Chapter Twelve

The Roommate

           It was almost midterms and your grades had dropped significantly in three weeks. You stopped going to the library and in turn, your homework was taking a backseat on your priorities list. You’re A’s dropped to B-‘s, and in a few classes, C’s and D’s.

            You completely bombed one of your exams in Art History. And for a two weeks, you had been turning in the lowest quality art you’ve ever given to anyone in your life, let alone to a professor. This was probably due to the fact that your interest in art seemed to decrease significantly. You stopped sketching in the margin of your notes, and no longer found the homework assigned enjoyable.

            Before, even if the homework wasn’t enjoyable, you still would’ve completed it. Well, not anymore. You tried going to the library, but it was getting harder to focus. You found yourself restless when studying and easily distractible. So you gave up on trying altogether. Which certainly didn’t help any of your grades.

            Without studying, you found yourself with a lot of free time.  And you spent most if it watching TV or sleeping. Some days you didn’t even want to get out of bed. And some days, you didn’t.

            Eating became more of a chore, also. It was common now for you to eat at most one meal a day with some snacks along the way. And if you did decide to eat more than that, no matter the content, it always seemed to make your stomach upset. You found the whole process aggravating. And gave up on that as well.

            You barely talked to anyone. You used to be somewhat talkative in class and now you kept quiet unless called on. Lectures were becoming harder to be interested in. Before, lectures used to perk you up with the interest of learning, but now you just wanted to fall asleep. You didn’t want to think. And sometimes you found yourself sleeping in class.

            DK and Hoshi had almost completely given up on their efforts now. Two weeks of avoiding them was enough for them to get the message that you ignoring them was not a short term deal.

            It was starting to get colder and you overheard people talking about how it might start to snow soon. It was starting to get cold but you didn’t believe them. Winter surely would wait a couple of weeks before showing up.

            You had spent all day lounging out in an empty studio in the art building watching television on your laptop. You were walking back to your apartment around eleven when you saw Woozi sitting on the steps outside of the front door.

            The main door to get into your apartment complex had through security system. It required a key card to be swiped accompanied by a code specific to  your card. So if you lost your card, you couldn’t ask Hoshi for his code because his code wouldn’t work on your card. So when you saw Woozi on the steps, you assumed that either Woozi misplaced his card for forgot his code.

            But when you got closer you saw him lounging casually with a cigarette in hand.

            When you reached him on the steps, you yanked the dirty thing from his hand. He obviously had just light it, it still looked fresh from the box.

            “Smoking will kill you, you know?” You said throwing the thing on the ground and crushing it underneath your boot.

            He didn’t look phased at all.  He justed looked up at you slowly with a amused expression. “Fine, play that way.” He scoffed and just pulled out a cigarette box from his jacket.

            Only four cigarettes were left in the box but that didn’t stop you from snatching the box from him as well

            “HEY!” He yelled. But you had already hastily swiped your card and entered your code. He had his backpack and its contents sprawled out on the side of the steps next to him. So you were able to escape cleanly while he scrambled to get his stuff together as he yelled threats to you.

            You quickly sped up the steps, eager to get ahead of him.

            When you entered the apartment, your first idea was to throw them away. No, that would be too easy. He would know immediately where they were, and he would use them anyway.

            So you the kitchen facet and threw the cigarette box under the stream.  You let the box just sit there under the down pouring water, before turning it over on its side. And then you turned it over again, and again, making sure that the water had drenched the entire box. When you were satisfied, you tossed it the trash.

            Just as you threw it, Woozi barged in the door, and stormed to where you were standing in the kitchen.

            He looked past you to see the cigarettes discarded in the trashcan.

            He laughed. “Wow, seriously. Like that’s going to deter me.” He pushed past you to the trash can. “Is that the best thing you can think of? Wow, you are really-“  His previously pompous voice faltered his his fingers grazed the tip of the drenched cigarette box. He looked at his wet fingertips, and then at you. His gaze was already fiery.

            He slowly picked up the sopping box. The box was so drenched, that water from the box oozed out  in streams when he grabbed it. The water streaming over his fingers and dripping onto the floor.

            “You were saying?” You sang, pride consuming your silence.
            He violently threw the box back into the trashcan so harshly that water spattered on the walls. You felt a little bit of the cold wetness his your face.

            “That was my last pack.” He yelled.

You knew that they didn’t sell cigarettes on campus. If he wanted another pack, he would have to go to the nearest grocery store (a twenty-five-minute bus ride) to get another one.

            You said nothing, and tried to retreat to the bedroom. You really didn’t need this today.

            He blocked your path.

            “No, no, no.” He said getting up in your face. “Do you think I get those for free or something?”

            You refused to meet his eyes.

            “That pack cost me ten bucks, yeah? That’s what? Almost a dollar per cigarette? Come on, chuck it up. You owe me.”

            Now you know he was just playing with you. You knew that packs of cigarettes normally cost around eight dollars for a pack of twenty. You knew what he was doing.

            But you didn’t have the energy to argue any further. Honestly, you didn’t have the energy for most things these days.

            You grabbed your backpack and started rummaging. You pulled out your wallet and shoved four crumbled up ones into his hand.

            He looked shocked at your willingness to comply to his demands. You had never done it before.

            You pushed past him now, trying to get the to solitude that was your bed.

            “HEY!” He yelled after you again, this time he physically stopped you by grabbing your forearm. You recognized this as another test of his, too see how much you would take.

            A couple of weeks ago you would’ve yelled at him for putting this hands on you. You would’ve screamed something along the lines of “who do you think you are?”

            But today, you didn’t do anything.

            “This that all?” He said, trying to egg you on. “Are you going to pay me for emotional damage?” He was just making up now and he knew it too. Even as he said the ridiculous words, he couldn’t resist a smile.

            You ped a pouch in your wallet and turned it upside down, and coins rained down on Woozi’s feet. He immediately jumped away from you, the sounds of coins clanging as they fell surprised him.

            You tried get away again only to be tugged back by him.                                                    

            You should be getting angry, you knew it. But the feeling of emptiness seemed to drain you of any ambition.

            “Hey, don’t you think you owe me actual cash? How am I supposed to buy anything with a bunch of coins.” He grinning to widely now, obviously enjoying your silent submission.

            You reached into your wallet again, hoping that this would finally make him leave you alone. You didn’t care if he thought you weak. You just wanted to do what needed to be done for him to leave you alone.

            “This is just sad.” You looked up to see Hoshi leaning in his doorway watching both of you. He approached you and closed your wallet in your hand. “Keep your money.” 

            This should be making you angry, now. People demanding things of you was never something that you would’ve allowed. But a weird numbness seemed to swept over you that awoke a kind of apathy in you.

            “What do you think your doing?” Another voice said behind Hoshi. DK spoke up. “Come on.”

            “She ruined my cigarettes!” He exclaimed, the smile on his face gone now. And replaced with a seriousness that wasn’t there when he was demanding money of you.

            “’Emotional damages?” DK quoted Woozi. “Now you’re just taking advantage.”

            “She was stupid enough to give money for it.”
            Hoshi glanced down at the coin covered floor they were standing on. “Apparently, not stupid enough.”

“You needed to quit anyways.” DK sighed.

            You slid past them while they were talking and escape to your room. You closed the door behind you. You really didn’t need this today. All you wanted to do was sleep. All you ever wanted to do lately was sleep.

            “Great look at what you did.” You could hear Hoshi trying to sold Woozi through the paper thin walls.

            “It’s not like its nothing new.” Woozi snapped at him.

            “You know what could happen if you take things too far. And by the looks of it you already have!” DK said. “We could be kicked out, and it wouldn’t exactly be hard either. With our track record, she would only have to complain once! We are on our last chance here.”

            You took off your hoodie while trying to block out their words.

            “It’s not my fault.”

            “It most certainly is! She hasn’t spoken to us in weeks. Why won’t you tell us what you said to her?”

            “I told you. Its none of your business. Ask her if you want to know so badly.”

            No, you thought, don’t ask me

            “Yea, like she will even talk to us.” Hoshi snapped.

            “Okay.” DK said calmly, trying to relieve the tension. “Just no more fighting, or provoking her.”

            “Why?” Woozi said dully. “It’s fun.”

            “You idiot!” You heard Hoshi slap him. It didn’t sound like he slapped him on his face though. It should more like a slap on the shoulder “Do you want to drop out? In case you forgot this is the last apartment on campus. And we have no access to a car.”

            Woozi said nothing.

            “Have some self control!”

            This was getting too much, you just wanted some quiet. Why were they fighting at a time like now?

           You opened your door.

            “Stop yelling at him.” Your voice was strangely quiet and soft. “Be quiet.” You glared at them through narrowed eyes.

            Hoshi and DK froze in shock. After successfully being mute for three weeks straight they were not expecting you to speak anytime soon. They both exchanged confused and anxious glances.

            Hoshi cleared his throat, awkwardly. “Well- uh. We were just-“

            DK interrupted him. “We were just trying to help you….with whatever he said to you.” They were just trying to save face again, pretending that this was supposed to be for your benefit.

            “I don’t need your help.” Your voice was tasteless.

            “Whatever he did say…we are so sorry- “ Hoshi added quickly, trying to flash you a smile. But you just glared back at him coldly.

            “Woozi didn’t say anything wrong. He just shed some light on something that I already knew was true. Nothing more.” You looked at Woozi when you said this, your voice as dull as possible.

            “Wait. But why are you ignoring us then?” DK asked.

            “What did he tell you?” Hoshi added in, a bit anxiously.

            “Just be quiet.” You snapped, and started to close the door. But DK stopped you when he let out a yell.

            “What happened to YOUR FACE?!”

            You had to repress a groan. You had taken off your hoodie which you had been wearing every day for three weeks straight. You kept the hood up, even in class to prevent people from seeing you completely scabbed left side of face and neck. The wounds from your damaging fall had been hard healing, and you didn’t want anyone trying to talk to you to ask questions about it. Hiding the scars under the hoodie had been working. No one had even noticed.

            Honestly, the scabs weren’t getting better. Your ear would crack and bleed every so often. But the wounds on your stomach were painful as well. Sitting in seats were the worst because your stomach folds would make the scabbing wounds crack and bleed. The wounds were impossible to heal, they kept of breaking open.

            “Oh my gosh, when did that happen?” Hoshi chimed in, gasping when he took a closer look at your face.

            “She got them the night she ran off.” Woozi explained. You shot him a questioning look. How did he know that?

            “I saw them when you came back the next morning.” He explained. “Her stomach is messed up as well.”

            Hoshi’s and DK’s eye line both traveled down to your abdomen. And you shut the door quickly before they could get a glance at anything.

            Why couldn’t they just leave you alone?

            The pain in your scars had been gradually been getting worse, but in the last couple of days the condition of them had plummeted.

            You lifted up your shirt to inspect yourself so see the scab that stretched crossed the whole left side of your stomach. You didn’t need the reminding  look to know that it also traveled down over your hips.

            The wound was now swollen, something that you thought would resolve itself over time. In the places where your stomach rolled there seemed to be a permanent crack where it was refusing to heal over and turning a sick darker color.

            You know you should go to the doctor but you didn’t want to. You’ve been cleaning it every night, so that should do the trick. You didn’t need anyone else’s’ help, you could fix this perfectly fine on your own.

            “Did you see her ear?” You could hear the boys talking not-so-quietly outside of your door. You groaned hopping that this brief encounter of you talking to them wouldn’t let the get any ideas that they were friendly again.

            You lied down on your bed and before long you heard the conversation die down. And Woozi came in the room.

            “You know, you’re no fun anymore.” He said. You were glad that the covers were over your face, so that he couldn’t see that you were awake. All the same, you still shut your eyes, just in case he threw back the covers just to prove himself right. It seemed like something that he would do.

            “I know your awake.” Damn it. But you still didn’t respond.

            “You know that the game is no longer fun if one of the players refuses to play?” You grimaced at his poor metaphor. Wouldn’t a game who one player refuses to play, just be one guy playing the game himself. You expected a better metaphor from him.

            “No one likes a sore loser.” He scoffed.

            Loser? What made him think that you lost? You really wanted to say something but you held your tongue.

            “Ah, maybe you are really asleep.” When he said this, his voice was close. Like, leaning over your bed close. You made every effort to be immobile.

            “Figures, all she ever does is sleep. Why can’t she just get a life. Do something for Christ’s sake.”

            You groaned slightly and shifted a bit in bed, trying to further convince him that you were asleep.

            It seemed to work because the next thing your heard was Woozi arranging his music equipment on his desk and sitting down. This was then followed by the muffled sound of a beat coming from Woozi’s massive over-ear headphones.

            You let out a sigh of relief, but you didn’t get out of bed, You just pulled the covers more tightly around yourself and tried to actually go to sleep.

            You woke up after who knows how long, by your phone buzzing wildly next to you on the bed. You groaned and it took you a minute to adjust to the glare of the screen, inches from your face.

            There were texts from Joshua

            “Hey” Sent fifteen minutes ago.

            “Hello? Are you going to actually answer me or just ignore me like you've been doing?” Sent twelve minutes ago

            “Hey we should talk.” He sent that ten minutes ago.

            “I’m not demanding you to talk or anything…. I just think we should.” Two minutes after that.

            “You probably aren’t even going to answer this.” That was send three minutes ago.

            “Forget I said anything. Just block my number.” Sent two minutes ago

            You could see a bubble at the bottom of the screen telling you that he was typing currently. Your phone buzzed as he sent it.

            “I’m sorry for whatever I did to make you upset.”

            NO! You yelled at yourself in your mind when you felt those words hit you in the chest like knives. That text made you feel more than you had been feeling in the last week, no, you couldn't let this happen.

           Immediately you blocked his number. This was for the best. How did that kid do it? Seem to bypass every rule you set yourself?

           You groaned out loud, letting the frustration out. Why did he have to be so difficult? Why couldn’t he just except it like Hoshi and DK did?

            Woozi looked over your shoulder at the sound of your groan. When he saw that you were awake, he smirked.

            You hissed at him before turning your phone off and setting it next to you. And you went back to sleep… at five in the afternoon.

Another chapter down! Tell me what you thought! I've been writing like nuts the past few days, since I've been traveling.

Writing this story makes me really happy, and the fact that people like reading it is beyond me. So thank you :)

Hope you guys are all doing well. If you guys ever need someone to chat to send me a message!

D. R. R.

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Reading it again in 2022 QAQ Wow it's been five years
ileanaaxc #2
Chapter 47: I wish Jihoon had a bit more, romantically, but this story was great as it is <3
Yuki-Nyx #3
Chapter 47: OMG!!! Just spent 30 minutes looking for this fanfic!!!! I love this story!
It was one of my firsts! And was about to cry cause I thought you took it down! I'm rereading it!
Looking forward to your new story!!
Love you sincerely, your story is the best!
Chapter 46: Okay so I binged all of this and I have to say, this was really good. I loved how much depth the characters had and that's something I don't see often on AFF. There were a few plot holes here and there, but really overall it was one of the better fics I've read here!
So i read this story a long time ago, and i think i loved it (and cried a lot, but im not sure) , so i decided to come back and start a river all over again
Chapter 47: Holy ! You gave me a heartattack! I thought this was about the story hahahaha, anyways, I LOOK FORWARD TO YOUR OTHER STORIES YAAAAAS! LEGGO! I'M READY TO GET BLOWN AWAY BY YOUR WRITING SKILLS AGAIN!!!!
ninjahwang12 #7
Chapter 47: EEE YAY CANT WAIT!!!! Who's the main of this story? Still Woozi? <3 <3 Thanks for writing!!!!!
Yuki-Nyx #8
Chapter 47: You’re so mean!!! ;) I thought sequel!
But even better a new story! I’m so excited!!!
Love you ;) Keep Writing!