17 - SOCKS?

a guy can crossdress too?!

Youngmin's POV

I dragged Hyemin and JongAe to the field and we settled down at a corner while waiting for further instructions. 

"Alright class, today we will do some running. Everyone run 10 rounds around the field, no walking is allowed. Do i make myself clear? " Mr Jung our P.E teacher announced. My classmates started whinning after hearing what Mr Jung said. Me, on the other hand, mentally did a fist pump. Well for your information, i really really love sports and i'm our class' number one runner. I thought that i was the only one who was looking forward to running, to my surprise, JongAe seems to be really excited too.

"You love running too?" i asked JongAe and she nodded enthusiastically.

"I'm the number one runner of my class in my previous school!" she said proudly.

"Alright girls, warm up yourselves and get on the track." Mr Jung ordered. We did our last minute stretching and got on the track. Upon hearing the soud of My Jung's whistle, all of us started running around the field. It wasn't hard for me to over-take many of them. After finishing the 9th round, most of them gave up and started walking and Hyemin looks like she was going to faint. JongAe and I were running side by side when suddenly i saw something dropped out from JongAe's shirt, I slowed down to pick it up.

"JongAe ah you dropped something! JongAeeeeeeeeeee! " I shouted for her but she just kept on running.

JongAe's POV

I heard someone calling my name but i wanted to finish running as soon as possible so i ignored it and continued running. Finally i finished the last round and i turned around to see Youngmin panting hard while holding something in her hand. 

"JongAe ah you dropped something." she managed to say. I looked closely at the thing she said, it looks familiar..... UGH THAT'S MY YANGMAL (socks in korean) !!! To confirm that i didn't see wrongly, i placed my hand on my chest. TTTTTT! /facepalm/ I quickly grabbed my yangmal and stuffed them into my pocket. 

"Why did you bring yangmal to P.E lesson?" Youngmin asked and raised an eyebrow. 

"Errr... i ... .errr.... i... c-can't live w-without my socks!" I stuttered. 

"You what?!" she gave me a really surprised look. 

"Alright girls P.E is over, you are dismissed for lunch! " I heard Mr Jung announced. 

"Hi there my pretty ladies what do you guys want to eat for lunch?" Hyemin came over and ask. 

"BIBIMBAP!" Youngmin said excitedly and we started discussing what we wanted to eat for lunch. Phewww that was close. 

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JenieceVu1007 #1
but can you tell me what the name is of your new fic
yeay!<br />
can't wait!<br />
update soon..
JenieceVu1007 #3
where is hoya
hoya..<br />
JenieceVu1007 #5
thanks for all the comments! updated alr! ♥
kim_jy #7
can`t wait for your update..^^
jinsoojia #8
plz update soon