• Kiss •

Hybrid Slave
^Totally my reaction to what happens later during this chapter :-;
T'was a lazy Friday morning, and Jaebum had taken the day off, much to his father's chagrin. 
He had went up to the office, met his father face to face and looked him in the eye to try his luck at taking an off day.
Things said, Jaebum left the office rolling his eyes as he slung the jacket over his shoulder. As he had left the office, a mumble of vulgarities could be heard from the boss.
Imagine Youngjae's surprise when he had rang the doorbell just less than two hours after he left. Youngjae was over the moon the moment he landed his eyes on Jaebum. "OMG HYUNG AREN'T YOU SUPPOSED TO BE AT WORK?" He had pulled on Jaebum's sleeve while tugging him back into the house.
Jaebum only smiled and ruffled his head. "Well, everyone needs a rest day, do they?"
Jaebum feels his heart flutter. Seeing Youngjae so happy and enjoying himself, Jaebum could 't help but let out a huge sigh. 
You're really cute, Choi Youngjae.
Jaebum lied back onto the chair as he closed his eyes.  Just as he did, the sharp familiar ringtone rang. Groaning in annoyance, Jaebum rested his head on his hand as he took his vibrating phone out of his pocket.
Jaebum frowned. What was with him? 
Snorting, Jaebum cancelled the call as he threw the phone back lazily on the dining table. 
Youngjae looked back at Jaebum in confusion. "Didn't someone just call you, hyung?"
Jaebum only shook his head. "No, no one did. It's okay, don't fret."
Youngjae paused for a moment before shrugging his shoulders and resuming his attention to the Monopoly game with Bambam and Yugyeom. "Mmkay, hyung, whatever you say. Hey! I wanted that estate!"
Jaebum feels his face form a grin as  he watches the trio squabbling over Monopoly.
His phone vibrates again. Furrowing his eyebrows in frustration, Jaebum unlocked the phone.
'1 Unread Message'
Curiosity killed the cat as Jaebum hovered his fingers over the 'open' button. Eventually, his curiosity got the better of him and he pressed down.
'From : Dad
You idiot. Why didn't you answer my call? Don't you dare hang up on me again. Call me back, I have some news.'
Jaebum refrained himself from deleting the message as he immediately dialed  the person he least wanted to talk to right there and then.
"Hello?" Jaebum asked, his tone rising just a little.
"Jaebum. This is your father." 
"No , sherlock. Now, what do you want? Make it snappy." Jaebum huffed as he pretended to inspect his nails.
"Listen. I haven't had the chance to apologise before about your pet- Youngjae I mean. Just- yeah. "
Jaebum raised an eyebrow. "Seriously? How long ago was that?"
There was a sigh from the other end, before a loud voice continued. "Look, that isn't the point right now. I've came to offer you a proposal in exchange for letting you keep Youngjae, your that hybrid of yours."
Jaebum scoffed. "Please. You don't have a say in whether I keep him or not."
And then something his father said made his blood boil. 
"Oh really? Cause if you're not aware, I know where your hybrid works now. At Jinyoung's cafe? Would be a shame if someone accidentally picked him up, mm?"
Jaebum gritted his teeth, fists clenched tightly. "Hey, that's too much. How could you go to the extent of stalking him?" 
There was a slight laugh from the other end, before his father's voice came out from the speaker. 
"All I'm asking you to do in exchange for your pet's life is really simple, son. I just want you to meet Kari. Just a simple date, son, and your hybrid will be safe."
Jaebum's eyes darted over to Youngjae who was currently counting his game money in delight, and felt his eyebrows furrow in thought. 
"That's all?"
"Ok. Fine."
Hanging up, Jaebum stared at the contact in his phone, eyes filled with hatred.
Jaebum bit his lips as he threw the phone onto the table again, flinging his arms up in defeat. 
He gazes longingly at Youngjae, and finally notices how much he actually likes Youngjae. Was it the crinkling of his eyes when he smiled? Was it the weird laugh he made whenever he laughed? Was it the cute pout he made whenever he didn't get the way he wants? 
Jaebum gazes back down at his phone. 
I'm doing this for you, Youngjae.
Youngjae sighs again as he slumps onto the coffee counter, watching the many customers walking past the counter without sparing a glance. 
The cafe was packed that day, as usual, but surprisingly, no one had made an order yet.
Youngjae berated himself. Was it because his coffee wasn't that good? Was it because they felt the coffee tasted poor?
He gazed sadly down onto the counter table, which he had polished over a few hundred times that day. Drawing lazy circles on the counter,  Youngjae failed to see Mark coming over, tray in hand.
Youngjae felt a hand on his head as he slouched even further. "How's it going, Youngjae?"
Youngjae groaned. "There's no one even coming to order coffee. Everyone just skips over to the cakes and pastries."
Mark smiles. "Don't worry. I can guarantee you our usual coffee customers will only arrive later. Most of them come around 2 and 3, so just keep a look out."
Youngjae returned the smile weakly. "Sure, hyung. Thanks."
Watching Mark rush off with another customer asking for the bill, Youngjae huffs. Why shouldn't he had asked to take on the role of a waiter? Why a barista? Youngjae frowns as he leans further onto the counter.
Just as he rests his head on his hand, a shadow looms over him. Surprised, Youngjae immediately perks his head up, his ears moving around in curiosity.  
Was someone finally interested to order a cup of coffee from him? Excited, Youngjae greets the stranger as he stands up straight.
"Hello, sir, welcome to J&N, what coffee would you like to have?"
A brief silence passed over them as the other person just stared at Youngjae. 
His hair was a eye-catching shade of yellowish- white, and he was definitely tall. Looming over Youngjae, the man only smiled. "So you're the new barista hyung hired. He warned me that he would have had replaced me if I didn't make it on time to work anymore."
Youngjae thought hard, staring at the stranger, before putting two and two together. "Oh! So you're the other barista N hyung was talking about!" Youngjae exclaims, his tail waving about excitedly.
"Hi! My name is Youngjae, but you can call me Jae, or anything. Nice to meet you, I hope I'll be able to learn more from you." Youngjae smiles as he stuck his hand out for a handshake after bowing politely.
The man only chuckled, before accepting the handshake. "Sure, Youngjae. I'm Hyuk, but you can call me hyung." 
Youngjae pursed his lips. "Hyung it is."
Hyuk grins as he slips on an apron and steps behind the counter. "Come on, partner. The regulars are arriving soon. Let's get to work before N comes to nag at us."
"Aren't we younger than N hyung? Why don't you call him hyung?"
"Eh, I just do that to piss him off, and its kinda a habit for me now."
"That's cool."
"You're cute."
"Aww, thanks- wait what?"
"I was just playing with your leg. And- wow, I didn't know someone's face could get red so quickly."
Jaebum fiddled unpatiently with the cuff of his suit as he stood, waiting in front of the grand mansion.
Katy? No, Kari- Jaebum corrected himself, was running late. He was supposed to pick her up at 3, but it was nearing 4 now. So much for her being a nice girl and all, Jaebum scoffed.
"Hey, are you Jaebum? I'm Kari." A light voice interrupted his thoughts as his head snapped up.
And Jaebum tried to keep a straight face once he saw Kari.
There were so many things he really didn't find her appealing.
Firstly, she wore too much make up. I probably wouldn't even be able to tell the difference between her and a cake, Jaebum smiled as he waved at her, before opening the door for her.
Secondly, Jaebum thought, as he closed the door behind her, I've never seen someone wearing such revealing clothes before. Do they even produce these type of clothes? 
Feigning a delighted grin, Jaebum got into the car. "Where would you like to go?" He asked as he reested his hands on the wheel, glancing at Kari.
She looked up, face scrunched up, before shrugging and scrutinizing her nails. "Anything."
Jaebum internally groaned. 
"Fine. I'll just get us a place at the nearby coffee place then."
As he drove off, he noticed Kari whipping out a bottle of perfume and spraying it in his car. "God, did anyone ever tell you your car stinks? I mean, you're handsome and my type, but with such a smelly as heck car? No wonder you're single." She coughed as she proceeded to spray every inch of the car.
"I'll make sure to remember that." Jaebum scoffed as he stepped hard on the brake.
Kari screamed as the perfume bottle hit her on the head. "You idiot! Now I have to redo my make up again!"
Jaebum smiled. And she was a as well.
"Hello! Welcome to J&N cafe, how may I help you?" A cheerful voice interrupted Jaebum's thoughts as he pushed the cafe door open for Kari.
He gestured for a table for two before signaling to Kari to follow. 
Jaebum sat there awkwardly as he fidgeted in his seat. Only two hours to go, he bit his lips as he flipped the menu open.
"What would you like to have?" Jaebum asked as he turned the menu over for her to see. 
"Its okay. I'm on a diet. Just a salad will do." Kari smiled as she pointed a perfectly manicured nail to the salad dishes.
Jaebum coughed. Diet, my .
Just then, a waiter came to their table. "Hello, I'm sorry but just to inform you, we're out of cakes and pastries already. We do have the salad and coffees though."
Jaebum groaned. He had totally forgotten that Jinyoung's cafe was always booming with customers, that most of their pastries were already gone 4 hours into their opening hours.
"Then we'll just get a salad and two coffees then." Jaebum smiled as he closed the menu.
"Oh no, you'll have to order the coffee from the coffee counter." 
Jaebum immediately stood up, only to get beaten to it by Kari. "Its okay, Jaebum, I'll help."
Jaebum nodded slowly before sinking back down into his seat. Great. There goes his chance to see Youngjae.
Youngjae hums as he cleans the coffee machine again till it seems to shine. Hyuk sighs.  "Youngjae, you've probably wiped the surface for almost 30 times this hour already. I can already see every pore on my face, and its not helping my self-esteem."
Youngjae pouts. "Please, your face is perfectly flawless. What'd you expect me to do then? There's not even a soul coming to the coffee counter and-"
"Ahem. Is there anyone here? What kind of service is this?" A shrill female voice interrupted Youngjae and the barista duo whipped their heads around.
Youngjae hurriedly put the cloth down and dusted his hands off.
"Sorry, miss, How may I help you?" Youngjae smiled apologetically as he bowed a little.
The woman just smirked. "Hm, let's see. Just give me two of the most expensive item on your menu."
Youngjae was puzzled. "Sorry miss? You want two of the most expensive coffees on our menu?" 
She smiled. "Yeah, you herd me. I don't really care whether its expensive or not, I just need it to impress my date. God, he is SOOO hot!" Flicking her hand, she sighs dreamily as she gazed at the ceiling.
"Uhh... Ok miss, can I have your name and table number? I'll bring it to you and your date."
"Kari, table 14."
Youngjae nodded as he jotted down Kari's name onto the two plastic cups. "Thank you, that'll be $20." 
She pushed a $50 note into his hand without hesitation. "Keep it as a tip."  
Youngjae smiled. "Thanks, miss."
Youngjae carefully placed the two hot piping coffees on a clean tray as he scanned the table map. "Hmm.. Table 14...14... Ah."
Hyuk smiled while washing the used cups. "You learn fast, Youngjae ah."
"Of course." Youngjae snickered as he proceeded to carry the tray.
Gingerly leaving the counter, Youngjae scanned the room for the table, catching sight of Kari at the far end, facing his direction. Her date, on the other end, was backfacing Youngjae.
Smiling, Youngjae brought the coffees over. "Here are your coffees, miss-"
He stopped short, gaping as he met eye contact with her date.
Jaebum hyung?
Jaebum seemed stunned for a short moment, before flashing a hearty smile at Youngjae who was now frozen on the spot. "Hey Youngjae."
Youngjae blinked once. Twice. "Hyung? You're on a date?" 
Jaebum only chuckled. "Seems like it. I'll tell you more about it later."
There was a loud cough from the other side.
"Oh, here's your coffee miss!" Youngjae apologized as he carefully placed the hot coffee on the table.
"Ok. Thanks for the coffee. Now we'd like some time together please."
Youngjae smiled before bowing. "Enjoy your coffee."
Just as he turned around, Youngjae felt himself being halted as a hand grabbed his arm. 
"Actually, why don't you stay with us as company? Besides, your shift is ending soon, isn't it?" Jaebum grinned as he pulled Youngjae back to the table.
Youngjae was puzzled. "Uh, yea? But.. But-" 
Jaebum shushed him and plonked him down on the seat next o him. "Seat. And drink some of my coffee as well. You've made it really well."
Youngjae looked at Kari anxiously. Kari seemed nice, and he definitely did not want to intrude in on their date.
"But Kari, and you-" 
"Its okay. The more the merrier, eh?" Jaebum winked as he pushed the cup of coffee towards Youngjae.
Youngjae smiled as he watched Jaebum talk excitedly. Kari, on the other hand, Youngjae noticed, was showing her boredom. She swirled the coffee teaspoon around her cup again, and huffed.
Youngjae bit his lips. He really felt bad for interrupting their date. Hyung or not, Kari was clearly not enjoying herself.
Not wanting to disrupt their date anymore, Youngjae stood up abruptly and bowed to Kari profusely. "Sorry miss, you can have your date back."
He grinned nervously as he apologised again.
Kari scoffed. "About time."
Youngjae bowed again as an extra measure before turning back to where Hyuk was watching the scene from the coffee counter.
And time seemed to stop in slow motion as he felt himself being yanked back again.
Thinking that Jaebum was still childishly wanting for him to join his date, Youngjae frowned. "Hyung, stop! Your date is just here so you can't just keep making me-"
Youngjae felt himself being forcefully cut off as he met with a soft pair of lips. Youngjae's eyes widened in shock as he just stayed there, shocked and stunned.
Jaebum smiled at Youngjae as he pulled back from the younger. Turning to Kari, he grinned. "I'm sorry, Katy,"
"Its Kari and why-"
"I'm sorry, Kari, I have a boyfriend already. In fact, I think he's the cutest person in the world, and I'm really lucky to have met him. So, what I'm trying to say is that this "date" is off." Jaebum smirked as he locked hands with Youngjae, still frozen.
Kari glared at their interlocked hands. "And I thought you would be the one, Jaebum. Little did I know I was dead wrong."
Jaebum snorted, getting up from his seat. "You? Please. Being such a , no wonder you're still single." 
Youngjae stood perfectly still, his fingers shakily reaching up to gently touch his lips. His brain was fuzzy as the scene kept replaying his head over and over again. 
Jaebum hyung grabbed me and kissed me. Jaebum hyung grabbed me and kissed me. Jaebum hyung grabbed me and kissed me. Jaebum hyung-
His thoughts were cut off as Kari reached out and slapped him straight on his cheek. 
"Kari, what the hell are you doing?"
"You two deserve it."
Out of his stupor, Youngjae stumbled back, releasing his grip on Jaebum's hand. Hands still shaking, he clasped a hand to his now red cheek and drew in a shaky breath. 
"I didn't ask for this." Youngjae felt his insides churning violently as he tried to take in all the information.
Jaebum frowned as he noticed how pale Youngjae's face was getting.
"Youngjae, I-" 
"Leave me alone." Youngjae mumbled as he turned and ran. 
Youngjae pushed past Jaebum who tried to reach his hand, and past Hyuk, who was gobsmacked.
He ran to the staff room, and slammed the door shut behind him. His heart threatened to jump out of his chest and he slumped against the door.
Placing a shaky hand on his chest, Youngjae gulped. Why was his heart beating so hard? Was it because of that kiss? 
No! Youngjae shook his head,  as he took in huge gulps to calm himself down.
A knock on the door made him jump up in fright. 
"Youngjae? Youngjae! Come out please, its me, Jaebum!" 
It was Jaebum hyung.
"Give me a moment, please." Youngjae answered as he leaned his head back on the door.
Author's note:
The title kinda gives it away LOL MWAHHAHAHAHA GUYS I FINALLY UPDATED :>> Do enjoy ;)))
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maddiej2821 #1
Chapter 9: awwww i want a bambam in my life... or actually i want all of them in my life lolll
Chapter 25: Sigh. Poor Youngjae
Chapter 9: this is soooo cute
i donno how i found this but i love it
PikaBow2 #5
Chapter 25: The suspense??
Jojo_angel0x #6
Chapter 25: Oh my god please update I'm in love with this fic and good job you really are amazing truly
Chapter 25: I feel you cuz me too havent updated ny fanfics since the past few months XD
Anglewings123 #8
Chapter 25: Thank you so much for continuing the story!!!!!! XD <3
Anglewings123 #9
Chapter 24: Please update this, it's too good to abandon! :(
Chapter 24: NOOOOO!!!
I hope nothing will happen to our cutie youngjae :((