Chapter Twenty-Three

The Roommate

           “What the IS THIS?!” Woozi screamed.

            Joshua pushed you of the doorway, bolting away. And milliseconds after Woozi pushed you as well, pursuing.

            You stumbled to your feet quickly. Grunts echoing from the living rooms as their feet pounded away. You followed them seconds after.

            Joshua’s hand grazed the doorknob, seconds from escape. But Woozi yanked him back by his shoulder.

            Joshua thrashed around in the grip, his face stiff in absolute panic. His eyes were bulging out, his eyebrows shot halfway up his forehead. Woozi held him fast, his crushing grip on both of his shoulders.

            “THIS IS SOME JOKE, RIGHT? THIS IS SOME ED UP JOKE.” Woozi bellowed, spit flying. “HOW COULD YOU? HOW STUPID ARE YOU TO-“
            Wham, Woozi socked Joshua in the face. Joshua’s head whipped to the side. Bent over, Joshua stumbled back like rag doll.

            Woozi, breathing so heavy that you could hear it from there, pursued Joshua again. He pulling him up by he collar, straightening him up. Not giving Joshua any time to react to the blow. “WHAT THE ARE YOU THINKING JOSH? WHAT THE ?”

            You ran to their struggling forms. Joshua whipping himself around, hoping that the rapid movements would loosen Woozi’s grip. Even with Joshua practically throwing himself around, Woozi held on; feet stumbling to keep up with Joshua’s frantic movements.

            “STOP!” You screamed, yanking at Woozi’s arm. Woozi paid you no heed. His face contorted with rage, eyes widened as they locked on to Joshua’s face that had lost any color in it.

            “YOU ARE SO ING STUPID, JOSH!” Woozi shook him violently.

            “Woozi! STOP THIS! CALM DOWN!” You tried to yell over him. Grasping your hands over Woozi’s, trying to pry his grip away from Josh’s collar. “WOOZI!”

            “Woozi-“ Josh choked out, fear stifling whatever he had to say. Joshua tried to shrink back to the ground but Woozi hoisted him back up again.

            “YOU KNOW HOW THIS GOING TO END, YOU BASTARD. ARE YOU SERIOUSLY GOING TO MAKE US RELIVE ALL THAT, HUH?“ Woozi lifted up another fist in the air, rearing behind him.

            You pried Woozi’s hands away from Josh’s collar and shoved Woozi away, your outstretched arms shielding Joshua from him.

 Woozi stumbled back for a second. When he looked up, his burning eyes locked on Joshua again. He took a running step forward, about to pounce again, an animalistic glint in his eyes.

            You intercepted. Using your entire body, you launched him. Your right shoulder collided with his collarbone, and the same time he was running for Joshua.  Your bodies slammed against each other at full speed. Both of you grunting at the impact. Woozi staggered back, you did too, trying to catch your balance.  

            “This has nothing to do with you!” Woozi screamed. Every part of his face wrinkled; contorted in an unimaginable rage.

            Before he could could try to attack again, you rammed your body into his again. This time wrapping your arms around him. Both of your hands hold the other one’s wrist that pushed up against his back, constraining his arms to his sides. The gesture that under any context would had been considered a comfort was now one of desperation and panic.

            “Breathe!” You yelled over his shoulder, his quick hot breaths sliding down your neck. “Calm down.”

            He thrashed around, and it took every ounce of strength in you to keep him restrained.

            “GET YOUR ING HANDS OFF OF ME!” Woozi screamed.

            “Calm down, first!” You turn to Joshua, who was slowly backing out of the room, one hand on the doorknob. Trying to slowly turn it with a delicacy in hope that neither of you would notice. You let out a growl that froze him in place. “If you leave right now, I will let Woozi go and watch as he beats the out of you.”

            Joshua gulped. This face consumed with fear as Woozi glared down at him from over your shoulder.

            To your surprise you could hear Woozi trying to control his breathing. “Let me go.” Woozi his head swinging back to look at the ceiling, his eyes pressed. “I can’t look at him anymore.”

            You released him, anticipating for him to go on offense again. But Woozi just turned around and hunched over, hands on his knees. His back moving as quickly as he was breathing.
            “What did you do?” You half yelled at Joshua, trying to ignore the sinking feeling in your stomach.

            Joshua looked at you with glistening eyes. Both hands tearing away at his hair. His teeth tearing away at his bottom lip. “I made a mistake.”

            “A mistake.” Woozi growled, facing away from the two of you. His voice still winded. “A mistake is an accident, Josh.”

            “Maybe it was an accident.” You bargained, looking at Joshua.

            But he tore his eyes away from yours, not willing to look at you. A flicker of shame there. Joshua too turned his back on you, slumping against a wall. His forehead flat up against the door.

            “He can’t even answer. Because HE KNOWS HOW ED UP-“

            Woozi turned around, his eyes ignited again, and stormed over to Joshua. Woozi turned him around, his face a boiling red.

            He held Joshua up by his collar and faltered for a minute.

            Joshua’s panicked eyes bore into Woozi’s, raining down on his cheeks. “I’m so sorry.” Joshua moaned. “I’m so sorry. They tricked me. I didn’t know it was them, I swear. Once I found out I tried to get out of it, I did. I really did. But when it was too late. And they threatened me. You too. They threatened you too. And when I tried to get out of it, they jumped me on the way home from the guitar shop. And Woozi I’m so sorry. I didn’t know. I didn’t know.” Joshua begged, talking so fast he could hardly catch a breath in-between the  rapid fire sentences.

            Woozi gripped loosening on his collar.

            “They threatened me  if I told you. They threatened my parents. They tricked me. They tricked me. They lied about who they were. I didn’t know it was them, I promise you. I didn’t know. I didn’t know. They tricked me. I didn’t know. Just like they tricked you they tricked me. They tricked me. ” Joshua dropped to his knees.

            The room was silent. The only noise that of the empty wiring of the ceiling fan, the distant sound of Woozi breathing.

            Woozi stood over Joshua, looking down on him. Joshua sat on the floor at Woozi’s feet, head bent over touching his knees.

            “Get up.” Woozi ordered. “Get up, Goddamnit.”

            Joshua fumbled to his feet, wiping his face with his sleeve. Joshua didn’t look at Woozi. He had his head recoiled back into his shoulders, expecting another hit.

            “.” Woozi breathed. “How stupid can you get?” Woozi looked at you. His gaze not nearly as deadly as before but still alive. “Get out.”

            “No.” You said shortly.

            “It’s okay.” Joshua looked at you through puffy eyes. “I’ll be fine.”

            “I don’t believe you-“

            But Woozi had stormed over to you and grabbed you by the back collar of your shirt. “The guys here need to talk.” He dragged you to the closed doorway.

            “What. Do. You. Think. You. Are-? Get your ING hands off of me.” You shrugged against him, your hands reaching behind you in an uncomfortable positon to free his grip.

            “Shut up.” He hissed, flinging the open door, and tossing you out onto the open hallway.

            You had enough time to crawl to your knees to see Woozi slam the door in your face. A heavy clicking followed.

            “Hey!” You banged your fists on the door. “Let me in!” You pressed your ear to the door.

            “Lets talk in the back room.” You heard Woozi say.

            “Don’t! Guys! OPEN THE DOOR!” You screamed. But it was too late, you heard footsteps, and there was silence. “WOOZI, IF YOU HURT HIM YOU ARE DEAD MEAT! UNDERSTAND ME? DEAD!

            You slumped against the door, crawled up in a ball against the wooden frame. One hand above you, holding the locked door nob.

            What have I done? You asked yourself, banging your head on the door. Why did I think it was a good idea to tell Woozi?

            You waited at the door for what seemed like forever. It could’ve been days. With no phone for entertainment you just sat there, unmoving. Nothing to distract you from your lingering curiosity or your increasing worry about what was going on. The growth in your stomach expanded, getting heavier with every second.

            You wondered what Woozi had meant when he was yelling.

           Are you seriously going to make us relive all that? What the crap was that supposed to mean? What did Joshua go back to?

           You know how this is going to end you bastard. Joshua had definitely slipped back into some old patterns, that you weren’t aware of.

           But Joshua was jumped, he was involved in some sketchy people. But he told you that was his first fight. Right? That was his first fight. It had to be. There is no way that that skinny twig of a guy would ever willing get involved with bad people. Let alone was apart of something like that.

           Obviously, it was an accident. They tricked me. I didn’t know it was them, I swear. Once I found out I tried to get out of it, I did.

           Still you couldn’t shake the feeling that something bad was going on. And it involved Joshua. And it had to be something worse enough to make Woozi turn into a ing man-child hulk back there.

           The door opened, you fell through the door frame. You looked up to see you were inches away a pair of shoes.

           You looked up to see Woozi glaring down at you. You stood up. Joshua was standing behind him, his cheek bruised.

           “What happened?” You reached your hand up to touch Joshua’s cheek but he leaned back from your touch. You closed your outstretched fingers to a fist and let your hand drop.

           “It’s nothing.” Joshua rubbed his cheek.

           “Did you hit him?” You turned to Woozi. Looking completely calm, causally leaning up again the still open doorframe with a dead expression on his face.

            “Maybe.” Woozi scoffed uncaringly. You gasped and Woozi just rolled his eyes. “This is how men get over things.”

            “But what happened? Is everything cool now?”

            Joshua looked at Woozi. Who glared back darkly before his expression flickered back to normal. “Tonight has been too dramatic for my book. Lets just get the ice cream and go home.”

            “Its almost ten.” Joshua said, looking up from his watch.

            “You guys have been talking for two hours? It felt like five.”

            “Lets not go back yet.” Woozi states calmly, shoving his hands into his pocket. “They’ll just ask more questions.”

            “Wait, are you guys going to explain what happened? Why did you get so angry? What happened? I” You cried, curiosity eating you up inside.

            “That’s between men.” Woozi snapped. “You wouldn’t understand.”

            “I literally stitched you up when you were bleeding.” You pointed a finger at Joshua. “Okay, maybe not literally, but it was close. You have to tell me? Are you safe? Are you in danger? Please you got to-“

            “Later.” Joshua tried to grin at you.

            You looked at Woozi who was gritting his teeth at Joshua’s response.

            “Lets go back.” You agreed, taking both of the boys and shoving them outside of the door. “Dino’s expecting his ice cream cake.”

            “Oh !” Woozi yelled, his hand jamming into his pocket, pulling out a pair of keys along with a wallet. “The van!”


            “Coups’ van! I still have his van! They probably are still waiting at the apartment for us to get back.”

            “It’s a school night!” Joshua looked at Woozi with forlorn. “Dino…”

            You hissed. Knowing Coups, and his strict schedule about Dino, you didn’t see how this would be any good.

            Woozi turned to Joshua, and patted him on the shoulder. He looked at him with drooping eyes, and opened his mouth to say something but then he glanced at you. He closed his mouth.

            “Don’t ignore our texts.” Woozi said, a soft smile spreading across his face as he patted Joshua on the back roughly.

            “Woozi-”Joshua murmured looking at the floor. “I’m really sorry-“

            “Shut it.” Woozi said. “Stop apologizing. The puppy dog face really doesn’t suit you. We should go.”

            You tuned to Joshua. “Josh-“

            “No time!” Woozi hissed looking annoyed. “Coups is WHAH-TING” He tapped his watch.

            “I’ll text you!” You said quickly. Running after Woozi who was already halfway down the hallway.

            The two of you climbed the the van. Woozi started driving before you even got your seatbelt on.

            “Woah, slow down.” You gripped the dashboard.

            “Yea, yea, whatever.” Woozi hissed.

            “Forgive me for asking-“

            “How about you don’t ask then?”

            “But you just have to tell me. Is Joshua safe?”

            Woozi glared at you. “Of course he is.”

            “Well I mean, he wasn’t-“

            “As long as me and Coups are around, Joshua will always be safe.”

            You looked at Woozi. And you saw that his eyebrows were furrowed, over a set of worrying eyes.

            “I know that.” You whispered, not knowing what else to say.

            “And while we are talking about sentimental -” Woozi cleared his throat, his jaw set. The worry in his eyes vanishing. His hands on the steering wheel fiddled around. “I guess, I should say, that I’m sorry.”

            “You’re what?”

            “Don’t make me say it again.” He looked at you dully. “I treated you kinda… well, not like I should’ve. And you were telling the truth after all.”

            “Yes I was.” You said smugly. “Its about time that the truth got out.”

            “I’ll make sure that the rest of the guys know.” Woozi said.

            “Still,” You laughed. “I can’t believe you thought I slept with Joshua. How disgusting.”

            “Couldn’t agree more.”

            “But you have to tell me. What happened with Joshua-“

            Woozi slammed his hand on the dashboard, and it lighted up. The cracking of music started playing. He turned the dial on full blast.

            Once you got back to the apartment, you knew you would get him back for what happened back there. One for man-handling you; and two, for the assumption that he punched Joshua. But you would let it wait for a while, make him think he is in the clear of your rage. Let him get comfortable and hit him when he least expects it.

            You just weren’t sure if that last part would be literal or not.


You probably didn't think I would post in the middle of the week, did you? HAHAHA

Don't forget to leave comments... they are my bread and water. 

Next chapter a new member is going to join the group, who do you think it is...? :)



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Reading it again in 2022 QAQ Wow it's been five years
ileanaaxc #2
Chapter 47: I wish Jihoon had a bit more, romantically, but this story was great as it is <3
Yuki-Nyx #3
Chapter 47: OMG!!! Just spent 30 minutes looking for this fanfic!!!! I love this story!
It was one of my firsts! And was about to cry cause I thought you took it down! I'm rereading it!
Looking forward to your new story!!
Love you sincerely, your story is the best!
Chapter 46: Okay so I binged all of this and I have to say, this was really good. I loved how much depth the characters had and that's something I don't see often on AFF. There were a few plot holes here and there, but really overall it was one of the better fics I've read here!
So i read this story a long time ago, and i think i loved it (and cried a lot, but im not sure) , so i decided to come back and start a river all over again
Chapter 47: Holy ! You gave me a heartattack! I thought this was about the story hahahaha, anyways, I LOOK FORWARD TO YOUR OTHER STORIES YAAAAAS! LEGGO! I'M READY TO GET BLOWN AWAY BY YOUR WRITING SKILLS AGAIN!!!!
ninjahwang12 #7
Chapter 47: EEE YAY CANT WAIT!!!! Who's the main of this story? Still Woozi? <3 <3 Thanks for writing!!!!!
Yuki-Nyx #8
Chapter 47: You’re so mean!!! ;) I thought sequel!
But even better a new story! I’m so excited!!!
Love you ;) Keep Writing!