
All or Nothing (BTS One Shots/Drabbles)

Title: Colds and Things
Group: BTS
Pairing: JinMin
Rating: G
Word Count: 774

Summary: Seokjin can hear Jimin sneezing through the walls of their apartment building. He brings Jimin some soup because he (Seokjin) has exams to study for and Jimin’s cold is getting on his nerves.
Warning: None.
Note to Requester: This one is a super cute prompt, and it’s one of my favorite pairings, so I hope that you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it.


He has his study snacks. He has his notebook, flashcards, and textbooks. His roommate is out for the weekend, and he has the entire lounge to himself to study for his upcoming exams. Seokjin is ready for this. He is ready to get a good nights worth of studying out of the way so that he can go into his first of many exams with confidence tomorrow. Seokjin relaxes back on his couch, taking his flashcards in his hand. He reads the first term and tries to think of the answer in his head, but he suddenly hears a sneeze coming from over in the next apartment. Seokjin dismisses it and continues, but then he’s disturbed by coughing three flashcards in. The cycle of sneezes and coughing continues, and Seokjin considers putting his earphones in, but he can’t study with music. It’s too distracting.

Sighing, Seokjin decides to try something else. After getting all of his study gear packed up in a sack and a quick trip to the convenience store just below their building, Seokjin is nocking on his obviously ill neighbor’s door. Jimin, Seokjin knows him by name, answers, and he looks worse than ever. His eyes are sickly and swollen, his nose all read and puffy, and his voice sounds horribly hoarse when he voices a soft, “Hi, Seokjin.”

“Hey,” Seokjin says back. He knows that Jimin doesn’t have a roommate, so he feels sorry for the kid. “I bought some noodles, and I was just wondering if you…you know, wanted someone to come and take care of you with your cold and all.”

Jimin looks at Seokjin as if he is an angel that has been sent down from the heavens above, and he smiles brightly at the elder. “I’m sorry,” He says as he allows Seokjin into the apartment. “Was I bothering you?”

“It’s no problem,” Seokjin shakes it off easily. He sets his bags of many flavors of noodles onto the table, and he looks back at Jimin. “I’m just trying to study for exams, you know?”

Jimin nods. “Did you have to get so many?”

“Well, I didn’t know what kind you like, so I just got one of everything.”

“Shin ramyun is my favorite.”

“Mine too.” Seokjin says with a delighted smile.

“Well, if you are going to cook my noodles and take care of me,” Jimin begins. He takes Seokjin’s sack from him and walks over to his couch in the cramped apartment. “I’ll help you study.”

And Jimin does. He helps Seokjin study. Seokjin prepares the noodles and brings them over to the couch, and he and Jimin look over his flash cards together. Jimin giggles and laughs when Seokjin can’t figure out the answers, but he helps him come up with good methods on how to remember the difficult ones. Seokjin is thankful.

After nearly three hours of studying, Jimin starts to complain because he’s feeling a little tired. Seokjin offers to leave to let Jimin get a little rest, but Jimin shakes his head. “It’s not really often that I get people to come by,” Jimin says. “Please stay a little while longer. We can watch a movie or something.”

Seokjin agrees, not really minding taking a break from his studies for now. He goes through Jimin’s movie collection, talking about how bad of a taste in movies Jimin has, and they eventually settle for getting something on pay-per-view television. Jimin says it’s in return for Seokjin being so kind.

They only get thirty minutes into the movie before Seokjin feels Jimin’s head rest on his shoulder and he hears the soft, congested snores coming from the younger one. Seokjin smiles and he shuts the movie off. He lifts Jimin off the couch and caries the kid to his bed, tucking him in under the blankets. Jimin looks so cute and vulnerable, lying in bed with an awfully bad cold, and Seokjin can’t resist the temptation when he leans forward and presses a kiss to Jimin’s lips. Dumb, he knows, but he couldn’t resist. “Goodnight, Jimin,” Seokjin whispers.

Before he can get away, he feels Jimin’s fingers around his wrist. “Since you’re already doomed to catch my cold,” Jimin’s words come out soft and quiet. “Can you just stay the night? Please?”

Seokjin laughs and kisses Jimin again. He presses his lips to Jimin’s forehead, frowning at how hot the skin feels against his lips. “I don’t see why not,” Seokjin gentles. “I’m going back to my room to change into my pajamas, though. Okay?”

“As long as you come back.” Jimin mumbles as he drifts back to sleep.

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Pikapandalien #1
Chapter 18: Ohh it's so pure and beautiful T^T i love it!! Please make a fic author-nim >< love you ♡♡♡♡
Pikapandalien #2
Pikapandalien #3
Pikapandalien #4
Chapter 22: Aww.. my heart.. my heart is oh my gawd... :") so cuuute~~~ thank you author-nim ♡♡♡
Pikapandalien #5
Chapter 21: ;-; GORGEOUUUS THANK YOUUUU ♡♡♡♡
Pikapandalien #6
Chapter 20: And Yoongi look at Tae with wide eyes and say "oh goshh are you kidding me ??? I'm so sorry baby really I-" "haha hyung it's okay !! You love me I love you and that's all that matters" and he leaned for a sweet kiss.. (sorry I can't help it it just ... I'm sorry thank you so much for this your have incredible skills it's amazing you're so talented you deserve more readers and more more more things !! Luv ya ♡♡♡)
Pikapandalien #7
Chapter 19: ;----; AUTHOR-NIM T.....T WHY ?!?!?! BUT IT'S STILL GORGEOUS THANKS ♡♡♡♡
Pikapandalien #8
Pikapandalien #9
Chapter 13: Hahahaha Namjoon is so cute :") thanks ♡♡♡
Pikapandalien #10
Chapter 12: Yoonseok my babies *-* thank youu ♡♡♡