⟠ seven girls, one dorm part 1

⟠ AEON : sment's 2015 girl group ⟠

seven girls, one dorm

it's kim minah

“This is our dorm?” Jungah asked, staring around at her surroundings.

“If it is, I’m going to die! It’s so beautiful!” Sooyun squealed, pushing past Jungah and running straight into the dorm, Sarang following along behind the pair.

“Yes, of course. There’s three bedrooms, which you’ll have to share between eight people.” Minhyuk told them, shutting the door behind the group that was crammed between the foyer and hallway half taking shoes off and the other half having taken their shoes off.

“Sooman seongsang-nim will spare no expense for Eunjin-sshi...” He murmered to himself, looking at the delighted girls revelling in their new living area.

“Wait eight? Are you staying with us Minhyuk oppa?” Misoo asked, confused to the point of having invisible question marks above her head.

“W-what? No, no, no!” Minhyuk furiously denied, looking a little flustered at the notion. “Your stylist manager will be staying with you. Male managers cannot stay in female dorms, like female managers cannot stay in male dorms.”

“So...” Jiyeon sung, turning to look away from the pretty decor towards the manager. “Who is staying with us? What’s her name?”

“Her name is Kim Minah, you may or may not know her.” Minhyuk informed them, glancing down at the papers he carried to make sure he got it right.

“Wait... Kim Minah?” Seoyul spoke up, the name clicking to someone she knew.

“You know her too? Minhyuk is she, or is she not related to Kim Minseok?” Jiyeon pressed, looking back and forth from Seoyul and Minhyuk.

“Yes, I believe so?” He said hesitantly, looking at the two who were reacting completely differently. Seoyul sighing, muttering prayers for the woman and Jiyeon who was laughing hysterically.

“She’s going-“ Jiyeon started breathlessly, laughing barely stopping. “Cry. Because.” And that was the end of her any coherent speech as her laughter continued.

“Okay I’m lost! Who is she?” Misoo asked, having listened into their little conversation.

“She’s the older sister of EXO’s Xiumin, also known to dislike bad fashion and the beagle line’s antics...” Seoyul informed her, thinking back to when she met Minah previously.

“But how does that relate to us? Other than her being our stylist.” Misoo shrugged, still confused to why it was such a big deal to both of them.

“Because Jiyeon and Misoo are basically the beagle couple in AEON.” Seoyul then said, looking towards the still silently laughing girl who was practically rolling on the ground and Misoo who had started trying to help Jiyeon remain standing.

“They’ll be good at variety, even if they annoy Minah unnie.” Seyeon said for the first time, looking towards the leader with indifference.

“Like I said, only time will tell.” Seoyul closed the discussion, walking off further into the dorm.

“You guys argue like a married couple...” Misoo coughed awkwardly from the tension between the eldest and the leader, sending Jiyeon into another fit of laughter.

“Anyway, when you’re ready you can go and explore the dorm.” Minhyuk helpfully pointed out, standing against the door awkwardly observing the whole exchange. “When you’re ready Jiyeon-ah.”


Happy note

OMG SORRY! I am literally dying, because I don't know when the internet comes back but I will have it soon because I'm going to visit my sister in the city (who has really good internet).
So I will be currently double updating, so you guys can get a late Christmas present. Do comment or PM if you aren't feeling your character. But otherwise do watch out, because without internet all my writing has been building up thus there are plenty of chapters yet to be posted.
And here's a link to their dorm layout. HERE. It's literally the same layout, but on different angles. (Don't mind the rando washing machine, it's in the back area (and it's not a balcony) where all washing machines are. Because apartments work, sometimes.))

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hehehe triple update today!


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Chapter 85: IT'S SO CUTE. (I'm at commenting dear love. O_O) I don't know why but I never commented on this chapter even though it's perfect?? aND WHERE IS EVERYONE ELSE MUST I GO HUNT THEM DOWN?! Seriously like they're missing the best parts. >_>
Chapter 85: OMG IM SO SORRY IVE BEEN DED FOR LIKE EVER (>д<) I miss this fic so much omg. Luhan and Jiyeon is just asdfghjkl. I'm loving these chapters so much I can not function properly. I so scared that some fans spotted luhan and exo on the way here and decided to stalk, I mean follow them and accidentally sees the ceremony and ⊙﹏⊙ anyways, shout out to Layni17, damn you're too good >ω< the girls are having too much fun with this ahaha, I love it! Please tell me there's more of the wedding coming because I need dis. So, how are you doing? Take care of yourself too! I'm about to 're read the whole fic again because I love it aha and I'll make sure to leave some suggestions later ( ^ω^)
XD The maknaes are little slaves that have too much fun with their jobs.
God it's so damn cute and the poor Korean members now understanding what the 's going on. XD
I felt pity for Luhan, with that whole "taste the life of marriage" thing I would have cried.
Yessssss the cherry challenge is gonna be the best thing eeeeeveeeer.
(Imma disappear because Imma be late for school if I stay here any longer. XD)
Chapter 81: OMG OMG OMG IT'S STARTING!!! The Tze Mui idea is so cute~~ (no idea what it is, brb googling) I can't wait omg ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ I'm getting so much grey hair from stress... But aside of that, I'm doing pretty fine. How are you doing??
Chapter 81: -SCREAMS-
Weddinggggssss. God they're all so damn cute I can't even like handle it how does one do this I don't know it's too early for all this happiness--
Chapter 80: To be honest, this was even more fun than three first part. Aaaasgh, I love seeing the girls interacting and taking cues from each other, and I had the slight urge to punch Jieun in the face but that's every interviewer ever--
Chapter 73: Happy Valentine's Day! Get well soon. T_T But yo that interview is freaking aaaaaweesooooome.
Chapter 79: happy valentine's! I hope you get well soon, drink lots of water and recover fast.
the girls were professional and i loved, they are not stiff or anything, Chinsun made a great work with them
Chapter 79: happy valentine's day! get well soon, please take it easy so you can get better!
yasss the interview! the girls seemed so profession, yet adorable i love it!
Chapter 79: I hope you get well real soon :')
The interview chapter was such a nice idea omg
Your writing is getting better and better everyday :')
I like how you made each individual answers unique
I'm in love rn like omg <3
Please don't let writing stress you out too much ; v ;
Your health is still the most important <3
Happy valentines day!! <3