
All or Nothing (BTS One Shots/Drabbles)

Title: No Pets Allowed
Group: BTS
Pairing: JiKook
Rating: E for Everyone and FS for fluffy stuff. xD
Word Count: 783

Summary: Jungkook and Jimin live in the same apartment building with a strict “No Pet Policy.” Jungkook is fed up with Jimin’s cat meowing constantly, so he storms over to give him a piece of his mind, threaten to report him…oh no. He’s really cute.
Warning: Nothing. Just fluff. Ah, some slight language warning, but I don’t think that needs a warning. >.>
Note to Requester: I absolutely write Jikook (and every other BTS otp no matter what). :3 It was in the tag, I guess it just got deleted because I added too many? I don’t know if tumblr has a limit, but yeah…that’s weird…Anyway~ I hope you like this!! I agree. It’s perfect for Jikook. :3 (To all other requesters: I’m getting to all of them~ I promise~)


It doesn’t matter what time of the day it is or what Jungkook is doing, he’s always getting fed up because of that damn cat next door that won’t stop meowing. Jungkook wakes up in the morning and gets ready for work, and he can hear its stupid cries all the way through the walls of his bathroom. Sometimes it’s even louder than the shower running when Jungkook gets ready for bed at night. Jungkook could be sitting on the sofa watching TV, and the cat would start meowing then. Jungkook would love to turn the volume of the TV up loud enough to play right over the noisy animal, but then his neighbors might complain about the volume. Their apartment isn’t exactly sound proof.

The worst thing is when the cat decides to meow all night because—why the are cats nocturnal creatures? And why is this one so damn noisy? Aren’t cats supposed to be quiet pets? Why is there a cat in the building anyway? Jungkook is sure that there’s a strict no pet policy on the place. The only pets allowed in the building are fish, and that’s only if it’s a single fish in a fishbowl. Not an aquarium.

Jungkook’s about had it up to here when he returns from a hard day on the job and he’s woken from his nap. Tired, and a little bit angry, the younger one rises up from the couch, marching right over to his neighbor’s apartment. He’s going to give him a piece of mind and threaten to report him if he can’t keeps his ing animal—that he shouldn’t even have—quiet. Then, just maybe then, Jungkook can get some piece of mind and sleep a whole night through.

He walks to the very next apartment and knocks on the door, folding his arms over his chest with a highly annoyed huff of breath as he waits. He can hear movement in the room. Jungkook is quickly composing his speech in his head, and—. The door comes open revealing an extremely cute boy, a few inches shorter than Jungkook, black hair with his bangs pinned off his face in a purple hair pin. His glasses are slid down to the tip of his nose, and his thick lips stretch up in a friendly smile are all enough to make Jungkook instantly forget why he was even marching over here angrily in the first place. “Hey, what can I do for you?” The boy asks, and the sound of his angelic voice just brings his whole perfect look together.

Jungkook stands there like an idiot, not saying anything, having completely lost the words that he had quickly and carefully composed in his head just moments before. The boy keeps smiling, and Jungkook recovers from his dumbfounded self when he can see the cat in the background. “I-I’m uhm…” Jungkook stutters, trying to fully collect himself again. “I don’t think I’ve ever properly introduced myself. I’m Jungkook. I live next door.”

“Jimin,” The boy introduces himself easily, his smile only growing wider. “Do you want to come in, Jungkook?”

“Ah, no thanks,” Jungkook refuses, trying to remind himself the reason he came here in the first place. Even if Jimin is really ing cute, cats still aren’t allowed in the building and his is annoying as hell. “I was just coming over to…offer you some cookies as a late welcoming gift.” Jimin had moved into the building two weeks ago, but Jungkook had never properly welcomed him.

“Thanks! But you don’t have any cookies with you…” Jimin’s words only remind Jungkook how much of an idiot he is.

“Right…” Jungkook says, mentally slapping himself in the face. “Th-that’s because I wanted to ask you if you’d like them first. I’d feel bad if you were diabetic or allergic to peanuts or chocolate.” And he mentally slaps himself in the face again. “You’re not, are you?” And again.

Jimin’s laugh is bright and bubbly and makes Jungkook feel like less of an idiot as the other sounds amused. “I’m not,” He assures Jungkook. “I’d love some cookies.”

“Great!” Jungkook says. “Do you…ah…want to come over to my apartment while I make them?”

Jimin laughs again, and Jungkook wonders how many ways he can make that pleasant sound escape from Jimin’s mouth. “You’re a strange one, Jungkook,” Jimin chirps. “Offering me cookies without bringing them or even having them already prepared.” He steps out of his apartment, pulling the door closed. “But yes, I’ll come to your apartment while you make them.” And just like that, Jungkook’s completely forgotten about the no pet policy of their building.

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Pikapandalien #1
Chapter 18: Ohh it's so pure and beautiful T^T i love it!! Please make a fic author-nim >< love you ♡♡♡♡
Pikapandalien #2
Pikapandalien #3
Pikapandalien #4
Chapter 22: Aww.. my heart.. my heart is oh my gawd... :") so cuuute~~~ thank you author-nim ♡♡♡
Pikapandalien #5
Chapter 21: ;-; GORGEOUUUS THANK YOUUUU ♡♡♡♡
Pikapandalien #6
Chapter 20: And Yoongi look at Tae with wide eyes and say "oh goshh are you kidding me ??? I'm so sorry baby really I-" "haha hyung it's okay !! You love me I love you and that's all that matters" and he leaned for a sweet kiss.. (sorry I can't help it it just ... I'm sorry thank you so much for this your have incredible skills it's amazing you're so talented you deserve more readers and more more more things !! Luv ya ♡♡♡)
Pikapandalien #7
Chapter 19: ;----; AUTHOR-NIM T.....T WHY ?!?!?! BUT IT'S STILL GORGEOUS THANKS ♡♡♡♡
Pikapandalien #8
Pikapandalien #9
Chapter 13: Hahahaha Namjoon is so cute :") thanks ♡♡♡
Pikapandalien #10
Chapter 12: Yoonseok my babies *-* thank youu ♡♡♡