⟠ the new brave part 2 (double update)

⟠ AEON : sment's 2015 girl group ⟠

the brave

it's all a test

“Kang Seoyul. 21. Born in New York. And given the position of leader, main dancer and vocal.” Chinsun recited, knowing every single position and the trainee to take that position off by heart. “You’ll be dancing tonight, good luck you have a minute to impress me. Off you go.”

And when that music started, so did Seoyul while everyone watched. The girls in awe, but still with lingering nervousness. Minhyuk practically crying for his princess in the back, having pulled out a tissue not wanting her to leave so soon. Sooman with pride and lastly Chinsun with a blank pokerface that could put even Seyeon’s to shame.

“Enough!” The music was cut off, and Seoyul brought to a pause. “Pass, you’re skills are good. Congratulations.” Chinsun nodded, before looking behind her

“Jin Seyeon. 22. Born in Busan. And given the position of main rapper and lead vocalist. You’ll perform two skills today.” Chinsun said, staring down the blank face of the eldest. “First you may rap, and then sing. Off you go.”

The pressure put of Seyeon didn’t even seem to faze her, she just did what she did best and rapped. Even when Chinsun yelled at her to tell her to switch to singing, she didn’t do so much as blink.

“Pass. Though you may want to work on some emotion. Acting cool won’t get you everywhere.” Chinsun taunted, trying to break past the ever cool mask.

“It may not Chinsun seongsang-nim, but I can be recognised if I’m different.” Seyeon just said, shrugging as she bowed and turned away.

“So Jiyeon. Or would you rather be called Xiao Yue? 21. Born in Beijing. And given the triple threat position, main vocalist, lead dancer and lead rapper. You’ll perform everything.” Chinsun grinned, with three skills to perform Jiyeon was the least likely to pass with the amount of skills she had to perform.


But even with them stacked up, she worked through every single one living up the position she’d been given.

“Not bad, the last decent triple threat that went through my training was Kibum. So let’s just see if you have what it takes to live through my training.” Chinsun congratulated, looking sharply at the half caste.

“I think I do Chinsun seongsang-nim. And you can call me Jiyeon if it’s easier.” Was all the girl could say, trying to leave the direct stare of the elder as quickly as possible.

“Lee Misoo. 21. Born in Osaka. And given the lovely position of lead dancer and lead vocalist. You’ll perform both skills, shame you can’t rap...” Chinsun laughed lightly. How she loved to see them break in front of her. “Go on girl.”

Misoo just nodded, and tried. She didn’t disappoint either, working with a burning fury from Chinsun’s taunt.

“Guess the key to you is your temper. Keep it in check, otherwise the media will have a field day. Pass.” Chinsun shook her head, waving the younger off.

“Four down, three to go. It’s so rare to have every single one of the original line up pass. You didn’t actually think that every group was the original line up that was chosen. Most threw away several members that failed to pass.” Chinsun informed them, showing them deeper into the world of being an idol and how groups were selected.

“You know nothing of this world. I will teach you.”

This didn’t help the apparent tension in the air, the members that had passed were less fazed by the words of the elder but only slightly. If what she said was true, then their fight wasn’t over yet.

“Kim Sooyun. 16. Born in Seoul. And given the title of maknae and lead vocalist. You’re young. I just put in a recommendation to hold back someone the same age as you from debut. But if you’re good, then impress me and I’ll let you stay.” Chinsun said, looking down at the youngest member.

Least to say by the sheer bluntness, and critical harshness from Chinsun had Minhyuk silently crying for his princesses.

“Sing for me little bird.”

Sooyun may have been young, but she had vocal skill that put other trainees to shame. And least of all proved why she was picked.

“Pass. I guess you won’t lose your spot today...” The trainer sighed, almost telling them that she wanted them to fail.

“Jeon Jungah. 17. Born in Busan. And given the title of main vocalist. You’re also young, remember what I said and you might be able to stay here.” She reminded the girl, waving for her to start. And did the girl have a set of lungs, easily proving why she was given the spot in the first place.

“Congratulations. You live to see another day.” Chinsun congratulated, looking towards the last member who was standing there obviously a little nervous but with obvious confidence in her skills.

“Lee Injeong. 18. Born in Guangzhou. And given the title of main rapper and lead dancer.” Chinsun said finally, staring her head to toe. “It’ll be shameful to be the only one not to pass... So me what you are made of girl.”

Injeong in the eyes of the rest of the members sounded fine, had a rapping voice that’d set her apart. But Chinsun seemed indifferent still, nothing in or out.

“Stop.” The words that stopped the oxygen flow in the room. “Get out.” And then set the room abuzz. Girls were trying to put in their few cents, but not so loudly it could drown out the words of Injeong.

“Excuse me?” Injeong said, a little dumbfounded by the words. “But I was good, my skills are the best!” She argued, clearly upset at having been dragged so far only to be disappointed.

“That’s it. Right there. It’s not that you lack skills, but you argue. You are too confident in yourself. Have some humility as a rookie, or you will fail. You all will fail. This was your first test. And you, Lee Injeong, have failed.” Chinsun said, shaking her head as she moved to go and sit back on the leather chair.

“No...” Was the last words she could say, still not breaking out into tears.

“Everyone else fought, because as a group you are one and the right thing to do is stick together. But you were supposed to accept your fate and the fact you are still a rookie with much to learn. So you may go back to whatever you were doing, and remember that if you ever get a second chance then you might be able to debut with a little humility.”

It sent the room into silence, except Minhyuk’s quiet crying as he quickly moved to embrace his former AEON princess.

“Good luck princess.” Was all he could whisper, while the girls just stood back and nodded their farewells whilst under the strict gaze of Chinsun fearing that this might be a new test.

And then Injeong was gone, the door shutting close behind her with a loud thud that reverberated around the silent room.

“Call for Yoon Sarang. I tested her earlier, I had a feeling one of you would fail.” Chinsun shrugged, looking toward Sooman solely who just nodded and paged his secretary.

“So you knew Injeong would fail? Or what does that mean?” Minhyuk said, offended for the poor girl.

“No. I knew one would fail, so I had a backup for all of them.” Chinsun looked up toward Minhyuk who was finally standing his ground against the woman.

“Are you saying that their abilities and skills are sub-par compared to your selection?” Minhyuk responsed quickly, hands going up into the air angry at her choice of words.

“No they aren’t. But they could have been. These girls will continue on, and Injeong will be replaced. The world cannot be chosen through bonds of love and friendship. Sometimes sacrifices must be made! Learn this Minhyuk.” Chinsun defended, voice scathing as she stared down the younger man.


happy note

So that's the end of Injeong's story (don't worry, we'll be seeing more of her soon. As a trainee.). But Chinsun's surprise tests aren't taken well. How mean... (And I feel bad for having to make Minhyuk cry...)

But congratulations to Yoon Sarang and xINeedUx, for being here and letting me use your darling character. There might be another chapter tomorrow, given I can some internet off somewhere... So I apologise if I reply late, or don't reply for a little bit.


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hehehe triple update today!


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Chapter 85: IT'S SO CUTE. (I'm at commenting dear love. O_O) I don't know why but I never commented on this chapter even though it's perfect?? aND WHERE IS EVERYONE ELSE MUST I GO HUNT THEM DOWN?! Seriously like they're missing the best parts. >_>
Chapter 85: OMG IM SO SORRY IVE BEEN DED FOR LIKE EVER (>д<) I miss this fic so much omg. Luhan and Jiyeon is just asdfghjkl. I'm loving these chapters so much I can not function properly. I so scared that some fans spotted luhan and exo on the way here and decided to stalk, I mean follow them and accidentally sees the ceremony and ⊙﹏⊙ anyways, shout out to Layni17, damn you're too good >ω< the girls are having too much fun with this ahaha, I love it! Please tell me there's more of the wedding coming because I need dis. So, how are you doing? Take care of yourself too! I'm about to 're read the whole fic again because I love it aha and I'll make sure to leave some suggestions later ( ^ω^)
XD The maknaes are little slaves that have too much fun with their jobs.
God it's so damn cute and the poor Korean members now understanding what the 's going on. XD
I felt pity for Luhan, with that whole "taste the life of marriage" thing I would have cried.
Yessssss the cherry challenge is gonna be the best thing eeeeeveeeer.
(Imma disappear because Imma be late for school if I stay here any longer. XD)
Chapter 81: OMG OMG OMG IT'S STARTING!!! The Tze Mui idea is so cute~~ (no idea what it is, brb googling) I can't wait omg ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ I'm getting so much grey hair from stress... But aside of that, I'm doing pretty fine. How are you doing??
Chapter 81: -SCREAMS-
Weddinggggssss. God they're all so damn cute I can't even like handle it how does one do this I don't know it's too early for all this happiness--
Chapter 80: To be honest, this was even more fun than three first part. Aaaasgh, I love seeing the girls interacting and taking cues from each other, and I had the slight urge to punch Jieun in the face but that's every interviewer ever--
Chapter 73: Happy Valentine's Day! Get well soon. T_T But yo that interview is freaking aaaaaweesooooome.
Chapter 79: happy valentine's! I hope you get well soon, drink lots of water and recover fast.
the girls were professional and i loved, they are not stiff or anything, Chinsun made a great work with them
Chapter 79: happy valentine's day! get well soon, please take it easy so you can get better!
yasss the interview! the girls seemed so profession, yet adorable i love it!
Chapter 79: I hope you get well real soon :')
The interview chapter was such a nice idea omg
Your writing is getting better and better everyday :')
I like how you made each individual answers unique
I'm in love rn like omg <3
Please don't let writing stress you out too much ; v ;
Your health is still the most important <3
Happy valentines day!! <3