⟠ three divided by eight

⟠ AEON : sment's 2015 girl group ⟠

three divided by eight

which one?

“So how are you going to split the rooms up? Two rooms have three beds and the master room has two beds. And Minah has already stated she will be put in the master room, because she’s the stylist and deserves the biggest wardrobe.” Minhyuk said, having gathered everyone from around the dormitory and sat them in the living room.

The group didn’t all manage a seat on the couch, despite leaving or at least attempting to leave no space between them as they sat on the couch. Thus leaving two members of the floor and Minhyuk awkwardly standing, his eyes flicking between the floor and the couch.

It wasn’t really the company, and their dorm choice to blame. Considering most thought this could easily be a dorm of a somewhat well off group, but put it down to the fact SM was just a well off company. Besides there was a love seat off to the side, but it was filled with handbags and training bags leaving it occupied.

“I’ll share with Minah unnie, I doubt she’ll be able to put up with some of the more... Energetic members.” Seoyul said loudly, shooting a look towards the beagle couple who were assigned the floor and were happily lounging on one another. More so Jiyeon on top of Misoo, after fussing about how she disliked to be on the bottom, which also had Sooyun laughing at the connotation she saw it in.

“So three in each room? Oldest in one or...” Minhyuk asked, looking towards the remaining members who looked around briefly.

“I will stay with Misoo!” Jiyeon raised her hand, winking at Misoo who playfully winked back. “I will also take a member who likes to hug, be hugged and doesn’t mind being sat on. Skinship must be loved to be in my room!”

And with that condition the place was taken with a hand shooting right up into the air.

“I love skinship, I’ll join you!” Sarang said happily, looking down at the beagle couple that were nodding at her. “Well now that were have one group done, that leaves Seyeon, Jungah and Sooyun in the other room.” Minhyuk nodded, glad that rooms had all but been sorted. “Now you two groups of three have to choose a room. Any ideas?”

“Rock, paper, scissors?” Misoo suggested, looking up to the rest of the couch group.

“I am really unlucky...” Seyeon disagreed, pulling away from the suggestion whereas Jiyeon just agreed.

“I am the queen of dumb luck! Any hand game I can win!” The beagle said cockily, grin wide whilst holding out a fist. She was eying around her 'rival dorm room' group nodding at them so they would challenge her.

“Are you bad at anything?” Misoo questioned, looking at the girl suspiciously.

“Of course! I cannot ride a bike. I cannot juggle. I do not get sat on. I can’t compose, I guess. And I can’t act.” Jiyeon said sheepishly, shurgging her shoulders.

“Okay then.” Misoo cheekily smiling, happy she knew some other little things about Jiyeon for later use. Leaving Jiyeon to look at the other suspiciously, the gears in her head spinning at what thought Misoo could be having.

“But you can’t ride a bike? Seriously?” Sooyun questioned, looking at Jiyeon with eyes that questioned her whole life basically.

“We’ll have to teach you then.” Seyeon said quietly, the corners of slightly curving into a smile.

“Really?” Jiyeon pressed, moving to lean againt Seyeon’s legs with hopeful eyes. And when the eldest nodded Jiyeon smiled so widely, she could’ve been cast immediately as the Cheshire cat.

“How about we just let them choose? Because they had no choice in roommates, they get first pick in rooms?” Sarang finally imputed, bringing them back to the topic of room selection.

It had the beagle couple look at one another for a minute while they thought about it and exchanged funny looks, eyes squinting and eyebrows waggling. Before they turned to the group and gave their approval.

“Right that settles it. You three go and pick your room, and Seoyul can go and look at hers. Once you three are done, come and tell me which room is which okay?” Minhyuk confirmed, happily smiling at his princesses.

“Yes!” Sooyun confirmed, being the first one to rush off the couch and towards either of the two bedrooms. Jungah was rolling her eyes at the maknae, looking a little bored at the display but a single look from Seyeon had her moving after the younger.


happy note

Because I was lucky enough to get another bout of internet, I will post another chapter of writing. This time roommates and in the next chapter, which room is which. So you'll have to wait to see who gets the front-door room or the kitchen-lounge one.

Oh and I need suggestions for more title songs and most importantly, like I absolutely need these (because I'm planning the next several years of promotion plotline etc. etc.), is album songs. Not title ones, just ones to be on the album. 

Anyway~ Enjoy darlings, look after yourselves and remain relaxed + destressed!~

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hehehe triple update today!


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Chapter 85: IT'S SO CUTE. (I'm at commenting dear love. O_O) I don't know why but I never commented on this chapter even though it's perfect?? aND WHERE IS EVERYONE ELSE MUST I GO HUNT THEM DOWN?! Seriously like they're missing the best parts. >_>
Chapter 85: OMG IM SO SORRY IVE BEEN DED FOR LIKE EVER (>д<) I miss this fic so much omg. Luhan and Jiyeon is just asdfghjkl. I'm loving these chapters so much I can not function properly. I so scared that some fans spotted luhan and exo on the way here and decided to stalk, I mean follow them and accidentally sees the ceremony and ⊙﹏⊙ anyways, shout out to Layni17, damn you're too good >ω< the girls are having too much fun with this ahaha, I love it! Please tell me there's more of the wedding coming because I need dis. So, how are you doing? Take care of yourself too! I'm about to 're read the whole fic again because I love it aha and I'll make sure to leave some suggestions later ( ^ω^)
XD The maknaes are little slaves that have too much fun with their jobs.
God it's so damn cute and the poor Korean members now understanding what the 's going on. XD
I felt pity for Luhan, with that whole "taste the life of marriage" thing I would have cried.
Yessssss the cherry challenge is gonna be the best thing eeeeeveeeer.
(Imma disappear because Imma be late for school if I stay here any longer. XD)
Chapter 81: OMG OMG OMG IT'S STARTING!!! The Tze Mui idea is so cute~~ (no idea what it is, brb googling) I can't wait omg ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ I'm getting so much grey hair from stress... But aside of that, I'm doing pretty fine. How are you doing??
Chapter 81: -SCREAMS-
Weddinggggssss. God they're all so damn cute I can't even like handle it how does one do this I don't know it's too early for all this happiness--
Chapter 80: To be honest, this was even more fun than three first part. Aaaasgh, I love seeing the girls interacting and taking cues from each other, and I had the slight urge to punch Jieun in the face but that's every interviewer ever--
Chapter 73: Happy Valentine's Day! Get well soon. T_T But yo that interview is freaking aaaaaweesooooome.
Chapter 79: happy valentine's! I hope you get well soon, drink lots of water and recover fast.
the girls were professional and i loved, they are not stiff or anything, Chinsun made a great work with them
Chapter 79: happy valentine's day! get well soon, please take it easy so you can get better!
yasss the interview! the girls seemed so profession, yet adorable i love it!
Chapter 79: I hope you get well real soon :')
The interview chapter was such a nice idea omg
Your writing is getting better and better everyday :')
I like how you made each individual answers unique
I'm in love rn like omg <3
Please don't let writing stress you out too much ; v ;
Your health is still the most important <3
Happy valentines day!! <3