Day 1

Super Christmas












Hard poke.




Harder poke.


“Yah! Hyukkie!”


A slap.


… A slap?!


“Wah!” Eunhyuk yelped and shot up from under the covers.  Grabbing his arm where the bothersome intruder had so brutally hurt him (at least, Eunhyuk thought it was pretty brutal, considering the early morning) he turned to scowl at the perpetrator. “What was that for?”


Donghae only smiled, rising from his crouched position next Eunhyuk’s bed to tower proudly over the older, as if he had just executed a most magnificent feat. For a moment, Eunhyuk considered getting up and use his superior height to wipe that grin of Donghae’s face. Though he quickly agreed with himself that it was not worth the trouble. With a small huff of annoyance, he slumped back down on his pillow again, much to Donghae’s chagrin.


“Eunhyuk…” he pouted, though said boy had already buried his face far too deep in his covers to notice. “Come on, pabo. It’s time to get up!”


“Too early…” came his muffled reply. Donghae sighed.


“No, it’s not. Even Leeteuk-hyung is up now,” he commented lightly, folding his arms. “You should have heard the ruckus Kangin made to get him up. It was actually quite entertaining, until it woke Heechul-hyung as well.”


“I don’t really care what Kangin-hyung does to wake Teukie-hyung,” Eunhyuk groaned into the pillow. “Or what he does to make him fall asleep, for that matter. Some things are just simply not meant for Eunhyukkie to know.”


“Heechul-hyung says they’re not so bad, especially – “


“That’s because he’s comparing everyone to himself, which automatically make them tame as sheep.”


“… But Heechul-hyung – “


“I don’t care what Heechul-hyung says or does or thinks, let me sleep!”


“Okay, then Yesung-hyung – “


“Hae!” Eunhyuk finally lifted his head from the pillow again. “Why’re you being so noisy today?”


“Because you’re refusing to get up,” Donghae countered, smirking just a tiny bit. Eunhyuk sighed in almost-but-not-quite defeat and motioned for the younger to bend down slightly. Donghae complied curiously and brought his face close to the sleepy Eunyhuk, wondering what his hyung was up to.


Stupid move.


In just a flash (though what did he expect, even half-asleep, this was still Eunhyuk) the older had grabbed his shoulders and dragged Donghae down to the bed with him, effectively holding him down in a death grip. Blinking in slight surprise, Donghae laid still for a moment as he tried to find out what just happened.


“Eunhyukkie…?” he questioned as the older adjusted his arms better, keeping a firm hold on Donghae’s waist and nuzzling his face in the crook of his neck.


“Now you won’t get up either,” he murmured against the muscled chest. Eunhyuk really loved Donghae’s low-cut shirts.


Donghae chuckled slightly, the soft motion nudging Eunhyuk slightly as his chest shook gently.


“Looks like I won’t.”


Gently, he placed a tiny kiss to Eunhyuk’s blonde hair before snaking his own arms around the older, contently making himself comfortable.


“Why’re you so intent on getting me up, anyways?” Eunhyuk mumbled quietly. Donghae smiled a bit.


“Because today’s the December 1st!”





And thus ended the tiny moment of cuddling for Eunhyuk and Donghae. And before Donghae even had time to react, Eunhyuk had leapt out of his embrace and sprinted to the dresser to – presumably - find a pair of jeans to wear. Donghae could not hold back a grin as he watched his lover stumble over himself in his search for clean pants.


“I knew you’d like that,” he said dryly. Eunhyuk snorted.


“How did I ever forget…” he mumbled to himself. Donghae suppressed the urge to laugh. For some sort of reason he could never quite understand, Eunhyuk always became ridiculously passionate about the month of December. He supposed it was one of the charmingly childish traits Eunhyuk still retained, and he found it quite endearing, actually, how this month so easily could bring such happiness to the older’s face.


“How cute,” he commented, rising to sit on the edge of Eunhyuk’s bed as he observed his lover’s difficulties with finding matching socks.


“I’m not cute,” the older pouted, glaring slightly at Donghae. “You’re the cute one! I’m the handsome one!”


“How can you even say that when you’re doing this thing with your face?” Donghae laughed, imitating Eunhyuk’s expression. “Also, these beg to differ.” He added as he patted one arm while flexing the arm muscles he knew Eunhyuk lacked proudly. Eunhyuk only clicked his tongue, straightening up from his search on the floor.


“What good are those arms,” he started and removed his shirt, facing Donghae. “When you can have these abs?”


Donghae had to admit, Eunhyuk’s abs were pretty damn y, and normally, they would have been all over each other by now. But he was not about to lose this one.


“You’re not the only one who’s been working out,” he smirked, discarding his own shirt to display a perfectly honed chest with a little wink. “Why settle for abs or arms, when I have both?”


Just like Donghae wanted to throw himself over Eunhyuk when he showed off like that, the older was practically eating up his lover with his eyes by now. Deciding he could not top that, he instead opted for another tactic. Smirking, he made his way over to the bed and promptly sat on Donghae’s lap, straddling the younger seductively. As he brought his hands up to cup Donghae’s face, he was pleased to notice that the younger immediately wound his arms around the smaller waist for the second time this morning.


“You’re still baby-faced, though, Hae,” he murmured slightly, leaning in to whisper in his ear as their cheeks met. “Which means…” He noticed with satisfaction a slight shiver run through Hae’s body as he spoke.  “I win.”


“Hyukkie,” Donghae moaned, a mix between lust and annoyance, and Eunhyuk did not need to see to know that his partner pouted cutely. Just like he was supposed to. “Hyukkie, don’t – “


He was cut off by a pair of swift lips silencing his own, and he subconsciously felt his arms tighten around the elder’s waist. Eunhyuk wasted no time, and parted his lips to request, no, demand entrance to Donghae’s mouth. The younger willingly let him, feeling his own tongue respond immediately to Eunhyuk’s intruding muscle.


Eunhyuk was by no means gentle with his Hae, and harshly grabbed the younger’s hair to smash their lips together again whenever he felt his lover go sloppy. Teeth met teeth as the two fought for dominance over the other, though Eunhyuk appeared to be winning as he subtly slid a hand down Donghae’s bare chest, forcing a moan from the lips he was currently abusing. Eunhyuk knew exactly which buttons to push; shifting pressure from one finger to another in an almost tickling manner, ghosting over a on the way down before meeting the rough edge of the younger’s pants and letting his hand rest there for a moment as he grabbed his chance to completely take control over Donghae’s mouth.


“No fair,” Donghae managed to whimper between the kisses, moving his hands from Eunhyuk’s waist to his neck. He felt Eunhyuk’s lips twist into a smile, though the older still did not stop his quest to own Donghae.


“Then fight harder, Hae,” he whispered into Donghae’s mouth, but the younger still seemed to have heard him.


“Hyukkie – “




“Yah! You two! Get out!”


The couple almost fell off the bed, Eunhyuk quickly jumping from Donghae’s lap, and Donghae trying to stabilize himself after the temporary loss of equilibrium. It only took half a second before Eunhyuk turned to frown at the intruder.




“Good morning, hyungs,” the maknae greeted in an overly sweet voice. “Isn’t it a bit early for that?”


Both boys blushed slightly, Donghae even turning away from the youngest to hide his face. Eunhyuk frowned slightly.


“None of your business,” he mumbled, staring vehemently at the floor. “Shouldn’t you be off doing something not useful somewhere else?”


“I would have preferred that, actually,” Kyuhyun admitted glancing between their bare torsos. “But Ryeowook-hyung made breakfast, and Leeteuk-hyung ordered me to get you. Since Donghae apparently failed in bringing you back by himself, Eunhyuk-hyung. Though it should have been obvious to everyone…”


“Yah!” Eunhyuk interrupted, thankful for the still dim light in the room somewhat hiding his blush. “We’er coming, we’re coming. Just stop your nonsense, maknae.”


“Yeah, yeah,” Kyuhyun brushed him off. “But you should really hurry. Or Leeteuk-hyung’s gonna slaughter you!”


“I know, I know! We’re coming!” Eunhyuk insisted.


“I’ll believe it when I see it,” Kyuhyun said with a knowing smirk as he walked out again.


“Aish, this kid,” Eunhyuk huffed, going over to his dropped shirt to put it back on. “Never knowing when to give up. Ryeowook was never like that!”


Donghae made a small noise of agreement, picking idly at his own shirt. Silently, he willed his cheeks to go back to their normal color. Eunhyuk, of course, noticed this, and smilingly went over to peck his lips gently, making Donghae look up at him.


“Come on,” he told the younger and dragged him up. “Get dressed, or we’ll never hear the end of it.”


“We won’t do that now either,” Donghae pointed out, putting his shirt back on.


“True,” Eunhyuk admitted as they walked out to the hall. “But now it’s only Kyuhyun. Imagine if Heechul-hyung or Kangin-hyung had seen it too!”


“Don’t even talk about it!” Donghae groaned, combing a hand through his hair that Eunhyuk had managed to mess up during their little session. Eunhyuk stopped him right outside the kitchen.


“Wait just…” he mumbled and brought his thumb up to wipe at Donghae’s jaw. “You had… Something there…”


“Hyukkie…” Donghae complained, swatting the other’s hand away playfully, though he appreciated the gesture. Never a good thing to reveal too much to his fellow members…


Deciding they both looked somewhat presentable, Donghae led the way into the kitchen and unceremoniously plopped down on the nearest available chair. Judging from the dirty dishes and half-eaten food, Eunhyuk decided they were among the last to come down for breakfast. Heechul, Kangin and Kyuhyun were all sitting around the table, Kangin focused on his coffee, while the diva and the maknae scrutinized the newcomers with knowing looks. Ryeowook, who was in the process of cleaning up the ingredients, only rolled his eyes at his hyungs.


“The food’s already gone more or less cold,” he stated, clearly not liking that the couple did not come while it was still fresh. “But I can heat it in the micro if you want me to?”


“No, Ryeowook, it’s fine,” Donghae quickly said, his tone apologetic as he smiled sheepishly at the short boy. “Sorry for taking so long, but…”


“Yeah, I know,” Ryeowook smiled, putting the last boxes in their place before exiting the kitchen. Eunhyuk looked at the other occupants in the room. The youngest and eldest were still looking at him and Donghae with this peculiar (and somehow freakily similar) expression, while Kangin’s gaze was stubbornly directed at his coffee cup.


“So,” Donghae said, a bit awkwardly. “How’s hyung doing? After the trip, I mean.”


“Yeah, how did it go?” Eunhyuk chirped, happily steering the topic away from him and Donghae.


“He’s just fine,” Kangin grumbled, thinking about Leeteuk’s latest promotion tour with their manager. “And the trip went, as he said, ‘really great’. So it’s just fine. Got back really late last night, though, and he’s a bit tired of course. And damn hard to wake up…”


“Yeah, I heard,” Donghae nodded with a smile. “Where’s he now?”


“Back there,” Kangin said, nodding his head towards their common room. Donghae and Eunhyuk leaned over slightly, and could just see their blonde leader working frantically on… Something. Something involving lots of paper and mobile conversations.


“What’s he doing?” Donghae frowned. Kangin shrugged.


“He's stress-fixing the following month's schedule, is what he said – “


“And I wouldn’t have had to do it on today, if only Heechul had done what I told him to, and fixed it all while I was away!” Leeteuk whined from the other room. Kangin just rolled his eyes and went back to his coffee, while Heechul looked positively unaffected.


“As if I would have,” he said, though quietly enough for Leeteuk not to hear. Eunhyuk had to suppress a smile.


“Teukie-hyung,” he called out through the door. “Did you really expect him to do it? Seriously, it’s Heechul-hyung we’re talking about.”


“Of course!” Leeteuk sounded almost scandalized by the thought that Heechul could ignore his project. "I expect every member of Super Junior to help as best they can to contribute to our dearest group when manager-hyung and I can't, and – “ An unexpected yawn cut him off, leaving Leeteuk dumbfounded by himself. Apparently, this was Kangin’s cue, as he immediately set down his cup and practically ran out to their leader.


“That’s it,” he said sternly, gripping Leeteuk by his waist and with a simple motion pulled him up from the chair. “You’re going to bed again. I take back everything I said this morning, you need your sleep.”


“But Kangin!” Leeteuk whined, though he made no move to get out of the younger’s arms. “I need to finish this! Some of the first schedules are tomorrow, and the members aren't even aware! Furthermore, there's the show we're doing later... It's only 20 days until the 20th, and still so much to be done - ”


“Well, I'm sure everyone can manage one more morning without you, and we'll always be able to pull of the concert. But for now, you need some sleep” Kangin replied firmly, and it was obvious to everyone (but Leeteuk, it appeared) that his patience was running thin. “Maybe then your head will work a bit better. I'm sure they're aware if they're supposed to be somewhere today. Besides, how much sleep did you get while traveling? I hate to tell you this Teukie, but you’re developing bags under your eyes. And did you eat enough? I could’ve sworn you’re lighter…”


Eunhyuk and Donghae forced themselves to choke down their laughter. Leave it to Leeteuk to fuss over all the members; and then have Kangin fuss over Leeteuk.  Across the table, Heechul did not even bother hiding his amusement.


“Those two,” he chuckled merrily. “Worst thing is, Kangin’s only interested in getting back to sleep himself.”


“And that’s when you know it’s December.”


“As if they’re not like that the whole year.”


“… Well, it’s still December, hyung.”


“Heenim knows.”


Whoa, it's really been forever since I've written anything. xD Hopefully it will get better~! My first try on some EunHae, though, hopefully, there will be moar! ;3

Also, you guys have to request for pairings and situations and whatever. x3 Since the fic is following a "storyline", there won't be any changes in the pairings I've already decided on, but if you want SiHae and tell me so, I'll write at least SiHae friendship. This isn't just a slashy-fic, after all. :D

For those who already read the first half of this chapter, I update later with a lot more... Action. And just now again. I just can't seem to get satisfied with this chapter. D: And I couldn't resist my KangTeuk at the end. Please forgive me. ^^;

But anyways, thanks for reading so far!! <3

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Chapter 24: Waitin for the 25th chapter still~

I just cried a river reading the 24th chapter
hebteuk #2
Chapter 23: "And of course, Kangin and Leeteuk were still in their own little world on the little corner of the couch."
i dunno how many times i read this sentence in that chap, but it makes me laugh in every time xDD
hebteuk #3
Chapter 13: that silly weird overeager teukie's so funny nd the poor time for u my beloved raccoon :(
hebteuk #4
Chapter 5: late reader!
hey! just found ur story...@chap 5 nd oh My,i luv when kangin's being worried abt teukie's health nd scolds him gently, but when he cries, he softened again nd kisses him..kangteuk's so sweet >0<
brb to continue~
Chapter 24: Awwww... HanChul is so sweet in this :3 thank you for this chapter ^^ I really needed it right now <3
Chapter 24: Oh god I loved this so much <3
Such a heartwarming chapter :)
sapphire0taku #8
..this story is sooo freaking awesome!!!

KangTeuk!!! <3
xCrimsonxAngelx #9
<br />
Okay, wow. That was probably the best Christmas carol parody I've read (which means that I appreciate it SO MUCH! :D). You just put me through all of these emotions, man. I was in disbelief and confused when I read the second sentence, but then I caught on in the next few sentences. Clever~. There were several points where I felt like I was about to cry (poor wookie! DDD:) and slap Hee for being so cruel. IDEK, there's too many things to love in here. And then that ending- skdjfskjfhaksfklsdk adorable. Chapter 24= <333333333 *round of applause*