
All or Nothing (BTS One Shots/Drabbles)

Title: What He Doesn’t Know
Group: BTS
Pairing: JiKook
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,589

Summary: Jeon Jungkook is really cute. He always sort of secretly takes care of Jimin, and Jimin knows this. The thing is, Jimin doesn’t know if Jungkook even realizes he’s doing it.
Warnings: Ultimate fluff.
Note to Requester: Aww~ Don’t be shy! :3 I love~ requests, and I’m more than happy to do this cute and fluffy JiKook request. This is in Jimin’s POV since Jungkook doesn’t realize he’s doing it. I don’t know if that’s what you wanted. If not, I’m terribly sorry. ;n; It’s also AU (since I default everything to AU [unless otherwise specified] because I really don’t like writing non-AU. I just don’t really like writing about their actual lives when I don’t know enough about it. ^^;)


“Hyung.” Jungkook’s voice brings Jimin out of his mesmerization of the large painting in front of him. A quick glance around the room tells Jimin that he must have been transfixed by the piece for a few moments—he and Jungkook are the ones still in the room. The rest of the class had left him behind, but Jungkook was kind enough to stay and wait for him. That’s no surprise to Jimin, though. He often finds himself in situations like this with Jungkook. Jimin often falls behind or gets distracted when traveling with a group, but Jungkook is always there to be sure that, if he gets lost, he doesn’t get lost alone.

“The rest of the class is going to sculptures,” Jungkook fill Jimin in on their whereabouts. “We can go catch up,” He suggests, but Jimin knows by his tone and the way he holds onto that sentence that there’s more. “Or I can show you my favorite piece. Since we’re already left behind.”

Sometimes Jimin wonders if Jungkook purposefully waits behind so that he can take this kind of opportunity. So that he and Jimin can be left behind, giving him the perfect excuse to take Jimin off somewhere on his own. So that he can have Jimin’s full attention, without disturbances or distractions.

“Let’s see your favorite piece,” Jimin decides. The art tour is extremely boring, and Jimin would much rather explore the pieces he wants to see at his own pace.

Jungkook leads Jimin back to one of the collections they already viewed with the rest of the class, but he shows Jimin a piece that the guide had skipped right over. “It’s not a very popular piece,” Jungkook says. “Not even the artist was very happy with it when he made it, but I personally like it a lot.”

It is a rather nice piece, and Jimin can see why Jungkook likes it so much. It’s a realistic type of drawing, but with a really dark atmosphere to it, something that matches Jungkook’s style of art. Not that Jungkook has a dark personality, it’s just that he’s kind of drawn to the “dark side.” Jimin feels Jungkook’s eyes on him, and he turns to look at him. Jungkook quickly turns away, reacting as if he didn’t even realize that he was staring at Jimin until Jimin looked back at him. “It really is a great piece, but we should go catch up with the rest of the class.” Jimin says. He nudges at Jungkook’s shoulder playfully. “We don’t want to get in trouble.”

This kind of thing happens, too, when Jimin and Jungkook have it planned to go somewhere with their friends. A new cafe just opened up downtown, and everyone is excited to try it. While walking, Jimin notices that his shoes are untied, so he bends down to tie it back at his earliest opportunity. This happens to be an intersection where the “DO NOT WALK” sign is on. Apparently, it changed to “WALK” and back in the time that it took Jimin to get his shoes tied back, and everyone but Jungkook had crossed the street without him. “How do they get away so fast?” Jimin asks. He leans back against the plant bed, a little upset that no one ever realizes that he’s fallen behind.

“I don’t know, but we may have to think of something else to do.” Jungkook says. He seems happy with their current situation. He always seems happier when Jimin falls behind, and they end up alone—having to find new plans together. “I don’t know the directions to that new cafe.”

“To the usual, then?” Jimin suggests. He just really wants to get somewhere for some good boba tea. He had been looking forward to it, and he doesn’t care if it’s from the new cafe or not. In fact, he’d prefer the familiarity of their usual cafe right now.

“To the usual.” Jungkook agrees. He hold out his elbow for Jimin to grab onto, and they walk to their usual cafe, which is on the same block, two doors down from their current location. Jungkook pays for their drinks, which he only ever does when they come here alone—like he’s afraid for their friends to know that he treats his hyung every once in a while.

Every one of their friends think the new cafe is great, but Jimin and Jungkook never find out because they keep to their ways and always visit the old cafe when they want to take a break and enjoy each other’s company.

It’s not just cases like that, either. Jungkook is always secretly taking care of Jimin, and Jimin easily notices it.

When Jimin catches a cold, Jungkook often comes over to check on him, and he makes sure to share his notes with Jimin. At least the notes from the classes they have together. There’s not much he can do for the classes they don’t. He’ll make noodles and sit on the couch with Jimin, watching movies and sharing stories back and forth. He makes sure Jimin is happy and that he doesn’t get lonely, and it’s just the sweetest thing anyone could ever do for him. He cleans up all of Jimin’s disgusting tissue waste and never complains once. He has no right to complain. Jimin never asked him to do it. He just does it.

If Jungkook beats Jimin to the school cafeteria and notices that there’s one last bit of something he knows Jimin likes, hell grab it for him so that Jimin will be sure to have it. Jungkook always saves a seat for Jimin in the auditorium when he knows that Jimin will be a little late for a show, and he always texts Jimin friendly reminders about upcoming events that Jimin had mentioned once or twice before.

And finally, it’s not just Jungkook waiting on Jimin or taking care of him, it’s the glances that Jimin knows he steels when Jimin’s not looking. Jimin can be working on an assignment in the art building, and Jungkook will be there, too. Instead of drawing, painting, or sketching, Jungkook’s eyes are glued on Jimin drawing, painting or sketching. When Jimin looks up from his work, Jungkook stutters in his movement before looking back at his own canvas, which is usually exactly as it was when they started that day. He hadn’t made any progress because he was too busy watching Jimin.

The cutest thing about it all is that Jimin knows that Jungkook does all of these things, he can see it. The adorable thing is, Jimin doesn’t think Jungkook, himself, realizes that he’s even doing it.

“You know, if you wait too long, I might be taken by some other boy.” Jimin suddenly says one day while he and Jungkook are in the drawing room alone. He’d say it directly or ask Jungkook himself, but he knows that the kid would want to do the asking. After all, he doesn’t exactly view Jimin as a ‘hyung,’ although he has enough respect to still call him so.

“What?” Jungkook asks. Jimin knows that he’s pretending not to know what Jimin is talking about.

“Come on, Kookie. You couldn’t be any more obvious,” Jimin says. “I see the way you steal glances at me and secretly take care of me when you think no one is looking.”

Jungkook sets his paintbrush down on his easel, and he frowns. “Isn’t it only natural to take care of your friends?” Jungkook questions.

And sometimes Jimin forgets that Jungkook is as young as he is since he always likes to act older. Jungkook is one smart cookie, and he graduated from high school early, starting university earlier than all of their friends. “Maybe. But how many friends do you do that for?” Jimin challenges him.

He can see the little imaginary gears in Jungkook’s head working as he thinks about that. “I…I do it for a lot of my friends. Like…” Jungkook pauses, and Jimin smiles. He knows that the kid won’t come up with a name because he doesn’t treat anyone else like he treats Jimin. Jimin is special. “I’m sure there’s someone. I just…I can’t think of it now because you’re putting me under pressure.”

Jimin hops down from his stool and walks over to Jungkook. “You don’t have to say it,” Jimin says. “I know you like me.”

He’s surprised when Jungkook suddenly surges forward and he feels the kid’s soft lips on his all of a sudden. Yes, it took Jimin by surprise, but, at the same time, it was completely expected. “I do,” Jungkook says when he pulls back. “I really, really do.” He says again. “I really like you, Park Jimin.” He finally admits.

“I really like you, too, Jeon Jungkook,” Jimin says back. A comfortable smile forms on his lips, and he feels a happiness bubbling in his chest like he hadn’t been happy in ages. Honestly, he has never been this happy. “I promise I’ll never let myself be taken by anyone else.”

“You better not.” Jungkook whispers, and he kisses Jimin again.

Jimin is glad that Jungkook was so obvious about his feelings, otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to confess to him like that. Jimin was only bold enough to call Jungkook out on it, knowing that their feelings for each other were completely true and mutual. Jeon Jungkook is his now, and it’s all because he at hiding his feelings.

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Pikapandalien #1
Chapter 18: Ohh it's so pure and beautiful T^T i love it!! Please make a fic author-nim >< love you ♡♡♡♡
Pikapandalien #2
Pikapandalien #3
Pikapandalien #4
Chapter 22: Aww.. my heart.. my heart is oh my gawd... :") so cuuute~~~ thank you author-nim ♡♡♡
Pikapandalien #5
Chapter 21: ;-; GORGEOUUUS THANK YOUUUU ♡♡♡♡
Pikapandalien #6
Chapter 20: And Yoongi look at Tae with wide eyes and say "oh goshh are you kidding me ??? I'm so sorry baby really I-" "haha hyung it's okay !! You love me I love you and that's all that matters" and he leaned for a sweet kiss.. (sorry I can't help it it just ... I'm sorry thank you so much for this your have incredible skills it's amazing you're so talented you deserve more readers and more more more things !! Luv ya ♡♡♡)
Pikapandalien #7
Chapter 19: ;----; AUTHOR-NIM T.....T WHY ?!?!?! BUT IT'S STILL GORGEOUS THANKS ♡♡♡♡
Pikapandalien #8
Pikapandalien #9
Chapter 13: Hahahaha Namjoon is so cute :") thanks ♡♡♡
Pikapandalien #10
Chapter 12: Yoonseok my babies *-* thank youu ♡♡♡