning around to look his boyfriend in the eyes. “None of that until we get home!” Eunhyuk pouted.


“That’s mean, Hae!” he said, putting his hands on his hips. “And you were building up to it, too!”


“No, I wasn’t,” Donghae laughed. “Stop being such a y, Hyukkie!”


“I’m not a y!” Eunhyuk scoffed.


“Fine then,” Donghae said, his voice taking on a bit more serious tone. “Can this not so y person show me how to do a certain move? I really don’t want to disappoint this person who is not a total ert.” Eunhyuk pouted, but obliged, and turned Hae around to face the mirror again, placing himself behind the other.


“Allright,” he started, putting himself close and grabbing Donghae’s hands. “Just follow my lead, and well take it slowly, right?”


“Right,” Donghae chirped eagerly. Eunhyuk smiled slightly as he watched his fishy through the reflection.


“Okay, first you have the transition from the floor to the popping… You’re good with that one, right? Just do the popping now and freeze… There! Allright, move your right arm like this, make sure to keep it stiff, and have your left leg follow that way… No, just keep your left hand here, it’s allright. And then we have the difficult part… The hips…”


“This is where I’m going wrong,” Donghae pouted slightly, his voice quiet, but Eunhyuk heard and just smiled.


“Yes, I could see that. Allright, keep your hands moving like this… And the hips…” Seeing as his hands were already occupied with Donghae’s, the mischievous Eunhyuk saw no other resolution than to use his hips to explain the movement to Donghae. It was only practical, after all, right?


Slowly, he moved in even closer, until eventually, his crotch was grinding Donghae’s , earning a surprised yelp from the younger. Smirking slightly, Eunhyuk continued moving his hips in a circular motion, never losing contact with Donghae. 



He had to stop himself from crying out in satisfaction when he felt Donghae’s hips hesitantly move along with his own.  He was expecting to be rejected like last time, but seeing as the younger made no move for him to stop, he kept going. Feeling more confident, he increased the boldness of his moves, pulling his hands along with Donghae’s down to the younger’s hips before pulling them closer, effectively straddling him. He heard Donghae let out a moan and could not stop himself from attacking the tan neck again, first with butterfly kisses, then a soft massage with his tongue before he placed a bite near the younger’s collarbone.


Donghae yelped slightly again, and tried to turn away slightly.


“Hyukkie…” He moaned lowly, but Eunhyuk did not look up. Instead, he found himself a new place, near the back of Donghae’s neck, to before biting down harshly. Again, Donghae let out what Eunhyuk found to be an incredibly turn on yelp. “Hyukkie… I told you, not here, wait until we get home…”


“The studio is my home,” Eunhyuk tried to joke halfheartedly between his kisses.


“Don’t even – “ Donghae tried before he was cut off by Eunhyuk’s tongue on a particularly sensitive spot behind his ear. He could not stop himself from shivering slightly.


“Come on, Hae…” Eunhyuk murmured against his ear, his breath tickling soft brown hair.


“No Hyukkie…” Really, he did not want Eunhyuk to stop. He loved the attention the blonde gave him, and enjoyed every second those soft lips traveled across his skin, as if they were made only to give him pleasure. But Donghae was also practical, and knew he had to set a limit. With a sigh, he involuntarily stepped away from the momentarily distracted Eunhyuk. He put on his best apologetic look as the latter scowled at him, crossing his arms.


“You’re such a killjoy, Hae,” he said with a pout. Donghae found him adorable.


“Well, we’re still at the dance studio,” Donghae excused himself. “At least wait until we get home.” Although a glance at a growing bulge despite Eunhyuk’s baggy pants told him the blonde might not be able to finish the session properly. He was not even sure if he would be able himself.


“Although… We can leave early today?”


Immediately, Eunhyuk’s face lightened up, and he moved forward to grab Donghae’s hand.


“Best suggestion I ever heard!”


As promised, EUNHAE!! <3 This turned out so unlike what I had originally imagined, I don't even know what happened. xD Or rather, angsty!Donghae, seductive!Eunhyuk and weird! happened. Though exactly where THAT came from...

It's actually one of four/five situations I had planned to do from the beginning, so I don't know what to think about the changes made. Though the basic plot is still the same; EunHae - dance studio - seductive Hyukkie teaching Hae hip dancing. So yeah, pretty much, except for the random angsting in the beginning.

And I still have to say, THANK YOU SO MUCH TO EVERYONE WHO SUBSCRIBED AND COMMENTED! :') You don't even know how happy that make me. I can't get back to all of you who subscribed, as I barely have the time to write this, but I'll reply to everyone of your comments right now! Again, thank you so much, you mean the world to me. O.o

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Chapter 24: Waitin for the 25th chapter still~

I just cried a river reading the 24th chapter
hebteuk #2
Chapter 23: "And of course, Kangin and Leeteuk were still in their own little world on the little corner of the couch."
i dunno how many times i read this sentence in that chap, but it makes me laugh in every time xDD
hebteuk #3
Chapter 13: that silly weird overeager teukie's so funny nd the poor time for u my beloved raccoon :(
hebteuk #4
Chapter 5: late reader!
hey! just found ur story...@chap 5 nd oh My,i luv when kangin's being worried abt teukie's health nd scolds him gently, but when he cries, he softened again nd kisses him..kangteuk's so sweet >0<
brb to continue~
Chapter 24: Awwww... HanChul is so sweet in this :3 thank you for this chapter ^^ I really needed it right now <3
Chapter 24: Oh god I loved this so much <3
Such a heartwarming chapter :)
sapphire0taku #8
..this story is sooo freaking awesome!!!

KangTeuk!!! <3
xCrimsonxAngelx #9
<br />
Okay, wow. That was probably the best Christmas carol parody I've read (which means that I appreciate it SO MUCH! :D). You just put me through all of these emotions, man. I was in disbelief and confused when I read the second sentence, but then I caught on in the next few sentences. Clever~. There were several points where I felt like I was about to cry (poor wookie! DDD:) and slap Hee for being so cruel. IDEK, there's too many things to love in here. And then that ending- skdjfskjfhaksfklsdk adorable. Chapter 24= <333333333 *round of applause*