The Accident

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Jong kook very surprised after looked at the woman beside him. He trying to remember what happened last night, why he could in this room, with her. His head feel dizzy again. He couldn’t think. And suddenly he remember Eun hye. She’s the last person who met him. And after he look to Ji hyo again, he’s sure that its Eun hye’s plan.

He felt betrayed. Is it not yet enough for Eun hye hurting his feeling? Until she planning all of this? His heart feel painful. So painful. He crying, trying to not drop his tears. And he crying quietly, scared if Ji hyo will wake up and finding him beside her.

He sat on the bed, then stand up and take his clothes from the floor. He wearing it and look at Ji hyo’s peaceful face, then leaving her alone in the room. He scared if she’ll misunderstanding with him.

Jong kook closed the door carefully. He walking in the coridor with weak step. At the moment he saw Eun hye walking toward his direction, with one man beside her. She hold his arm tightly. Jong kook very mad at that two person, but he trying to control his emotion.

After several step finally they’re met. Jong kook look at Eun hye’s eyes with his sharp gaze, make Eun hye scared a bit. She released her hand from Jin hyuk’s arm.

Jong kook changes his gaze toward the man beside Eun hye. “So, are you Choi Jin Hyuk-ssi?”

Eun hye a bit surprised with his word. She remember last night she only said ‘Jin hyuk’ , not ‘Choi Jin Hyuk’. She didn’t know why he know Jin hyuk’s full name.

Jin hyuk flicked his eyes and noddes. “Yes, that’s right. I’m her boyfriend. Nice to meet you, Kim Jong Kook-ssi”

“So all of this is your plan, right?” Jin hyuk nodded again.

Jong kook smirks. “Why are you so proud of yourself, Jin hyuk-ssi? So this is your reaction after you cheating behind your wife? After you hurting her heart? After made her sleeping with other man?”

Jin hyuk and Eun hye surprised with Jong kook words. How could he know that the woman who slept with him is Jin hyuk’s wife?

“You know that the woman who slept with you is my wife?” Jin hyuk asked him back.

Jong kook smirks once again. “Wae? Are you surprised? I’d known your wife. She is very kind. Although I’ve only knew her from yesterday, she’s like my own sister. She caring of her family. Even she cared for her husband, who cheating behind her. She’s very innocent. I didn’t know why she could falling in love with the man like you, Jin hyuk-ssi. I hope you’re satisfied and didn’t regret what’ve you doing to her. And I hope I didn’t meet with you again. Congratulation to both of you” and Jong kook leaving the two of them.

Jin hyuk and Eun hye frozen in their place. They didn’t know that Jong kook know JI hyo. Eun hye feel guilty to Jong kook. She reach Jin hyuk’s hand and squeezed it.

Jin hyuk looked at Eun hye, smile a bit to her. “Don’t worry, jagiya. He’ll be okay. The problem is why he knew my wife?” Jin hyuk sighed. “You should persuading him to didn’t tell the truth to my wife. Go, chase him before he really leaving. I’ll come to the room and take care of my wife”

Eun hye nodded and she running in the coridor, chasing Jong kook before he could leave.


Ji hyo feel a bit dizzy, she trying to open her eyes. Slowly her eyes opened and she rubbed it.

She feel so cold,  and she’s aware that she’s fully . She didn’t know what happened last night, but she remember she’s here with Jin hyuk. She smiled. She turned her head, and found nothing. She sit on the bed, trying to find her husband but she didn’t. Suddenly she heard a noisy from the bathroom. She know that its him.

She stand up and take her clothes from the floor, and wear it. She smiled shyly thinking what happened last night with her and her husband.

Jin hyuk surprised after seeing Ji hyo standing in front of the bathroom, but a bit relief that she’s already wearing her clothes. She smiles to him and he smile back to her.

“Good morning, oppa” Ji hyo smiles brightly to her husband and give him a slight kiss on his lips. Jin hyuk a bit startled and only smiles to her.

“Thank you for last night. Although I didn’t know what happened because I’m drunked, I’m very happy, oppa” she suddenly hug him tightly. She didn’t know what truly happened. Jin hyuk feel relief and hug her back.

“Mm,” he only said that, and trying to change the topic. “Are you hungry? Do you want some breakfast?”

Ji hyo release her hug and look at him. “Of course I’m hungry, oppa. Let me take a bath before we have our dinner, Ne?”


2 month later...

Ji hyo feel her head a bit dizzy, she run her hand to her forehead and feeling it warm. Then she feel stomachache, she quickly run toward the bathroom and vomit. The ahjumma who heard her voice is approach her and helping her.

After Ji hyo vomit, ahjumma help her to laid again in her bed. “Your body is warm, Samonim. May I help you to call the doctor?” the ahjumma said while covering Ji hyo’s body with blanket.

Ji hyo only nodded, she’s feel so weak. The ahjumma call the doctor, and after a moment the doctor arrived and check Ji hyo’s body. Ji hyo ask the ahjumma to accompany her while the doctor

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beatupoldbeetle #1
Chapter 30: Thank you for this story, authornim. It was well-paced but it left me wanting more. And it got me crying too. Lol
nesha42 #2
Chapter 27: Oh,she must take care her daughter better.
nuhaya #3
Chapter 29: Woah daebak...thank u authornim for this nice story..i hope spartace is a real couple and will get merried soon...and have a happy family like end of this story...spartace jjangg...fighting for your others story authornim...
dorcas #4
Chapter 30: The kim family they are so sweet and happy.. Hope you make other stories about Spartace.. Tell next time author Sarara
baybiena #5
Chapter 30: aaaa it ends? so sad... thank u for writing... I really enjoyed it
Chapter 30: happy family as always guyss.. So happy look at them like tho.. Hahahha be happyyyy !!! Yeayyy! Thank you for make this great story
Chapter 29: this is so happy look them being together and life happily,,
the strong feeling make them be like that again. Fighting spartaceeee....
iamrainy #8
Chapter 30: kamsahamnida n saranghae too author
372 streak #9
Chapter 30: thank you for update the sweet! hope u can write another story about spartace after this...thank you again for writing this lovely n beautiful story...will miss it! thank you again...
Chapter 30: Thank yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooou :)