Chapter Thirty One

The Roommate

           Your phone went off at seven, the normal signal for you to get out of bed for class. The phone rang several times before you turned it off. You sat up in bed and rubbed your eyes lined with dark circles.

           You jumped when you saw Woozi sitting at your desk. All of your art work was crammed to one side of the surface. Spare pencils littered on top of the pile of drawing pads; your paintbrushes were abandoned on the floor to make way for his computer and mini piano.

            You slid out of bed and picked up the littered paintbrushes. You shoved Woozi’s leg aside and opened a drawer and placed them inside. Woozi was fast asleep, your lip curled. You assumed as a fellow artist he would respect an artist’s medium. If he woke up to find his mini piano disregarded on the floor, he would have a fit.

            “Woozi.” His nose was mushed into his laptop’s spacebar, his left hand still on the keys of the piano. His split ends almost reached his shoulder blades. His hair was getting longer. “Woozi.”

            “What?” He groaned in a deep morning voice, squishing in nose further into the keyboard

            “We have to get Joshua remember? We took Coups’ car.” You kicked his chair. “And you need to get your stuff off of my desk. What is this notebook?” A leather, spiral bound and tattered notebook was lying at the foot of his hair.

            Woozi hunched upright and snatched the notebook before it grazed your fingertips. “What does it look like?” His slurring words still managed to maintain a tone of hostility. “MUSIC. NOTE. BOOK.” He jabbed the printed words on the cover as he read them aloud. “How would you like it if I just searched through your sketchbook?”

            “Seeing the state of paintbrushes, apparently you don’t think I would care at all.“

            “Whatever.” He barked, and hugged the notebook tightly to his chest before slumping back over your desk.

            “No, no, no,” you said quickly, shaking him by the shoulders. “We need to go.”

            “Another hour.” His quiet words dissolved into a heavy breath.

            You wacked him over the back of the head.  “Woozi!” You yelled. “We need to get up now!
            “…no that needs to be in c minor.” He mumbled into the keyboard.

            You grabbed him by both of the shoulders and shook him. His bloodshot eyes popped opened and  narrowed down on you. He stood up quickly, then doubled over, grasping his head and leaning back over the desk again.

            “Why can’t I just get some sleep?” He grunted, your hair blowing back with his heated breath. “It’s not even noon!”

            He stormed to his elevated bed and hoisted himself up onto the sheets.

“No!” You yelled, grabbing bare foot. He kicked at you and you released him to avoid the blow. You blinked and he was already stowed under the blankets.

            You stormed out into the hallway and through the other bedroom door. The room was a mess, as it normally was. If you hadn’t seen the room in its untouched state at the beginning of the semester you wouldn’t be able to tell if the floor underneath was hardwood or carpet; the ground was layered in clothing, DVD’s and Hoshi’s collection of sneakers.

            You stepped  on the layers of spare processions to reach Hoshi’s bed. The bed was an indistinguishable mess of fluffy blankets. You called his name, with no answer. Your hands sunk deep into the mountainous mush of blankets, you were elbow deep into the mess before you reached something solid. You pushed.
            “Mom I-“ Hoshi’s voice halted. A hand popped up from the bottom and pulled the fabric down frantically. A puff of blonde hair peaked out from the top of the mass. Hoshi’s squinted eyes peered down at you. His eyebrows raised for a quiet second as he calculated the situation. Then his eyes widened.

           “What are you doing?” He screeched, pulling the blankets closer to what you assumed was his body under the mess. A bare leg sticking out at the bottom of the pile, hid itself back within the sanctuary of blankets.

            You crossed your arms over your chest and smirked. “Oh, so you can come into my room and wake me up, but when I do it to do that’s off limits?”
            “I sleep !” Hoshi yelled, rubbing his eyes aggressively. He pointed to the door.

            “Big deal.” You droned “I need you to get Woozi up.”

            Hoshi rolled his eyes. “Yea. Good luck with that.”

            “What do you mean?”

            “His classes start at two in the afternoon for a reason. He can’t wake up past noon.” Hoshi’s breath fluttered the blanket around his mouth.

            “Well, wake him up!”

            “I can’t. Leave him alone, and me too!” He said, flopping back down on the bed. “Why we ever allowed a girl to room with us is beyond me. First, they leave their bras in the living room-“

            “That was once. Once! And it was a bathing suit top.”

            “Then they start nagging to you in the morning!” Hoshi continued, his jaw jutted out from over the blankets. “

            “How do I wake him up?” You wined. “I will rip these sheets off-“

            “That will just be unpleasant for both of us.”

            “Then what?”

            “Just play some bad music or something. That normally makes him irritated enough to stir him.” Hoshi chucked a stuff animal in your direction. It bounced off your shoulder with a squeak. “Flee woman!”

            “And they say girls are temperamental in the morning!” You said loudly back, taking the stuffed animal and throwing it back at him.

            “Again…!” The hands trusted downward.

            “We’ve already gotten noise complaints from the neighbors. Please.” A voice lulled quietly. DK’s looked up at you from the other bed, dark circles under his half opened eyes.

            “Opps, sorry.” You said quickly.

            “So you go when he says?!” Hoshi said loudly.

            “I respect him more.” You said bluntly, and just as aggressive. “You are just a hyperactive manwhore.”

            “Don’t bring my uality into this!” Hoshi yelled back.

            “Both of you fight so easily in the morning!” DK said, pointing at Hoshi, “who are you, Woozi? Don’t antagonize her.”

            “Yea, Hoshi.” You stuck your tongue out before slamming the door shut. Hoshi muttered behind it.

            The door closed and your face relaxed the tense expression. Your mouth split into a wide grin. Oh, they were just too easy to mess with sometimes.

            You went back to your room to see Woozi standing up, eyes half opened and wearing a grizzly expression. “You were loud enough.” A smile teased his lips. “Fighting with Hoshi now? I never thought you would get that desperate for an argument”

            “I need to blow of steam some way. Some people feel better after eating. Me, I just need an adrenaline rush and idiot to scream at.” You shrugged.

            “Hey, you used to fight with me? Are you calling me an idiot?” His dimples flashed, as he ran a brush through his matted long hair.

            “I may be.” You sang. “It’s all up to interpretation.”

            “I shouldn’t feel proud that you get into arguments so easily.” Woozi whispered wiping his brow with his shirt, fighting back a smile. “It  is so unhealthy. Really really unhealthy.” He reminded himself.

            “You do it too.”

            “We’ve established that we’re both pretty ed up.” He chuckled sleepily. “Get out for a minute, I need to get changed and then we can go.”

            Coups’s apartment looked very different in the daylight. His apartment was in the same building as Joshua’s apartment, but Coups’ was on the first floor. Joshua at one time had said that he wanted to get an apartment on the first floor, but it wasn’t within his budget.

            Woozi and you didn’t knock when you entered the door. Which you immediately knew was a mistake. As soon as you stepped inside the loud sound of yelling assaulted your ears. You and Woozi exchanged conflicted glances before following the voice into the kitchen. Dino sat the kitchen table hunched over a plate of assorted fruits, jabbing at them gruntingly.

            “-I told you last night to clean up your dishes.” Coups said from the other side kitchen, one hand plunged in the dirty sink water. “Now the pan is ruined.”

            “You told me to do my homework.” Dino rolled his eyes, texting underneath the table.

            “So you can’t do both? When I ask you to do something you should do it.” Coups’s nose crinkled when he saw Dino’s bent down and highlighted in a florescent glow. “How many time have I told you? No phones at the table. God, do you even listen to a word I say?”

            “Not really.” Dino shrugged.

            “The next time you do something I tell you to do, I will take away your computer for a week.”

            Dino looked up from his phone. “You can’t do that. I bought that computer with my own money!”

            “You bought that computer with the money from the job that I gave you.” Coups pointed a firm finger at Dino.

“It’s still my computer. You can’t take it away.” Dino said matter-of-factly, his knuckles white around his fork, eyes squinting down at Coups.

            “Want to bet?” Coups glared at Dino with an icy gaze. He pulled his hands out of the dirty water, shaking the water off of his hands. “You need to stop talking back, learn some respect kid.”

            “I can say whatever I want.” Dino stood up.

            “You talk back one more time and your phone will be gone for the rest of the week.” Coups threatened, walking around the kitchen island. The kitchen table separating Coups and Dino.

            Dino’s face tensed and he pounded both fists on the table. The fork clattered, falling into the hardwood floor. Both of them unaware of either Woozi’s or your presence in the doorway.

            “Stop acting like my parent!” Dino yelled, red-faced.

            “It’s not like you’ve got actual parents to do that.” Coups said back.

            Dino paused, his entire body went ridged. Coups’ eyes widened and brought a hand to his temple. His brows furrowing at his own words. For a minute, Coups looked like he was going to apologize

 Dino’s hands slowly curled into fists. His teeth gritting, eyes gleaming. His head snapped back and let out a thunderous scream, something close to a battle cry “ you!”

            “Excuse me?” Coups look of shame broke at the curse. He blinked a few times before narrowing on Dino. Coups stepped heavily to Dino, the silverware shaking on the table. “One more word and you’re back out on the streets.” Coups said heatedly. “A few nights out there and then maybe you’ll learn some respect!”

            “Then why don’t you?” Dino yelled. He grabbed the glass of milk and chucked it across the room. Coups ducked as it whizzed past and shattered on the kitchen island behind him. “Go on! Kick me out!”

            “Dino, I don’t want to kick you out!” Coups demeanor softened for a second but his gaze still held the weight of a forest fire.

            “Guys, calm down.” You broke the silence, stepping out of the doorway. The shattered glass glimmered on the floor surrounded a puddle of white soaking Coups’ feet. Coups turned to you, surprised by your sudden appearance.

            “You are such a liar. You don’t want me here.” Dino was still locked in on Coups. “You have just been waiting for the opportune time to kick me out, haven’t you?”  He said through his teeth. He stormed away pushing past Woozi and declaring, “I am not going to school today.”

            “Dino-!” Coups yelled after him and a door slammed. Coups’ let out a heavy sigh and hunched over the table, head dropping. “Stupid Kid He’s irritable ever since seeing Joshua this morning.” He brought his thumb and forefinger to rub his temples.

             “Just give me a few minutes with him.” You said. Dino had just thrown a tantrum of a twelve year old, but in the strangest way…you related.

            “I’m warning you. You haven’t seen the real Dino until-“ There was a yell followed by the sprinkling crash of breaking glass. Coups groaned. “and there you go.” He finished in dispirit.

            You nodded quickly to Woozi and rushed to the the second bedroom, flinging open the door. Dino was standing over a picture frame on the floor. Your fingers grasped at the edge of the frame, as you lifted it, pieces of glass crinkled to the floor.

            You turned it over.  Twelve faces where smiling up you. Everyone you knew was there and a handful of ones you didn’t recognize. Even then, Woozi was still the shortest in the group. He stood in the middle with short black hair and baby fat on his cheeks. Woozi was sandwiched between younger versions Mingyu and Wonwoo. Mingyu wearing a wide childish grin, resting his elbow on the top of Woozi’s head. Wonwoo was wearing round stylish glasses. Joshua stood off at the end. His glasses had not changed since current day, but back then the thick square framed glasses screamed more nerd than hipster when doubled with a horrific set of braces. He was standing next to Jeonghan who’s hair had not reached it’s current state of glory. Everyone was there, except for one. You looked up at Dino.

            “You can’t make me go to school.” Dino said loudly. You set the picture frame on a desk littered with cheap paint brushes. You looked down at the picture, contemplating.

            “Not yet,” You said, shoulders rolled back. “First you are going to clean up this glass and then you are going to go.”

            “Like you could make me.”

            “I could actually,” You said softly, picking up Dino’s paintbrush and examining it. “Besides you don’t want to miss art class, do you?”

            “I don’t want to live with Coups anymore. Maybe I could live with you and Hoshi for a few days?”

            “Like we have the room,” you said with a faint smile. “Stay here with Coups.

            Dino’s jaw clenched. “Fine. Then I am leaving.” Dino turning to his closet and pulling out a gym bag.

            “Dino, slow down.” You said quickly, putting a hand on the gym bag. “Don’t go to such extremes. If you clean up the glass, I can take you to school.”

            Dino’s grip on the gym bag loosened. “Really?”

            “Oh course.” You said softly. Dino looked at the floor then back at you. “Come on, you’ll be late.” You put a gentle hand on the small of his back applying just enough pressure.

            “I’m always late.” Dino scoffed, and he bent down and starting cautiously picking up the glass pieces and putting them in the trashcan.

            “Get ready and them come out.” You told him.

            Woozi and Coups were conversing in the kitchen. When you entered Coups looked at you expectantly. “I managed to get him to go to school, but he only agreed if I took him.”
            “Sure, of course.” Coups said. “Oh man, I just wish I could understand that kid. His mood changes circulate like clockwork, it’s insane.”

            “Like you said, It’s probably Joshua,” Woozi shrugged

            “He is always like this though,” Coups said. “Yes, Joshua did it this time, but most times he just randomly snaps over normal things. I don’t know how to control the kid.”

            “Would you be able to control you as a kid?” You asked Coups one eyebrow raised. “It seems like you two have a lot in common.”

            “I used to have anger problems. But that was it” Coups defended himself. “This kid a has plethora of he has to deal with.” Coups leaned into you, now whispering. “ He is a walking time bomb.”

            “You have no idea why he just randomly…snaps?”

            “He hasn’t told anyone why he was homeless. Hell, he hasn’t even told Hoshi anything. We don’t know what happened to his parents or even why he was homeless in the first place.” Coups threw up his hands. “The only thing we know is the kid is terrified of the dark. He completely freaks the out. Other than that, everything else just seems to be random.”

            “What about counseling?”

            Woozi laughed lowly. “The last one we took Dino to he called the guy a shrink and ran out as soon when the counselor asked about his parents. It took me an hour to find him.”

            “Well you have to something.”

            “We know that!” Coups said, crossing his arms. “I’m the one who has to deal with this all of the time. You’re the first one’s to see this. Hoshi still thinks I am exaggerating.”

            Woozi opened his mouth to say something but you quickly hushed him as footsteps approached.

            Dino walked into the room, his hands shoved into his pockets. Dino face was tensed, his eyes baring knives into Coups, “We are taking the car.” Dino told him.         

            Coups grunted, “You aren’t going to ask first?”

            “Why would I?” Dino snapped back, “It’s not like the van is important or anything. It’s a piece of trash.”

            “Watch your tone.” You whispered, elbowing him in the chest.

            “My tone is exactly how I want it to be.” Dino snapped, “Lets go.”

            If this kid was anyone except for Dino, you would be dragging his sorry out of the kitchen. Coups was five years older than him, respect needed to earn. And Dino was doing everything except earning your respect.

            “Hey-“ You hit Dino across the head. “Show some respect. Now thank Coups.” You ordered.

            Dino’s brow furrowed in a look of betrayal. “For what?”

            “I dunno, for housing and feeding you?” You said, crossing your arms. “Apologize, now.”

            A thin smirk stretched on Coup’s face, a look nothing short of pride. Woozi hung his head low, his dimples appearing in a repressed smile.

             “I thought we were cool.” Dino grumbled.

            “We are ‘cool’,” you scoffed smacking him across the head again. His head snapped backed up, one lip curling up in an irritated growl. “But if you don’t apologize right now, no more art lessons.”

            Dino’s jaw dropped, his crossed arms falling at his sides, “You can’t-!”

            “Oh, I can.” You said proudly, leaning down to his level and nodding your head. “Apologize.”

            Dino’s brows furrowed, glancing between you and Coups, jaw budging. “Fine, whatever, I’m sorry.” Dino grunted, “Not like I mean it, anyway.” He added under his breath.

            You knew this was the best you could get out of him. You sighed and patted him on the back. “Okay, lets go.”

            Coups tossed you the keys, a fully bloomed smile on his face. It reminded you of the first night you met him. “I trust you.”  

            “That’s a first.” You said, grabbing Dino by the front straps of his backpack, and hoisting him in front of you, pushing him out the door. “Come on, you were the one complaining about being late.”

            Dino’s craned his neck back, red, “You were the one who-“ He started heatedly.

            You did not have the patience this morning to deal with the ever fluctuating hormones of sixteen-year-old boy with daddy issues. “Move it!” You opened the door and shoved him through it.

            Dino reached the van first with his heated stance, and stood waiting with his back towards you. You unlocked the van and Dino opened the backseat door, “No, shotgun. You’re still a minor. You have to wear your seatbelt.” Dino slammed the backdoor shut and grudgingly climbed in the front.

            “Why does everyone treat me like a child?” Dino huffed. You the car with a rattling grumble.

            “Maybe because you are one?” You said slowly, raising one eyebrow while putting the car in reverse

            “I am not!” Dino exclaimed. “I thought you were cool but you are just like Coups! You do nothing but tell me what to do all the time.”

            “Someone needs to.” You said pulling out of the parking spot and driving out of the apartment lot.

            “I am not a kid! I’ve seen things that would make you run for your life.”

            “You would be surprised at my tolerance for those kind of things.” You said. “But I guess I can’t try to understand what you’ve been through.”

            Dino pushed himself to the window, the back of his messy black hair facing you. “No, so don’t even-“

            “But we’ve been through our own , so this whole ‘teen angst’ thing has to go. Coups is really trying his best, and you are just being a brat.”
            “I don’t even want to be with Coups! I never asked him to do this, I don’t owe him anything.”

            “If you weren’t with Coups, you would be back on the street again.” Dino turned to you, wide-eyed. “Yes, I know.” You said.

            “Who told you?”

            “No one,” you lied easily. “But I’ve been through some times that I can recognize a street kid when I see one. The whole street vibe just pollutes your attitude.”

            “You were a street kid?” Dino asked, the tenseness in his voice fading.

            “For a period of time,” you said honestly. “And when I was able to secure a place to stay, you bet that I treated those people with the upmost respect and gratitude.”

            Dino turned away from you, “If Coups treated me good, then I will treat him the same.”
            “Coups is older than you,” you said roughly, shoving his shoulder. “He doesn’t have to treat you with any kind of formalities. You do know that he could kick you out at any time?”

            Dino scoffed, “Hoshi wouldn’t allow that.”

            “And would Hoshi approve of your behavior?” The words had never felt more foreign. You felt like you were talking like a mother, or at least what those mom’s on TV said. You had no experience with the real life figures.

            Dino didn’t say anything.

            “I know you’re just acting out because of Joshua-“

            At the mention of his name, Dino pounded his fist against the window glass. “The idiot.”

            “Obviously, you are upset.” You breathed said under your breath.

            “I’m not upset.” Dino said quickly.

            “Joshua didn’t know-“

            “That specific gang or not, he still did it! A gang is a gang.” Dino snapped.

            “So you do know?”

            “Coups talks loud on the phone when he thinks I am asleep.” Dino grumbled.

            “Joshua made a mistake.” You said simply.

            Dino just scoffed.

            “We are going to find a way to get him out.”

            “Money is money.” Dino said plainly. “The only way to get Joshua out is to get money. And we don’t have any.” Dino sighed. “You just don’t get it-“

            “And you do?” Dino was refusing to look at you, still pressing his whole body up against the window as if he could somehow phase through it if he tried hard enough.

            “You should understand. Us street kids-”hearing Dino say ‘us’ sent a shiver down your spine.

            “I wouldn’t say that. I wasn’t one for long.”

            “Ah, you were one of the lucky ones.” Dino scoffed bitterly. You didn’t even want to ask how long he had been on the street before Hoshi found him.

            “Look at yourself now, aren’t you one of the lucky ones as well? You have a place to stay, food to eat and a stable job.”

            “I guess.” Dino mumbled, “I just wished I lived with Hoshi.”

            “Next year. We all might move into a house together.”

            Dino’s head snapped toward you, suddenly he was smiling. “We?

            You tried not to smile back. “Yea, I might move in.”

            Dino clung to your arm, “Oh you have to.”

            “Yea, yea.” You shook him off. “Just because I move in doesn’t mean I will let you use my nice watercolor brushes.”

            “What’s the good of moving in with a fellow artist if you keep all the good stuff to yourself?” Dino pouted. “Not once?” He looked up at you will big boyish eyes.

            Now you understood what Coups meant when he said Dino was like ‘two different people trapped in one body.’ This kid had some serious issues that he needs to sort out, seriously.

            You parked the car in the school, “I’m late, you have to sign me in.” Dino tugged at your sleeve.

            You parked the car and made your way through the big entrance doors, a few stray kids were wandering the halls. Dino lead to you a classroom. The inside of the classroom had high ceilings and kids sitting in groups around square tables. A young looking delicate teacher with honey blonde hair and square glasses looked up as you walked in.

            “Everyone, I want you to continue the work you’ve been doing, and I will come over in a second to look over your progress.” She said in loud but sweet manner as you and Dino stepped to the side. One of the kids started to pull out a watercolor portrait.

            “Art class is your first class?” You whispered to Dino as the teacher approached you. All of the kids started talking amongst themselves as soon as the teacher turned her back

            The pretty art teacher had long hair pulled up into a tight ponytail, a very clean brush that looked like it had never even seen a can of paint stuck out of it. She wore a tight pencil skirt that reached her knees toped with a white blouse that was buttoned up to the utmost top button. Her large glasses magnified her already big doe eyes frames will little eyelashes. Her perfect manicured hands were dulled to dainty points. She walked toward you, her short heals clinking softly as she floated to you. She couldn’t have been a few years older than you, but she gave off a sophistication that most artistic lacked.

            “Late again Dino?” She smiled sweetly down at Dino, a teasing tone in her voice. When she looked at you, her little brows furrowed. “Where is Cheol?”

            You did a double take, “Excuse me?”

            “He had some emergency work at the bike shop.” Dino lied easily.

            “Oh,” Her expression fell ever so slightly. She tucked a stray hair behind her ear, her bright blue eyes sparkled under the fluorescent light. “Well my car has been having some troubles, do you think he could help me with that?”

            Dino nodded and said something, but you didn’t notice. There is no way that Coups, no, Cheol managed to seduce this delicate hot librarian of a teacher.

            The teacher smiled and gently handed you the attendance sheet. Man her arms were so skinny. Next to Dino’s name the teacher’s had written ‘late’  in fancy cursive. “Just sign above that with your name and a way to reach you”

            “There you go,” You scribbled a messy signature and your phone number before handing it back to her.

            “You will pick me up, won’t you?” Dino said, his eyes shinning.

            “We’ll see.” You smirked back, and leaned in close. “Don’t get in any fights today, promise?”

            Dino rolled his eyes, “Come on. You know I wouldn’t.”


            “Fine. I promise.” Dino shrugged, still smiling. “Chill out, I’ll be fine.”

 You smirked and pushed him on the back of his backpack. “Use those techniques I showed you last time. Show all those other kids who kicks in art.”

“’Kick in art’-“ Dino repeated you in a childlike mocking tone.

“Get outta here you brat.” You gave him a light kick in the shin and Dino walked over to his seat, smiling.

            The teacher cleared pointedly. “Are you perhaps the one who gives Dino his art lessons?”

            You spared a glance at Dino, “Yes?” You were unsure if it was a negative or positive thing. Some teachers were possessive about their students.

            “Ah, Dino talks very fondly of you.” She gave you a tin lipped, radiant smile. She looked just out of college but her word choice made her feel like your grandmother.

            “Is that so?” You said.

            “Oh yes, I must say his work has improved greatly since then. Your work is quite marvelous too.”

            “You know of my work?”

            “Dino showed me a few pictures on his phone. You are very talented for a student.” You knew it was meant to be a compliment but the lady couldn’t have been more than five years older than you. You had half of a mind of your full ride scholarship you received for your art.

            You forced a smile. “Thank you. Dino is a very talented kid.”

            “Oh yes, hardly needs my instruction does he, he just goes on his own.” She smiled so sweetly you felt yourself forming a toothache.

            “Well, its been nice talking, I should-“

            “Tell Cheol that I’ll stop by tonight.” She said quickly, blushing a rosy pink and looking at her Maryjane shoes.

            “I will, absolutely.” You nodded looking uncomfortable and taking a step back.

            The teacher squeaked at your wary gaze, “Oh dear. I feared I’ve assumed.” She said quickly, her tiny hands pressing to her parted lips.


            “Oh,” she mumbled, her thin lips dropping. “I didn’t know he had girlfriend.”

            “No!” You almost yelled, the words hit you like ice. You could vomit. Coups? Oh God.

            The teacher’s skinny fingers dropped, the highest gasp escaping . “I take it I misunderstood?”

            “Absolutely.” You huffed, waving your hands. “Coups is all yours.”

            “I never said-” The teacher said quickly, side-eyeing her students who were talking amongst themselves. “How utterly inappropriate.”

            Dino was looking at you with dead eyes that said ‘not cool.’ Yea, Dino, you want to know what isn’t cool? Threatening to run away at seven the morning and breaking pictures and .

“I should go.” You mumbled, backing out of the room. You were out of the building before she could ask you any more.

You entered Coups’ apartment with a confused expression. “Your girlfriend is stopping by the shop later,” you tossed his keys to him. Coups caught them, looking at you with furrowed brows. “Cheol.

            “Oh, Andrea? She’s a peach” Coups said fondly.

            “That little thing is your type? Man I thought your girlfriend would be some badass with a motorcycle.”

            “We aren’t dating,” Coups said quickly. “We only see each when I drop Dino off, she just occasionally stops by the shop sometime for her car.”

            “Do you plan on asking her out?”

            Coups tugged at his jean jacket, “ah, we are two different people. She’s very formal, gentle and a sweet girl. I think I scare her.”

            “So I take the answer to my question is no? I mean, girls like bad boys.” You said dully, “very stupid girls.”

            “Andrea’s too smart for that.” Coups said while smiling.

             “Is Joshua awake yet?” You asked.
            Coups glanced at the bedroom door, and talking pricked your ears . You were too busy conversing with Coups to hear Woozi’s hushed voice in restrained anger.

            You caught the last word of Woozi’s determined voice. “-lie!”

            Joshua’s voice was not quieted at all. “But she won’t believe me, she will see right through anything I say.”

            Coups tried to say something but you shoved past him, Coups sighed heavily.

            “You have too!” Woozi groaned, and you were halfway to the door, “She is too smart and she-“

            You poked your head in, “Hey boys.” You said. Joshua was sitting down on the bed, his arms crossed over his chest, Woozi stood above him, back bent with a bulging neck. “Talking about interesting, secret, manly-men things?” Your voice held no humor.

            Woozi stood up straight, blank faced, Joshua’s ears turned pink, his eyes wide. “H-hey.” Joshua stuttered. “We w-ere just?”

            “I heard everything, save it.” You said, stepping into the room, the orange glow shinning down on your face. “Planning to lie to me?”

            “You don’t know if we were referring to you.” Woozi said calmly, crossing his arms.

            “Like you have any other females to talk about,” you scoffed. “Besides me, you practically hate our entire race.”

            “It’s a gender.” Woozi corrected you.

            “Whatever.” You said, stepping to Woozi. “No more lies, no more hiding things. I thought everything was put on the table last night.”

            “It was.” Woozi said stiffly.

            “Then why do you want him to lie to me. About what?”

            “He wanted me to tell you that everything was fine; make up some excuse about how I’m not involved in gang anymore.” Joshua said. You narrowed your eyes, examining his face. His eye brow wasn’t twitching; he was telling the truth.

            “Josh!” Woozi groaned, his cross arms dropping exasperatedly.

            “What? She is going to assume the worst if we don’t tell her.”

            “Why did you want me to lie to him?” You said to Woozi, your feet spread apart and shoulders back.

            Woozi opened his mouth and closed it again, eyebrows lowered over his eyes. His sweaty hands tugged at his jean pocket. “I don’t need to-“

            “I thought we were cool now, but here you are trying to hide things to me.”

            “We are cool, it’s just you got hurt-“

            “So?” You said, “I can still walk, I can still breathe. I don’t look like a ing corpse like someone-“ You your hand to Joshua. “I’m fine.”

            “You shouldn’t have been involved in the first place.” Woozi growled. 

            “Well I am, and neither of us can change that, so we might except this.”

            “Can you please just pretend that you weren’t involved. Just please-“
            “Why the change of heart? You weren’t so keen on shutting me out when you practically told me your whole life story yesterday!”
            “I thought about it after you went to sleep.” Woozi said, putting a finger on his temple. “Getting another person involved will do nothing to help either party.”

            “Well whether or not you or I like it, I am involved. The boss already knows I am friends with Joshua and roommates with you. I am tangled in association! There is no undoing this.”

            “Maybe if you moved out for a short period of time.”

            “I’m not moving out.”

            “It could keep you safe.”

            “I’m not even in danger.”

            “They could use you to get back at Josh.”

            “The same could be said for Hoshi, DK or Dino. Its the same thing, the boss knows all of them know you too, what difference is-“ You stopped, and before your brain could come to the thought Woozi seemed to know the tracks you were headed.

            Woozi put his hands out in front of him, waving them, “No that’s not what-“

            “Its because I am a girl isn’t it?” You said, arms tight at your sides.

            “No, it’s not.” Woozi’s voice was high and panicked.

            “You haven’t changed one bit.” You grunted throwing your hands up in the hair. “You’ve made some ist remarks before but this is just-“ Your eyes narrowed, taking a step towards him. “This is because of yesterday, wasn’t it?” You remember the tears streaming down your face. “That changed things for you, didn’t it?”

            Woozi’s eyes darted around the room, he opened his mouth and closed it again. Then he took a sigh, resigning himself to the truth. “It didn’t…disway me.”

            Coups came in the room, summoned in by all the the commotion. “What is going on?”

            “You saw me yesterday!” You said, your big eyes targeting Coups. Coups jolted at your tone, looking fearfully at Woozi. “You saw me, was anything I did not a reasonable reaction?”

            “What, you mean when you cried?”

            Hearing the words made you feel sick, but you slowly nodded, swallowing the lump in your throat. “Yes, that. Was that unreasonable?”

            Coups shook his head, a slight pout.

            You turned to Woozi, “See! Just because I cried a bit, does not mean I am in any sense weaker than-“

            Joshua had been sinking deeper into the mattress, eyes darting between the slowly growing voices with each word. Now he was almost completely vertical on the ground, blankets pulled up to his mouth.

            Coups pointed at Woozi, “Were you giving her for crying?”

            Woozi coughed, hands crossing over to form a not so suble ‘x’ and his thigh. “No, man-“ He said through his teeth, his eyes baring down on Coups.

            “Oh bull.” Coups laughed, “I’m sorry. But I am the only person who can say that they did not cry that night.”

Woozi sighed, pressing his palms to his temple. “I did not-“

            “You cried?!”

            “No!” Woozi said quickly, “I was sweating,”

            “From your eyes?” Coups deadpanned.

            “Sweat can roll down your forehead you know! It was heavy labor carrying her to the van, she weighed more than Josh!”

             “Hold up,” You stopped. “You were not just giving me for crying when you did the same thing. Such a hypocrite, calling me weak!”

            “You shouldn’t be so offended,” Woozi yelled. “Its not like it was new information, you have been calling yourself weak for months. Just because I said it doesn’t mean it should hold any value“

            “I swear to God-“

            “Don’t” Joshua added hostility.

            You huffed, your fists clenched. “You really are an .”

            Woozi faltered a bit, hands weakening. “No, listen, I wasn’t saying that because you cried. Its just the way you reacted… you’ve been through some stuff before.”

            “So have most of the people in this room. So have you, but I don’t see you trying to back yourself out.”

            “Yes, I have. But I’m…okay. I’ve healed and all that. You obviously haven’t. You were traumatized-“

            “Yes I was! You try seeing Joshua beat-“ You were getting to angry now. “You know what? I don’t care what you think! I’m staying by Josh’s side.”

            Woozi flinched and you knew he was thinking of the night previously. You had said some stupid things, you should’ve never told him the stuff about Joshua. Woozi’s face contorted with confliction, “But-“

            “This conversation is over.” You said. “Joshua how are you feeling?”

            Joshua had the covers pulled up to his nose, his wide eyes peaking out over the top. “I’m fine.” His voice squeaked, looking between you and Woozi, both of you breathless from yelling.

            You put your hand to your forehead groaning, and this was the kid who got involved with gangs.

            “You look better.” You said, “Less…dead.” You murmured, your eyes trailing away.

            “Well, Woozi, we have to hang out for a while because I have to pick up Dino from school.”

            Woozi shot Coups a questioning glance. “He’s still pissed.” Coups said, rolling his eyes..”

            “Just make sure he doesn’t find those dirty magazines.” You said.

            All the boys turned to you, Joshua’s jaw dropped. Woozi just looking scared. “H-how did you-? You haven’t been in my-“ Coups spluttered

            “It doesn’t take a genius to deduct that you have magazines.” You scoffed. “You are a biker dude, who can hardly use his own flip phone. Of course you would go for a more tangible option.”

            Woozi laughed, doubling over, his hands on his knees, Coups grunted and exited the room quickly, mumbling to himself. “-every time she comes over, I swear-“

            Woozi tried to contain himself, putting a hand on your shoulder, wiping at his eyes. “You are too much sometimes.” He patted you on the back, “No hard feelings right? I mean you have to understand-?”

            “Oh, I understand. But it just means I will have a hell of a good time proving you wrong. I am strong.” You said proudly

            “I look forward to you proving that to me.” Woozi said.

            “If you haven’t noticed,” Joshua said raising his hand from the bed. “I am still here, you know?” He put a hand on his shoulder feigning a painful look. “Ow, it hurts.” He moaned sticking his lip out and reaching a hand to you.

            Woozi dropped his hand from your shoulder, turned to Joshua, stone-faced. “And so? You need to get some rest, you still have to work tomorrow, idiot.” Woozi mumbled slinging out the room yelling to Coups, “Ya! Do you have some lunch around here?”

            Joshua looked up at you. He looked significantly better. His gaze wasn’t as weak as it  had been.

            “Do I look any better?” Joshua said as he watched you trail his face, his voice was strained but improved.

            “Somewhat.” You said. “It looks like you’ll survive.”

            “Help me up.” Joshua moaned, outstretching his arms up to you, like a child begging to be picked up. You chuckled to yourself, hoisting him up. For a second, Joshua collapsed over your form, his weak legs bucking under his own weight.

            “You o-okay?” You grunted holding him up completely. Joshua’s legs stablized and he slowly let go of you.

            “I think I was in that bed too long.” Joshua chuckled.

            “I think you were beaten up by a gang.” You said seriously, you ran your fingers through his bangs, adjusting his hair.

            Joshua reached up, his bruised hand sliding over yours. “I’m fine.”

            “Oh, is the messy look your thing now?” You smiled. “The grunge hipster, I can see it now.”

            Joshua cracked a smirk, the corner of his mouth splotched in purple. His hand lingered on yours. “I’m really glad you’re okay.”

            You froze, feeling unsettled with the situation. “S-sure.” You breathed. “I’m glad you aren’t dead.” You blurted.

            Joshua rested his elbow on your shoulder, playing with his non-existent beard. “I guess you just have to call me ‘manly Joshua’ now.” He gave you a smug look.

            “Did you forget the whole, ‘I saved you’ thing?”

            Joshua wrapped his arm around your shoulder as you helped him out of the bedroom. “My manly best friend.” He said to you, smiling to himself.


GUYS I'M NOT DEAD. I had finals week at college and I had a lot of hard exams. FORGIVE YOUR AUTHOR.

But we are back on track with our orginal schedule :) I'm sorry if i got your hopes up.

Please leave a comment. I hope you guys didn't leave since i haven't updated in a while. I love you guys and I WILL respond to your comments 


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Reading it again in 2022 QAQ Wow it's been five years
ileanaaxc #2
Chapter 47: I wish Jihoon had a bit more, romantically, but this story was great as it is <3
Yuki-Nyx #3
Chapter 47: OMG!!! Just spent 30 minutes looking for this fanfic!!!! I love this story!
It was one of my firsts! And was about to cry cause I thought you took it down! I'm rereading it!
Looking forward to your new story!!
Love you sincerely, your story is the best!
Chapter 46: Okay so I binged all of this and I have to say, this was really good. I loved how much depth the characters had and that's something I don't see often on AFF. There were a few plot holes here and there, but really overall it was one of the better fics I've read here!
So i read this story a long time ago, and i think i loved it (and cried a lot, but im not sure) , so i decided to come back and start a river all over again
Chapter 47: Holy ! You gave me a heartattack! I thought this was about the story hahahaha, anyways, I LOOK FORWARD TO YOUR OTHER STORIES YAAAAAS! LEGGO! I'M READY TO GET BLOWN AWAY BY YOUR WRITING SKILLS AGAIN!!!!
ninjahwang12 #7
Chapter 47: EEE YAY CANT WAIT!!!! Who's the main of this story? Still Woozi? <3 <3 Thanks for writing!!!!!
Yuki-Nyx #8
Chapter 47: You’re so mean!!! ;) I thought sequel!
But even better a new story! I’m so excited!!!
Love you ;) Keep Writing!