Unexpected Meeting

We still meet again .

Donghae POV :

" I looked through all the plans and found that this method work best to showcase our product . If no other question this will be the end of today meeting ." I said while unpacking my stuff .

I looked at my watch " 6.30pm , i think there is enough time to visit the bakery that haejin described earlier " I thought .

While walking towards the entrance of the building , I heard someone called my name .

" Donghae oppa! Wait up ! "  

I turned behind and saw hara and quickily turned back and continue to walk at a fater rate .

" Oh crap it's her , Goo Hara . The daughter of one of my longest senior worker , Ever since YeEun disappear suddenly she's been sticking to me like a glue , how annoying . "  i thought and continue to walk until she tugged my coat .

" Oppa , why didn't you wait for me ? I been shouting your name many times? Anyway , i want to ask you if you want to join me for dinner ? " she asked in a "cute"  voice.

" Mianhe , i have hearing problems so i can't hear properly and to your dinner invitation . No thanks , i have something important to do so please excuse me " i lied and took her hands off from my coat and left the building .

" I hope the bakery is still open , urgh now it's 6.45 pm . Hara wasted alot of my time " i speed walked while staring at my watch .

" Hey wait up , don't close the door yet ! " I shouted to stop the doof from closing .

Hara POV :

"Hmph , how can that guy reject my me , i'm like the full package " i start to frown .

" Never mind , i'm going to complain to daddy to make him set up a date for me . How clever am i ~ " i start to grinned .

YeEun POV :

I was about to close the door until I saw a hand stopping the door from closing .

I turned my back facing the person , heading towards the cashier  .

" Hello , do you still sell chocolate cookies here ? "  a man voice asked.

" Oh , yes we still sell chocolate cookies . You're so lucky it's the last batch " I pointed at a rack with my back facing the man still .

The man passed me the packet of chocolates cookies while i put it in a plastic bag .

" 600 won , thankyou " I said and handed him the plastic bag  .

At that time i didn't take a look at the man face till he passed me the money .

" Here you go , 600 won " He passed to me  .

That was the time that both of us looked at each other in the eye .

I couldn't believe my eye , it was Donghae .

I was stunned there , till i went back to reality , i quickly turned and ran to to back door  .

" Haneul-ah , go take over me . I need to go out for awhile . " i quickly said and ran off from the back door .

" Oh okay " Haneul replied in a dazed .

Donghae POV :

The girl infront of me , looked so familiar . i don't why but her face i had seen it before .

As I stared longer , I realised it's YeEun .

Before , I could react  she immediately ran off from the back door .

Then , came out another girl .

"Excuse miss , do you where the other girl went ? " I asked

"Her? , i'm not very sure either ." She replied .

Upon hearing this words , I quickly dashed out of the bakery to find her .

I searched every where but i couldn't find her . I lean against a brick wall thinking about our last coversation .

* FLASHBACK* ( 5 years ago )

" I have something to say " Both of us said at the same time

"You first . " I said to YeEun

" Erm , Donghae-shii  , what if one day i just suddenly leave your side . You'll be okay right?  " She asked nervously.

"Firstly , YeEun , How many times i told you to call me D-O-N-G-H-A-E already . Of course i'm going to be alright not as if i have no one to talk to ." I ruffled her hair .

" Okay , but first i need to tell you that i'm sorry and don't ask me why alright ?  " She said .

"why?  or you want to say sorry for your previous doing when you annoyed me? Well then you're forgiven " I chuckled .

"yeah , yeah .. Anyway what did you want to tell me? "she asked .

" oh that..erm.. I forgotten what I want to say . Next time when i remembered i will tell you "  i lied .


I finally understand what she meant by i'm sorry and since i know she in seoul . I'm not going to let her slip away from my hands  and i'm going to tell her the words that i didn't managed to say .

I went back to my office and get in to my car and drove home . I'm going to tell this news to my grandmother .


Okay , That will be the end of chapter 2 .

Hope it's alright (: .

Subscribe and comment  , will be brainstorming for the next plot . Haha :D

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choiminhwan123 #1
This is so cute, I love it!
@sukira-sarang I totally agree with you haha :D
sukira-sarang #3
Aww, donghae is so sweet to get her dolled up and took her out for dinner! ~~
starqueen #4
ARGHHH~~ made me pissed off!!!<br />
<br />
update soon^^
@starqueen okay I'll update soon (:
starqueen #6
so sweet~~~<br />
update soon^^<br />
<br />
lucky u can go to korea :D<br />
the bear so cute..<br />
i'm sure there are so many many cute bear there.. hehe ;)
JanicePokez #7
Hey hey! I just love your story!!! Update often yeah? Hwaiting!! :)
@Nurus94 haha , glad you like her character hehe :D